Ww - the coming storm

Xavier's ears twitched as he heard someone approaching with a grunt Xavier sprung up " W-who is there?" Xavier's claws elongated as he narrowed his eyes.
Argo emerged from the tunnel with a yell, his wand locked onto Xavier's throat

"Who are you! why are you here!"

He paused stunned a moment at the somewhat familiar face looking back on him

"...Xavier? ...is that you?"
Alec whimpered, "please?" It was really starting to hurt now as a lot of pressure was going onto her stomach, which wasn't good for her, or that thing.
Xavier's clawed hand shot at Argo but then froze inches away " I'm not looking for a fight...."

Xavier looked stunned as he heard a familiar voice " professor?!"
Borghen arrived at Hope's manor almost instantly,and decided to hide in the cellar. He reformed himself and sat in a corner,focusing on enraging thoughts,and attemptint to tap into the rage of those in the area.


Steven was still in shock. He sat in his bed,blankly staring at the opposite wall,subconsiously sending out a telepathic beacon... Alec...Vent...Friends...Family...All...Gone...I'm...Alone...
Vent let go quickly, afraid he was hurting Alec.

"I'm sorry!" He said quickly, letting go, and backing up a bit.

After a moment, Vent's curiosity got the better of him.

".... What's wrong with your stomach?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
Hmm. The people couldn't of been too bad. They pretty much paid no attention to the either of Aime or Val. She released Val so that that could make their way to the machine device thingy the guy had activated.

"I see no reason not to go with them. Least we wont have to walk!" She said enthusiastically.

She skipped casually over to the device and jumped in, signaling for Valentina to hurry and accompany her the rest of the way.
Alec bit her lip. "I cut it is all." She lied. She wasn;t going to tell him that secret quite yet. She had no idea how he would react, but she figured it wouldn't be good.
Vent rolled his eyes.

He silently raised the 'bullshit-flag', not believing Alec at all.

He sighed.

".... Why did you run off? We're better as a team. I know you don't like it when I 'protect' you, but aren't two or three heads better than one?" Vent asked, sounding a bit hurt.

".... Hell, I didn't even jump into that fight with Borghen, he came at me... And then I got my ass kicked." Vent said, a sheepish grin on his face.
Alec bit down harder on her lip. "I'm sorry." After a couple minutes of silence, she blinked a few times. "Shit." She quickly opened a small hole in the world, a bit of light spilling into the blind realm going in just far neough for them to be able to see each other. The light came from the room in a hospital of which the thing looked down on. Very sneakily she reached down through the portal and poked their dear old friend Steven on the head before quickly closing the portal to nothing but a sliver so they could still see.
Vent grinned.

".... I'm all for bugging the **** outta Steve, but really? I thought you were more mature than that, Alec." He said with a hypocritical smirk, before flicking some of his blood from one of his many wounds out the sliver at Steven.
Steven was still staring at the wall when he faintly felt something touch the back of his head. He paid it no heed. Suddenly he was spattered with blood,and recognised the magic within it. His eyes widened,and then he curled up into a tight ball.

Why...Why couldn't it have been me...
Alec blinked a few times before opened the portal wider and looking at Vent. Mouthing, 'What's wrong with him?' Before she slowly dropped out of the portal next to the bed, kneeling down near it she tilted her head to the side staring at Steven reaching out and rubbing his arm gently.
Vent climbed out, and landed with a bug thud.

"Hey, guess who's still alive?" Vent asked loudly, picking himself off the ground, a big smile on his bloody face.
Steven peeked out between his arms. When he saw Alec and Vent,he tetreated as far back as he could.

"No...It's not real...It's just mt grief baked mind...It's not real...GET AWAY! GET AWAY!"

Steven shut his eyes tight,and began to charge a ball of lightning in his palm.
Vent sighed.

".... What's with everyone using MY style of spells today?" He asked, a scowl on his face as Steven started to charge lightning.

Vent grabbed him by the scuff of his shirt, and without warning, punched Steven across the jaw.

"Karma's a *****, huh? That's for punching me earlier!" He nearly yelled, a grin on his face the whole time.
Steven was startled by Vent punching him in the face. "Y-you are real...Oh,thank god! I thought you both were killed..."

Suddenly,Steven lunged at Alec and Vent,and drew them into a hug.
Alec had to giggle, "Well....if we want to get technical, i was killed before." She hugged Steven back, absently sticking her tongue out at him as she pulled back. Poking him on the nose she spoke softly, "sorry you had to see that stuff though...Hope's a real...." She grit her teeth as meido forced her to shut her mouth on the word that was going to come forth.
:: Marco left the bunker, the victims were all around, shivvering in the cold, Marco opened a portal and left without a "thank you for saving us", he soon appeared behind Alec ::

Marco: "hey"
Alec squeaked in suprise and turned fast, a fist flying for the temple of who ever had just spoken.
:: Marco spun around and came back to looking at Alec ::

Marco: "woah... my head would have cracked it it was'nt hardened by years of training and magic"

:: he took a step back ::

Marco: "lets re-phrase that, "hey alec, its Marco don't hit me, im just saying hi""
Alec lowered her fist after a second, her glare becoming less threatening before she simply humphed, looked at Steven and Vent, "If he asks, don't filter anything, after all, he's like our older logical brother." She was of course, refering to Steven with that before she looked back at Marco, then climbed out the window of the hospital room, knowing ahead of time that he would most likely follow.
Finally making up her mind, Aimeka sped ahead of her letting Val’s hand go free, and she hurried along to try and keep pace. The slightly more agile one of them made it first and Val climbed in right after her,

“Where exactly is your master’s abode?” she questioned,

Then looking at the two younger people, whom they had followed in the first place she wondered if she should ask them their names. Deciding it was better to start conversation rather than awkward silence she made up her mind…

“By the way, I’m Valentina” she noted, glancing at Aimeka and realizing she had put her in the spotlight.
Aimeka's hand rose into the air trying to steal Val's glory. She made an awkward face, scrunching her nose and eye brows, letting her name be known to all the others also.

"And I'm Aime~ ka~"
The telepath sat in the front with the pilot who quickly took off as the last of the people got aboard the ship. "He lives in Berlin, now where are we dropping the two of you off?" he asked though he already knew. He looked out the window seeing one of the mages contacting his superiors. "Well looks like you'll be targeted soon too. Perhaps you should come along with us." he wasn't hiding the fact he didn't want to do so.

Starr looked at Val as she got into the airship asking a question. "My name is Starr Vainte, and-" she responded "I'm Rafael Vainte." Rafael had ended. Rafael held onto the bar tight for fear of tripping out of the aircraft. "We're sorry to have dragged you into this." They added in unison "It's nice to meet the two of you." they continued.

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