Ww - the coming storm

Ricardo's lack of care on this subject irritated Steven. He decided to express how this situation could affect Ricardo.

"You don't get it,boy. Innos and his minions don't care about collateral damage. They'll target anyone to retrieve the Eye. They'll kill you,Alec,Vent,and ANYONE else they believe I care for,just to retrieve the Eye. And your money? If you decide to give me money for the rest of my life,it'll just be taken by Innos. He may even still send his servants after you,just becase it's your wealth he's taking,and not mine. Now,give me a real suggestion,or just sit there with your gold bars up your ass and keep quiet. So,does anyone else have a suggestion?"

Steven looked around,after shooting Ricardo a vicious glare.


The man's laughter intensified,as he met the charge of the security guards. He dodged the first swing,and grabbed the baton. He then proceeded to very painfuly disarm the man,and finally had the security guard release the baton by bringing him to his knees,and kicking the back of his head,while still holding onto the baton. He began to shuffle around the blows and backwards,towards the lip of the crater. He held the baton in front of him as if it were a longsword.
Ricardo simply shrugged. "What ever." Alec's eye twitched and before the rich man could even blink, he was laying on the floor seeing stars with Alec cracking her knuckles above him, before she looked back at Steven and her angry expression turned into a sad one. "We could try fighting Innos. All of us, as one."


With the one gaurd down, the others looked at there batons, frowned and kept trying to get at him, the two head of gaurds pulling out guns from the back.
Steven was surprised by Alec's sudden hostile action. When he finally came to his senses a few seconds later,he noticed his jaw was hanging open. He quickly closed it,and said, "Thank you for the sentiment. But don't you think that's more than a little...Foolhardy,or suicidal? He's a god. He's immortal. He's omnipotent. It could be possible if we were titans,but I don't see that happening. The process has been known to make gods and demigods break down into tears at the very mention of its name. But...If we can't come up with anything else,we'd have no other choice."

With that,Steven used his innate telekenisis to lift Ricardo up off the ground and back into his seat.


"This is getting interesting!" The man shouted. Suddenly,he had a shield,made of a shimmering blue material on his right arm,which resembled a Jackal's shield from Halo. The man then adopted a defensive stance,holding the baton at ready for thrusting strikes.
Alec's eyes widdened slightly for a second before she avoided looking at Steven completely. "That was said about another person and their dead now, because of a group of our kind." She wrapped her arms around her stomach in an odd sort of warmth giving way, like she was cold or something. "Do you think we could hide you?" What you are thinking girl........? Nothing big. You wouldn't. I would.


The two guard tops suddenly yelled Duck. Each person in front of them did so and a round of bullets was fired.
Steven pondered this option. "Maybe. It'll be difficult,but it's possible. He is a god,after all."


The man charged forward with his shield before him,which taken the bullets,and it flashed white at each round. Sirens coul be heard approaching the area,and this caused the man to smile broadly.

Using his shield as a plow,he barged through the men up front,and into one of the guards with a gun,scooping him up,and kept going,out the crater,and towards one of the tower's supports.
Vent sighed.

".... There hasn't been a problem so far in life I couldn't fix by either punching it or ignoring it! I say we kick this 'god's ass!" Vent exclaimed, still a bit worked up with his fight with the Rage Demon.

"Whatever it takes!" He said, a big grin on his face as he stepped in between Alec and Ricardo.
Alec rolled her eyes, "All gods have an Achilles heel." She looked at Vent and her eyes twitched as she was cut off from her little punching bag of a ward.


The gaurds followed after the man.
Steven looked at Vent irately. "Innos is a god. Punching him or ignoring him won't exactly work,unless we become titans. Come on,we need an actual plan,and fast. I have an idea,but I hesitate to say it...It's more dangerous than the Rite of Titans."


The man slammed the security guard to the support of the Eiffel Tower,and pinned him there. He looked the guard in the eye,and said, "Let's make this interesting,shall we?" The man then gave a mighty shove,launching the security guard through te tower's support.
Vent grinned.

With a fist pump, he gave Steven a thumbs-up.

"Now we're talking! Let's hear it!" He exclaimed, not giving Alec or Ricardo a glance at all as he stood between them.


Sitting at a table on one of the levels of the Eiffel tower, was a young man in a white suit. He sipped on his coffee while glancing at the sudden noise and commotion that had arised. There seemed to be a man causing considerable damage to this wonderful tower....

The young man sighed. He brushed his platinum hair from his eyes, a sharp grey, casting contempt wherever they looked.

He strolled over to the center of the action, watching from behind a row of guards as a man shoved a guard through the support of the tower.

The tower, falling? On my vacation? I don't think so. The young man though, raising a hand. Just as the tower's other supports started to give way, they seemed to shimmer with light for a second, and stalled in the air.

The young man smiled contently, displaying no sign of fatigue from holding up the Eiffel tower.

Hope Astrumregis watched the demon, waiting for it's reaction, a smile on his face.
Alec bit her bottom lip. "We could make another deal..." Rubbing her arm up and down. "Say we didn't know who you were, at all. That we were seeking something, a power, strong enough to make man kind bow to our very wills or something else outrageous that would be hard to do and require a lot of power, and use it agaisnt him."

