Ww - the coming storm

Vent growled as Steven tried to enter him.

".... I don't want help!" He spat out, taking the original shock of his electricity spell, before using his staff as a magnet, his electricity travelling through Borghen into the staff. The power started to build in the staff.

Vent grinned.

"..... This is gonna hurt you more than it's gonna hurt me, Borghen!" He shouted.


Hope fell for a while, and eventually, his glowing light winked out. He landed at the bottom, audible to anyone listening, before a gigantic, blinding flash went off.
Meido was suprised by the sudden light, her eyes burning and snapping shut as her board dissapeared from her lack of concentration. The sudden rush of air was brutal and enough to make Meido retreat back into the darkness of Alec's mind as Alec went back into control. Opening her eyes she could see nothing before her fall stopped and she hit the ground hard, something cracking another thing twisting, more things getting scrapped and bleeding but she made no noise at all. (because that's how real men fall >D)
Borghen,between howls of pain,nodded towards the bloodwires. "If you try that...You die. These wires will cut off your head like a hot knife through warm butter! Game over." As an added measure,Borghen swung his bladed arm at Vent's torso.

The Soul Body was repulsed. "Fine! If you're so Hellbent on death,have it!I'll find Alec!" With that,the Soul Body ran into the Hellforge.
Vent grinned.

"Then it's a matter of who's faster!" He shouted as the bladed arm swung up at him.

About to connect with his torso, Vent gushed more electricity into the bloodwires, and therefore Borghen, a last ditch rush. After zapping through Borghen, the electricty rested in the staff implaling Borghen's chest.

His left arm moved down, and the crook of his elbow blocked the bladed arm, a gust of wind slowing it enough to keep the blade from cleaving his arm in two. It clunked on the bone of Vent's upper arm, and Vent barely repressed his scream of pain.

From his muffled scream and gritted teeth, Vent yanked down on the bloodwires, giving him a bit more space from Borghen. Vent released the staff with his right hand, and used a sharp gust of wind to cut the bloodwires from Borghen. With that, he began to fall, the bladed arm slicing more of Vent's arm.

As the bloodwires fell away from Vent's throat, Vent pointed his left index finger at the staff. A tiny spark of electricty flew to it, connecting with it while it remained in Borghen's chest.

It was about to explode with a massive electrical storm.


Hope, resting on a throne in the lowest level of the Hellforge, chuckled as Alec fell into the light.

".... Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly...." He said in a low voice, watching Alec with his sharp, cold eyes.
Slowly sitting up at the sound of his voice, Alec went a bit blank as far as expression went. Pressing a hand over her eyes a small spark flickered for a second before nothing. Standing up, she looked at Hope without actually seeing him, like she was seeing through him. "What do you want here Hope?" A completely level, calm voice. It was odd, compared to how she had acted when she had last seen him, it was a complete one eighty. Like they were old friends having a chat.
Borgehn's eyes widened as Vent escaped the wires. Suddenly,he heard the staff emit a high pitched whine,and crackle loudly. "Clever. But not clever---" The staff's energy was released...But it wasn't in a wild storm. It blasted outward,as Vent had intended,but then all the energy shot inside the dagger Borghen was holding,which shone a brilliant yellow,now. "Enough." Borghen then lunged downwards towards Vent,launching a concentrated beam of lightning from the dagger.
Vent gasped.


The lightning blasted him, he barely had time to re-summon his staff to his right hand.

The blast connected with the staff, and his whole right arm became charred on contact. After that, his staff took the brunt of the blast.

Vent controlled the blast, and sent it back again with a vengence.

"This is my lightning!" He screamed, "You can't use it against me!"


Hope smirked, sitting on his throne.

".... Alec, why would anyone come to the Hellforge?" He asked, sighing.

"..... To answer that question," He continued, "Is to obtain something worthwhile. Do you know how many 'worthwhile' objects rest in this hallowed chamber of secrets? Next to all of Hell's magical items are produced here, and this is vault the strongest are stored in." Hope explained, reaching for a demonic looking dagger that erupted into a black aura as soon as he touched it.

He threw the dagger off to the side, and wih a tilt of his head, he stared at Alec for a moment.

".... And why are you here?" Hope asked in turn, his right hand glowing threateningly with a menacing light.
Alec flinched a bit before bowing her head, her hair falling over her face to hide it. "To find something that would otherwise kill two people very close to me." She stood there barely breathing, all the memories of everything that man had said, what he wanted to do, and what he had done, making her, despite knowing she wasn't a kid anymore, afraid. Slowly, she bowed to him and carefully started moving, flinching at teh slightest noise she made as her fingers came close to touching various things but never actually reaching them.

