Ww - the coming storm

Alec smiled and the demon just shook his head. "It's....amazing." She said after a while, leaning agaisnt the demon as he just in his off handed way, snubbed his nose at it really. He wasn't being rude he just didn't care for water that much.
Steven gazed out to the sea for a minute,inhaling the beautiful scent of the sea. He summoned a bottle,and used telekenisis to lower it into the water below,collecting some of it. He drew it back,and placed a special spell on the bottle;it now released the scent of what was within. He clipped it to his belt and leg,keeping it secure and still.

Steven turned to Alec and Zaria,and asked,

"So,where to,next?"
Zaria shrugged, And Alec tilted her head to the side, "You know...I could have sworn a really long time ago you told me you didn't remember your childhood from before nightrise..." She scratched the tip of her nose for a second, "Guess I must have been imaging it, huh, and anyway, we don't really know this place but do you have something here like a cemetery or an old folks home where you could find your parents?"
Steven's face suddenly went from carefree,to sombre.

"I don't even know my mother's name. She died giving birth to me...And If I ever met my father,I'd skin him alive for what he did to my mother. But,to answer your question,no. I can't. It saddens me,that I don't even know my mother's name. I spent the first ten years of my life in a nearby orphanage."

Steven sighed in sadness,and leaned on a nearby post,gazing out to sea,waiting for Alec to suggest somewhere to go.
Alec nodded her head for a second before hitting one hand agaisnt the other while simotaniously snapping the one hand's finger. "Why don't we go see your old orphanage, the might have a record on who brought you in and I'm sure from there we could be able to back track it too her?" SHe smiled, "How does that sound?"
Steven gave a teary smile. "Thank you Alec. You have no idea how much this means to me. C'mon. It's this way."

Steven gave Alec a warm hug,and started on his way to the orphanage,shedding silent tears,remembering the incidents of that night.

(OOC:Untl my latest character gets approved or rejected,this is my last WW post.)
Vent was a little confused.

".... What? You.... You 'kept tabs on me'?" He asked of Yumi, a little worried she would have an opinion on his demonic blood. Vent's eyes narrowed a bit. He got ready to get out.

He'd changed so much. Just realizing this, Vent really let it sink in. Fully ready to leave halfway through Yumi's treatment, Vent wondered if she had kept tabs on everyone else as well, or just him. Umbralus was dangerous after all. Maybe she didn't trust him? And his transformation into a half-demon couldn't help.

He shook his head. Paranoia would destroy him.

The old Vent worried about nothing. He wasn't as headstrong as Conner, but Vent wasn't a brooder.

Sighing, Vent relaxed again.

".... Whatever. Thanks for watching over me. So anyways, how bad is it?" He asked, wincing a bit.
"Yeah, I keep tabs on ya, and a couple others but only once in a while. I trust ya to make your own stuff happen and your big enough now i should be taking them off cause ya can fix yer self up just as well as any normal nurse could...but still..." Yumi sighed and smiled, "An old bats wise tale told me that went you think it's time to let go, thats when the worst thing happens."

Tapping her chin for a second she shrugged, "I could tell you you look like you got mangled by a lawnmower, shoved through a wood chipper and remodled into what you look like now, but i won't because that would be rude."
Vent scowled.

"Gee, thanks." He spat, considering leaving again.

He let his scowl relax into more of a simple un-impressed look.

".... So, exactly how much do you know about me? Everything?" He asked, hoping his most secretive aspects stayed in the dark. Vent figured she'd know about the demon blood, but the other thing?

Vent mouthed a prayer, and waited for an answer.
"I know that you train a lot. You don't floss as much as you should. You sigh way to much for it to be healthy, and you seem to have a chip on your shoulder. But that's about it." Yumi shrugged.
Vent sighed in relief.

Then he smiled genuinely, realizing he really liked Yumi.

"Thank you." He said gently before shuffling a bit, and standing up. He was sore all over, and was sure Yumi wasn't done, but he didn't care.

Stretching, Vent looked at Yumi inquisitively.

