Ww - the coming storm

Gasping for breath, Leslie shot up before falling back over, a pain shooting through her shoulder. Looking at it, there was no hole, but there was blood, and a helluva dark bruise there and the signs of a dislocated shoulder. Frowning her hand tightening into a fist before she layed back onto the bed, rubbing her forhead with her good arm before falling asleep soon after.


Zaria smiled, and Alec gave a small wave, not looking at him at all. "Greetings good fellow." Zaria said, elbowing Alec in the side, "Ow, yeah, whatever, hey."
:: marco sped between the demon's legs, and struck his blade directly upward, into the demon's body ::

Marco: "come on you sonofabitch!"

:: he tore the blade out, and leapt onto the demon's back, continueing to stab the demon all along it's spine ::
Borghen lughed. The dark magic contained within the blades began to dissipate with each blow,signified by violet wisps of light rocketing from the blood blade to the skull marked with the Rune of Darkness. The stabbing of the blades simply stung,and dealt nowhere near the damage intended.

"I don't share your weakness,mortal."

Borghen's blade arm then turned into a massive,hardened ball at the end of his arm,while at the same time he pulled Marco off his back,and held him to the ground.

"However,it still applies to you." And Borghen drove the blunt arm into Marco's groin.


Joseph shaken hands with Zaria,and said "It's a pleasure to meet you,sir. Sorry for confusing your fiancee for Steve's girlfriend."
Vent, in the middle of asking Argo to tune-up his Umbralus markings, was hit late by Marco's mental connection.

In an instant, all of Marco's thoughts flashed through Vent's head, up to the point where the fight with Borghen broke out.

Vent's eyes narrowed.

".... Borghen." He spat, looking back up at Argo quickly.

"I'm really sorry, Master Argo. Something.... Big just came up. Something I need to deal with. Can I meet you at a later date? Just send me a magical message or something." Vent explained, wincing as he flexed his cut hand, making more blood come out. Putting this into a vial from his pocket, he handed it to Argo.

"It'll be real easy to find me with my blood." He said cheerfully, picking his staff up and tapping the ground, falling into a portal.

"Later!" He shouted, falling through.


Vent appeared in the school, sprinting put to the front gate, watching in a state of anxiety as Marco battled with Borghen.
:: at the last second, marco managed to slip up, causing the arm to crash into the ground, less than 3 centimetres from his groin ::

Marco: "WOAH that was close!"

:: Marco noticed the skulls glowing ::

Marco {i can't hurt him until i get rid of those damn skulls, if i get rid of the one with ther darkness rune, i can use my blood-magic against him}

:: marco twisted, and grabbed onto the demon's arm, and ne ran up it, jumping off and gring for the glowing skulls with his broken blood-blade, and he cut the skull from the demon's body and he crushed it a second later with massive wind-magic pressure ::

Marco "now i got a chance!"
Zaria grinned, "Perfectly fine."

Alec looked at Steven and quietly asked him what this guy was...
The wind magic stopped before it hit the skull,and shot towards the skull marked for Wind.

"You begin to bore me,whelp!"

Borghen picked up Marco,and threw him into the wall at such a speed,unconciousness was unavoidable. Borghen then proceeded to imprison Marco within his own mind,with escape impossible,unless Borghen wills it.

He picked up the skull with he Darkness Rune,and re-fused it to his body. He looked up,and saw Vent.

"VENT ADAM!" Borghen roared,as he charged,the macearm changinf into a whip,topped with a vicious spear head.
:: locked in the prison, marco was screaming ::

Marco:"how!? how did this happen!? i was like a fly!! was all that training for nothing!? what the hell have i been doing all this time!?"
Vent chuckled, stepping back into the barrier that surrounded the school.

"... Hey Borgy." He spat, an assinine grin on his face. "Didja come to play?" He taunted further.

Looking down at his hand, the shield rune already scabbing over, Vent made a fist.

Argo would be wrong. Vent would use the rune magic well, with minimal training.

Looking back up, Vent chuckled again.

".... I assume you're here for 'revenge', or the like?" He inquired.
:: it took a lot of effort, but marco managed to break the demon's spell ::

Marco: "shut the **** up Vent..."

:: he got to his feet again ::

Marco: "i'm on a bad streak, and i swear i'm gonna kill this bastard if its the last thing i do"
Borghen collided with the Ward Wall of the school,and was stopped dead. He gnashed his teethmand growled, "I came for mage's skulls. But,since you're here,I'm MORE than willing to indulge."

Borghen brought his whip arm back,which now resembled an over-sized fist. He struck the Ward Wall with a trumendous effort,and,after half a second of constant applied force,it broke. The Ward Wall for the Chicago Academy for Magicaly Gifted Individuals shattered like glass being struck by a speeding car.

Borghen picked yp Vent by the throat with his right hand,and spat, "Say that again. I DARE you."


Joseph sighed in relief,while Steven sent Alec a telepathic message stating, He looks like he's in the Army. But if you mean whether or not he's a mage...He's mundane.

Joseph offered his hand to Alec, "Sorry about the confusion,Miss Deathlind. Congratulations on your engagement! May you and Zaria live the rest of your days happy as can be."
Vent chuckled more, being held by Borghen.

".... You know, I really, REALLY don't like you." Vent spat, drawing a 'Strength' rune in the air in front of his face with his left hand. The rune started to glow, and Vent's body was surrounded by whipping winds.

"Runic magic!" Vent shouted. "Channel the power of the wind into my fist!"