She was being very cautious, every few seconds her eyes flickered back to the man sitting in the chair as she moved, heading towards the center of the room in which she was ceterain it was....
Borghen cackled as the lightning was redirected into the dagger,yet again. "Hah! Come on! Hit me with your best shot!" Borghen then streaked down towards Vent,drivinf the dagger,coursing with electricity,into his right shoulder. "NOW YOU WILL KNOW PAIN!!! NOW YOU WILL KNOW FEAR!!! NOW!!! YOU!!! WILL!!! DIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Borghen,bent on vengance,desired nothing ore than to kill Vent. And to make sure this happened,he fused the dagger to Vent's body,still coursing with electricity.


Deep in the Hellforge,Steven's Soul Body happened upon a hole. It jumped down into the abyss,hopin Alec was down there,and still alive.
Hope's eyes snapped up from looking at Alec, pleased that she was on the ground before him, to the Soul Body of Steven's.

With a flick of his wrist, Hope paralyzed Steven's Soul Body.

".... You're not too welcome here, Steven Adams." He stated, getting up from the throne, and walking towards Alec.

Hope sighed.

"... Remember my plan, Alec? I'm sure you do. So, I don't have to explain that I need Meido's power. Since you are the only Deathlind Mage who has yet to completely master the Meido, I needed you. Through a sudden bit of bliss, you also needed a Soulstone. You now understand how I'm going to gain Meido's powers from you, don't you?" Hope explained, standing in front of Alec, holding the Soulstone tightly in front on him.

".... Now, you don't have to lose Meido." Hope stated.

"Work for me." He asked, a triumphant smirk gracing his face.


Vent screamed in pain as the dagger was driven into his shoulder.

But, once again, he gritted his teeth, and grinned.

"You're so stupid, Borghen! Who's the one who created all the electricty in the first place?" Vent screamed, wind swirling around his hand at gale force.

He swung his hand at Borghen's wrist, cutting the arm for a split second, and kicking Borghen away. Losing his grip on the dagger, all the electricity Borghen had blocked with the dagger re-entered Vent. His body literally smoking from the stress, Vent pointed his staff back at Borghen, the combined electricical currents of both the staff and dagger flying from their place in Vent's body out at Borghen.
Rafael thought into the open hoping the voice was from a magic telepathy users. "Who are you??" he thought out loud. "My employer wishes for the 2 of you to come back home to us. His Daughter WAS after all your mother." the voice had replied less calm as though something were unnerving him, "Quickly, you must come to me... head east of your current position and I will be there with a Rifle and a device on my shoulder. They near quickly and are after you two."

Starr stood up and rushed east using natures hints for the direction and quickly grabbed stuff "Come on brother!!" she yelled back watching as he grabbed stuff just as quickly as her and tripping from a twig on the ground. Starr screamed when a spell glowing past Rafael went where his chest use to be. "They're here mister!!" Starr screamed as a man clad in a basic looking mage outfit yelling something. Neither Rafael nor Starr listened they just started running.
Aime somehow ended up in the mindless snow capped mountains of germanos. Where exactly she had no idea. Her hand come up to her brows as she attempted to get her bearings. Taking a few steps towards the ledge, a gust of wind caught her cloak and the snow under her foot fell.


Down the hill side she fell. For sure the thought that she would die was in her mind but she promply landed on top of something or better yet someone. He had on a mage looking outfit, but it soon disappeared as her weight swiftly pile drived him deep into the snow. Landing on her butt, she saw a few more people running away.

Alec blinked a few times, before she started shaking. She knew what that thing would do if she didn't agree. For a second, it looked like she might fight him but then her idea gave way to defeat and she bowed her head. "Congratulations."
Steven was horrified. The Soul Body was so close to Alec,who was at the complete mercy of this man,and was dangling a Soulstone in front of her. In a bid of desperation,Steven cast one of the most convincing illusions he could ever cast;

Through the shaft,dark shapes started to drop down,and shadows began to rise from the ground. They began to encircle Hope,and a few stepped between Alec and Hope.


Borghen was caught off guard. The blast of lightning hit him square in the face,provoking a stunning display from Borghen.

