Ww - the coming storm

:: as the door opened, her father began roaring at her ::

Father "you! you little whore! i thought we got rid of you but then we get a call to come and get you do you have any idea how busy we are!"

Mother: "i was in the middle of a manicure! now look! my nails are a mess!"

:: the father came up and took Leslie by the neck, and began dragging her with them ::

Father: "if youre not gonna quit bugging us, well make you into something to make us some money!" (AKA a slave)

Marco: *to himself* "come on... say no... say no...."
Making a noise of pain, Leslie shut her eyes tight fighting agaisnt her dad as best as she could. She really didn't want to hurt them, they were her family after all. But the hand around her throat made that little thought of morals get pushed away. Without meaning too she struck her hand out, and the sand from her gourd came up in a wall and littereally shot the two about 5 feet away. Hitting the ground coughing the sand fell to the ground in a gaint mess.
:: Marco flickered and caught Leslie before she hit the ground ::

Marco: "well done.. welcome to the family"

:: her parents got up, her mother was freaking out about a graze on her knee and her father came running over, his fists clenched ::

Father: "i should have killed you before you were born!"

:: his punch was thrown at Leslie but Marco caught it with ease ::

Marco: "you call yourselves human beings... you disgust me!"

:: in a single hit, her Father went flying, crashing into a glass table over 10 metres away ::

Marco: "now.. the whore who calls herself a mother...."
Leslie held up her hand, "please don't hurt them." She whispered, when not being hurt by them herself, or when they were just screaming, she viewed them as family still and didn't want something to happen to them, even if they were bad people. Sighing she looked at her parents then at teh sand and gently lifted up one hand, a small wave of sand picking them up gingerly and sweeping them out the door before shutting the door tight behind them before returning into the little gourd which went back to making hte soft sounds of a sand storm. Closing her eyes for a second, "I never want to seem them again." Leslie muttered. "and please don't call my mother that again..."
:: Marco grunted at them going out the door, and he lifted her back up ::

Marco: "heh, you truly are strong... if i was in your possition i would have at least destroyed their minds... and about your mother..."

:: a bit of darkness appeared in his eyes ::

Marco: "any woman who treats her own child in such a way deserves to be labeled a s a whore, and any man who does such things deserves to be known as a monster"
Leslie shook her head, "they have their reasons...the family we served weren't nice people and I think they did something to them when i was little, I don't know it's a bit fuzzy but i know she always used to cry during the nights she was actually in our living space and dad was always getting something andaged or set or healed and then they would yell at me cause i wasn't old enough for them to leave yet and stuff so they just kinda got mean but i understand." She rubbed her arm, before realizing that she had just started rambling and quickly apologized.
Vent stood on the edge of a disaster. When the gas station exploded, it took numerous people with it. The entire block was littered with debris and destruction, not to mention the gore.

Ven had to resist puking.

Standing in the raging, gas-fed inferno, stood a man. Vent could feel his twisted aura, but it was definitely a human. And judging by his power, he was a mags of sorts. But his aura had a roughness to it. Something..... Unrefined.

Vent sighed.

Springing forward, into the inferno, he kicked at the man. Gale force winds spread from his kick, putting out most of the inferno, but the man was un-fazed. He turned his head towards Vent, and then Vent saw the man's eyes.

The pupils were completely dialated.

Vent felt a shiver of familiarity as he remembered what it meant when his pupils dialated. But he had mastered that aspect of Umbralus. But what the Hell was this?

The man sprung at Vent, new flames fed by magic surrounding his charge. Vent punched forward, a gust of wind stripping the man of his flames, and then ducked the vicious attack aimed at his head. The man swung down from this position, but Vent rolled to the side.

The man turned slowly, staring Vent down.

Vent gulped.
:: while she was saying that they hadf their reasons, just before she apologised Marco slapped her across the face, but after that, he held her tightly in an embrace ::

Marco: "no! no parent should ever do that to their child, those aren't reasons, those are excuses! don't be like that... please"

:: her story struck deep for marco, because he knew the pain that the lack of parental guidance can get someone, after he realized that he was holding her, he quickly let go and straightened himself up ::

Marco: "now, come on, you should see the nurse, Yumi and get cleaned up, i'll show you around"
A bit dumbstruck, Leslie nearly broke down before finding herself awkwardly close to him. After he had let her go, she rubbed the side of her face with her arm, "Don't touch me please." She said quietly, before folding her arms behind her back and smiling lightly, "Wasn't the nurses office down that hall?" She pointed, "I kinda almost fell in there earlier but no one was there so..." She tilted her head before shutting her mouth, afraid she would start rambling a get hit again.
Marco: "y-yeah... down this way"

:: he lead her of to the infirmary to meet Yumi, they soon got to the door ::

Marco: "Nurse Yumi! we got a new student who needs a check-up! are you in here!?"
The man swung an arm at Vent, a blast of fire consuming him.

"Auuhhhhhhggggg!!" Vent screamed, caught off guard by the fire blast, and could only bring up his arms to protect his face.

