Ww - the coming storm

Meido narrowed her eyes before wrapping her arms around Vent tightly and the two were quickly taken into the blind realm, not a trace was left of them, Letting go oh him inside the realm, her breathing hitched into hyperventilating. At the moment, she was a mix between a very terrified Alec, and a pissed off Meido. Opening a small portal to the room they were just in, She stepped out, leaving Vent in there after encasing him in a full body healing spell.

Staring at Hope she raised one hand and went to say something before she started to make a noise of pain, the front of her shirt started going red and a sick tearing and snapping noise was heard. Falling back agaisnt the wall, more blood came forth staining onto the floor now, more snapping and tearing before she slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood, eyes rolling into the back of her head, even her own breathing stopped. And the way she made herself fall, hid what she just did.
Hope watched with narrowed eyes.

"...... Meido?" He asked, his hand faltering slightly. In an instant, Hope's sword was upon Meido's neck, and he was standing over her.


Vent was left in the 'blind realm', and was completely lost as to what was going on. Why was his demonic blood active?
She didn't answer. Didn't even blink. All that happened with a milisecond was bassilguard was across the room and Hope had a hand around his throat pinning him to the wall. A creature of the night standing before him. Fangs, beastly claws, markings all over and a power spike through the roof. The blood that had been shed was from a large gash that went through her stomach as the thing inside her lent it's power, in return for her blood. Twisting her head around sickly, like it wasn't even hinged anymore, she stared at Hope with wild, insane eyes that showed no hint of mercy in them as she pressed harder, digging the nails into his skin. "One reason. One reason i shouldn't snap you liek a twig right now."
Hope smirked triumphantly.

"..... I don't need to give you a reason. You won't."

Hope chuckled.

"You and Vent are quite a pair. Selling yourselves for dark powers you can't truly control....."

With an overexaggerated movement, Hope flicked Meido on the head, and fell back through the wall.
Meido sighed, as he dissapeared piking up bassilgaurd. Stepping into the blind realm with it, she closed her eyes and rubbed a hand over her stomach as she reverted back to normal, sitting down, completely exhausted she looked up despite seeing only black. "It isn't a power, it's a guard to help keep me alive for him." She closed her eyes feeling more aweful than before. She should have just killed him but she didn't. Her hand tightened around the blade of the sword, not even noticing it cut into the skin.
Vent, a million questions on his mind as Meido returned to normal, decided not to do anything.

He concentrated on his demonic blood, and forced it back down, returning to normal as well.

"...... It's okay." He said after what seemed like forever, a sincere smile on his face.
Valentina didn’t feel the slightest bit of discomfort with Aimeka’s advance, wrapping herself around her in an almost weird way. Placing her check right against her own, and puffing them out as if to annoy Val; but it only made her want to turn towards her. Kind of backing off a bit when her companion rubbed her face against her own, she couldn’t help smiling at her although she couldn’t see it.

“Do you want to follow them?” she questioned,

Still she felt weird talking out load, since the man they had spoken to was a constant mind reader and wondered if he knew who they were now. Without waiting for their decision, the three approached a simple looking trunk, the man using a weird button to change it into else. Darting a look back at Aime she sort of untangled herself, dragging her to follow them…

“No time for an answer!” she noted.
"no it isn't." Meido snapped at him before going silent again, an arguement with alec in her head about her being ready to take back control or not. With a reluctant sigh, meido stepped back into the mind and Alec resurfaced.
Vent sighed, a sheepish grin on his face as he assumed Alec returned.

"..... Hey." Was all he said, just taking in the sight of her after fighting with Borghen and that confrontaton with Hope.
Alec heard the voice, and quickly moved far away from teh source of the sound as possible. She wasn't talking to him now.
Vent sighed, knowing Alec was being stubborn or something.