Ricardo laughed, "You actually think something like that would work?" Alec nodded her head, "I'd even be willing to be the one to strike the deal." Ricardo shook his head and mumbled something very rude under his breath.


The guard screamed in pain for a split second before the pain was gone, as well as his life. (Hey, getting shoved through solid metal, dont think you would live). The other guards all let out battle cries, some calling in back up, others trying to find a way to move in that wouldn't end there life as well, while others pusehd back civiliains. One such of the guards grabed hold of Hope's arm and tried pushing him back with the rest of the crowd, "Move it kid. Closed ground."
Steven glared at Vent. "This plan I have...It's not to be taken lightly. At LEAST one of us WILL die from it...Or worse. If we do this,we need to be absolutley sure that every other plan has been tried,and failed."

Steven looked at Alec,then at Ricardo.

"Alec,Ricardo has a point. It'd be nearly imposible to get Innos into a contract that could bite him back."


The man looked at the white suited person with contempt. "Looks like I'll have a balanced meal after all."
"Or you just haven't tried hard enough." Alec said back, "You can always twist your way though a deal to turn the tables." A nervousness crept into her though and her hands tightened as her outlet for it, rahter than have it show in her face.
Vent noticed Alec's hands tightening, and still without looking at her, he let his hand find hers. He simply let her tightened hand rest in his. A tiny, hardly noticeable blush redened his cheeks a bit.

"I take nothing lightly." He said firmly to Steven, still grinning. "And I'll make sure none of us die!"


The man who grabbed Hope vanished in a flash of light.

"..... Scum." He spat, dusting off his arm.

Without a second glance back at the rest of the people now staring at him, Hope walked forward towards the demon.

"..... I can sense..... No, I can smell him off you. The Umbrlaus user. Vent." Hope said, a sinister grin twisting his emotionless face.

"Did he defeat you, o mighty demon?" Hope asked in a jovial, jeering tone.
:: high in the russian mountains, marco walked, following the russian girl that he rescued ::

girl: "almost there, the place is just beyond this peak"

marco: "ah... lovely, i can kill all those monsters and no-one will be any the wiser, i doubt anyone would come right out here"

Girl: "no doubt, this place was built here because no-one would use this area..."

:: they came over the peak, the place looked like a bunker, outside, they could see two fat men loading the body of an approx 10 year old girl into the back of a dump truck ::

Marco:"i think im gonna be sick"

girl: "that is the least of the horrors inside, in there, when a girl has stopped crying from the beatings, the killing, the torture and the scat-eating, they turn them into human-centerpedes and use them like pack mules"

Marco: "human centerpedes?"

:: the girl drew a diagram in the snow, Marco threw up right on top of the diagram ::

marco: "oh jeez, i'm sorry, its just..."

Girl: "don't worry about it, seeing you vomit and taking you here was a small price to pay for what you saved me from"

:: Marco pulled her down, onto the snow-covered ground ::

Marco: "now you stay here, i'll kill those guards back at that post about 10 mins walk back, and you stay there and take in any of the girls that come out of that place, you understand?"

Girl: "right, when will you clear out that post?"

:: in a gust, Marco was gone, three secondfs later he was back ::

Marco: "done and done, you go back"

Girl: "how did yo-"

:: Marco grabbed her by the mouth and held her lips shut ::

Marco: "i'm not a human.. i'll explain later, now go"

Girl: "i see... you aren't human at all.. but an angel"

:: she ran off, a tear came to marco when she called him an "angel", but today, he knew he was doing the right thing, today, that place was gonna be running red with the blood of those psychos and perverts, and he knew that many of the far-gone girls in there are beyond help, and the "human centerpedes" were better off dead, but many of the prisoners in there were still worth saving ::

:: he slid down the hill, and came to the entrance, it was an old soviet bunker, the hung corpses of three girls "decorated" the entrance ::

Marco: "its show-time"

(yes, for this part of marco's journey, i will be giving horrible detail of the horrors he will see, i WILL use my full imagination to think up the most terrible scenarios)

PS: these are diagrams of a "human centerpede"



That's pretty sick Bettsy >_>...

Adelaide stood outside the hospital where she knew Ricardo was. After delivering the sword to it's rightful owners, she had help from some of her friends to track Ricardo's magical signature. It was merely a general location, which was why she was waiting outside the entrance; he had to leave at some point. Unless he was checked in... Which would suck, but surely he hadn't gotten himself into to much trouble after she left.

The young woman was no longer in the grimy clothes she had been in before. Now she was wearing a simple light brown t-shirt that was made of a soft material, over the shirt was a dark brown belt. It was positioned around her waist, so it helped to define her curves a bit more. For pants, she wore a dark straight-legged jeans; which were fitted around the torso and thighs but then flared out further down her legs. The cut of the jeans gave the appearance that her legs were much longer than they actually were.

