Ww - the coming storm

The room still seemed as though it were lit from the darkness itself, though fire was everywhere from Konns spells. The wind though no one could tell where the opening was anymore could be felt with an eerie feeling to it. The wind felt as though it were gripping at ones soul or life itself and pulling it into the nothingness just beyond Limbo. The sense of hearing was dull and weakening as all slowly died inside the room... all except Ree (His father).

Konn casted another barrage of gray fire and spiked it downward towards Ree and he heard a body fall in the room. He somehow knew it was Zuzu, just, something, told him so. His spells were quickly strengthened to beyond his max yet again though still doing nothing to Ree. Something inside him disappeared as Zuzu took her final breath for good. (Thank you, I needed to have some sort of opener... don't know why ^^')

He watched as Knite ran in yet again, from being blasted back, to try and kill Ree. Every move he did was nothing, even the few that made contact seemed to do nothing with his most powerful attacks. Keep doing your jobs, we will get him Konn had thought to Knite as he was struck down... this time for good. (Make your post on how you want him to die.)

Coro had been mortally wounded again this time his stomach was wide up a long with a slash that had cut his throat and one that ripped open his right leg as well. Thank to Lucie mostly everyone was still a live, though she was barely there herself her essence was enough too still cast spells to heal everyone. Her magic has sustained Zuzu and Knite before they died though now it was fully concentrated on Coro and Konn. Coro kept doing what he did best, distracting the enemy while still causing damage... or so he hoped. (Just do what you do best... but all your moves will fail, sorry bro ^^'... They can seem like they worked though Ree himself won't seem affected at all)

It seemed to Konn like all was lost... He had 1 final idea which he quickly killed his mind as Coro fell. He quickly sent Lucie's essence back into her body with Rafael and Starr.
Coro screamed as he ran in again, gripping his long-sword tightly, as it glowed bright gold.

He knew the only reason his guts were still in his body were because of Lucie, bless that dog of his. But he agreed completely with Konn's decision to send her essence back to her body. That dog would live.

Coro swung, and Ree deflected it with his hand, glowing black, seeming opposite to his own gold sword. With a grutn as some blood spurted out, Coro kicked Ree in the chest.

Seeming to be pushed back for a second, Ree lept back farther, while Coro fell to his knee. He watched as Zuzu fell, and then Knite.

Knite was a fighter, and would feel nothing but pride from this death. Coro was happy he'd gone out fighting.

But Zuzu.....

Coro started to cry.

He hadn't wanted this. He was gonna take Zuzu back to his village after this, and show her the statue the villagers had erected in their honor for their previous defeats of Ree..... But this bastard kept coming back.....

Coro wiped his eyes, and took one more run at Ree, who knocked Coro back with magic.

Coro skidded to a halt in front of Konn.

".... Sorry pal. I couldn't touch him...." Coro spat out in between sharp breaths and coughs of blood.

Struggling up to his knee, a surge of magical power came to Coro. His dying act, his coolest moment.

I just wish you were still here to see this, Zuzu, Coro thought, a grin spreading across his face.

".... Konn." Coro said, no trace of pain, or sadness in his voice as he stood up in front of Konn. A giant golden shield of magic appeared in front of them, stopping Ree's attacks. Ree actually looked surprised for a second, beofre standing still, waiting Coro out.

Coro chuckled.

He wiped some of the blood welling in his mouth on the sword in his grip, and all the remainder of his magic poured into it.

Looking Konn in the eye, Coro grinned his last idiot's grin.

".... Kill the bastard." He said, pressing his sword into Konn's right hand, as he fell to the ground. He died before he bit the stone floor.

All his power welled into Konn, erupting in a gold aura.

Coro's body retained that stupid grin.


Vent kept speeding towards the source of the action, guessing that's where Alec would be.

Borghen's demonic energy suddenly spiked.

Vent's eyes widened, as he increased his flight speed.


On the inside of the Hellforge, Hope fought his way through to the higher levels with ease. The Soulstone was within his grasp, he could feel it!

Suddenly, a great rumbling started, Hope nearly lost his footing.

Fire whipped up all around him.
A cloaked figure, wrapped in dark robes, climbed up the sheer sides of a mountaintop. The moon shone dimly in the night sky behind him, and cast warped shadows on the mountain face. There was a clicking sound behind him, and his head spun quickly, scanning the area for anyone who could be watching him revealing part of his face. His eyes glowed strangely blue in the moonlight, all that remained of the long forgotten Silverstream bloodline.

A voice called out in the darkness,

"Argo! it's been ages 'm boy! what are you doing way up there!"

the voice boomed out, it sounded raspy and echoed strangely. almost as if is were squeezed from a set of bellows and through some rusty pipes, which didn't seem far from the truth. A second figure limped into view, An old man, hunched over and covered with a heavy coat, which did little to hide the many extruding bits of gears and pistons that kept his body moving.

