Ww - the coming storm

Alec raised an eyebrow but said nothing about his comment, "Breaking a deal."

At that same moment, Zaria stepped around the corner looking a bit annoyed.
:: marco raised an eyebrow at the new arrival ::

Marco: "friend of yours?"

:: Marco straightened up his tie and tucked his shirt back in while using magic to repair his jacket, soon his suit looked clean and pressed ::

Marco: "what? if im gonna break a deal then i better look the part, right?"
"The other half of the deal, actually." Alec replied as Zaria stood up straight in front of her. Completely ingorning that Marco was there, Zaria backhanded her hard enough to make her stumble back a couple steps. "What did I tell you before, you are not to leave my sight unless I tell you you can." He growled before Alec straightened up, "Marco. This is the person of whom I need your help breaking a deal with. Being the most emoitonless person I know, I figure you'll do well."
:: Marco sighed, not even flinching as Alec got hit ::

Marco: "now now, lets not get carried away here sir, there is no need for more violence"

:: Marco walked over to Alec and helped her up ::

Marco: "now, i believe you are interested in some sort of deal... shall we chat?"

:: marco opened a nearby door, inside was a table with 2 padded chairs ::

Marco: "come, have a seat"
Zaria folded his arms over his chest. " I am in no mood for a deal of any sorts." Based on the emotions he was gathering from the air, alec was wanting to back off on the deal, and he didn't really want that to happen. As a response to him saying that, Alec snorted. "Your side. Remember?" Zaria's eyes narrowed before he turned and sat down in one of the chairs.
:: Marco sat on the other chair, and tilted his head towards Alec ::

Marco: "Alec Deathlind... please announce the terms and conditions of this deal you wish to broker..."

:: Marco pulled out a pen and paper from his jacket, and began to write up an official document for this deal ::
Leaning agaisnt teh wall Alec nodded her head, "In exchange for a type of magic made for protecting and a spike increase in power, I was to become this demons source of creating a family line.(meaning marriage{traditional stuff}&children O_O)"

Zaria snorted racking his long nails across his arms intentionally scratching himself.
:: Marco nodded and handed the demon a tissue ::

marco: "please, sir, if you need to snort just use a tissue"

:: after 15 mins Marco finished writing the document, and signed his name at the bottom ::

Marco: "Mr Zaria, please sign your name at the bottom of this document, feel free to read through it if you wish"

:: Marco already had the upper hand, this was a demon of emotion and he was putting him into a business situation, where emotions acounted for nothing, where anger and pride and all other emotions were a weakness ::
Reading through it Zaria narrowed his eyes before extending his power to those in the room to that of worshiping. He grinned as Alec;s eye twitched and a form of uncertainty went over her face. "It seems this deal break may be revoked from mixed feeling..." He smirked, propping his head up on the table with on hand increasing the feeling in the room.
Vent sighed as Marco left Borghen's body alone. He didn't know if the demon was alive or dead. He didn't care.

Waking up to the demon's body, opening the same Umbralus Terraquitus portal that defeated Borghen in their first fight.

"Listen, *****." Vent spat, as the portal opened to Hell.

"...... If you wanna fight with me for real, get better. Then come find me. I'll get better too. Then we'll settle this once and for all." Vent explained, the portal closing over.

"..... And if you see Hope, tell him I'm coming for him." Vent said with narrowed eyes as the portal dropped Borghen into Hell.


Vent sighed, dropping to his knees, and falling over. He wasn't exactly tired, just emotionally exhausted. This was ridiculous. The traces of a portal lingered in the area, one Vent had seen Marco go through. He wanted to see what was going on, but felt a power spike. Emotional energy..... This was new. Vent knew the feeling.


Vent gritted his teeth.

Zaria, he had a bone to pick with. And he hoped Alec was there too, because he'd have a few choice words for her. Vent's gritted teeth turned into a grin slightly reminisent of Conner. He got up, feeling something fill that gap of him that felt drained.

Wrath filled him.

He felt like showing people exactly what he thought of them. He shambled off to the lingering portal, feeling energy.

He was gonna fight a demon. As a demon.

Vent's demonic aura flared up. He just had to trick Alec into giving him permisson, then they'd all see.

He'd beat Marco, proving he was the best. He'd destroy Zaria, the one who stole Alec. He'd find and kill Borghen, the demon that wouldn't die. And he wasn't quite sure what he'd say or do with Alec......

Maybe he'd pay Hope a visit.

Vent's grin turned sinister as he gave into the wrath. The demonic blood coursed through his veins. He felt good.

The portal's remains were just in front of him.
:: the side of Marco's mouth turned up into a grin ::

marco: "i see you are trying to change my opinions with power... very clever"

:: marco took the document back, and tucked it into his pocket ::

Marco: "but, according to testimony given, YOU'RE side was to offer protection to miss Deathlind... and yet"

:: Marco grinned once again, he knew he found a massive hole in this that he could exploit ::

Marco: "but, not an hour ago, i witnessed with my own eyes, YOU physically assaulting Alec Deathlind, and THAT breaks you're deal with her, you failed to protect her and, further more you assaulted her! that breaks your agreement, and, by law, since you have broken the contract you had, she dosen't need to do a damn thing"

:: Marco put his hands together, and stared at Zaria's eyes ::

Marco: "can you offer any solid evidence to say that you didn't hit her just outside this very building, or do you have physical evidence that assaulting her would'nt break this contract?"

