Ww - the coming storm

Starr looked outside letting Rafael explain "We have no idea. We were waiting for someone then heard a voice in our head... Apparently this telepath works for our grandfather." he stopped for a second "He warned us to be quick because people were around, when we got up to leave I was attacked but luckily I tripped, like always, and evaded being stuck by light magic. From there we started running and suddenly we hear the 2 of you behind us and you sitting on the man who started chasing us."

"You do not have to, if you wish to go else where, just name the place and the pilot will drop you off there. Weak, no not even I say that. Your welcome... now then, do you know where you wanted to go or no?" the telepath asked in his usual creepy way, though sounding more like a butler now. "It will be an hour trip, we are being cautious now." He went silent to them though talking to the pilot apparently. At least that was what Rafael assumed as he saw the pilot nod to the Telepath "I wonder what his name is."
“How can you be sure he works for your Grandpa?” Val scoffed,

Finally glancing in between the telepath and the two siblings, she left his question to Aimeka. After all, she was the leader of the group of two, with Valentina being the follower. She had already decided she like the twins better in the group of three,

“Ah! What about your dog?” she exclaimed.

Thinking about it now, there was some type of pooch that had followed them around, and seemed to having a liking towards her and Aime.
"We can't know for sure... but I... I have a feeling he does." She ended with a smile though looked a bit sad. Lucie poked her head through a doggy door in the back of the airship that seemed like it wasn't even there and licked Starr. "Hey girl." she pet Lucie. "I knew Lucie wouldn't stay behind, but I admit I didn't know where she went either." Rafael said as Lucie popped out.
"Well at the moment we have no direction we need to head. We just kind of adventure around from place to place. Surviving. That sort of this. Kind of like an expedition to enlightenment or something of that nature." This was the first time Aime replied without being awkward or making random expressions. Maybe it was because she felt this was important, or maybe because she was tired. Either way she had calmed down a bit.

After they mentioned it, Aime did not remember seeing any type of pooch. But after the dog popped it's head out, the cuteness brought a smile to her face. Apparently, her calmness was that of being tired. Her he slumped off to the side, resting softly of Valentina's shoulder. For now her eyes remained open and her mind conscious. But within time she would surely fall asleep for a power nap before they landed.
Inside the shop, the demon looked down at Alec and smirked, "Are you quite alright dear?" Alec nodded her head, "Just fine, I just feel nervous." "Oh, why?" Rather than state the obvious and get him mad, shee chose something else that was bothering her, "It's just, one of my good friends are in the hospital, I keep thinking that something bad is going to happen."

The demon raised an eyebrow before placing a finger on Alec's nose, an emotion of relief washing over her. "It's okay, chibi-chan." Relaxing greatly ,Alec nodded her head again. "yes, your right." The demon turned and starting to hum again, looked around some more, leaving the shop for the cold again, they had about 6 more bags of things for the 'child' as he put it. Looking over her shoulder, she stared directly at Marco and almost instantly, they were hidden from view from him as she put an alone spell over him, so as far as he knew, he was the only one in that town.
:: outside the shop, a group of 5 dark figures enterd the shop, they were all in purple and gold robes with hoods ::

mage1: "ah... demon, it's time for you to-"

::there was a lout crash outside, Marco was standing over the wounded body of one of the mages ::

Marco: "you might wanna get outa here, i'll take care of these jokers!"

:: the mage inside the shop leapt out the window, to attack Marco, but his attack was deflected and he was taken down by a counter-attack to his ribs ::
(Since they were allready outside of the shop at the end of my post....i think i might just leave you to your own thing)

The demon laughed and put his arm around Alec, "Say dear, what say you to a little bit of romance in the city of love?" Alec raised her eyedbrow before a swirl of snow went around them, and they appeared into none other than Paris France, their heavy coats gone. Smiling broadly, the demon looked about him in wonder, "it has been such a long time since I have been here. Back before that metal beast of a tower was built at the least." Alec giggled, "And your still considered young?" The demon nodded, "Very much so. Now let us look about, I want to know how much has changed." The demon started to lead Alec around the city, occasionally pointing at things. Alec had to smile at him, he was adorable at times like this. It was part of the reason she had made the deal, after all.
Adjusting herself so comfortable, Val reached out to pet the dog resting her head on her friend’s

“So who exactly is your grandfather?” she asked.