Argo shouted back at the newcomer,

"Woodwind! it's been ages since I last saw you! what's it been? Ten? maybe twelve years?"

Argo jumped off the side of the cliff and plummeted to the ground below, his robes flowing gracefully behind him like a gigantic bird of prey descending from the skys. His decent was halted about a foot from the ground, and directly in front of Woodwind where he floated, suspended by his own magical power.

"So... what are you doing in these remote parts? has something gone wrong in the magic world again?"
Borgen wouldn't have it. "You killed my brother. I have no reason to trust you! You---A second heartbeat? My,my,child! Did you bring me an appetizer!?"

With that,Borghen started to gain altitude,and spin,with Alec on the other end of the wires.
Alec closed her eyes for a second, barely feeling the force of the pull of the wires around her. "I didn't kill him." She stated. "And it is not a second heartbeat. It is a heart malfunction." One eye opened, a solid black colour. She was going to use something she shouldn't if this guy wasn't going to listen to reason. "Now Boy. You listen and you listen good. I don't have to waste my time with you but I am. I'm showing you a form of respect. And do you really think your little wires can hold someone like me? God your foolish." At the end of her sentence, a blackness settled over Alec pulling her into the blind realm and out of the wires. She appeared seconds latter behind Borghen.
Vent approached the Hellforge, coming in at ridiculous speeds. He'd spent more of himself getting here quicker.

He spied Alec, no, Meido engaged with the demon he'd fought earlier. Borghen! He screamed in his head.

But, he held back. He stopped, watching the battle from above.

Meido would kill him if he interferred, he thought with a sheepish grin. Borghen would lose to Alec. Vent knew she was strong.

But Vent couldn't shake a feeling of overwhelming unease. It was like something was wrong with the very universe.

He continued to watch Alec fight, a blank expression on his face masking his desire to jump in.
Borghen was surprised by Alec's teleportation. He looked around furiously,trying to find her,until he spied Vent,hovering in the disance. "REMATCH!!!" Roared the demon,as it charged at Vent,sending four bloodwires head of it.
Meido looked at Borghen, then at Vent. "If you want to handle it go for it. I have bigger things to deal with."

With that, she dissapeared into the blind realm again, appearing inside the hellsforge this time, on the ground she walked silently and steathily quickly catching up on Hope. She really really did want to get there before him.
Vent was not ready for a fight.

Borghen's charge had caught him off-guard, then Alec's sudden advance?

"DAMMIT!" Vent screamed, his staff appearing in his hands, held with a point facing Borghen.

"If you want your ass beaten again, I'd be happy to oblige!" Vent yelled as Borghen approached.

He was actually pissed. The one real time he stayed outta the way, the fight found it's way to him.


Hope waved his hand, and the fire was blasted out of his way.

Standing in his path was a gigantic demonic-golem, infused with pure energy from the Hellforge. One of the final guardians of the numerous treasures housed there.

Hope sighed. He hoped the bloody-trail of destruction he'd left hadn't proved so troublesome Alec couldn't follow. He wanted her to follow him.

Hope, however, did not sense Vent's appearance, because the Hellforge was so weighted down with demonic energy, it was magically impossible to sense out of it from the inside, and vice versa.
Meido looked around her as she walked, the rubbish that the place was was shocking however not unmoveable. Simple gestures made her a path straight through without trouble at all. In fact, she had one stretch of a hallway left and she would be seeing Hope's backside.
Borghen laughed triumphantly as the wires wrapped themselves around Vent,and he closed the distance,blade arm behind him,ready to strike. "Any last words,child?"


Steven was getting scared. Vent hadn't replied to his last communique,and he feared the worst. Steven projected a Soul Body to Hell,with an image of Vent's face in his mind.
Vent glared the demon down as he approached.

"No, because I ain't dying here!" Vent exclamied, shifting his grip on his staff, holding it like a sword.

With a gust of wind, the bloodwires loosened themselves enough for Vent to slip out, and he made a lunge for the demon's chest with his staff. The wind swirled and spun around his staff at gale force speeds.

Too bad I can't risk using Umbralus right now, I used it too much earlier, Vent thought as he lunged through the air.

But if I can hold him off a little while, I should be able to use it a little.
Argo reached up and brushed the surface of the mountain

Ancient magic runs through this mountains... large seems of it... in a scale I've only seen a few times before. I've taken it upon myself to study the Runic and Ancient magics that are scattered throughout the world. The ancients were once powerful my old professor... if I can unlock their secrets, I can gain unspeakable power, and reclaim my family name!

Argro pulled out a long slender silver staff, capped with a light blue crystal and tapped the face of the mountain

You're not going to try and stop me, are you professor?

Woodwind shuffled up the the mountain face.