:: Zaria's power did nothing to Marco, he was in "business mode" and he was currently devoid of emotion while in this "mode" ::
"Our Contract was for me to give her protection magic. Not my personal protection. She has been under this contract for a year now without my personal protection but with the magic I gave her for protection. So your point is null." Zaria said grinning, fairly certain if he kept increasing the feeling in the room, despite it not working on this man, he could affect Alec into taking back the negotiation.
Vent sighed, right before he tried opening the portal. No matter how pissed off he was, he knew being a jerk wasn't gonna solve anything, really. His demonic aura died down. Standing in front of the portal, feeling defeated, Vent snffed.

Then he grinned.

He just had the best idea he'd ever had.

...... Well, it was actually the worst, but he didn't care.

He snapped his fingers, a bottle of scotch appearing in his hands.

A stupid look on his face as he opened, Vent quickly drained the bottle. Belching loudly, he dropped the bottle, which landed on the ground and shattered.

Vent immediately felt woozy. The world wasn't straight anymore.he nearly fell over, giggling like a retard.

Stepping forward, the drunken Vent's Umbralus magic read his intuitions and opened the portal.

"..... Hehe, my magic workzz drunk." He stated, a wide smile on his face.

Stumbling into the area Alec and Zaria were having their confrontation, Vent nearly fell onto their table.

A big stupid grin on his face, he immediately started saying the first things that came to his mind.

"Ssstupid Alec and Zzzarria. I wanna talk to the two of youz! You..... You.... Bad people. I'm all mad and stuff...." He grumbled, getting back to his feet, hoping he'd made an impact.
Zaria burst into laughter at the sight of the man, funny as it was. Alec blinked a few times, not really sure what was going on, never having seen a person drunk in her life.
Borghen was on the ground,but he was far from finished. He simply wanted the Marco whelp gone so he could finish this fight with Vent in privacy. Suddenly,Vent venished through a disintigrating portal,drunk off his ass. Borghen got up,and chuckled.

There was no point in killing a drunkard. Borghen,bow losing interest in the Academy,shot off as a meteor once again,and started to pillage Toronto. As quickly as he arrived there,he was back at Hope's manor,with all of the remaining skulls.

All except one.

Borghen,in a huff,carved in the runes. He already knew which element to omit,because no one used it against him. He began to smile as he fused the skulls to his body. As soon as he was ready,Borghen was going to hit Vent where it hurt. Borghen observed his discreet psychic link he made with someone,and laughed.

Better than Monty Python,and that's saying something.


Steven was perplexed with Alec and Zaria's sudden departure. But then,he smirked. He looked at Joseph,and said, "So,Joe. Is there anywhere you wanted to visit?"

Joseph was perplexed,but he decided to run with it. These conversations were common in the orphanage,but it was strange Steve didn't outgrow them. "Dubai. Why do you ask?"

Steven smiled,and clapped his hands together, "'Cause,Joe,I can take you there."

"Woah,woah,WOAH! I know we're friends,but you KNOW we're not THAT kind of friend!"

Steven facepalmed,and replied, "I didn't mean like tat,Joe. I mean I can physicaly take you to Dubai,right now."

"But,I have three jobs! I'll never get the vacation time!"

Steven smiled wryly. "Vacation time? We'll only be gone for the afternoon. I'm about to introduce you to a whole new world."

The last thing Joseph saw before being consumed by a blue vortex was a Morpheus-like expression after seeing someone take the red pill.

Alec recieved a message, I'm intoducing Joseph to our world. We'll be in Dubai.
Vent looked around, seeing Marco, and papers, and the like.

Useless stuff.

"....... Before I talks more, what're you big jerkwads doin?" He asked, failing at snapping his fingers as a chair of swirling air appeared under his feet. He sat down, and flopped over to a side, slamming his elbow down on the table and resting his head in his hand.

He glared at Zaria.

"Dun tell me. You're a tool?" He asked, chuckling at his own statement. "heheh, tool." He repeated, throughly amused.
:: Marco sighed at Vent's drunkenness ::

Marco: "Vent.. shut the f**k up"

:: he snapped his fingers, and Vent's mouth began to almopst melt, sealing itself up ::

Marco: now.. sleep"

:: he cast a sleepuing spell on vent ::

Marco: "now, where were we... ah yes, the negotiation"

:: he turned to Alec ::

Marco: "Alec, do you deny that this was the deal promised, and that this demon did'nt deliver?"

:: Marco was confused, if this demon needed a spawn, surely he could just use one of his female worshipers ::
Zaria scoffed, "If you must know you drunk filthy rat." His voice dripped acid."Miss Alice is trying to break a deal with me though business, which, by the way Love, it won't work." The 'and your still going to belong to me.' hung in the air unsaid but there all the less. Alec narrowed her eyes, torn between wanting to nail the demon in the face and worshiping the ground he walked on from the emotions he was forcing onto her.

