Ww - the coming storm

Around Hope's body, while he touched his forehead, a barrier of light erupted from his body, blocking the darts. The barrier expanded outward from Hope's body, and he grinned.

"Meiplaga Lumenarium." Hope said, the ground inside his barrier glowing.

Standing with Bassilgarrad in hand, he closed his eyes.
Meido narrowed her eyes quickly the next time she peeked through a portal at hte brightness. Sighing, everything else in the room besides him was submerged into a deep darkness. Stepping out of the blind Realm, she stared at the area where hope was and folded her arms before her own aura erupted around her in deep purple tendrils witheringly widely around her. Each of the tendrils when looked at by hope because everything he feared in his life. And the one big difference between Alec using her powers, and the manifestation calling them forth itself. The manifestions were real.
Hope chuckled, standing inside his circular area created by Meiplaga Lumenarium.

"..... Although fear is a wonderful tool to use in any situation, I'm afraid I'm quite immune, dear Meido. I can understand your using your powers for the benefit that they become reality, but when your target fears very few things, your spells aren't as potent." Hope went on to explain, keeping his eyes closed.

"..... Another thing I've noticed, is that they require a physical contact, or the target needs to see them. This spell, I developed specifically to counter you." He revealed, bringing up his left hand, and motioning Meido to come at him, all the while his eyes were closed.
Meido's eyes narrowed for a second before the forms went back into tendrils and the noise started up. Now, it wasn't normal noise. No not at all. It was the noise that made up nightmares. If the little prick was going to keep his eyes closed, she'd play on all of his other senses in stead. The air filled thick with the smell of fear and blood as the walls started oozing it, the floor covered in the sticky stuff. Rotting burning flesh mixed into the air as she stood there, completely calm and uncaring. She had something up her sleeve after all but she wanted to see how much it would take for him to crack first.
Hope sighed.

"I'd appreciate it if you stopped with this sensory nonsense. What do you think most of the world will be like after I'm done with my plan, anyways?" Hope asked, a twisted smile growing on his face.

He sighed, holding up his left hand, a ball of light concentrating into it.

Without opening his eyes, he aimed it at Meido, and raised his platinum eyebrows.
"To be fair, you don't even know what I'm doing. So attacking me while i'm killing dear old Vent is a horrid thing to do you know." Meido's voice was nothing but truthful as in fact, a tendril went up behind Vent and wrapped around his neck, tight enough to look convincing but not enough to choke him. She hoped he would get the hint to make it look convicing or she might just actually start tightening it. Sighing again she lit a cig and brought it to her mouth. "Or would you rather I didn't side with you? I could always give Alec back control and take her out from under the mental cage i have her on."
Vent, lying on the ground, bleeding profusely, was about to pass out. The idiot he was, he totally didn't realize Meido's plan.

"Don't tell me you're actually gonna side with him!" Vent exclaimed, outrage dripping from his words. He tried to ball his hands into fists, but couldn't.


Hope's twisted grin seemed to disappear for a moment, but returned in full-force.

".... Go ahead. Off the insignificant worm. Saves me the trouble of doing it later." Hope spat, his ball of light still trained on Meido.
Meido smirked, another reason she liked her medical knowledge. A silent invisable spell travled down the tenticale and a smalle needle went into Vent's neck. Just like the potion from Romeo and Juliet, the spell would make a person look dead for 2 days, no vitals, but they would wake up after those two days were over fully rested and fine. Heaving up Vents body from the floor she flung him into a wall, silently wishing him okay.

Looking back at Hope she flipped a strand of white hair out of her eyes before smirking. " Heh, we match." She was referring, of course, to hair colour.
Vent's body hit the wall, hard. Despite Meido's Grade-A healing abilities, a few of his wounds opened back up. The blood made it more relaistic, however.


Hope sighed.

"..... I did want to save the pleasure of doing that myself....." He mumbled, the hand with the ball of light lowering from Meido.

Hope chuckled, and this evolved into a manaical laugh. He opened his eyes, now completely black.

"If you did just kill him, well done. If this is a ruse, you'll pay. Dearly." Hope explained, the ball of light disapearing.
Hope smirked, feeling incredibly triumphant.

The barrier cut out, and his eyes returned to normal.

He strolled over to Vent's body, and started to inspect the Umbralus markings.

"...... This...." Hope let out, his eyes widening.

He whipped around to Meido, a look on uncertainty on his face.
Meido looked up, "What is wrong? Is he not dead?" There was a hint of annoyance in her voice, as if that very thought of Vent still breathing bothered her.
Hope seemed lost.

".... No. It's not that. His.... The Umbralus.... He's...." Hope couldn't put it into words.

He shook his head.

"Good thing he's dead now." Hope spat, a smirk on his face.

"Now, my vassal. I need your aid in ending this endeavour. Go grab Vent's staff." Hope explained.
Meido nodded her head, clearly confused as she moved quickly to vent's things and gathered them in her arms, her face away from Hope as a tear slide down the side of her face. Turning back to look at Hope she kept her head bowed. "And now Master?"
Hope took Vent's staff from Meido, looking it over. It's new demonic appearance from Vent's actions with Niddhogir had caused the staff to reflect Vent's truest nature.

Hope chuckled.

He handed the staff back to Meido.

"..... There's something I want to test." Hope explained, licking his lips.

"..... Give Vent permission. Just say it's okay." Hope asked after a pause, watching Vent intently.
Hope sighed.

"Get down, close to him, and whisper in his ear, 'It's okay'. Or something along those lines. Just do it." Hope said, a touch of annoyance creeping into his voice.
Meido blinked a few more times, for some reason, a bit of fear crept up into her and made her stand there a bit like an idiot at that point. She didn't want to know what Hope was thinking but it wasn't good. She could tell that much. Biting her lip she looked at Vent's body.
Hope sighed.

"..... Anyday now, Miss Deathlind." He said, more annoyed than he was a second ago.
Meido shook her head snapping out of it and walked over to Vent. Kneeling down next to him, she placed a hand over his and put her mouth near his ear before almost inaudibly saying. "I'm sorry, but it's for the best." It was the closest she could get to the phrase that Hope wanted her to say.
Vent's body started to react, his dark aura growing, his Umbralus markings glowing with black light. Meido, because of Alec's body, wasn't harmed, but Hope had to back away from the spreading darkness.

Vent's hair went white as well, his body slowly rising from the ground, still unconsious. His eyes and expression started to twitch, like he was waking up.

Hope's eyes widened.

"..... This is.... STUPENDOUS!" Hope yelled, in the face of Vent's demonic blood.

"Umbralus truly is not of humans, this power feels like the raw force of a demon!" Hope kept yelling. ".... To revive the dead!"

Vent's hand grasped Alec's tighter, and his eyes cracked open.
Meido blinked a few times, and tried pulling away terrified. She may have been a thing of fear but there are things that suprise her and this was deifently one of them, even though she had known he wasn't truely dead but still.
His eyes opening, Vent yawned.

"....... Alec?" He asked, seeming lost, despite his demonic form.

Hope was speechless, and grinned as he watched Vent's every move.
Meido's eyes went even wider before she looked at Hope. "You knew he would do this?" Her voice trembled as she stared at the silver haired man.
Hope's grin turned into a smirk.

"It's the stipulation he put on his demonic blood himself. I knew, but only after inspecting his body and staff. Umbralus truly is incredible, isn't it?" Hope chuckled, raising a glowing hand at the two of them.

"....... To bring back the dead....." He mumbled to himself, aiming his attack.

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