Ww - the coming storm

Vent sat in amazement.

This is ridiculous.

Feeding his Umbralus from an outside source, combination attacks, runic powers, the possibilities were endless.

Vent nodded in agreement, and set out to memorizing all the runic characters he needed to know.

Instantly absorbed into his work, Vent shut out everything. He was a student again, doing his best to get a good mark.
Borghen arrived in Chicago in the form of a small meteor. He landed in what was left of the gas station,creating a crater inside the one that already existed. He straightened out,and looked around,and huffed.

"Ameteur. I'm wlling to bet they blew themselves up. Now,to buisness..."

Borghen began to slither to the Academy,slashing at anyone and anything within reach of his massive left arm.
Argo waited for Vent to finish, and turn in the page filled with magic symbols, then he examined the work

"your handwriting is a bit sloppy, but not too bad for a first attempt, some of the characters are wrong"

He pulled out a quill, and transmuted the black ink to red ink and started marking, and correcting characters

"Here, the mark must remain under the whorl, otherwise it can be misread like this this dash looks like a point, make sure you make the lines clear"

He continued marking, covering about half of the letters with at least some type of mark or another, when he was finished he handed it back to Vent

"Here, try is again, a little faster and neater this time"
Vent nodded, but didn't go as fast as he could. He purposely went slower to try and get everything perfect.

Finishing up a second time, he grinned.

"How's that?" He asked.
:: it was at this point that Marco was finishing explaining the role of the master/apprentice way of things, he didn't leave even the slightest detail out ::

Marco: "and there you go, when it comes down to it its just "I say Jump" you say "how high"... you get the picture?"

:: he crossed his arms and leant against the wall ::

Marco: "if you accept, the first thing i'll teach you is how to control the flow of magic around you"
Argo took the paper and nodded.

"Its more clear now at least...

Your inscription speed isn't fast enough to use it in an all out battle effectively, but at least you have the basic letters down."

Argo gathered up the books, and pulled out a single sheet of paper

"Here, take this. you know the basic Levitation spell, right? I know it's one of the first things they teach you at the Academy."
Leslie nodded her head and looked off to the side, the basic sum up made it seem like what she was to them, and despite not being much she didn't want do that again. Sighing, she shook her head. "So long as I have a say, and can walk away at any time, should I need too, you have a deal."


Alec and Zaria looked at each other before Zaria sent out an emotional wave of something along the lines of soothing. Alec placed on hand of Steven's shoulder and looked at the merorial. "It's not your fault. They would have done it anyway. I know its an awful thing to say but they would have died regardless." Her fingers traced over a few various names and she tilted her head to the side, "They were happy."
A man approached the scene. He looked like a solder,wearing CAD-Pat pants,Mk II Combat boots,and an olive t-shirt,often used in PT. He left Steven to his grief,and placed a hand on the memorial,right beside Steven's entry.

"You were like a brother to me...What did they do to you,Steve?"

Steven's ears perked at the mention of his nickname,used only by his best friend...

"Joe? Joseph? Is that really you? I...I thought you were killed! It's me,Steve!" As he said this,Steven stood up.

Joseph looked at Steven perplexedly,but saw the unmistakable shape of the head.

"You changed,Steve,but what happened on that night? And who are these two? And is she your girlfriend?"

With his last question,he gestured to Alec.


Borghen reached the walls of the Academy grounds,and behind him was a wide swath of blood and destruction. Borghen brought his massive arm back,and punched the wall with it...But a ward stopped his punch short. "Interesting...But no matter." Borghen attempted to vault overthe wall,but was again thwarted by a ward.

Borgen's very short fuse just burned out. "Pathetic mortal mages! You are all cowards! Come out and face me,or do you wish to hide behind your precious wards,and wait for me to break them!?"
Alec made a noise in chinese and Zaria grabbed her wrist knowing that should would probably slap the poor man. Turning her head she went back to looking at the stone, silently tracing each name with her free hand, while Zaria switched to just hold the other.
Vent grinned.

"I tend not to spend much time on the ground anyways!" He exclaimed, summoning his staff and drawing the Levitation rune into the ground, and then slamming his staff off it. It started to glow, and Vent stepped onto it.

Slowly, but surely, maybe a little wobbly, Vent rose into the air.

"Howzzat?" He asked, grinning.
Argo nodded at Vent's rough job at floating using runes

"Looks like you figured out how to write the word 'Float' in the magic language, but it's far from writing complete sentences"

Argo stepped up to closely examine the writing on the ground

"That's decent work for someone who's inept at this, but your problem is, you are drawing power out of the ground to maintain levitation, and your rune is centered in one spot.

meaning you can't float very far from the casting spot."

Argo handed Vent the paper

"here, draw on this to make it float. Try drawing the power of the air currents that surround it. It's much more freely flowing then the energy of the earth's crust, and can follow floating objects better.

If you succeed, the paper should be able to fly on it's own, without further air from the caster"
Vent grinned, taking the paper and writing the float and wind runes on it.

Vent tossed the paper into the air, where it started to float gently.