I don't need magic eyes to see that this mountain is dangerous... but I'm the last one to avoid danger... carry on dear boy, I'm just here to watch...

Argo smiled grimly and nodded Aye... lets see what secrets this mountain holds

He tapped the face of the mountain, and glowing runes appeared in the shape of a door, they multiplied and spread, as Argo channeled his magic through it. the mountain's face split, and a long dark tunnel, dimly lit by the glowing runes stretched it's way to the center of the ancient mountain. Argro taped his staff on the ground, and a soft blue light was emitted from the crystal.

ready to go in?

and with that, the two of them plunged into the darkness of the mountain.
Borghen laughed. "Foolish child! Welcome to Hell,my domain! My power grows with the rage of those around me. And in Hell,there's only two emotions;despair...And rage. You die here. Hope shall NOT be disturbed!" Borghen then charged at Vent,with both the dagger and blade arm ready to strike.


The Soul Body appeared on the ground below Vent and Borghen. It looked up,and noticed Vent was in a losing battle. It mouthed words to Vent,because it couldn't talk.

"Assimilate me. I can help!"
Vent scowled, ignoring the astral projection of Steven, not wanting help in this fight until it was needed.

Vent stabbed forward, aiming his swirling, cutting staff at the demon's chest with superhuman precision and speed.

Vent's mind was elsewhere.


Did that demon, Borghen, just say 'hope'?


Hope landed with a flurry of light, the golem being knocked back a few of it's giant steps.

"..... The enemies here are surprisingly resiliant." Hope stated, an etheral light glowing in front of him.

From this light, Hope pulled Conner's old sword, 'Bassilgarrad'.

Glowing with golden light, Hope smirked.
The wind blew by calmly with a sense of both triumph but great loss. The ground began dieing quicker but giving new life fresh life. The fire that had been flickering and flashing its embers slowly died out. The creatures stirring in the water had suddenly calmed from their frantic spur. They knew it was finally ending... hopefully for good.

As the dog finally reentered her body, the girl noticed the dog twitching and whimpering. She turned to wake the boy but noticed him standing, staring out to the dark sky. They waited in anticipation for the return of their father and his friends. Time passed by slowly and they knew it was finished... but that no one had come back... or would.

The dog stood upright quickly and pounced the girl licking her, sensing her sadness. The boy walked over and kneelled next to the girl and the dog, helping the girl sit up and petting the dog. Morning was coming up and the ethereal door way began to vanish. "I love you dad." They both said just before the door closed.

The sun was rising and the kids got food for themselves and the dog. Few words were spoken over the passed couple hours when they realized their father had just died too. The boy served the food sitting down and looking to the girl. "What now sis??" he asked her knowing she had no idea either. "Come to my place, dearies." an odd voice whispered in their heads. They looked at each other knowing not who the voice belonged to.
Borghen cackled,even a the staff was buried in his chest. "Your thoughts betray you,child. Tell me...Do you fear Hope?"

With that,Borghen grasped the staff,whic was still protruding from his chest,the dagger began to glow a brilliant shade of crimson,and Bloodwires,glowing the same shade of crimson,shot out of his fingers,andwrapped themselves around Vent's throat.

The Soul Body grew annoyed. If Vent didn't do anything soon,he'd die,and his blood would be on Steven's hands for sending him here. It mouthed,more urgently, "LET ME IN! THAT THING WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T!"
Being bounced back for probably the third time now, Knite was struck with a plan... a crazy plan that would probably only ever work in a movie, but it's not like he had many other options... for christ's sake, he was fighting a god!

Charging one more time, prepared to throw a quick series of jabs and straights if he got close enough, Ree erected yet another magical barrier to stop him... exactly as planned...

"You're not much of a fighter," Knite shouted, using his quicksilver magic to travel through the shield as if it were another magic channel, "are you!?" he continued, springing onto the man's shoulder, twisting his legs around and dropping him into a solid arm bar.

"Try somma this!" he yelled triumphantly, releasing all his magic at once through his hands, into Ree's forearm. The damage done, Knite knew that he had shattered several bones terribly, seeing the flesh swelling up purple already, and had probably caused some severe damage to the nervous system as well.

"See ya on the other side guys..." he muttered through numb lips, already fading from conciousness, and the physical realm, drifting into the magical channels of this world, possibly to recover once more... a long way down the line.

Knite had often fancied himself indestructible... and he might actually be...
Meido drew in a deep slow silent breath as a smirk played across her lips. A few yards ahead that familiar silver haired boy, no, he wasn't a boy anymore, was fighting with one of the guardians of the place. It was interesting, she mused, that this man hadn't already gotten rid of the thing when it was clear how simple it was to do. After all, everything had an Achilles heel, and this things was very obvious.

But rather than make a note to it, she stayed silent, in the shadows of the wall she leaned against watching.
Vent's eyes suddenly became calm and clear, despite his angry expression remaining the same.

