Ww - the coming storm

Taking a deep breath standing on the roof of the hospital, the freezing Russain air sending new pain though her wounds but she didn't care much. Raising an eyebrow, It's about time, isn't it? Alec let out her breath, the cloud of smoke that came from it rising into the air. Perhaps....but would you really leave after something this tramatic, without telling them first? She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Yeah....I would." She responded aloud before dropping off the roof into the blind realm once again.
Steven released Alec and Vent,and sat on the edge of his bed. When he inhaled,he immediately regretted it. He nearly vomited. Because of such,he covered his mouth with his palm,and used his thumb and index finger to hold his nostrils shut.

"Where the hell were you,Marco? And what the HELL were you doing!?" Steven then errected a telekenetic shield around Marco,augmented by the almighty power of the Eye of Innos. It created a shield that would not allow anything to come witin three inches of Marco.

Steven then looked at Vent. "So,what happened after my Soul Body got dismissed by that white-haired pretty boy?"
Inside the blind realm she rubbed the bridge of her nose before quickly snapping her fingers, her bloody torn clothes being replaced with new bandages for her wounds as well as a clean skin coloured tank top and a pair of white shorts. Running a hand through her long hair it wrapped itself up into a tight bun and she slipped a kimono overtop of her other things before tieing the sash in a haphazard way. He's going to be pissed you got hurt.... "Yeah well, he can deal." Or he'll just start hitting you like the last one. "And I'll revoke our deal." Meido wanted to add another comment but stayed silent in the mind.

Another opening was made in the blind realm and she stepped out onto cool stone grounds at the front of an old temple somewhere in China. Stepping onto the wooden floors a light burst from under the door of the main worship hall and a growling voice called out, "My Darling?" The doors slid open and Alec bowed to her Demon master.
Looking at Aimeka for the answer would do Val no good, as the path was already decided before she could think it over. They were heading to Berlin, as of right now…

Before being given the time to think the country over, their travel companions’ introduced themselves in a rather particular way. It was then that she noticed the two were twins, even completing each others’ sentences; she had to hold her laughter. With a curt nod she decided to ask the question that had been bothering her for a while…

“…Why was he chasing you?” she noted, motioning her head back.
Vent grinned as Alec went out the window.

He'd follow her later. For now, he'd make sure Steven was 100%, talk to Marco, and go do his own thing.

He nodded to Marco, acknowledging he was here. Nothing surprised him anymore.

Hearing Steven's privately asked question, Vent's eyes lit up.

"... Oh man, there's a story. Basically, Borghen beat me into next week, him being like, 10 times stronger down there, while Alec handled Hope, they seemed pretty even. But Hope looked like.... Hebwas holding back a bit. A tiny bit. But then, Borghen broke my staff, and the limiter on my demonic blood. Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm now a half-demon. And my demon blood is from none other than Wrath himself. So, Borghen beat it like a scared puppy, I fixed my staff and the limiter, and made it so I can use the demonic blood in times of dire stress, but Alec has to say it's okay. Cool, right? I thought so. Then Alec and Meido had a confrontation with Hope, where the details get sketchy for me. You'd have to ask her. I was kinda lying there bleeding. Hehe.... Yeah, but, we made it out okay." Vent droned on, explaining the situation that had arised.

Proud of his explanation, he motioned for Steven to take down the barrier around Marco, a big grin on his face.
Steven was about to kick Vent where it hurts,but stopped his foot when he noticed the huge wounds that now decorated his entire person. "One,No,under no circumstances will I EVER drop the barrier on Marco. Two,WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU,VENT!? YOU LOOK LIKE YOU GOT CHEWED UP BY A MINIGUN!"
Vent chuckled.

"Yeah, actually. That's one of the attacks Borghen tried on me. It didn't work, I still won." Vent beamed proudly, before realizing himself that Borghen would have won had he not used the demonic blood.

Well, I didn't have a choice..... And he a bunch of advantages..... Vent said to himself, sighing.

"Dun worry, Steve. I'm fine." Vent said.
Steven wouldn't have it. From his life on the street,he knew when something was serious. And this was. Vent was extremely pale,he was shaky,and most importantly...It looked like his shoulder was stabbed twice. "It IS serious. You're staying here. You need medical attention. I just hope there's a Healer floating around." While Steven was saying this,the Eye glowed a vibrant cyan,and Vent's entire body was put into a telekenetic lockdown. Only his jaw could move,and the lockdown only flexed with is torso,to allow breathing.

"You stay here until we can get you fixed up. Don't bother fighting the restraint;It's powered by a god's tool."
After her announcement it was clear she was not the center of attention. Though that was good for her. Now she could observe the others and carefully compare information about all of the, except Val of course, she knew her well.

