Ww - the coming storm

Vent kept right on scowling, strolling into the building.

"Just had a fire? Take me there." Vent asked, on his toes.


Hope sighed. Borghen had peaked his interest with this latest stunt. He wanted to see exactly what Borghen could do.
Closing her eyes for a second Alec took a deep breath before biting down on her tongue, not hard enough to make it gothrough but enough the get a gage on how bad the pain would be. Spitting out blood she tilted her head back and sighed, "Shit this is going to be a lot harder than a though..."
Borghen reached the Vault's thirty tonne steel door,and undone the wards and locks. He stepped inside to see a little spot of blood in front of Alec. Scowling under his helmet,he briskly stode across the room. He roughly grabbed Alec by the cheeks and chin,and tugged so he was looking into her eyes.

"What are you up to,wench?"


The butler bowed cordialy,and led the way to the cellar.

"It was quite random,sir. The room was fireproofed,but,after the fire alarms went off,we were greeted with a firestorm in the cellar. A keg of one of the more venerable vintages must've spontaneously combusted."
At the sudden jerk, her teeth clamped down cutting through her tongue, blood pouring into her mouth and down the sides of her lips. Smiling she spit the tongue out at him and breathed in deep, blood flowing back into her lungs making her start coughing as the liquid started to drown her. Her eyes seemed to be laughing at Borghen.
Vent winced, feeling a pang of sorrow.

"..... The poor booze......" He said softly, a reknewed sense of hatred towards Borghen, comidically, Vent pulled a small flask from his back pocket, and took a quick swig, smiling.

"..... Alright, no use. I'll find him the easy way." Vent said, stepping back into the middle of the front lobby, and letting his aura expand.

"I'M RIGHT HERE, BORGHEN! WHERE ARE YOU?" He yelled, preparing for a fight.
The butler,now out of Vent's sight,grinned impishly. He gave a sudden hand signal,and thirty men leapt out of assorted hiding places and secret passages,each wielding large machine guns. "I'm sorry,sir,but I'm afraid Borghen isn't accepting visitors this evening."


Borghen was left reeling. His insurance had just commited suicide. There was nothing he could do to prevent this from happening. Instead,he hastend the process by tearing off her head,with the spine coming out as well,dangling from the base of the skull.

He growled,opened his visor,and spat into the bloody stump that was Alec's throat. He threw thehead to the ground viciously,causing it to flatten slightly. He stormed out of the Vault,locked and warded it again,and sent a message to Hope,

"We've lost our insurance. Where's Vent?"
Vent growled.

"Ventus Tempestra!" He yelled, violent winds whipping up and surrounding him. Any close to him would be blasted back. His Umbralus markings started to glow, and he took his shirt off.

"I'm in no mood to **** around! You're all nothing!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the ground, the winds blasting open the floor.

Vent fell into the basement, right in front of the open Vault.

He saw Borghen.

He saw blood.

He saw a body.

He saw Alec's head.

He sighed, and swallowed. He started to shake, an aura of despair welling up from him. Sobbing now, Vent fell to his knees, untouchable through the shield of despair.

Why? He thought. I'm too late. Some I knew.... Someone I..... She's gone. Again.


Hope chuckled.

"Right there." He said, cutting off the mental link he had with Borghen.
Borghen didn't say anything. He was amused by this boy. He hefted his huge sword and dropped his visor. Borghen was covered in Alec's blood,and he was nigh ivulnerable to anything Vent could put out. He walkd slowly towards Vent,the aqua light absorbing all of the wind magic,and the magenta light absorbing all of the lightning. He stopped three feet way from Vent,raised his sword,and spat, "Pathetic. You die now." And Borghen brought his sword down with all his might.


The butler and gunmen got up,and looked at the hole in the floor. The butler cried out, "Don't just sit there! After him!"

The gunmen complied,and five of them ran to the hole,and stayed above it,pointing their weapon inside the hole,while the rest rushed to the Vault.

Coming from secret passageways near the Vault,ten gunmen with shotguns poured in,surrounding Vent and Borghen.
Vent's aura of pure despair echoed through his demonic blood, bringing life to his emotions. The magic surrounding him stopped Borghen's sword.

"... Gimme a minute, and you'll have your fight." Vent spat, choking back a sob. He walked slowly past Borghen, and stopped at the entry to the Vault.

"..... Sorry. I wasn't fast enough. But it didn't really matter in the end anyways." He explained, in a low voice.

Vent swallowed again, turning back to Borghen, seeming to have no magic at all about him. The Umbralus marking weren't even glowing, let alone producing energy.

Vent's face was one of pure hatred.

"C'mon then. You want this." Vent spat, standing relaxed, glaring Borghen down.
Borghen was unfazed by this. He knewthe exact torture this boy was ging through. And he revelled in it. His boy's anger and hatred would make him sloppy. Borghen used a hand signal to have the gunmen lower their weapons. "This isn't your fight,men. Report the results to the master. If I'm defeated,retreat. If I win,do as I say."

Borghen taken three steps forward,and brought his sword to bear.

"Let us begin,child."
Vent stayed still, glaring at Borghen through the stands of shaggy hair that hung in front his eyes. No movement, or trace of magical energy showed.
Borghen tilted his head to the right;a sign of respect. This boy is willing to face death without flinching. Without concern. He had lost what was dearest to him,and now he had nothing left to lose.