Sighing as Marco spoke, Alec looked at the ground. "No, what he said was teh deal. I wanted the magic, not his protection." Zaria looked at Marco as well, "and going by that look, Miss Deathlind is the only mage female I've had worship me."
:: Marco put his head in his hands, things were turning bad, Alec had dome something that many women did, they changed their mind when it's too late ::

Marco: "Mr Zaria, i am not pleased to inform you that..."

:: he turned to Alec ::

Marco: "you damn stupid girl, you made a deal, and you changed your mind before you delivered but after he delivered... you dug your own grave and paid for the funeral, i can't help you"

:: he turned to Zaria ::

Marco: "congradulations, sir.... you have bested me, you're deal is foolproof..."

:: Marco stood up and loosened his tie, the deal was done, he could'nt un-do it ::

Marco: "sorry alec, theres nothing i can do... i mean, i could kill this guy but the fact remains that he still owns you"
Running a hand through her hair, Alec nodded smirking. "Right then, I guess that leaves one choice left.I really hate that it went this far to use a last resort..." Zaria stood up stalking towards Alec grinning darkly before he froze in his steps. Alec had pulled out a short poisoned knife, the one that held the protection magic so long as the seal was still on it. "Never used it." She muttered, "But I wonder how well your kid takes it..." she set it towards her stomach, smirking the whole time as she watched Zaria's face transform into complete horror.

Her eyes darting at Marco she winked. Hoping he would understand that she had just ran through her options and since none others had worked, she was going to the extreme even though she didn't want to. "Alec, now love, you don't want to do that to our precious child..." Zaria muttered a bit stunned. Holding the knife out to him, Alec smiled, "Take it back then." Zaria growled. "You stupid little *****." He growled grabbing it before taking the magic off it and stepping very close to her, secretly pressing the broken knife into her stomach while putting a curse seal over the area. "You will come back, you will give me the child I just killed in you. And you will be mine." He whispered in her ear before dissappearing.

Bursting into laughter, pulling her jacket tighter to hide the wound she could feel, Alec leaned back agaisnt the wall closing her eyes. "Shit....Marco, don't ever say there is no loop hole." Rubbing the side of her face, she inwardly flinched, feeling dizzy but not showing it.
Vent's body still held the 'Shield' rune he'd cut into himself earlier. Marco's attempts at silencing him failed, but Vent kept quiet as the demon was beaten at it's own game.

Vent stood up, nearly falling over again. His chair of wind disappeared, and he shouted after the demon's nasty final remark.

"No you won't, ssstupid demonloser! I'll beat your assss into the grounds the next time I lay my eye on you!" Vent shouted at nobody in particular.

He chuckled.

"Wait, he said you'd go back to him......" Vent said smiling, while looking at Alec. He hiccupped, then looked Mae all of a sudden. "...... I'm still mad at you." He remembered.

"..... No she won't!" He corrected himself, yelling in the air again.

Summoning his staff, he got up and used it for a walking stick, which really didn't help much.

He sighed, then hiccupped again.

"..... What now? I wuz gonna be all 'I'm teh best, go away Zzzaaria', and then..... I dunno." Vent explained his drunken logic, giggling to himself the whole time.
:: Marco went up to alec ::

Marco: "i did my best, don't you dare blame me...."

:: he looked at the wound in her stomach ::

Marco: "here, i can stop the bleeding and get you to your mother, she'll be able to fix you up"
Argo, back at the mountain, sat at a dark candle lit desk, idly gazing into a crystal ball

Taking the vial of blood Vent left with him, he unstopped the top, and tipped it, allowing a single drop to spill over the side and splash onto the crystal ball

the patterns on the ball swirled, and cleared revealing Vent, in all his drunken glory

"So, you survived..."

He said so bluntly, almost as if he had expected Vent to be liquefied, or a mere pile of ash blowing in the wind

"you're looking lousy..."
"Like hell I'm blaming you." Alec said, pushing Marco gently still smiling before pulling her jacket even tighter around her stomach the blood already stopping thanks to some petty magic she was continuously leaking into it, "And I would suggest, for your health, you don't."

Looking at Vent, she tilted her head to the side. What a fool....drowned in...it seems like scotch to be honest with you girl, funny that thats what he does in his spare time, drink. Meido was never that helpful anyway but still, it did drive that point home a little more that Vent was drunk for no good reason.

Walking past Marco, she looked at Vent before setting a hand on his shoulder, "How about sleep instead?" She didn't want him to hurt himself, or someone else....

At that same moment, she recieved a little message from Steven about Joseph. Sighing she quickly sent one back, "Right...if anything bad happens you know we're here to help. And if another person from Innus shows up, blast their nads out before they get to you please...
Vent narrowed his eyes, nearly falling over. He took a step back, seeming to have some small idea of control.

".... I'm ssstill mad at yous. I'd nearly forgotten." He said, trying to formulate words.

He gave up, and sighed.

".... When I wake up, I'm gonna haves something to says, but I can't remember it right now." He said, hanging his head a little shamefully.

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