However, when they had the same last names, a normal person would of assumed relatives. Not with Aime. She instantly assumed they were lovers. But it was weird. Cause they did look similar after all. Incestuous lovers maybe? The though made aimeka cringe, and was prolly obvious as she silently contorted her face a little before realizing they were brother and sister. Then she smiled and now observed the telepathic man.

Surely he was a create of interest. Why would someone always talk to you in your mind. Aimeka herself loved making faces and showing emotion. Talking to someone in your mind shows little emotion. She even wondered if his tone of voice could be portrayed properly through telepathy.


She crossed her arms.

"If we must accompany you, i do not mind. We are not as weak as you may think. We can handle ourselves. But regardless, thank you for the rescue from that endless forest."

She smiled sincerely, even if she didn't mean to. Emotions remember? She loved them and it was also her fault.
The demon smiled and opened his arms wide. "Hello my little flower, this is quite unexpected." The tone was cheerful, matching the smile that played across his face before it took on an angry expression the tone changing to a much more terrifying and commanding tone. "Get over here."

Alec bit her lip and scurried into the room, the doors sliding shut behind her. "Sit." Alec followed orders quickly, she could already tell he was mad at her for something, and she didn't want to make it any worse. The demon reached out and pulled a strand of hair free as well as pushing one of the shoulders of the kimono off, "Why do you have blood on you?"

"I-i got into a little situati-" "Silence!!!!" The demon roared, one hand going up as if to back slap her before it lowered down to his lap and an air of sadness went over him, "How many times have I told you, You need to stay unhurt or I shall worry for you and call you to my side sooner than you would like."

"Gomen." Alec bowed, and the demon smiled before frowning again, "Is it bothering you?" She looked up for a second and soon found herself laying on the floor with the demons hand over her stomach feeling it. "It seems to be kicking quite a lot. Did you have to my gift to get out of this....situation as you put it so lightly." Half way through the sentence, the tone changed from worry to annoyance.

Nodding her head slowly she closed her eyes, expecting to get hit. "What, pray tell, hurt you?" She took in a deep breath, "A man." The demons hand pressed down a bit harder, making her wince. "Name?" They locked eyes, Alec could see it, if she gave the name he would do it. He would go kill Hope but that wouldn't be right. He wasn't involved in this at all. "It was just a very strong man, he didn't say his name."

(Demon Sealed (current form, most common as well) http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad349/Shayde_Rogers/My Charries/rd.jpg

Fighting Form (Rare)http://th05.deviantart.net/fs10/PRE/i/2006/109/8/6/demon_knight_by_Edragon.jpg )
:: Marco was surrounded by the shield/barrier ::

Marco: "okay, where i was: after spending 3 years training non-stop, i went to new york, from there i went to moscow and into the russian mountains where un-godly things were being done to innocent children, so i slaughtered the perverts and freed their victims, and here i am; just stopping by to say hi.... that good enough?"

:: he crossed his arms, waiting for a reply ::

Marco "oh and also, before i went to moscow i tracked down and killed Dono.... you're welcome!"
Vent smirked.

".... We laid the smackdown on Hope on his new crony. YOU'RE welcome." He stated, his glare shifting from Marco to Steven while the Umbralus marks started to glow.

"It's just surface wounds. Alec fixed me up good. Now, lemme out, or you're gonna regret it." Vent explained, perfectly fine.
"Hmmm...." The demon leaned back into his chair tapping his chin thoughtfully. "This worries me greatly. Did you at least finish this man off?" Alec bit her lip harder and shook her head no. "Very well. I shall go with you then to protect you."

Alec's eyes widened, "What?!"
:: Marco chuckled at Vent ::

Marco: "Vent, my good man, after losing your memory AND 3 years... you haven't changed a bit"

:: he continued to chuckle, and he sat down on a nearby chair ::

Marco: "damnit... i feel so f***ing stiff"
"Do you not want me, your master, to go with you to show you that I am able to protect you? Or would you like to stay here?" Alec sighed and shook her head. "I don't wish to stay here." The demon clapped his hands together, "Very well, let us go." He stood up and put on arm around Alec's shoulder and soon enough they were back in Russia, in fur coats and the such to stay warm, though the demon needed it not. "Now, you were here before? So what shall we do here..." The demon mused, keeping her close.

"I'm not sure." Alec responded without thinking and promtly got smacked upside the head for speaking nonsense. The demon then spotted something intriging to it and started walking towards it, pulling Alec with him.
:: Marco smiled, before his phone rang ::

Marco: "hang on..."

:: he checked the text and groaned ::

Marco: "son of a... it never freaking ends... apparently there has been a sighting of a powerful demon back in russia, and i gotta go deal with it..."