Ade's hair was out of the elegant bun now, it flowed around her shoulders and over her chest slightly. She wasn't wearing any make-up, she hated the stuff... Which was the cause of much grief for her friend Sally (The woman who she had been having the phone call with). With a small sigh, Ade shifted and moved to sit on a near by bench; unsure of how long she would have to wait till Ricardo appeared once more.
Alec nearly jumped at the sudden contact and she quickly moved her hand and stuffed them into her pockets looking at Steven. "Give it a shot. As you said, you'd onl use that one unless all the other plans had failed."
Vent rolled his eyes, but nodded his head in agreement.

"I wanna hear this. It always comes down to the last-ditch effort anyways...." He said, rubbing his Umbralus markings out of habit.
Steven sighed in resignation. "Do you always have to be more pessemistic than me,Vent? My plan is boh simple and complex. Do you know what a Soulstone is?"


The man laughed from behind his shield. "Oh? Why do you call me a demon,and how do you know whom I've fought?"

The man,without waiting for a reply,threw the baton with incredible force at Hope's head,like a javelin.
Vent sighed.

"I'm not pessimistic, I'm realistic. I mean, have you ever read a manga or watched an anime where things didn't go horribly wrong and there had to be an awesome last resort?" Vent explained, a stupid grin on his face.

With that, he turned to Alec.

"Before you say it, we might as well be in one. So there." He said with the same stupid grin.

He then made a hand motion, and looked at Steven expectanly.


Hope's hand came up with skill and precision, catching the baton an inch from his face, without using magic.

".... You reek of demonic energy, and i can faintly get his feeling, smell, whatever metaphor you wish from you. You know what I mean. I can feel him off you." Hope explained.

Hope continued to walk forward, tossing the baton aside.

"Why did you attack me? Did I raise a hand against you? Have I tried to harm you in any way?" Hope queeried, an interested look on his face.
Alec opened her mouth and shut it, opting instead to smack him upside the head.


Ricardo smirked.
Steven sighed. "I'll assume you don't know what a Soulstone is...A Soulstone is a mystic gemstone,created by extremely powerful mages in the Hellforge of Hell. And they're capable of housing the essence of any being within. To ensure tis prison is eternal,a person of indomnitable will must thrust the filled Soulstone into their own forehead,and forever more engage in a war of will against the imprisoned soul. Should the person die before the battle is lost,the imprisoned essence i sealed withing the Soulstone,unable to escape. That is,unless the Soulstone is destroyed on the Hellforge's Anvil. Any questions?"


The man smiled. "Your thoughts betray you,Hope. Now...Die."

The man threw his empty hand forward,and a blood red wire shot out,and wrapped itself around Hope,so he was completely constricted,and it began to tighten.
Vent pouted after getting hit, sorta having been expecting it.

He sighed.

"... A battle of wills? Sorta anticlimactic. Can I try my hand at fighting him before we try sealing him?" Vent asked while cracking his knuckles.


Hope sighed as the tentacles wrapped around him.

"..... I don't think so, demon." Hope spat out before the tentacles started to dig into his skin, and he yelled in pain.

Outside of the perfect illusion he'd cast upon the demon, Hope sat in a chair next to the demon, sipping on coffee.

If he wasn't so rabid, I'd try to reason with him, Hope thought. Looks like I'll have to bribe him.

Back in the illusion, the Hope being constricted started to chuckle.

"Don't.... You want.... Want revenge on him? I mean... If scum like that.... That bested me, I'd want-" Hope coughed, blood coming out.

"REVENGE!" The illusory Hope yelled, hoping to get to the demon's inner, rageful, wrathful self.
Steven looked at Vent. "It is far from anti-climactic. If you lose,you are then warped by the soul's will,into whatever shape it desires,and you are then possessed by it,with no hope of release. And,Alec,to put it simply,its a gemstone found only in Hell that can trap any soul within. Once filled,the stone must then be jammed into someones forehead. If they die of natural causes before their will breaks,the soul is trapped inside the stone until it's destroyed. That good enough?"


The man stopped constricting "Hope",but didn't loosen his hold. "Start talking."
Vent didn't really care what happened at this point.

"..... You guys tell me what you want to do, and what you'll need me to do. It doesn't matter to me how we beat this bastard." He said, crossing his arms, pleased with himself.


The illusory Hope smiled his twisted, sinister smile.

".... That man, no, boy needs to die for a plan of mine to come to fruition. I could dispose of him with ease, at my full power. Unfortunately, I'm not fully recovered." Hope explained, motioning towards his exposed chest, the suit ruined. A gigantic scarring was spread across his chest, but glowed slightly, as if it was healing slowly.

"Before you get any ideas, I can still deal with you like you were nothing. That boy is actually something else....." Hope said, a touch of reverance in his contemptuous voice.

"Essentially, I need help, and what better help could appear then someone who shares the same hatred I feel for my enemy?" Hope continued.

"So, make your choice, demon. Pride and arrogance, or power beyond your wildest dreams. It's quite simple to me." Hope finished, dispelling the illusion, and offering his hand to the demon from his position beside it.

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