Valentina was only wondering if she happened to know the guy, or if he was an important figure, but then realized she was being nosy.

“Ah, Sorry” she noted, turning away into Aimeka’s hair, which smelled lightly of a fruit.
:: as the demon and alec left, thefight stopped ::

Mage1: "why didn't you do your job!?"

Marco: "two reasons... one is that i would have killed the demon, but he would have taken me down with him, and two...."

:: dramatic pause ::

Marco: "i didn't sense anythign evil about him"

:: the mages sighed ::

Mage: "Marco, please, leave... we'll say that we killed you..."

Marco: "thanks guys... don't hunt that demon.. he's not a bad guy"

Mage: "its ok, we managed to take a ring from one of his fingers before we confronted him, w'll just use that to convince Mr Thatcher"

: Marco smiled ::

Marco: "good"
Watching the childish behavior of the demon, Alec sighed, her arms wrapping around her stomach subconsciously. Standing outside of a flower shop or sorts while the demon was inside smelling flowers and such,The demon came out of the shop, with a huge thing of Orchids and put one arm around her shoulder "Think he will like it?" Alec nodded, "He will be a happy child, at least."

"I didn't mean the child. I meant your friend in the hospital." The demon grinned again and the two dissapeared back into Russia in front of the hospital, stepping into the building, no one bothered looking at the two strange people as they headed up to the room. Sighing, Alec wanted to turn back, tell him she wasn't worried about that anymore but no. The demon charged straight in and held out the Orchids to Steven, not even seeming phased that he had just barged into a room with magical people in it. Alec sheepishly followed in the room hiding next to the door, waiting for all hell to break loose.
Steven was thoroughly bemused when Alec and what appeared to be a total stranger barged into the room,and the stranger handed Steven a boquet of Orchids. He quickly examined them with a spell of his own creation,only noticable to otherworldly creatures of great power,and,seeing nothing wrong with them,he accepted the boquet with a humble "Thank you," in less than a second. He then added to Alec, "Mind checking numpty here out? He says he's fine,but I can't really trust him with his own physical well being." Steven looked back at the stranger. "A friend of Alec's is a friend of mine,sir. I'm Steven, Thief of Godly Instruments,if Innos is t be believed." He held out his right hand,the prosthetic one,with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."


A man approached the hospital,invisible to mundanes,and invisible to the magic senses of mages and magical things,dressed in a black cloth trench coat with fur lining,black leather combat boots,and a fur ushanka (those stereotypical "Russian" hats). Stopping at the awning,he glanced up the wall,smiled,and walked inside.
Vent displayed no real reaction to Alec's re-entrance with some random guy. The guy handed Steven flowers, and Vent was a little weirded out. That's when he sensed it.

Overwhelming demonic energy.

It put his own demonic blood to shame.....

Vent wasn't sure if he would even be able to put a scratch on this guy.

And, being Vent, he was now angered a bit. Someone stronger than him? No.

And to pour vinegar on an open wound, Alec was hanging around this guy!

Vent's eyes narrowed, ignoring Steven's rather insulting, but sorta true comment.

".... Who the Hell are you?" Vent asked the newcomer, voice dripping verbal acid.
"As to you." The demon bowed his head to Steven while Alec moved to Vent's side and placed a hand on his forehead, a medical scan going out before she laughed, "Well, Steven it looks as if you may be right in wanting him checked out. " She glared at Vent before hitting him upside the head. "What the hell were you thinking, trying to play off being fine." She made a noise," Dumb ass."