"..... Fine. Don't talk to me." He said, pouting in the darkness.
Argo and Woodwind continued down the dark tunnel for what seemed like eternity. Argro brushed his fingers against the walls and noted "Finished stone... very nice... must be getting close to whatever this mountain is hiding." The passageway opened up to reveal a large hallway lined with columns, and in every direction shelves and shelves of books.

"I've found it! the library of the ancients!"

He reached out and grabbed one old tome off the shelves and flipped through the pages, the ancient book creaked open, and crumbled apart with age

Woodwind tromped up behind him and pulled him back

"I wouldn't touch anything if I were you... you might break more than a priceless book next time"

Argo nodded absentmindedly as he passed row after row of books, until he turned suddenly and pointed at a certain scroll on a shelf not far away "I need that one! I can sense a strong magical force radiating off of it, it's no normal scroll, bring it here"

Woodwind polled the old dusty scroll off the shelf and handed it to Argo "It's in a very old dialect. I can't read it."

"Leave that to me... ancient texts are my specialty after all..."
Alec looked down for a second biting her lip, "how are you feeling?" Her voice was all monotone.
Vent rubbed his chin absent-mindedly, thankful Alec was at least talking.

".... Not dead. You?" He asked.
Xavier opened his eyes he didn't know where he was... All he knew was that he had a killer head ache and that his body was throbbing. Xavier moved his hand towards his head and felt grand horns much larger than before curving down his head. Xavier jumped up as he looked at his body it was no longer small and agile he was much better built now, like that of a long distance runner.

Xavier stumbled in the dark house he was in and looked at a mirror " Exactly how long have I been out?" Xavier put his clawed hand up to the mirror and the mirror broke with the slightest touch.. Xavier growled " I have to get out of this place.. Xavier burst out of the bathroom as the building became clearer in his still groggy mind... It look like some sort of research facility... Xavier roared "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWL!!!" And long black wings burst from his back a single feather was shed in the room as he left it behind. Xavier shattered through the window and burst from the room into the cold air outside.
"Fine." Alec replied. "I have your sword." She shook her head. "no, I have conners sword.You want it?"
Vent sighed.

"Conner's gone, remember? I killed him. And the only weapon I need is my staff." Vent explained, not wanting Conner's old sword at all.

"As far as I'm concerned, that's Hope's sword now." Vent said.

After a little pause, Vent chuckled a bit.

".... I don't believe you're fine." He said.
Alec shrugged, "whatever." She held the sword out and swung it to the side, it ended up pulling her over with it, being far to heavy a sword for her tastes. "It'd make a nice wall ornament." She mused, completely ignoring his last statement.
Vent scowled.

He chased the sound of Alec's voice in the darkness, a stern look on his face that Alec wouldn't be able to see anyways.

"..... Alec, where are you?" He asked.
"In this place. Like you." She said, running a hand through hair leaving a streak of red that she wouldn't have noticed anyway. Frowning she looked down a for a second. "Right here." SHe held up a hand and a flame came forth, the light didn't spread out to illiminate anything but the arrea where the flame itself was showed.
Vent chuckled.

"You're too literal." He said, leaping in the darkness at the flame, and pretty much glomping Alec.
Alec yelped in pain and tried to scramble away from him before something tore, or before her blood got onto him as a hint of how un okay she was.
Vent wouldn't let Alec go.

"Nuh uh. I'm not letting go for a while." He said, knowing everything would be fine.

He clung to Alec.
Xavier shivered as he climbed in altitude he spotted a cave mountain " S-s-shelter.." Xavier glided in and curled up hugging himself to keep warm..

xavier sighed " I'm utterly alone.. Allie, Mom, Dad where are you guys."
Agro and woodwind heard a *thump* echoing through the tunnels originating from the tunnel from which they entered.

"Here, hold this"

Argro handed his torch to Woodwind and faced the tunnel

"I'm going back to see whats following us... and take care of them if necessary..."

From under his robes he drew his slim silver wand and with a deft turn, he swept back town the tunnel to the direction of the intruder

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