Ww - the coming storm

The sparks danced around the wounds,and were absorbed by the body.However,they had no effect. The Eye of Innos,and the markins around it,began to glow a warm green.
Alec blinked a few times and tried applying a little more into the spell. "What's going on?" Zaria just leaned on her and pulled her hand away, "If you keep doing that, you'll run out of energy. You can't do that." He looked at Steven and smiled. The boy was lucky, and very deserving of this second chance.
While Steven's body sat idle,his mind was doing the exact opposite. He knew nothing of his brief stint in Hell,but he remembered his Judgement.

He roamed in his mind,until he came across another presence. It was cold,and unfeeling. He drew nearer,and saw it had manifested itself within his mind. The figure wore a rough robe,apparently made of burlap,and weilded a sinister scythe.

"It takes great resolve,and greater friends to return from the pits of Hell. I am Aenor,spirit of Resolve. The resolve of yourself and Alec have brought me into being,and bound me to you. I'll be in touch."

Aenor snapped his fingers,and Steven was suddenly catapulted back into conciousness. He snapped to an upright sitting position,with a shap gasp,and he gazed around,unable to see anything,not even his own nose.
Vent reeled from a vicious blow to his forehead, staggernt back. It was followed by another vicious attack on his ribs, one he barely blocked.

He would have been coughing up his lungs if he hadn't.

Olivia stood in front of the newly wounded Vent, a smug smirk on her face.

".... Really now? I knew you were powerful using Umbralus, but I didn't know you were useless while not." She said tauntingly, waggling a finger at the panting Vent.

Vent had lost all his Umbralus markings. Olivia had taken them away for this stage of his training.

Vent sighed.

"This is doing nothing!" He snapped, baring his teeth at Olivia. "All you're doing is beating on me!"

She shook her head.

".... I'm driving a point home. Although you made leaps and bounds earlier, you've come to another dead halt in terms of training? Why?" She asked him, Vent now looking confused.

"I dunno!" He yelled, unable to contain his rage. "I don't really care! All I know is that I need power!"

Olivia's smug grin was replaced by an un-amused look.

"Hmm. I could swear Conner was back." Was all she said.

Vent's eyes widened.

Olivia shook her head again.

"I knew the Umbralus would be too much for you. I'm not giving them back." She continued.

Vent's eyes narrowed. He bared his teeth, looking feral.

"..... I don't want power for the wrong reasons." He said, rather unconvincingly.

Olivia chuckled. "What would you consider the wrong reasons?" She inquired.

Vent took a deep breath.

"..... Power for the sake of power. That's the wrong reason." He explained.

Olivia raised an eyebrow. "Then you want power to protect the people in your life?" She asked.

Vent rubbed his chin. He pondered this.

Did he really want power, so he could protect people?

Vent sighed.

"....... No."

Vent nodded his head.

"I want power because I never want to be afraid again. I never want to fail again. I never want to have to back down, or realize that I wouldn't stand a chance again." He explained. He rubbed his head, a sheepish smirk on his face.

Olivia's eyebrow remained raised.

Vent rolled his eyes.

".... Don't get me wrong, protecting people is fine and all, but I want to get stronger for me. Not for others, not for an ambition, not anything else. I want to be stronger for me." Vent concluded.

Olivia sighed. "I hate to admit it, boy, but you're not wrong. The only thing you can ever really believe in is yourself." She said.

Vent grinned, and took a fighting stance.

Olivia did the same.
:: back in Chicago, Marco emerged in his old room, and opened a window ::

Marco: "much better..."

:: he slumped down on the bed, and crossed the words "hired fist" off his list, all he had left for a list of jobs was "street cleaner, Nazi-hunter and Gladiator in Asgard" ::

Marco: "well then, look like i'm going to become a hunter of Nazis... tomorrow"

:: at this point, Marco opened up a channel to Vent ::

Marco: "Vent, can you hear me?.... its Marco... wanna train?"
Inside the Umbralus scroll, which itself was high atop the German mountains, Vent got a message from Marco in his head. The distraction opened a hole in his defense, from where Olivia got a solid shot in on his jaw.

Vent spat blood, and sighed.

'I'm already training. I'll be another month, maybe more.' He sent back, before closing all channels, and blocking off his mind. Vent took a deep breath, and glanced back at Olivia.

She gave him a funny look.

".... You're never gonna master higher-end techniques with a perfect base. C'mmon, get ready." She said, a hint of joy in her voice. She was really enjoying this training.

Because she literally got the beat the sense into Vent.
Alec smiled wider at the sound of an increased rate of breathing. Zaria's grin faded though. "You awake?" She asked lightly,
Steven looked in the direction of Alec's voice. "Depends...Who killed the sun? Where'd the hospital room go? And most importantly...Why does it feel like my heart and brain are being ventilated?"

He had no emory of the shooting.
Olivia leaped at Vent, who had just missed an attack.

She kicked at his head, but he ducked. She pointed her hand at him, and ice encased his feet.

"NOT FAI-" Vent yelled before recieving an axe kick to the head.

Olivia landed, panting. She was truly exhasted. Time in the scroll moved faster than normal, 12 times faster. Vent had already shown he had got his growth mojo back.

Shaking her head, she dispelled the ice, and helped Vent back up to his feet. He scowled, and stood on his own.

Olivia sighed.