The demon smiled at Vent now, "I am Zaria. Demon and creator of emotion."
Steven withdrew his arm,and raised his eyebrow. "Unexpected,but welcome." He looked at Alec and Vent,and said, "Thank you,Alec. And Vent? That was well deserved. We don't want you dying on us." He looked back at Zaria,and said, "So,Zaria,how long did you know Alec for?"


The man entered the main foyer,and removed his hat,revealing a shining bald head,and placed the at inside the coat. He walked up the stairs silently,which was strange,considering his attire,still invisible to mundanes and the magic senses of magic-touched beings.
Vent growled.

"I'm fine." He spat, visibly angered.

Vent sighed. He no longer had any desire to be in the company of these people, Alec included.

Rolling his eyes, Vent got an idea, hopefully he could break Steven's telekinetic bindings.

"...... Zaria, huh? Interesting name. And a demon? You're just full of surprises. Alec left her recovering and injured friends to check in with you? You must be terribly important to her." He said sarcastically, an assinine smirk on his face the entire time. After that, he dissmissively turned to Alec, not caring what Zaria had to say in return.

"..... Can I have a drink?" He asked, his Umbralus markings wriggling ever so slightly.
Alec smiled a bit, and nodded her head, "Why not?" She looked over at Steven, "he can, can't he?"

Zaria looked between steven and vent not sure who to answer first and in turn rather just sort of answered them together. "I suppose I am important to her, I mean, despite only knowing each other for, I would like to say, a year and a couple months about 4 to be precise, after all, aren't fian-"

Alec's face suddenly went from a smile, into fear as she slapped a hand over the demons mouth, cutting off his sentence,"what he means to say is that I haven't seen him in a while and I thought you two needed to talk. you know, man to man, after all voilence is more of a male subject and such .....and i didn't know you'd be that harsh about it Vent." She stuck her tongue out at him as she let go of the demon who got the hint to drop that subject.
Argo led his old student down the long dark hallway back to the ancient library inside

"You know, There's an old acquaintance of mine also staying here with me... Professor Woodwind. Have you met him?"

The tunnel opened up to the large dusty chamber filled with rolls and rolls of books

"So, tell me... what are you doing, crashing into my private study?"
Steven examined Vent,and said, "Oh,no! I know what you're planning;your markings give it away. You're staying here until you're fixed up! What if that demon shows up again? Or worse,Hope! I'm sorry,but you're here until Alec says otherwise." At Alec's sudden movement alarmed Steven. "Hmm...We're all friends here,Alec. Secrets shouldn't be kept;they foster hatred,and gives our enemies an opening." Steven used his telekenisis to move Alec's hand off of Zaria's mouth. "You may continue."


The man reached the floor where Steven was staying in. When he reached the wall the room shared with the hallway,the man drew a pistol and a supressor from his coat. He attached the supressor to the pistol,and silently approached the door,still invisible to mundanes,and unsensable to magic individuals.
Zaria took a deep breath, and Alec gave Steven a dark look. "Anyway, thank you sir, and yes, as i was about to say, Fiancé's are important to your kind aren't they?" Alec nailed her head agaisnt the wall and closed her eyes, Meido cackling in her head saying something about a personal Armageddon.
Steven's jaw rudely hung open. He quickly closed it and apologised,then added, "You wouldn't mind if I indulge in some childish teasing at Vent's expense,right?" Without waiting for a response,Steven turned to look at Vent,and said, "Well,looks like you were too slow! I thought wind was supposed to be fast! But,I digress. Congratulations,Zaria! Congratulations,Alec! When's the wedding?"

Suddenly,the man burst in,brandishing his handgun,and stated,in a heavy Russian accent, "It doesn't matter. You'll be dead by then. Innos sends his regards,Mister Adams." He then fired three times; One round found its home in the center of Steven's forehead,the second in the center of Steven's heart,and the third tore through the Orchids,completely ruining them. The restraints on Vent faded immediately,and Steven went limp and floped off the edge of the bed to the floor,blood quickly pooling below him. "Dasvidania. Now,unless you want to share his fate,I reccomend you allow me to retrieve my master's property."