".... Hope is here, isn't he?" Vent asked of Borghen, gripping the bloodwires. His face twisted into a nasty grin.

".... I've recently had the idea of limiting myself in fights." Vent suddenly explained. "It's an interesting idea, really. It helps one in combat, learning to go without a special spell, or maybe only fight with a certain amount of power. That way, when you do fight all out, you're stronger than you even realized."

Vent grinned.

".... For me, that starts now. I'll defeat you without help, or Umbralus. Borghen, I think this fight will last a while." Vent stated, his left hand gripping the bloodwires sparking with electricity.

"Voltus!" He yelled, electricity pouring from him into Borghen through the bloodwires.


Hope smirked, toying with the guardian.

He lept around the room playfully, just out the golem's reach. The golem prances around after Hope, seeming to knock down pillars purposely, as if it was planning something.

Hope seemed blissfully unaware, and continued to seem preoccupied with the golem as he carried out his own plan.
Meido simply watched, silently rooting for hope to win agaisnt that thing. After all, if he lost to that, where would her fun be? She silently slipped into the blind realm appearing on the other side of the room towards the hallway that lead deeper into the hellforge turning and looking back at the fight, staring directly at Hope, she smirked.
Hope's plan came to fruition.

He was trapped in a corner by this monstrosity.

He looked up at it, his escape channels blocked by debris and the like.

It started down at him, a massive rock-solid punch flying at him, ready to turn him into paste.

He'd kept his powers hidden for a reason. He'd needed this thing to be sure it would hit him.

Hope lifted one hand, shooting a blast of light at the golem's feet, causing it to stumble forward more. Hope then flashed out of the way, a brilliant light blinding the golem.

It kept up it's attack, sure it would hit, but connectedd with the floor.

The entire Hellforge shook. Anything not bolted down would fall. But Hope watched from his vantage point hovering above the golem, a smirk on his face.

The golem pulled's it's fist out of the floor.

It started to turn, but noticed the hole it left. Inky black darkness was below.

Cracks started to spread.

Hope smirked. "Screw stairs....." He spat, as the golem and the floor fell out of the Hellforge's main hallway, into the black depths of the lowest levels.

Hope landed on the egde, peering in.

He lept in, glowing with an eerie light, illuminating the ancient carvings and markings of stone as he defended to the deepest depths of the Hellforge.
Meido nearly fell over, gripping tight to the wall as the scene unfolded. She was, for a thing of fear, a bit afraid at that point. She was sure it was Alec coming through but she wasn't rendering back control to the weakling. Not yet. Stepping in carefully to the destroyed room, she looked at the hole and started down into the blackness seeing the faint light of hope.

"If We Must." She mused before calling forth Alec's signature board and sitting crosslegged on the thing as she let it drop into the hole, using Hope's light as a guide. Though she prefered the darkness of not seenig, a place like this was dangerous.
As the 2nd last of the group fell to Ree, Coro had handed Konn his sword and smeared a bit of his blood on the blood... but... it was too late. Konn had lost all his links to the realm created by Ree and had become an empty shell. All motion in the room appeared to have stopped completely. Ree smiled enjoying the sight of Konn, broken, as though nothing were left to fight for. The sword swung down sinking into the brick slightly from Konn's loose grip.

Ree's smile left his visage as he slowly approached Konn. He was savouring this moment, the moment he finally Killed his son, Konn. Ever since he had died at the hands of Konn in Hell, "Such a foolish mistake!" He cursed at himself, he had planted stuff from the universe of death to temp Konn into trying to revive his wife. It worked gloriously in which causing Konn to revive Ree instead. "You're an odd one aren't you... It'll be fun killing your kids" Konn twitched but Ree paid no attention to it. He was finished with this nuisance after all.

Ree grabbed a sword out of the now thinning air around them. "Must be nearing sunrise" "Time to finish this" Ree slashed Konn making sure to rip his ribcage open showing his left lung and barely missing Konn's heart on the right side. "Don't think I've forgotten" Ree's voice was cold. Konn looked up at him and chanted something slowly as he fell to the side dieing. Ree froze, no longer breathing. His eyes went wide "Final... ri... rise..." Konn added "Now die for good you bastard!!!"

The room collapsed as it's creator disappeared. There stood a man, barely able to use his right arm, with the sense of nothingness yet everythingness about him. He looked out through the disappearing gate "... ... ... My name is Alm, children... and you will become one, as have I." Then nothing.
Borghen cackled. "You seem to embrace death. That's good. Hold st--AAAARGH!" Borghen was electrocuted by the spell,but the wires,still wrapped around Vent's throat,completed the circuit,which allowed the electricity to travel to him,as well.

Down below,the Soul Body desperately attempted a forced assimilation.

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