"Ventus." He whispered, the winds around him whipping up, then the rune on the paper glowed brighter, and it floated higher.

".... Something like that, Argo?" He asked, hoping that combination had impressed his new teacher.
Argo nodded

"Good, good... now, try some defensive runes, write the rune words for 'shield' on the ground,

you have three seconds"

Argo snapped his fingers, and the floating paper folded itself into a paper airplane and zipped around the room at an unnatural speed before diving straight at Vent


Vent's eyes widened, and he did the first thing that came to his mind. Using the wind that was already whipping about around him, he opened his hand. The rune for 'shield' cut itself into his palm. He winced, and threw his glowing hand up at the paper.
Argo winced slightly as the paper projectile slammed into Vent's hastily created shield, causing a loud crack of magic and the smell of burning ozone

"You drew the rune directly on your body?! what kind of bright idea was that?!

it's true that the energy in the air aided you in strengthening your shield, but carving runes directly into your body can drain the body's energies as steeply as the energies around you.

Your life force is a powerful tool indeed, but do you realize what could happen if you accidentally drained it all in one misworded spell, or a miscalculated energy amount?"

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, prodding the charred paper with his foot, he examined the smoldering runes

"Your life could wink out in an instant. Don't make the same mistake I made."

Argo pulled back his robes to reveal withered flesh on his chest, as if all the life had suddenly drained out leaving a lifeless hunk of flesh behind. Burned into the lifeless flesh were a series of runes too complex to understand

"I came this close to turning my own heart to ash"

He held up finger and thumb about a quarter of an inch apart

"....and I only know of one person who ever survived magically destroying his own heart, and most of his body due to a magical recoil"
Vent gulped.

"..... Right. No bodily runes, other than Umbralus." He stated letting his own words sink in.

"But," He continued, already grinning again. "That was pretty cool, right?"
Argo patted Vent on the head

"You'll do kid, You'll do. Assuming you don't kill yourself first..."

Argo drew some quick runes in a circle around him

"When attacking, you want your magic sharp. when defending, you want your magic smooth hard and flat. no other shape has the defensive qualities of a circle."

Tossing an entire book into the air, the whole 400+ pages suddenly split up, and turned into a blinding whirling mess of magically flying paper.

"The ground is firm and unrelenting. It's the most effective power source for holding a position without giving way to the whims of the air runes"

The torrent of magical projectiles flurried down on Argo's runic shield, but the shield held it's position stubbornly, and Argo didn't have to move a muscle to keep it activated.

"One of the best things about one of these shields is they hold up on their own accord, meaning the caster is free to continue casting if he so wishes"

The last of the papers bounced off the shields, leaving the floor coated with scattered papers

"Once you learn to link the magic to an appropriate power sources, I'll teach you the basic words you can string together to form your own sentences"
Vent smiled. This runic magic was gonna be the coolest thing ever.

"Sounds good, teach. But, can you do the tune-up for my Umbralus markings before you assign me anymore homework?" He said playfully, elbowing Argo gently.
:: Marco nodded, and clapped his hands together, appearing inside a strange shrine, several stone golems stood around them ::

Marco: "this is your first test, its simple these golems represent all the obstacles, each one will ask you a question... if you answer correctly, then you will recieve a key,if you answer incorrectly, they will attack"

:: Marco's body began to dissapear ::

Marco: "you need at least 12 keys to open the door at the end of the second challenge, good luck"

: there was a sudden flash and Marco was gone ::
Leslie nodded her head before scratching the back of her head as Marco disappeared. "What's a golems....?" Shaking her head she looked around and smiled, it was pretty and quiet which was nice. Looking at one of the stone statues she walked up to it and bowed her head, "Hello Sir." She said cheerfully to it, trying to ignore the fact she was now talking to statue...that was apparently suppose to talk back.
:: the golem's mouth didn't move, but a voice did eminate from it's body ::

Golem "i am a box with keys without locks, yet i can unlock your soul... what am i?"


:: meanwhile, at the end of the course, Marco leaned against a wall, reading a book ::

Marco: *sigh* "maybe its too early to give her this test... but IF she does pass it, then she could surpass me in... maybe 5 years or less... hell, if that happens then shes a freaking prodigy"

:: he opened a telepathic link to Vent ::

Marco:{"hey dude, whats going on?"}
Leslie tilted her head for a second before going quiet for a long time. "A piano." She said quietly after about 15 minutes if standing there, expressionless and void of any sign that she had been thinking at all.
:: at her answer, the Golem began to shake, and it soon crumbled to dust, her key was sticking out of the pile of dust ::

:: now for the second golem ::

Golem: "what getts wetter as it dries?"
Picking up the key gingerly, Leslie placed it into the pocket of her coat before looking at the other oen that had spoken and giggled, "Thats easy, a towel."
:: like the first, the second crumbled to dust, another key in the pile ::

:: the third ::

Golem: "The one who makes it, sells it. The one who buys it, never uses it. The one that uses it never knows that he's using it. What is it?"

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