Steven's eyes opened,and he was greeted to a surreal sight. He knew he was shot in a Russian hospital,yet he was now standing,in his normal clothes,with an empty eye socket and two gunshot wounds,in the middle of a well lit room,with a Judge's podium at the end,with a black robed figure sitting at it. It rasped "Come forward,mortal,and be judged."
Alec gaped a few times, and Zaria growled deeply. "Your masters property is a foul, and now belongs to me." Zaria said, his hand scurling into fists as a demonic arua flared up hard enough to bring everyone in that room to their knees. "Alec, tend to him now, try and pull him back from the dead." He ordered, rather than commanded, Alec nodded her head and skirting behind the people she ducked down next to Steven's body and put up an intensive healing spell. After all, if she could repair the damaga to the brain and heart quick enough, then maybe it would just be a slight loss of memory he had, not to bad right? He's going to be a sack of vegies if you do this. Meido said cheerfully. Delighted at the chaos.

The demon rolled back his shoulders, looking at the gun man. "I suggest you leave no sir, or I shall tear your heart out and eat it." An emotion pull of terror and fear was sent out from the demon to go flooding into the man.
The gunman smirked,as he at the same time ejected the chambered round,and telekenetikaly held it up,and pulled out a platnium amulet adorned with amthysts and sapphires. "I'm immune to your emotional trickery,demon. And your efforts are futile,girl. These rounds are special;made of enriched uranium,and carrying a payload of pure death magic. He won't be able to return." He re-chambred the round,and tucked the amulet back down his shirt,and took aim at Zaria's face. "Stand down."


Steven stumbled forward,and stopped whenordered to. Behind the podium,Steven saw three doors,all identical,and all completely featureless. "What is your name,designated at your moment of birth,mortal?" asked the Judge.

"Steven Tiberius Adams,Your Honour." Suddenly,Steven felt a strange sensation,but after a rapid moment,it vanished.
Xavier nodded " I scarcely remember a thing... I remember being not much older than 13 then I wake up who knows how many years later like this... Who could have possible taken me? Whoever it was they were well funded....."

Xavier growled " Years of my life just gone.... Well anyway I woke up trashed the place then escaped... I was trying to find shelter so I came here."
Alec's eye twitched and her attempts intensified, tapping into meido's power source to increase the strength of the healing spell. It was either this, or ......they would paying another visit to hell.

Zaria smiled, "Why should I stand down to a simple human." Within seconds, Zaria had turned into his proper demon form, adoranded with all sorts of demomically enhanced amrour. Reaching out and taking hold of the gun, he bent the lock and smirked, "Your boring."
The man dropped the weapon,and stepped back. "I know a losing battle when I see one. Dasvidania,my comrades will arrive soon to retrieve the Eye." Suddenly,he bounded out the window,and was gone.


Steven felt a much stronger sensation,and looked around the room,seeing nothing had changed,and the only occupants were himself,and the Judge. "Your friend is persistent,but naive. She will fail in your ressurrection. Are you Steven Tiberius Adams born in Petawawa,Ontario eighteen years ago?" "Yes,Your Honour." Steven's heart sank. He was dead,and Alec was trying to resurrect him. I failed... A lone tear fell from his eye. "You have been judged. Enter the door to my left,and know that you were judged fairly."

Steven simply nodded,and slowly walked to the door,which now possessed a doorknob. He opened it,and stepped beyond,into the back abyss that was his Hell. Nothing was there. Nothing to steal,nothing to observe,and,most punishingly,no one to interact with. He whipped around,and saw nothing there...But was there anything there to begin with? All Steven knew now was his name. Everything else...Gone. Gone to the wind which travelled behind a uranium slug,now embedded in the bedding of a Moscow hospital bed.

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