Ww - the coming storm

Alec bit her lip and pressed ever harder with the magic till Zaria put his hand on her shoulder, "Hes not going to come back." Alec nodded her head, "I know i know....but....." Her tooth for once in a long while, punctured through her lip leaving it bleeding in her nervousness. Zaria raised an eyebrow before shaking his head. "Where does everyone go when they die?" Alec's head snapped up, a smirk on her face. "I like your thinking.."

Looking at Vent, she gave a small apologetic shrug and opened a portal into the blind realm, before stopping and looking at Steven. "Like bloody hell they are getting it." Despire how gross it was, she carefully picked up Steven's body, and took it into the blind realm with her and and the demon where they couldn't get to it. Looking back in at Vent again, "Met you in hell?" The portal dissapeared and Alec made a noise of disguist. You don't want to go back to the place which is basically your second home now? No, not at all.
Vent simply watched the scenes unfold, a sort of numbness coming over him.

He watched Steven get shot, Alec leave, and was left alone in the hospital room.

He sighed.

Snapping his fingers, a portal opened beneath him, but it did not lead to Hell.


High in the German mountain ranges, Vent sat alone, in a state of meditation. He was calm, quiet, and at peace with the world.

It was something new for him....

He pulled the Umbralus scroll from his pocket, and chuckled.

Shaking his head, he started to undo the bindings.

His last few days had taught him that no matter how powerful he'd become, it simply wasn't enough.

Finishing undoing the bindings, Vent opened the scroll, and a dark hand shot out and grabbed his face. He was sucked into the scroll, and it fell to the ground, re-sealing itself.


Inside the scroll, the realm of shadows, Vent saw the small girl.

".... Hey, Master." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

The girl turned slowly, her fangs glisening in the darkness.

".... What the Hell are you doing back here?" She asked, none too happy to see her idiot-apprentice.

Vent gulped.
Alec sighed and the demon looked at her, fully able to see despite the 'curse' the place had on it. "watch him please?" She asked as sweetly as she could. The demon simply rolled his eyes and took the body, seconds before Alec dropped out of sight, and out of the realm into Hell. Opening her hand, she bit down into the skin, drawing blood. "Find Steven." An arrow of blood formed and started spinning as she stood there before pining in one direction. Nodding her head started walking.
The girl, who Vent now knew as Olivia, Walked right up to him, standing bearly higher than his belly button. Despite this, Vent cringed away in fear.

Olivia sighed.

"What are you back here for?" She asked, a bit more calm than she was five seconds ago.

Vent, straightening up, blinked a few times, and thought.

".... Dunno, really. I wanna be stronger." He said, a bit indesively.

Olivia just stared at him.

"What happened?" She asked, rolling her eyes and healing his wounds with shadows. They crept into the wounds and sealed them, before making more Umbralus markings that faded.

Vent rolled his eyes.

Olivia growled.

Vent jumped back, gasping a bit.

Olivia smiled.

".... Well, it doesn't matter why you're back. Get warmed up, you're starting my new 'Training from Hell'." She said with a warm smile.

"If only you knew how ironic that was right now....." Vent said, a little weirded out.

He got up, and got ready.
Walking for a long time, she could have done it easier but she wasn't wasting any more magic. That would be pointless, besides, walking gave less reason for something else to come close, or attack for that matter. Following the blood arrow it suddenly pointed down. She raised an eyebrow and looked up from her palm. "What the hell...." She muttered looking at the drop off into utter darkness.

Pretty... Meido cooed. Alec barked a silence at her and the manifestion went back to brooding. Turning her head, she read a sign, "Cells of the lonely." She summed up after reading the lengthy thing in under a few seconds. Looking down at the arrow, "The one below this drop is his right?" The arrow pulled harder down in response.

Taking a deep breath, Alec jumped down into the blackness soon finding herself in a place much like the blind realm. A place of nothing. Pulling her jacket a bit tighter she frowned, not really like it though, it wasn't that she couldn't see here, it was that there was nothing to see. "Steven?" She called out.
Steven's eyes shot open as a completely unfamiliar voice called his name. His hand silently went into his coat,and he drew a nine inch bowie knife. He gazed around,and saw a young woman standing in the middle of the barren room. He slently aproached her from behind,and suddenly put her in a modified Full Nelson hold;in his left hand he held the knife to her throat,and the other arm went under her arm,forcing it up,while he leld both wrists. He places one knee directly behind the woman's,and he wraped his other leg around hers.