"You're welcome to stay here and train, but I've really done all I can for you." She said.

Vent looked a little surprised.

".... Really?" He asked, a bit dumbfounded. Olivia nodded a yes.

".... You just remember, Vent. There's a VERY fine line between 'power for one's self', and 'power for power'. Do not cross the line." She said ominously, before melting back into the shadows.

All of Vent's Umbralus markings returned, before intensifying. They crept up his arms further, wrapping around his torso, and creeping just up his neck a bit. His arms were intense, however, nearly consumed by the markings.

Vent grinned.

Looking around, and seeing nothing, Vent's Umbralus markings began to glow fiercely.

"I'm not ever gonna lose again." He said firmly, eyes narrowed to little slits of wrath.
"Well....your not in the hospital anymore. Um, you got brought back from the dead dear."Alec said cheerfully, happy that he was alright. "Oh! you have um....." She didn't really know how to do it, and Meido butted in and bluntly said it, "You got shot baka." Alec slapped a hand over her mouth and Zaria laughed before adding, "And there is a sun. You just can't see it.
Steven's jaw dropped in amazement. "So...I was SHOT!? In my HOSPITAL BED!? And I was BROUGHT BACK FROM THE DEAD!? Jesus...And now I'm in a perfectly dark place...Wait...Is this...The mythical Blind Realm? Plane of Fear and Darkness? Wonderful. Now,instead of being punished for who knows what in Hell,I'm in a realm where I'll be subjected to my greatest fears! Well...At least I have you,Alec,and you also,Zaria. Unless...You're manifestations of the Blind Realm,created to capitolize on my greatest fear...?"

Steven was wary. He heard of the Blind Realm,and none of it was good.
"There is no manifestion of your fears here. Not unless I, or another user of meido, will it so." Alec said a bit rudely, offended that he would think she would do that to him. And half tempted to do it now. "and besides, tat's all rubbish stories we users pass on to keep people from trying to tap into it....." she grumbled something in chinese that sounded none to pleasent. Zaria laughed cheerfully, "relax though, being dead has its perks. Zombie chicks, now on the market. " He grinned.
Steven sighed. "I'm being careful,is all. You know me;I'd preffer to keep my insides on the inside. And,you CONTROL this god-forsaken place!? Jesus...What else are you keeping from us,Alec?"

Steven heard Zaria's comment about te "Advantages of being dead". He simply shuddred,with a groan of disgust. After he recovered,he lared at the source of the voice and said,scathingly, "No. Just...No."
"Many things Steven. many many things." Alec said before sighing as Zaria made a noise of mock insult before going on a rant about how much more a zombie girl could do compared to a normal human.
"Alec...You know my policy on secrets. They're a weakness,not a strength. And Zaria,if you don't keep quiet about that subject,ONE of us is getting knocked unconcious." With that,the Eye began to emit a bright beam of light,allowing Steven to see.
Zaria laughed, "try it boy. We shall see who ends up blacking out." (huge pun right thur hur hur) Alec just rolled her eyes and mouthed a yeah right before hiding behind the demon in case Steven was going to hit her for not telling.
Steven shifted his illuminated gaze to face Zaria,and now Alec,who was hiding behind him. He stood up,and looked Zaria in the eye. "Does that mean you'll allow this subject to rest in peace? And Alec,are you scared of collateral damage?"
Zaria shrugged, "perhaps...though...if you ever do get curious, i know a few wild ones." Alec blinked a few times and moved a bit farther behind Zaria, taking his question as meaning that in fact he was going to hurt her.
Steven sighed at Zaria's response,and decided on a compromise. "Give me their names,post-permanent mortem,would ya?"

Steven saw Alec shrink away upon him mentioning collateral damage,he immediately knew what she was thinking. "Sorry,I didn't mean to scare you,Alec. I try my best to not injure innocent parties. You're safe...Outside a radius of three feet from my target."

Steven stepped down from his agressive stance,and conjured a wall for hm to lean on. He glanced at Alec and Zaria,and said,

"So,where to?"
Zaria grinned,"Gladly. Mitzy Freeball, Cinderzella Maria, and Laura." Alec, ignoring his last comment put an arm around Zaria, "Anywhere you want to really.."
"What did I JUST say,Zaria? I said PERMANENT,I'm alive,so my state of death was simply temporary!"

Steven pondered on where to go,as Alec handed him the reins. "How about Halifax,in Canada? It's been ten years since I was there."

A shimmer of childish hope gleamed in his one natural eye.
"hey man, their still worth it." Zaria held up his hands defensivly. "Besides, they like them creepy as hell too, so they'd you like a lot." Alec hit him in the arm, only to get smacked upside the head before she rolled her eyes and flicked one hand up, an opening back to earth was opened and outside they could see Halifax Canada."
Steven looked through the portal,and smiled in delight. Halifax was where he was born,and spent the first eight years of his life.

Steven turned around to look at Alec and Zaria. "You coming? I'd love to show you around the neighbourhood I grew up in."
Zaria smiled, "Love to." Pulling Alec along with him, he went to follow Steven around.
:: Marco entered the teleportation chamver in the school's main building, mages, warlocks and the such came and went by the dozens every second ::

Marco: "uhh, attendant! i need a portal to the Highland Temple in the himilayas!"

Attendant: "station 15"

Marco: "thank you!"

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