".....Is there a way for me to learn the Meido magic?" He blurted out suddenly.
Yumi looked annoyed for a second but simply sighed before bursting out into laughter, "Not that I know of...I doubt the elders even made a scroll on the basics." She tapped her chin, "And even if you could, why would you want too? It isn't a toy you know, it's a curse."
Vent grinned, while his eyes narrowed slyly.

"Seems like interesting magic, is all." Vent explained. ".... And it seems powerful. But not just that, it rivals, maybe surpasses Umbralus..... Increasing your own power, or picking out your opponents weaknesses.... Why not do both?"

He sighed.

"Are you sure, there's no possible way for me to learn it?" He asked.
"For one, it doesn't pick out a weakness, you can't use Meido and find that they have a bad shoulder. No, the most it does for you is mentally screw them over, or have them shit their pants from fear." Yumi pushed her glasses up farther on her nose. " Probably not." She shrugged and started going through a couple stacks of paper on the desk, lighting a few on fire as she did so by dropping them in a garbage can.
Vent sighed.

"A psychological weakness. I'm familiar with some of the details." He said, a little miffed.

".... Fear is a powerful thing." He said quietly.

Glancing around, his grin faded.

"Well, thanks anyways." He said, waving and leaving. "I know where to come if I get hurt again."
:: after some deciding, Marco had finaly come to a decision on what clothes he would give to Leslie ::

:: the first clothes he chose were casual, but they were too restricting, they didn't allow free, flexible movement, and that could mean death in their line of work ::

:: the second set he discovered was a thin swimsuit, i allowed movement but it was FAR too revealing ::

:: his third choice was a skirt going to just below the knees, with black tights going just below the knee, with a tube-top bra and a purple top ::

(1st option)

(with this jacket)

(2nd option)

(3rd option)

::after she came out of the bathroom ::

Marco: "ah! now, i have narrowed down your options for clothes, the first is casual gear, not revealing but it also heavily restricts movement"

"the second option allows maximum freedom of movement, but is also quite revealing, and people gawking tends to make life difficult"

"the third is a mixture, its not as revealing and allows freedom of movement, although, it covers more than option 2, and allows more freedom than option 1"
Leslie raised an eyebrow looking at the clothes, they were a bit strange in general and all looked a bit like it was something any guy would want a girl to where. Tilting her head to the side she started mixing the various pieces of the clothes mentally before frowning again. Sighing she picked up all of the options and, along with a pair of scissors, took them back into the bathroom.

Stepping back out after various ripping sounds were heard, Leslie had created something completely random that seemed to flow nicely together. She had ripped the jeans to the knee up the sides, and the tie around sash from the second option was around that looking much shorter and only had half of it in place (sort of like a half skirt half belt thing), took the sleeves off the jacket and left it open to show the top from the third option, as well as her original black tie.

Leslie smiled and folded her arms behind her back. "well?"
:: Marco raised an eyebrow at her creation ::

Marco: "well, remember that flexibility is paramount, have a move around and see how it holds up"

:: he could see real potential in this girl, but it was going to take awhile to come out ::
Leslie stuck her tongue out at him for a second before rolling her eyes and sighing and looking around the room, trying to picture something she could do to test out movement. Tilting her head to the side she walked out of the room out into the hall, after making sure it was empty she darted down it full sprint and back completely unhinged in abilty to do so, "That work?"
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "not bad, now, lets test the upper body"

:: he began throwing punches, to test her blocking and dodging ::
Leslie's eyes went wide and instinctively she flinched back and raised one hand over her head and the other over her vital areas, completely caught off guard by the sudden attack.
:: Marco was slightly impressed by her reflexes, he responded with an upper-cut followed by attempting to grasp her by the neck ::

Marco: {not bad.... not bad at all}
Blinking quickly, Leslie honestly had no idea what was going on, Tripping and falling backwards she squeaked and scrambled out into the hall before darting down it taking random turns in her attempt to get away, when in reality she was getting lost.
:: as she ran, Marco flickered and appeared in front of her ::

Marco: "well done..."

:: he had her in a paralysis spell so she could'n run ::

Marco: "i was just testing you, to see what sort of potentialyou had... and to see if those clothes offered the required amount of freedom of movement"

:: he released his spell ::

Marco: "well done, you passed my test"

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