Ww - the coming storm

"Yes..I'm not another person Hope, I am the powers. I am not just a personality, I am a manifestation." Meido smirked, " Also For that to work, you need to the real thing. And Your light is annoying." She snapped her fingers and the light went out and Hope was forced out of Alec's mind and back into himself. Alec's body fell to the ground as she completely blacked out, around her mind went up a seal. A strong one. A cursed one. A broken one. One that the elders(of meido) sealed away because of the mental strain. It would keep everything out, until meido called it off and the cost for that was Alec wouldn't wake up till she did. Oh what fun a simple control can be....
Borghen slowly rose out of the hole in the floor of the Hellforge. "It seems someone changed the rules. Since when can the lame walk? Begone." Borghen suddenly shot bloodwires from his fingers...Yet they were drawn to the dagger stuck in Vent's shoulder. "Of course. The Fang. But this is good." Borghen yanked. Vent came sailing off his staff and into Borghen's hand. "I think I will leave you with that. If someone tries to heal you...The Fang will absorb it. Enjoy your suffering." Borghen slamed Vent to the floor,and launched spikes into the ground nearby. Using his physical strength,Borghen wrapped the wires around Vent,and then tied them to the spikes. "I'll take this...As a trophy. Enjoy your Eternity in Hell." Borghen plucked Vent's staff off of the ground and then leapt down the hole,to the Infernum Vault.


As Steven's Soul Body came crashing back to him,Steven was forced backwards into his pillows. "No...No...Alec...Vent..."

Steven sat there,in shock,with tears starting to trickle from his eyes.
Vent screamed in helplessness. That bastard! How did he suddenly get so much stronger?

Was Vent really that much stronger while using Umbralus?

And, his staff!

This was unforgiveable!

".... TROPHY?" Vent screamed, his Umbralus markings glowing at last.

Lightning crackled all around him, and the wind whipped up. A strange darkness sprung up, and started leaking from his body. His eyes diluted, an expression of pure hate on his face.

"... THAT'S.... MY.... STAFF!!" He screamed, the lightning and wind stopping, and the darkness roaring up.

The Umbralus markings spread all down his body, covering everything. They seemed to leap from his skin.

The bloodwires and spikes were obliterated.

Vent was left standing in a dark aura of destruction, his eyes completely yellow, with fangs and claws to match his newfound bodily-markings.

"..... Umbralus Veritas." He stated, doning his serious expression at last.

In an instant, he was down the hole, just as Hope came out of Alec's mind.

"... Pesky bit- Vent?" Hope's eyes widened in surprise, as Vent grabbed Borghen by the neck from behind.

Without a word, Vent threw him into a wall, creating a massive crater. Vent ripped the dagger from his shoulder, causing more blood to spill from his broken body. This form of Umbralus seemed to be ignoring his injuries, even though they still bled.

The markings covering his entire body started to glow, and the dagger cracked along the middle of the blade.

".... Fix that, Borghen." Vent spat in a demonic tone, throwing the dagger at the wall right beside Borghen's head.

Vent chuckled manaically, the darkness spreading like mad from his body.

Hope backed up a few steps, before drawing Bassilgarrad from a hole of light.

Vent and Hope suddenly wern't where they were anymore.

The room started to rock, as debris was sent flying all around.

Clashes of dark and light sprung up all around the room, as Vent and Hope fought like crazed men.
With her hand clenched, she knew that Aime wasn’t feeling very well about this situation, 3 strangers facing them. Val wasn’t feeling too optimistic either, getting a bad vibe from the man the two had run up to, but weakly waved when Aimeka said hi.

What the heck were they doing here, anyways?
"So you don't trust me" he thought into the new comers heads "Why might that be." Rafael remained on the ground from sliding and Starr looked back and forth curious to what was going on. Lucie sat closer to the 2 people who fell from the mountain instead of the telepathic man. His coat was long and flowed with the wind, he lowered his rifle down. He still gripped onto the barrel, though loosely, it buried itself into the snow. The device on his hip ceased it's blue glowing and went into a constant white glow.
Meido wandered around the sealed down mind before meeting a crying Alec in there. It was rare thw two could see the other like this in the mind. After all, meido was just a personification of fear, and Alec was a shady version of younger five year old self, and it was always best the two didn't look at each other. Feeling odd watching her host cry, Meido placed a hand on the girls shoulder.