:: harco placed his hand on a wall, opened a portal and emerged directly in front of the dem,on and Alec, at first marco didn't notice alec ::

Marco: "hello there, My name is Marco, 3rd rank battlemage, no hard feelings but i have orders to take you down... sorry"
The demon raised an eyebrow, "Take me down?" He laughed lightly, his joy spreading through Marco. "But my dear man, I have done nothing wrong. I'm just wandering around with my darling." He smiled warmly, a perfect image of an innocent man, which, in a way he was. Despite being a demon, he had never killed a living soul, never shed any blood but his own, and often brought blessings to the village that was below his shrine back in China.

The Demon bowed. "Though it is very nice to make your acquaintance Mister Marco, if you will excuse us, I wish to find out what those marvouls things are." He walked past Marco, the arm around Alec making her go with him as he headed towards a coo coo clock shop with a slight bounce in his step of excitement that was infectious in those around him. After all, a demon of emotion could do that to you.
:: Marco hopped in front of the demon ::

Marco: "look, no hard feelings and all... but i think i have a way for you to continue on without trouble from battlemages in the future, if you'll listen...."

:: marco felt no hatered or anger to the demon, in fact he seemed genuinely nice, he was thinking of ways to erase his Presance without wounding the demon, but the only way was to make this demon a familiar to a mage, and he already had plenty of familiar summonings ::
The demon held up a finger. "Now, Sir, you are just being rude. I am in the middle of something." The demon walked right through Marco and into the shop, peering down at the coo coo clocks before pulling Alec even closer and pointing to one in particular that seemed to tell a little tale of a love story as it went about te hours. "It's adorable." She said quietly, "Do you think?" The demon grinned and quickly bought the clock. Alec blinked a few times, "I didn't mean that..." The demon smirked, "But what if the baby likes it?"

She bit her lip, and the two walked out of the store, Alec carrying the bag. The demon paused for a second and looked at Marco again, "As for the familiar to a mage that you were thinking of. In the country of which I rule over, I need it not. And being a vistor here, I should expect the same rules hold true." With that, the two kept walking, Alec silently wishing Marco wouldn't do something stupid.
:: in the background, Marco threw up his arms, and his phone rang ::

Marco: "hello?... ah yes Mr Thatcher... yes... yes the spirit is right here.... well im not calling it a demon because i can't sense any dark energy coming fro-..."

:: the screams from Marco's contact over the phone could be heard easily by both Alec and her demon companion ::

Mr Thatcher: "-and when i say to KILL the F***ING DEMON YOU KILL THE F***ING DEMON! what kind of battlemage are you? you have killed before, now slaughter the demon and get paid"

:: marco dropped his mobile, and crushed it with his boot ::

Marco: "well, now im in trouble"
The demon stoped walking, Alec nearly falling over from the sudden action. The demon looked back at Marco, his eyes narrowed, there was a definite emotion of rage coming from it. "You attempt it boy, and you'll sooner find your throat ripped out than a scratch on me (I'm not kidding either >>)"

With that, the demon turned. "Come My Bride to be.It seems we are not welcome here." He said briskly walking forward though the snow. Making Alec squeak and scurry to keep up with him.
:: Marco turned to the demon ::

Marco: "don't worry, i'm not gonna hurt you, but odds are that others will soon be here to do so..."

:: he walked into a nearby alley ::

Marco: "i may be a cheat, violent, rude and perverted, but i'm not a liar... be on your guard Demon... i won;t harm you, but there will be others who will"
The demon laughed loudly before looked at Alec. "You know him don't you?" Alec nodded her head. "Is he always so iggnorant and full of himself?" "Very." She rubbed her arm, "But, he is good."

The demon shrugged, "If you are happy with it." He started humming a random song, the joy returning to hs voice and extending outwards towards anyone passing them. It was his sort of blessing that he gave people, a happy day. Stopping Alec gently tugged on the Demon's sleeve. "What about there?" She pointed towards a small little shop, a window dark and dingy but just enough that it could be seen out of. She was worried whether he was or not.
:: in the alleyway, Marco was climbing the wall ::

Marco: "heh, if i use magic i'll be tracked... but if i climb by myself then... ugh!"

:: he managed to get to the roof, he went to the corner and looked down, keeping an eye on Alec and the Demon, keeping an eye out for trouble ::
Steven looked at Vent sternly.

"Please don't try anything...I'm doing this to keep you healthy. I don't want o run the risk of you dying because I was fool enough to let you run about getting yourself shot up by miniguns whle you sport open wounds. Now,stay still,and stop trying to fidget."

Steven sent out a quick psychic beacon to any mage within five kilometers,asking for healers who know how t deal with ballistic injuries.

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