He fell back. "Impressive. But,I think we're done here." With that,Borghen turned his blade arm into a maul,and assaulted Vent's knees,shattering them. He then retreated to the Hellforge,where Hope was. He sent a message to Hope, "That boy isn't coming inside anytime soon. We can proceed as planned."
Hope smiled in satisfaction, the illusion bearing down on him.

"..... The illusory is nothing but an illusion. Just like the illusion we call life." Hope muttered, the illusion itself turning on Steven.

Right before Steven would have been consumed by the illusion, Hope snapped his fingers, chuckling.

"Go away." He stated, forcing Steven's conciousness to return to it's body.

With that done, Hope heard Borghen's words.

"..... Too bad. The boy might have provided me some amusement." He speculated, holding The Soulstone to Alec's forehead.

"Now that my 'partner' has dealt with your boyfriend, I think I should leave you two alone. But nor before I do a couple things, Alec Deathlind." Hope explained.

"First of all, I'm taking Meido with me." Hope said suddenly, a sinister smile crossing his face.

".... Secondly, you owe me. For sparing your life, and the life of the..... Thing inside you. Really now, Alec? Quite promiscuous, really." Hope spat with disgust.

"And finally, I'd like to invite you and Vent to a dinner party a month from now, on my birthday. Bring anyone else you wish. Even that ragamuffin, Steven." Hope said, before bashing the Soulstone off Alec's head, entering her mind-space.

Within Alec's mind, Hope shone like a sun, illuminating dark corners and the like. Meido was summoned before him, and he made a gesture, for her to come with him, or else.


Vent screamed as his knees were smashed in. He rolled on the ground in pain, gritting his teeth.

After a few minutes of this torture, Vent re-summoned his staff to his hand, and climbed onto it while it rode the winds. He was getting into that Hellforge, even of he had to ride his staff like a broomstick!
Meido folded her arms over her chest. "You really don't understand how the meido power works do you?" She laughed, "You take me from Alec, you kill both. I can't leave her, and she can't leave me. You try, you crush your dreams of what you want to do." She wasn't joking.
:: Marco came to the lower sections of the bunker, below he could hear pain-filled screams, begging for mercy, grown men laughing, babies crying and a constant "fap, fap, fap" he shuddered ::

Marco: "this is even worse than hell"

:: he came to a large door, a young girl, long dead was nailed to the wall with the word "welcome" stitched into her body ::

:: he pushed the door open, and saw this place in its full horror, the ground was covered in blood and manure, there were 3 "Human centerpedes" made of at least 7 girls each carrying bodies away, adn the rest of the young girls and boys were beating eachother to death with blunt instruments, or in cages below the ground, eating and drinking the blood and manure that fell through the mesh ::

Marco: "how dare they..."

:: he powered up an attack, before being shoved in the back, he looked back to see a large man with an axe in one hand, and a large hook in the other ::

Man: "the crowd wants a show"

Marco: "it'll be their last!"

:: the man swung his axe, marco ducked and landed in 2 punches to the lower ribs, 3 snapped ::

Man: "not bad, boy"

Marco: "you haven't seen anything yet"

:: the man dropped his weapons, madea small chant and blasted Marco to the other side of the arena, knocking over a male combatant and 2 human centerpedes ::

Marco: "i know that spell... how... a battlemage!?"

man: "don't you know me!? Equilara..."

Marco: "equilara the rouge mage... i know you"

Equilara: "and you are...?"

Marco: "Marco K Highland"

Equilara: "and what is someone of your status doing here, Lord highland?"

Marco: "i came to do my duty as a guardian... i came to slaughter this place... and why are you here?"

Equilara: "simple, i wanted to create a new creature... do you like my centerpedes?"

Marco: "just for that, im gonna kill you first, then you're disgusting creations, then you're "friends" in the crowds, then i'll kill those prisoners who are beyond help, i swear, i will save all i can, and kill the rest, this place will be PURGED!"

Equilara: "over my dead body"

Marco: "thats the plan"
Following her friend on the mountain top, Valentina glanced at their surroundings; pulling the cloak she wore closer to herself. It was then she heard a scream and turned towards Aime who wasn’t there anymore, instead sliding down the mountain.

“Woah…” she trailed

Then she took a deep breath and slid down the mountain herself, following after her towards a forest at the bottom. As her friend yelled, she had noticed that she landed on top of a stranger, while two others ran away.