The fire stopping, Vent was caught by a vicious haymaker connecting to his side, left unprotected. Spitting up blood, he couldn't think.

How was this thing so powerful? All it looked like was an ordinary person!

Vent caught himself, striking ou where he thought the man was, only to hit nothing. Vent coughed, leaping straight up into the air, before a gigantic eruption followed him.

His eyes widening, Vent summoned his staff. Waving it to the side, a gust of wind took him safely from the eruption's path.

Eyes scanning the area, he caught movement in the corner of his eye. The man!

Swinging his staff out, Vent connected with the man's left arm, about to pierce Vent's temple.

The blow was deflected nicely, but the collision generated so much force, Vent was thrown to the messy, bloody, burnt ground.
The slight sounds of papers rustling and the sound of breaking glass pretty much answered yes, as well as the string of Chinese that came forth as well as a couple sparks as glass was put into a trashcan right next to the door as the older Asian woman stepped out from the back office and looked at Marco over the edge of a pair of strangly shaped glasses.

"A new student you say..?" Yumi nodded her head, "Very well, come in come in." She snapped her fingers and the two where pulled into the room and the door closed behind them. "well?" She looked at the blonde girl for a second before smiling. "Aren't you just adorable Miss Leslie Fitz."

Leslie blinked a few times, "How did you know that ma'am?" Yumi winked, "I'm good like that." Patting the girl on the head she looked her over and frowned before sighing, "You really aren't much of a health nut are you?" She laughed lightly, "No one here is. Think its funner to just go the nurses and get patched up, but don't tell anyone, those who come here more than once a week leave here with a common cause of Frogger voice."

Leslie nervously laughed before looking at Marco a bit scarred, questioning if the lady was sane or not. "Anyway, your fine, a scrawny and beat up, and in the need of a washing, but perfectly fine." Yumi smiled, "Do you two need a pass back to class or is this the student tour thing we put into effect three years ago your doing?"
:: Marco chuckled at Yumi asked ::

Marco: "guilty as charged, come on Leslie, i'll show you your room"

:: just before he left, he took a look back at Yumi ::

Marco: "uhh... you should really have a break, we have other nurses you know, you can take a break"

:: he closed the door behind Leslie ::

Marco: "don't worry, shes the best nurse in the business, she just needs a rest once in a blue moon"
Yumi waved a hand at him, "Those nurses don't know anything about healing magic sonny boy. I doubt they could heal a paper bag if they needed too."

Leslie rubbed her ankle with her foot again, "Are you sure that's all she needs?" She looked back towards the door where something else breaking could be heard, along with more chinese. " She seems a bit scary."
Vent sprang up to his feet, ignoring his screaming body. He actually chuckled.

This is nothing, he thought.

Now that the initial surprise had worn off, Vent settled into do what he did best.


His eyes narrowed down to slits of menace, as he stood relaxed, staff in one hand.

"..... If you are what I think you are, then using Umbralus is meaningless. Come on out." Vent called out.

The man crawled out of some wreckage, his left wrist mangled. Vent grinned.

Without warning, the magical flames consumed the man's body again, and he lept at Vent.

Vent kept grinning.

Tossing his staff into the air, Vent's fists became surrounded by wind. With the man coming down on his arcg, Vent shoved both hands up, again stripping the man of the flames cloaking him. The man himself seemed relatively unaffected by the winds, still bearing down on Vent with beastial rage.

As the man came down, Vent's hair started to stand on end. The man's dialated eyes widened.

Vent's head was electrified. Spewing sparks and bolts, Vent lept up at the falling man, a human missle.

Vent's head connected with the man's stomach, and Vent could feel bones breaking as he caught his staff in mid-air.

The man's body was sent spawling, and Vent landed a bit wobbly. The body started to glow, and Vent was now sure of what he thought. Those markings were unmistakeable. Vent turned away, just as the body burst into flames.

Tapping his staff on the ground, Vent sighed. First, he needed a healer. Since Alec usually did it, he figured it'd be fitting he was gonna go see Yumi.

Vent fell into a portal, and into Yumi's office.

Vent, now taller, shaggier, more covered in Umbralus markings, burnt, beat up looking, and holding a demonic staff appeared on one of Yumi's check-up tables.

"..... Hey Nurse Yumi!" Vent said cheerfully, happy to see her again. "Guess who needs to be healed?"
:: Marco face-palmed as another thing broke ::

Marco: "the best or not you need a break! try and get some goddamn sleep! and maybe you'll stop breaking things!"

:: he turned back to her ::

Marco: "shes a nut-job really... but a genius one though"
Yumi looked at Vent and sighed, "Busy busy busy." she muttered to herself before setting to work on him, finishing up in realitvely no time at all, completely ignoring Marco.


Leslie nodded her head, "I see..." She clearly didn't.Making an odd face she looked up for a second at the ceiling before jaw dropping at the design up there, before shaking her head and looking at Marco, "Shall we get going?" She was already wandering off down the hallway by this point.
Vent sighed contentedly as Yumi set to work on him.