"I d on't want to lose you." Meido raised an eyebrow, "Me? Or the power?" Alec sniffled, "You." Meido had to laugh lightly before the young child hugged herself tightly around Meido's legs. " I wouldn't know what to do without you always guiding me. But i know i rely on you to much." Meido patted the girls head, "It's alright dear.....at least for now it is." The two regained there silence in the closed down mind.
Borghen was,once again,left reeling. Once he came to his senses inside the crater,with the dagger mere inches beside his head,he felt a pure,seething rage. Borghen was empowered by it. Then,Borghen realized where it was coming from. "You do me a great service,whelp! Now..." Borghen ripped the dagger out of the wall,and scannedthe room. Seeing the girl lying on the ground,but still sensing two heartbeats,Borghen capitolized on the opprotunity. He taken Alec's body and streaked up the shaft,cackling. "Your pride,or your mate! YOU DECIDE!"


Steven tried in vain to connect with Alec and Vent,but to no avail. This provoked Steven to simply shut down his mind...In an attempt to cope with this shattering loss.
Vent broke off from his confrontation with Hope, both sporting newfound wounds.

Vent's eyes wern't yellow anymore, as he glanced up at Borghen.

They were a pure white.

Vent had no pupils or irises.

He was beyond rage.

At this point, Vent was a killing machine. He barely retained control of himself.

But in a split second, control returned to him. His eyes became normal, but the aura of darkness flared up.

"Oh no you don't!" Vent yelled, the typical grin on his face as he reached out at Borghen with one hand, and hand of darkness stretching from his aura, and grabbing Borghen by the waist.

The pinky finger stretched further, and touched Alec's forehead. A protective bubble of darkness popped up around her, seperating her from Borghen.

Vent whipped his aura-arm, hurling Borghen at the charging Hope, who brandished Bassilgarrad, still glowing with un-earthly light.

Vent leaped back as the two sped towards each other, standing protectively in front of Alec.

His rage had calmed down immensely, but his subconciously was still feeding Borghen energy, while Hope was on par with him.

No, that was wrong.

Vent was only on par with Hope for now, because of this Umbralus Veritas state.

Vent sighed, taking a stance in front of the protected Alec, a calm look of seriousness on his face, barely repressing the horrific rage he felt.
Meido looked at Alec for a second as she yet again aged down to a younger form. No wonder the elders signed it away. It would take a at least a day for the damage to undue itself. And if she didn't hurry up and take the thing down, there was a chance it wouldn't reverse at all. Flicking out a hand, she took full control of Alec again, the mind block going down. Finding herself on the ground, some sort of shield like spell about her, Meido had to grit her teeth together before she blinded herself all together with a small band of darkness over her eyes.

Standing up, she placed one hand on Vent's shoulder, "Playing hero child?" Her Body changed towards the other two, the vibrations they were giving off allowing her to see them perfectly. "Which one do you want?"
Vent was a little surprised, and sighed.

"..... Yeah, I'm playing hero. Don't tell Alec, okay? And I can't decide..... No, I can. Hope can wait. I want Borghen." Vent replied, a stern look on his face.

Vent perked up quickly, remembering something.

"By the way, I'm rrreeaaalllyyyy gonna need to be healed after this, or I could die." He said to Meido pleasantly, before turnig back to the fight at hand.


Hope cut his charge mid-way, and held up a hand. It glowed for a second, and Borghen was stopped in mid-air, inches from Hope's face.

Borghen was dropped to the ground from there.

".... Get up. We have a fight on our hands." Hope said, almost seemin pleased.
Meido smirked, "naturally." She rolled her eyes. "Alright then, since you ahve ugly, i'll take prick." SHe cracked her knuckles and disappeared into the blind realm before appearing behind Hope, nailing him right into the head with a fist full force before dissapearing again.
Borghen has now lost any sense of surprise. He simply got up after he was dropped by hope,and grunted a "Thanks" and "Right". Suddenly,he glared at Vent,and spat, "Die,cur." Borghen taken an image from within his mind: A huge,seven barreled firearm,called the "GAU-8 Avenger". According to the man who shown it to him,it fired 30mm rounds at 6000 per minute.