“You okay?” she asked, looking at Aime
Rafael and Starr kept running though Lucie, stopped and barked back from where they came from. Rafael stopped and slid on the snow that hadn't been there a second ago. "Woahhhhhh!!~" he slid into a tree looking back and seeing more people. Starr stopped easily and yelled back, "that man is trying to hurt us!!" she then turned back helped Rafael up and kept running.

Lucie then kept running with them though she seemed like she felt safer back there rather than forward. She followed her new masters anyways trusting their unclear judgment. They saw the man who had described himself fighting against 2 other mages one bringing the snow down from the mountain and surrounding the area in it. The other had been using water and ice from around the area to try and dispatch themselves of the man who talked to Rafael and Starr minutes ago.
The person that Aime had landed on was trying to move around and yelling gibberish about how he was going to protect her. It finally dawned on the dunce that these people were evil and he most likely would try to kill all of them should he get up. So before given the chance, she smacked her hand down on his back. Electrical sparks charged and coursed through and around her arm, easily visible to Valentina.

The guy gurgled before he was quickly incapacitated. She shifted her head back to acknowledge her friend.

"I think we need to follow them!"

She Grabbed Valentina by the hand and pulled her along after the others.
Seeing Aime use her magic always made Val cringe, hoping that she would never have to be her opponent. Although good at spitting out physical harm, she was never good at taking the stuff…

The girl seemed to get up like it had no affect on her what so ever, which it probably didn’t, and grabbed her hand. They were chasing after the two which had just escaped the scene, after the woman blurted something that caused the previous acts.

“If you say so…” she notes, to her partner.
:: Marco and Equilara were in a corner, Marco was pinned and Equilara was beating him ::

Equilara: "damnit, why won't you just die!"

Marco: "well, unlike you, i stayed to finish my training, and i continued to chalenge myself, you quit early, and you just decided to lock yourself away, and to slaughter the innocents"

Equilara: "i pursued my research! to hell with morality!|

Marco: "maybe you can continue your research"

Equilara: "h-how?"

Marco: "i'm bringing this hellhole down, i'll kill all your creations and the prisoners beyond saving, but i'll spare the pervers and bosses"

Equilara: "ok, i'll bite, how the hell can you destroy this place without killing the bosses?"

Marco: "because the "bosses" and "Clients" will become your next research subject, human centerpedes, and any others you wanna create"

Equilara: "there are more than enough bosses and clients for me"

Marco: "Perfect"

:: two minutes later, the main arena exploded, killing all human centerpedes and killing the slaves eating the manure and blood, and wounding the bottom row of perverts ::

Marco: "you take the spectators, i'll take the guards and bosses, kill none, and you get more subjects"

Equilara: "PERFECT!"

:: they flickered, the clients began to fall unconcious, and the bosses began to fall unconcious ::

:: marco appeared at the entrance, a group of 5 bosses ran out, only to be met by darts thrown into their spines by Marco with a shield. ::

Marco: "perfect"
As Starr and Rafael were close enough to help the telepath finally grabbed hold of his rifle and cracked the 2 mages in the head, knocking both out instantly. Starr looked at Rafael who was wondering how the man defeated the 2 mages so easily. "I read their thoughts and drew them closer and closer to me." he responded through thought quickly "And who are they" He turned to the 2 following Starr and Rafael.

(The Telepath can read your thoughts easily btw. His thoughts also can't be read by any of our characters.)
Aime quickly came to a stop as the two they had been following came to a stop next to the other man. In her opinion he resembled the same baddies that were all knocked out. obviously he wasnt though or the other two they followed would have knocked him out also. She just kind of stopped in her tracks before looking over her shoulder at Val next to her. She raised an eye brow before shifting her gaze back at the man.

Her expression softened and a smile broke her face. Her hand was still holding val's and while being slightly nervous, the clench tightened before she spoke.

Hope kept up his twisted grin.

"And you don't understand the multiple capabilities of the Soulstone. I don't have to seperate you from Alec, just you from the Meido powers themselves. I would never harm Little Miss Deathlind." He explained. "On purpose...." He added, playing up the drama.

The Soulstone glowed with Hope's usual golden light, and he held it up at Meido.

".... Any last words before you lose your powers?" He inquired, chuckling a bit.


Vent came screaming into the Hellforge, his staff used like a broomstick, riding the wind. He got past the bodies and debris, and came onto the hole.

".... Well, isn't this wonderful....." He spat, readying himself to go down on his staff.

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