Instead of using a full sentence, Vent commanded the power of the rune with his indominitable will. The wind swirling around him funneled into pure physical strength, as Vent cocked his fist back and punched Borghen's forearm with a uppercut, the sheer force of the punch causing Vent's shirt to light aflame from the air friction.
Borghen felt his foearm shear off his elbow,but he wasn't worried about that. What worried him was that he was injured...By what appeared to be magics of Primal Wind. Borghen re-attached the limb less than a second it came off,but the grip faltered,allowing Vent to hit the ground,free of his massive fingers.

"How...? Now. You. DIE!"

Borghen's left arm turned into it's first state: huge,with massive scything claws,and he shot it down,hoping to shred Vent in his hulking palm.
Vent's face became serious, as he opened his right hand. The scabbed over shield rune glowed agai, blood seeping out of the wound.

An shield of pure magic driven by Vent's will appeared around him, his on his right hand the rune glowing bright.

"Sorry Master Argo!" Vent said to himself, as the shield managed to stop the claw, and Vent's hand bled a bit more profusely.

Still serious in expression and attitude, Vent's Umbralus markings wriggles slightly.

"Voltus, Umbralus!" Vent exclaimed, entering his lightnig state. His hair lengthened, glowing bright yellow, as his skin crackled with electricity, and his eyes glowed bright.

Leaping forward, and electrically charged punch aimed at Borghen's nasty skull.

The 'Shield' and 'Strength' runes were dispelled by Vent as he leaped.
Borghen smiled as the punch connected with the side of his face,and the lightning magic was sucked away by one of the skulls. With lightning speed,Borghen wrapped his hand around Vent,and held his entire body within the black flame that surrounded Borghen's skull.

:: as the demon roared, Marco came up behind it ::

marco: "heh, so, brutal physical strength is the way to beat you, eh?"

:: to test out his theory, marco grasped one of the demon's begs, used his magic to enhance his strength, and began to spin the demon around, before slaming the demon into the ground ::

marco: "i've been arrogant till now..."

: he pounded the demon into the ground, expanding the crater ::

Marco: "i have focused on my own strength, and in my selfishness, i've been left behind"

:: he grasped the demon's horns, and tore them out, causing un-measureable pain to the demon ::

Marco: "i have used my status, as an excuse to be arrogant... i always thought of myself as being better than everyone else"

:: he sttamped his foot on the demon's head ::

Marcdo: "but, in truth i've been a petty child.. i see that now because my true strength is those i love... my true strength is those who really matter"

:: he slammed the demon once more ::

Marco: "you know... finally acknowleging this... it makes me feel.... lighter, like a weight off my shoulders"
Vent, inside the demon's grasp, swore loudly as Marco tossed him around wih the demon.

"Marco!" He screamed as the black flames started to burn him.

"'Shield', protect me!" He screamed, the rune on his hand creating the shield of will. With it forcing Borghen's grip open, Vent got up, and backed off from Marco.

Vent's lightning Umbralus was dispelled, and he watched with a scowl as Marco had his 'revelation'.
Alec nodded her head to Steven, "Interesting...." Turning her head she looked at Joseph, then at his hand. "You can put that down. And thank you." Zaria's eye twitched unnoticeably before he started wandering around the grounds so he wouldn't be intruding on that little 'party.' He could tell the boy, Joseph wasn't one of their kind and if any one would say something that would raise a question, it would be him.
Argo shook his head sadly. Vent was as likely to kill himself as his enemies in the state he was in.

True, the runes he taught Vent were powerful, but he knew well that merely writing words would not be enough to defeat whatever it was that had panicked Vent.

"You fool... you're going to drain your life force, aren't you?"

Argo cursed to the empty room, and clutched the blood vial.

Maybe there was something he could do from this side of the gate.
Swirling in dark blue, a blur of nothingness, Leslie snapped her eyes open before closing them again for a couple seconds. She should have been used that that dream, she had it every time she fell asleep but for some reason, it was scary. Sighing, she sat up carefully before shedding her jacket and shirt to look at her shoulder better.

There was a nasty painful bruise there, and a thin barely visible cut and the clear indication the shoulder wasn't in its socket. Looking around the room, she grabbed a clean dish rag and stuck it in her mouth before wrenching the shoulder back in place, letting out a muffled scream of pain. Tightening her hands into fists, Leslie started hunting around the room for bandages or something to cover it with.
:: it tok a little while, but eventually Marco simply got tired ::

Marco: "... i think i made my point"

:: he turned around and walked away, leaving the demon on the ground ::

Marco: "by the way, you freaking monster... the name is Marco Highland... you better remember it"

:: at this point, Marco looked in a portal and saw Leslie in her room, topless with some bandaged, Marco's face intsantly turned into a deep red::

marco: "heh.... well, i think i'll... uhh..... huh..."

:: he opened a channel to Alec ::

Marco: "hey Alec, you there?"
Alec blinked a few times before sighing, Yeah, Marco, I'm here. I'm a bit distracted though...


Running a hand through her hair, Leslie frowned as she finally found what she was looking for and quickly wrapped up her arm before just chucking on a grey hoodie to cover it up. Sighing she frowned.
Marco's straightened up as he heard that alec was distracted ::

Marco: "oh yeah? can i help? come on, i'm bored i wanna help please!?"
Alec rubbed the side of her head before looking at Steven then at her watch, "Hey, i'm sorry but I really have to go get to work." Turning her head, she looked at Zaria for a second before smirking, maybe Marco could help...

Walking away from those two and the mortal, she ducked into an ally, knowing Zaria was close behind. Go for it, it isn't easy, nor fun.
:: Marco emerged behind her from a brick wall ::

Marco: "okay, cool, hey listen alec, i've been thinkig about how much of a prick i've been and i'm trying to change how i am"

:: he looked around ::

Marco: "waddya need help with?"

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