He summoned this weapon to his hands,pre-spun,and opened fire at full speed at Vent. It seemed to never heat up,and never run out of ammo.
Vent's eyes widened, and a tower-shield of darkness erupted from the ground in front of him. Hiding behind it, Vent formulated a plan. The dark aura around his foot flared up, and the dark aura around his right hand. He leaped up from behind the tower sheild, and javelin tossed a spear of darkness at Borghen, taking multiple shots. After that, Vent fell back down behind the tower sheild, out of Borghen's view.


Hope took the punch to the back of the head, and spluttered, off-guard. He sighed, and touched his left hand, the right still holding Bassilgarrad, to his forehead.

He started to glow eeriely, and mentally dared Meido to attack him again.
Borghen stood his ground when the javelins came out. He knew Vent wouldn't aim properly with this storm of lead flying at him. All of the javelins went wide,and the explosive bullets missed Vent...Barely. With a weapon like this,who needs to aim? Borghen advanced on Vent's position,taking a wide circle path to get around the shield,still firing. Borghen's movement speed has been slowed to a crawl. "WHY!? WON'T!? YOU!? DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!?!?!?"
Vent grinned from behind the shield, his plan to draw some sort of movement a success.

".... I could ask the same of you!" Vent shouted, stamping his foot with the flared aura on the ground, three giant spikes of darkness shooting from the ground, knocking Borghen's massive gun into the air.

"Now!" Vent shouted, using the tower shield as a base to leap from, holding twin longswords of darkness in his hands. "Give me back my staff!"

He flew at Borghen, aiming a double slash at the demon's chest.
Borghen leapt backwards as the massive gattling gun was knocked from his hands. He anticipated it,in fact. Borghen began to use Vent's own staff against him,using it like a quarterstaff in one hand,and the Fang in the other. He launched a bolt of pure destructive magic into the Fang from the staff,and launched the amplified bolt at Vent from the dagger. "Your predictability is your weakness!"
Vent smirked as the bolt caught 'him' in the shoulder.

He skidded to the ground, a smoking body.

"..... Predictable, huh?" Vent chuckled, at Borghen's feet.

Suddenly, that Vent melted into darkness, and disappeared.

"Predict this!" Vent screamed, another five stepping out from behind the tower shield.

Suddenly, a swarm of Vents assaulted Borghen from all angles.
Borghe was not amused. "A true man wouldn't rely on cheap illusions to fight for him. He'd assault danger head on." With that,Borghen stuch the staff out to one side,and the Fang to the other,and launched blasts of Demonflame from them,and quickly swept a circle of flaming death with them. Afterwards,he snapped the staff in half on his knee. "Now...Where are you,whelp?"
Vent's clones disappeared, the remaining ones getting to their feet.

Vent stood alone, ten feet seperating him and Borghen.

"...... My staff." Vent said, sighing.

Vent looked up, up the shaft they had came down. He glanced around, and just hoped Alec wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. He figured that this was about to heat up.

Vent's dark aura started to lose control. It lept about, wild and animal-like.

".... I know you didn't just break my staff. Because, if you had, you'd be breaking the limiter on my demonic blood. A demon like you should know that Umbralus isn't a human technique, it was born of demons. Any human that wishes to use it must have some demon's blood. I gained my demon blood from one particular demon, a demon of Wrath. One of Hell's great seven demons..... So, I hope you enjoy my wrath, Rage." Ven explained, his body slowly transforming as he spoke.

Standing ten feet from Borghen, was a half-breed. Vent's terrible secret.

Four years of training, only one was spent on Umbralus techiniques. The demon blood in Vent spoke to him.

It thirsted for more.

"Pravus Umbralus Veritas." Vent said forcefully.

Ooc ---> http://www.linsdomain.com/otherworld/pictures/yusuke-demon-9.jpg

that's the jist of Vent's current form. Only the markings are more intense, and there's the aura of darkness around him.
Borghen was struck dumb. What did he do,and what had this child become!? Borghen decided that he had enough of this confrontation. "BEGONE,ABOMINATION!" Borghen launched a massive ball of concentrated Demonflame,and used the explosion as cover for an escape. Before he launched himself out of the Hellforge at the speed of light,he slammed the Fang into Vent's shoulder again,and fused it there,once again. He sent a message to Hope, "The whelp is an Abomination of Wrath! Beware!"
Vent sighed, as Borghen made his escape.