Good healers were hard to find....

"So, not even a 'hey, how've you been', or 'wow, those markings look incredible', or 'I can't believe it, but you've gotten even more handsome'?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

As much as he joked, his thoughts were elsewhere, and his eyes betrayed his grin.
:: Marco chuckled as he went with her, into another elevator ::

Marco: "i think your floor is on the 57th floor, just a couple floors above mine"

:: they came to the 47th floor, to room 3372 ::

Marco: "here we are"

:: he opened the door ::

Marco: "as you can see, your own bathroom, 35 inch LCD TV with over 800 channels and DVD-Blu-ray player, one king-sized bed, over 3 sets of blankets and the bed's firmness can be adjusted with the remote to your left"

:: he opened a cupboard and it folded out into a small kitchen ::

Marco: "fully functioning kitchen including electric stove and over 7 cook-books and a cupboard full of ingredients"

:: he went to the phone ::

Marco: "if you need to re-suply, order some take-out or rent a movie, just call the front desk on Speed-dial 3 and we'll have what you want in about an hour or so"

:: and he came to a computer in the corner ::

Marco: "full internet access with gaming capabilities, and a 35 gigabyte monthly download limit"

:: he took a deep breath, as he explained all this in one single burst ::

marco: :"any... *pant*... questions?"
"Um...yeah...is it required we use this stuff?" Leslie asked, a lot of this stuff she really didn't know how to use anyway. She knew what it was an all just not really how you went using it, or why people found it entertaining. Sticks could just as much fun she thought.


Yumi chuckled, "Hell no son, you think I don't already know? I keep tabs on just about all of you young folks that make me worry. "
Marco: "in a word; no, all this stuf is to make life more comfortable... you see, we don't have classes like a normal school, we get assignments and we learn by doing them"

:: he pulled 3 white packets out of a drawer ::

Marco: "and just so you know, these are not baloons... they are condoms, sex is not allowed on school grounds but of course some people don't listen, so we at least try and promote safe sex... i knew that you would find these one day so i decded to explain them before you got the wrong idea"

:: he leant against a wall ::

Marco: "okay, you go and have a shower, i'll organise some new clothes for you, if none fit, i'll buy you some new ones"
Leslie's face went very very dark as he explained that and she nodded her head before darting into the bathroom like she had been told rubbng the side of her face before bursting out into a loud fit of laughter. Stepping into the shower she had to keep smiling to herself, the guy was kinda funny in a way, and really, what in the world kind of school allowed that, even if they weren't meant too? Oh well, right?


Alec looked a bit stunned at the whole thing and Zaria raised an eyebrow before turning to Steven, "Shall we get moving so you can see all that you wish too?"
Steven nodded,and said, "Halifax is a big place. C'mon,let's get going to the harbour."

He beckoned Alec and Zaria to follow,ad the free runners continued their stunning display of speed,agility and control.


In the cellar of Hope's manor,Borghen was growing more powerful. He began to change on a physical level. His head became a vicious skull,with two horns curving to the back of the head fom the empty eye sockets,which now sported blood red lights as pulils,and a single spike rising from the center of his brow,resembling a princely crown. The jaw grew thick,and fangs grew from the upper plate,as three small spikes grew from the chin,and two horns grew from the back of the jaw's bottom corners.

Suddenly,it burst into an unquenchable,jet black flame,and it became apparent the demon no longer possessed a neck. The body turned into molten lava,but it didn't emit any heat. On his right shoulder appeared a pauldron,with it's pivot attached to the center of the chest region,and on the same upper arm,an armour plate was strapped to it. His left arm was left bare,but the hand grew massive,scything caws with sinister hooks at the ends. On his torso,a cuirass appeared,leaving the right side of the chest exposed,looking more like an armoured toga,instead of a cuirass. The bottom of the cuirass ended with interleaved metal plates,designed for flexibility,without sacraficing defensive capabilities.

With a roar,Borghen shot out of teh manor,and started to assault cities in the region,striking so fast that no one could respond,and so hard that all mustered resistance was crushed easily. He ate the mundanes,and removed the skulls of any mage he found. Three cities were struck,each sustaining major damage,and each losing nearly a hundred people. He then returned to Hope's manor fast enough to not be tracked,and retired to the cellar,feeling smug,as five skulls dangled from his waist.
The two nodded in perfect unison and began following him, Alec idly chattering away about small trivial things like how nice the people looked, how pretty everything was, and how cute over all Halifax was.
Steven led Alec and Zaria to the harbour,and gestured towards it. It was busy,as usual. It was a natural formation,with beautiful,majestic ciffs on one side,and a sandbar to the other,leaving a narrow openings out to sea.

"This is the crown jewel of Halifax. The gateway to the Atlantic world,here in Canada. The beautiful ocean air,the ships moving in and out,almost as if they were dancers in a ballet. The green sea on the horizon,streching out for as far as the eye can see...It's beautiful."

Steven then sat down on the edge of the walkway,with his legs dangling over the edge,above the water twenty feet below,admiring the view.

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