Ww - the coming storm

A blonde girl looking a bit roughed up and scrawny walked through the halls of a school she had wandered into. Appearntly it was a magic school as she looked about a bit awestruck at everything that was going on. Skirting around a group of witches she slipped down a stair way taht was behind where she was. Falling down the steps Leslie Fitz ended up in a room labeled 'teleportion chamber.' Blinking a few times, she stood up and while trying to get her baring straight, knocked into a young man.
:: Marco knocked into a younge blonde woman in the chamber on his way to his portal ::

Marco: "oh jeez, are you ok?"

:: he helped her back to her feet ::

marco: "i hope i didn't hurt you, the names Marco Highland, pleased to meet you miss....?"
Leslie's face went red and she bowed her head, "Leslie Fitz, Mister Highland.And I apologize for hitting you, I do hope you are alright."
:: Marco tilted his head at the timmid girl ::

Marco: "calm down, calm down, i'm fine, it takes a lot more than a simple bump to hurt a mage"

::he gave her a quick look over ::

Marco: "well, i see you're new here, are you lost?"
Leslie blinked a few times before nodding her head, "You could, ah, say that." She looked around, "I don't even know where I am anymore. I had no idea this place was a school."
Inside the Umbralus scroll, Vent was training like Hell.

With every strike, maneuver, spell, or ability he used, he repeated his mantra.

"Never gonna lose! Never gonna lose!" He kept shouting. All it really did was tire him out faster, but it felt good to scream as he trained.

It had been over a year inside the scroll. Unbeknownst to Vent, who trained obliviously, his body had undergone massive training. Olivia had fiddled with his body's chemistry, and the time passage in the scroll without telling Vent.

Watching from a bit of a distance, Olivia could only shake her head.

This boy was absolutely ridiculous.
:: marco's eyebrows shot up when she said that she didn't even know this was a school ::

marco: "wait, wait... if you didn't even know this was a school, then how in hell's name did you get in here? there are surposed to be wards arount the premises"

:: Marco looked up and down at her while circling her, examining her, in every aspect, fitnes, body language, all others to guage her magical potential, he was'nt impressed ::

Marco; "hmm... i can see some potential in you... not much... but its there"

:: he came to a stop in front of her ::

marco: "now... you should know that, after seeing all that you have, i can't just let you go... so i offer you a choice... become my apprentice or have your memory wiped"
Leslie blinked a few times, a hint of fear visable in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't suppose to be here." She bowed her head, trying not to feel self conscious at his circling, before shooting straight up at his last sentence. "W-what?" She took a step back, getting ready to run if her ears had heard correctly.
Getting out of the Umbralus scroll, sporting new wounds, new markings, and a new aura, Vent breathed deeply.

Then he realized he was freezing!

Holy shit! He thought, fumbling with his staff. It's freaking cold in these mountains!

He tried to think of somewhere to aim his teleportation spell, and instantly thought of Alec, who had asked him to meet her in Hell. He snorted.

No thanks, he thought, rolling his eyes.

The school? Why not. It had been a while, and hopefully he'd catch Marco or something.

Shivering, the beat-up but confident looking Vent tapped the ground with his staff, and teleported to the school.


Ending up in the school's teleportation reception area, Vent sighed in relief. It was warm.....

He looked himself over, and groaned. He was fine, but he looked like he was just hit by a bus. Scratches and cuts, bruises and dried blood here and there.

Oh well.

He walked out into the main foyer of the school's portal area, his staff dissapearing. Instantly he noticed Marco. And someone else, meh.

Vent smiled.

"Marco!" He called out, strolling towards his old companion. "Where'd you go after we met in New York?"

Really taking notice of the new person now, Vent couldn't help but notice it was a girl. A sudden grin taking him, he put an arm around Marco.

"I'm Vent. Is Marco giving you trouble?" He asked.
As a new person appeared, Leslie nearly jumped out of her skin. The man was a complete wreck and she really didn't want to know why he was like that...chances are he was what this Marco man used to 'wipe peoples memories' with. With a squeak she took off running, back towards the stairs she had previously feel down.
Vent looked at the girl running, and then back at Marco.

"...... Do I look that shitty right now?" He asked, before placing a paper with some marking in Marco's hand.

"You owe me one sparring match. We're gonna tear the school down. Now, I'm gonna chase this girl, this looks like too much fun." He said, a big grin on his face. He winked out of reality, off of Marco.


Appearing in front of the girl running down the stair, Vent put his hands up in the air, waving them around.