He'd already torn this thing out of his shoulder once tonight, what did doing it again matter?

Vent gritted his fangs as he gripped this knife, and ripped it out of his shoulder, screaming in pain. His scream was horrifying, a demonic shreik.

Vent looked around for his staff, the two pieces of it. He picked them up gingerly, blood spilling from his wounds.

Vent had an idea. He took the two pieces of the staff, and the Fang. He placed the Fang on the ground positioned between the two pieces of staff, and let his blood splash onto the three items.

Using Umbralus magic, Vent sacrificied the powers of the Fang to bind his staff together, the staff itself taking on a much more demonic appearance. With his staff's magic returning, Vent could feel the limiter returning as well.

With a quick thought, Vent made the limiter on his demon blood removeable in times of stress. Thinking again, he also placed a stipulation on the removal of the limiter.

Alec had to give him permission.

Thinking that was a good idea, Vent fell back, the darkness and his demonic form melting away from him.


Hope sent a telepathic message to Borghen as he made his escape.

'Go to Earth, these coordinates. My mansion will welcome you. Lay low.'

It was all Hope could say, being busy with Meido.

A weird experience it was, hearing another person’s voice in your head but Val could’ve sworn she did, but didn’t see his mouth open. She licked her lips cautiously, deciding to answer him

“If I went around trusting every stranger I’ve met, I don’t think I’d be alive” she notes, quirking a brow.

Honestly, she was afraid of all three of them, even the animal that seemed to be pretty close to her and Aimeka. Taking a step forward, she guided her friend behind her, just in case…

[OoC: Sorry Kaine, I remembered you were working so I thought I could post, If not then... don't keel me >n<]
The scene was getting a little to serious for her tastes. Val stepped in front of her, almost instinctively and protectively. Her mind shifted if even for a moment imagining how cute this would look from someone else's perspective. Lifting the hand that was being held, she shifted it over Vals and quickly wrapped her arms, still holding her hand around Val, resting her head on Val's right shoulder. They were both about the same height so it worked out well.

The clothing on her arms was not visible at how long and droopy her kimono like shihakusho top was. They nearly draped Val from middle chest to waist. Besides this her cheek pressed against Val as she made a pouty face and answered the mans mental interrogation for herself along side of Val's own.

"We don't even know you. How do you expect strangers to trust other strangers?"

After rubbing her cheek against Val's a little more she quickly changed the conversation in their favor!

"Besides why were you all out in the wilderness! We were traveling to a town... Somewhere... around here. We just got side tracked sort of and I accidentally fell on this one guy and had to... Subdue his evil intentions."

Her voice was on the verge of giggling and didn't want to be honest and say "lost" either. After all Aime was the one leading and it would look bad on her, both that and "subduing" an innocent person. So like normal, she diverted it away with other vocabulary. Her and Val's answers were honest and truthful. Surely nothing bad would happen to them. Surely...
The man looked at the two of them funny "Well, fair enough." he said with a butler's expression. "I was sent by my master to retrieve these two, and bring them home safely at any cost." his thoughts were quick and specific, though understandable. He than proceeded down a path that was now covered in snow "Well we can drop you off at this town if you would like, I will be bringing Miss Starr and Sir Rafael to their grandfather's place now." he walked rather quickly for an old man "Make your decision quickly, we can't wait around for long."

He stopped in front of a large trunk on the ground and pressed a button on the device on his shoulder. Without warning the stump disappeared and a flying vehicle of sorts appeared with 2 others sitting inside. The ship seemed somewhat like a small helicopter with jet engines and a nearly organic look about it. Rafael and Starr followed along happily.

(OOC - He is wearing a trench coat, has a shoulder pad, and a device on his hip... He has silver glasses and a really old looking, yet modernized, rifle. His Ethnicity seems Japanese crossed with North American/British.)
Meido's eyes appeared in the air looking down at Hope before more of it extended and her whole face and an arm was seen which held something in it's hand. Healing wasn't the only reason for one to want to be good at medics. Taking a deep breath she shot the drug loaded dart at Hope before dissapeaering once again into her fail safe world. Repeating the process several more times( For a total of 8 darts) from diferent directions.

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