"Who the Hell are you,and how do you know my name?"
Alec drew in a sharp breath her slight second of fear being replaced with a cheerful odd sort of calm. Smiling she didn't even try to fidget. "Why so brutal with a friend, bro?"
Steven scoffed. "How can you be my friend if I don't even know who you are? Tell me who you are and why you're here,before I slit your throat!"
Alec sighed and resisted the urge to slouch forward. " First, very easily. Just like Vent actually. But whatever." She puffed out her cheeks, "Secondly, Alec Deathlind. Third, to get my friend back. and fifth, try it." She laughed lightly, no doubt in her mind that he would actually do it. If he would be able to catch her, that is.
Steven laughed. "These names are alien to me. You die now." And with that,Steven slit Alec's throat.
At the motion of the knife moving, Alec was suddenly across the room arms folded over her chest, with an eyebrow raised, completely unharmed....except for a small little sliver of red which was quickly sealed back up as blue sparks flittered across it at her touch. "Really now?" She rolled her eyes, "Honestly Steven, I really wish you didn't do that. It really hurts when your friend tries to kill you." True sincerity went into her voice. "Twirling her finger in the air, Steven's knife became too hot to touch. "What's wrong with you anyway? Your acting like a freak and it really isn't you. If anything, your acting like Dono."
Steven's gaze shifted from between the discarded knife and Alec. "How'd you do that? And who's this Dono?? Explain yourself,woman,before your entrails are used to decorate this room!" Steven's hands shot into his coat,and they bame back out wearing gloves,with shuko on the palms,and armoured fingers,which were also viciously spiked.
"magic." Alec said cheerfully." And Dono was a really bad man who tried killing a lot of people." She shrugged, "and you really have a grusome mind for bodily pain....oh well, i guess that's a step up from being a horder. Good for you for making progress." She gave him a thumbs up as a speical black metal started covering her arm as a shielf just in case.
Steven scoffed again. "Magic doesn't exist.It's a child's pipe dream. You're a fool." He assumed a charging stance,but he hesitated,his pinpoint pupils suddenly reverting to their natural size,muttering, "Alec...?" before shrinking again,and charged,as if nothing had happened.
"If magic didn't exsist then what is this?" Alec tapped a small permanent scar around her neck and her head came off, rolling it around on her shoulders before setting it back into place and sealing it back on nice and tight. She also did a little bow and a bunch of orchids fell around the room. "All magic." Looking up as he said her name, she blinked a few times only to see him coming towards her, in a second she was on the cieling in a crouch out of reach.
Steven missed his charge,and stumbled to a halt. He looked about,and shouted, "All smoke,mirrors,and set up! Now,stop trying to fool yourself and explain yourself!" He looked up,and smiled. "Well,well. Suction cups. Betchya you can't move anymore." He lunged upward,grabbing at Alec's arm.
"I can move actually." Alec muttered, scuttling across the cieling a foot away, barely missing getting touched. "And it isn't suction cups, or little tricks like that. I hate those to be honest." She sighed, "But, i must make the comment, this place is pretty damn empty for ya ain't it? It doesn't really suit you. I would ahve pictured a room packed with random magic stuff. You know, staffs, orbs, spell books. The stuff you liked to collect." She smiled, "But i guess hell can be like that, can't it?"
Steven's pupils widened,and Steven muttered, "Please...Help me...Free..." His eyes returned to their Hellish pinpoint state,and he rounded on Alec. "Come on down,girl. Abandon this foolishness." Steven leapt up again,and grabbed Alec's shoulders.
Alec blinked a few times before falling off the ceiling and letting out a squak of pain as she hit the ground. "Damn Steven, that really hurt." She rubbed her backside before looking up at him, "Oh!" she exclaimed suddenly, reaching up, one hand touching his face near where his eye was. "What happened.....oh...right." She rubbed the bridge of her nose completely oblovious the danger that she might or might not be in. "I guess your eyes won't match mine and Vent's anymore, neh?" She gave a weak smile.
Steven growled as he grabbed Alec's throat,and startlingly,lifter her up. Suddenly,his pupil widened,his grip failed,and he stumbled backwards,clutched his head "What is happening to me!? Alec...Help me!" His pupil was wildly changing between being a pinprick,and wide in terror.
Alec nearly started coughing but simply bit down on her lip hard. "Steven, hun, it's okay." She carefully reached out and placed her hand back on the side of his face. "I'm going to get you back to earth, and were going to get rid of Innos, and you can keep your god's eye like you want." She gave a have smile, completely unsure of whatever was happening right now and having the sudden feeling that it wasn't going to be good.
Steven's pupil vanished. Suddenly,he grabbed Alec by the wrist,and threw her over his shoulder with a loud roar,and collapsed to his knees,screaming in what appeared to be agony,as he started to fade,and small wisps of simmering blue and silver light began to seemingly rise from his body. Suddenly,during this nightmarish scene,his pupil returned,normal,ad he gae one last look;his face was calm,almost serene,as if he accepted his fate. He mouthed a thank you,and then disapeared entirely,as the last wisp left his body.


In the Blind Realm,a finger twiched.
Alec yelped hitting a wall, before smiling faintly as Steven disappeared. Sitting up and leaning agaisnt the wall she took in a deep breath. "Till we meet again, dear place." She sunk into the wall.


Zaria blinked a few times, as the body he had been watching moved. Ever so lightly. "So she isn't just a push over when it comes to death like i thought." he mused, before grinning as an arm found its way about his wasit And Alec leaned her head agaisnt him. "Did it work?" Zaria looked at her and put a finger on his nose impying he wouldn't tell.
Steven's fingers stopped twiching,but his breathing resumed. It was slow,but deep. He was alive,and was out cold for recovery. His wounds remained open,however,but strangely,they didn't bleed. His body made no attempt to heal itself,thinking it was already dead. Or maybe,the wounds stayed for other reasons...
Alec smiled at the sound of a third breathing joining them. "What do you see dear?" Zaria raised an eyebrow, "He's breathing at least. But....try healing again, maybe it will help." Alec nodded her head and held out a hand, healing sparks going from the tips of her fingers onto Steven, targetting the wounds.(do what you wish)

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