"Oouga boouga!" He yelled, trying to look scary.
Leslie screamed and fell down the stairs, splitting her knee open in the process. Scrambling up from the ground, slightly worried about what bleeding on the floor would end up doing to the trouble she was in. Looking around frantically, she darted into an empty room and then into the closet of that room. Pulling the guard from her side she shook out a little bit of sand and as the grains touched her palm, she turned invisible.
Vent winced as he saw blood that wasn't his.

Meh. People get hurt sometimes.

Vent summoned his staff, and using it, healed himself somewhat. Healing magic wasn't his specialty, but he could manage with his staff, demonic looking as it was.

Coming down the stairs, and having lost sight of the girl, Vent chuckled maniacally. He could get used to this whole 'bad-guy' thing, he thought jokingly.

In his best demonic voice, he called out.

"Come out, little girl..... I promise, it'll be..... Realitively painless... Ehehehehe!"
Leslie whimpered slightly, moving farther back in the closet till she was against the the wall. Biting down on her thumb nail she moved a bit and knocked into a room. The thing hit into a shelf and knocked off a large ball whiched exploded into a powder on the ground with a loud bang. Leslie squeaked again and tried to stay silent, not noticing the bottom of her feet had gotton hit with the dust, or the blood that was still dripping onto the floor becoming visable as it left contact with her.
Vent smirked as he heard noises.

He came into the room, and zeroed in on the closet, walking extremely slow and heavy, for dramatic effect.

He clanked his staff off every desk, making a nasty noise, and he breathed heavily.

This was too much fun, he thought. It's gotta end soon.

He smacked the closet dope with the staff, simultaneouly using the magic to heal the girl, feeling bad for getting her hurt earlier.
Leslie's eyes went wide with fear and she curled up in a ball, hands wrapped over her head. See? this is why your useless. your always doing the wrong thing. This is all your fault. She waited, thinking that she was going to get hurt. Bad.
Vent sighed, realizing he'd probably scared the shit outta her.

Now he felt sorta bad, but it had been fun. Now he just needed to wait for Halloween.

"..... Check your knee." He said, hoping it had at least closed up.
Blinking a few times, one of her hands brushed over her knee, when no pain came from it she looked at it, confused as to why it was no longer bleeding before looking back towards the door as she let the sand fall out of her hand, going back to being visable. "Y-your not going to.." Leslue gulped, " E-eat me or something?"
Vent chuckled.

"Never was. You've got quite an imagination....." He said, glancing around.

".... So, what brings you to the Academy?" Vent asked.
Leslie shivered, "But...mister highland said....." She muttered before nodding her head, "I don't know..."
Vent sighed.

".... Don't listen to 'Mister Highland', ever. Marco's pretty much my best friend, but he's an even bigger idiot than me. And that's saying something." Vent explained, a bit exasperated.

"Well, you must be here for a reason. Can you do magic?" Vent asked.
Leslie nodded her head. "Not much." She made an odd face, "Only what I could get away with watching." She looked at Vent and tilted her head to the side, "And Mister Highland didn't sound like he was kidding though...he sounded kinda mad. And then you appeared all..." She made another face, not going on with what she thought and offered a smile instead.


Looking at Halifax, Alec smiled brightly, "Oh wow Steven. This place is beautiful. You grew up here?"
Steven gazed over the cityscape from the foothills on the city's outskirts. "I know. It's hard to believe that I spent the first few years of my life here,until Nightrise came along and forced me out. This city's the pride of the province of Nova Scotia,and the pride of Halifax is it's harbour. Come on,let's walk there. It'll be worth it. Nova Scotia's beauty is second only to St.John's,Newfoundland."

With that,Steven started to hop down the foothills,landing on stone outcroppings,laughing genuinely,for the first time since he left this city. He felt alive,for the first time in his life.
Alec had to smile at Stevens mannor. He seemed to really like this place, and this place seemed to make him really happy. Zaria bent a little and whispered something in her ear and her smile widdened. "Really?" She whispered back, Zaria nodded his head. Following after Steven she tackled him from behind with a hug =, making a little spell to make the landing not hurt, only send up a storm of feathers.
:: marco emerged behind Leslie ::

Marco: "mad? nah... sorry to scare you, i was just screwing with you... if you told me you could do magic, i would'nt have said that"

:: he walked around, putting Vent into a head-lock and giving him a noogie ::

Marco: "looks like we got off on the wrong foot, call me Marco, pleased to meet ya!"

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