Only his life,which was now meaningless to him.

"Very well."

Borghen charged at Vent,and decided to withhold the fact that Alec killed herself.
Vent's stony face broke into a toothy grin as Borghen charged him. He lived for moments like these. Where everything you had left was on the line, little as it may be. Vent would not die at Borghen's hands. Vent would do what he did best.


And he would live to fight some more!

Vent lept at Borghen, remembering what happened last time he fought him. Their little scuffle last time had shown Vent that Borghen was immune to basic elemental magics.

Vent's physical body enhansed by pure magic, he brought his foot up, and then down in an axe-kick fashion towards Borghen's brow.
Borghen's lunge missed,and he was forced to plant the blade and lean into the hilt to stop. He felt something strike hisbrow,but it didn't cause anything more than a dull ringing sensation;a sphere of white light sucked away the raw arcane energy from Vent's kick. The only sphere of light that was missing was a red one.

He raised his sword,and delivered a swift pommel strike to Vent's temple.
Argo rushed through the depths of the mountain clutching the vial of Vent's blood. He had seen Vent's struggle through his orb, and knew the danger he was facing.

"Damn kid, off to get yourself killed again?! We'll see about that..."

He reached the very center of the mountain's magical core, where he had placed the rune well, brightly glowing with the pulse of the mountain's magical energies

"Vent! can you hear me?!"

Argo attempted to tap Vent's mental link
Vent reeled, grinning as he tasted blood from his head wound.

".... Even arcane, huh?" He said, releving in the fight now that the odds were horrifically against him.

He took a basic karate stance, awaiting Borghen's next move, while thinking back to Argo.

'Great timing, teach.' He thought. 'Little busy right now.'
Borghen felt telepathic wavelengths,and smirked. He didn't say anything,but he had a feeling Vent knew that he knew. Borghen toot one step forward,and delivered a spinning slash,with the back of the blade,so the spike would catch Vent in the side of the ribs.
Argo solidified the mental link between the two before continuing

I can see that.

That's why I called. Your runes can't hold much power for long at the rate you're fighting. So I've decided to drop you a gift."

Argo stepped back, so that the mountain's mental image could flash through the mental link.

"You know how volcanoes form? A great deal of molten rock forces it's way to the surface of the earth, before spilling out??

Well, this mountain is similar. As I said, there is a large amount of magic flowing just beneath the surface of the earth. this mountain is the accumulation of a huge excess of magic, forcing it's way to the surface.

I sealed it off here, with this rune, but I think it's about time to put all this extra energy to use."

He held up the vial of blood

"what do you say? I can supercharge your blood with it, it should act as a decent carrier to the power, but I'll have to remain here to control the output. if it's opened too wide, it'll incinerate you from the inside"
Vent grinned.

He charged his reflexes with magic, and lept into the air, a foot neatly stepping onto Borghen's swinging blade. A quick burst of magnetism kept him attached to the blade long enough to end up at the apex of Borghen's swing, before the reflexes and magnetism were sucked into the arcane and lightning skulls. Vent chuckled, as he brought both his fists down onto Borghen's visor, with the 'Shield' Rune scar on his left palm glowing bright for a second.

"Howzat?" He yelled, kicking off Borghen's chest and out of reach. Vent knew he at least had speed on Borghen right now.

Thinking all the while to Argo, Vent explained his reasoning.

'I don't want help, Argo. This bastard made this fight very personal. There's a good chance I could die. But if my opinion changes in the next five minutes, I'll let ya know!'
Borghen was interested in this boy now. Borghen once believed all mages were physicaly weak. Slaves to their gifts,relying on them to perform even the most mundane of tasks. Vent shattered that purview. "Impressive." Borghen hurled the sword at Vent,shouting, "CROSSCUTTER!" It was only a distraction,so he could summon his next loadout. A spike of stone shot out of the ground beneath Borghen's hand and instantly formed into a longsword. He needed the speed. A panel of stone shot out of the wall on his other side and formed into a shield that traveled up the forearm,as a dagger flew into that hand,blade down.
Vent grinned.

He ducked the tossed sword, and came up, drawing his staff from a summon hole he made on the ground.

But his staff was different. It seemed to resonate with his emotions.

As Vent was, the hatred he felt for Borghen, his enemy, mingled his love, nearly lust for battle. His demonic blood, and the special connection his demonic blood and his staff shared caused a reaction. His staff started to glow slightly, as it shattered in Vent's hands.

Vent looked surprised, as the demonic staff reformed into a katana. Longer than most katana, his demonic blade of beautiful death glistened in his hands.

He glanced back up at Borghen, and shrugged.

"Well, it's fitting my demonic blood wants to fight a demon. Can't negate demonic magic, now can you? Not without negating your own magic!" Vent exclaimed, realizing guayule demonic blood and powers were one way to fight against Borghen.

He took a ready stance, awaiting the demon's next move.
Borghen was genuinely surprised by this move. But he didn't allow Vent to see it. Borghen closed the disance quickly,and delivered a quick jab with the dagger,and quickly followed it up with an upward diagonal slash,and slashed back down to it's origin,taking a step forward with each slash. He then delivered an "x" shaped slash pattern while taking two steps back,all the while keeping his shield before him.
Argo nodded over the mental link

"You have five minutes to kick his ass. Do me proud..."

With that, he carefully poured the blood vial out over the rune well

"It will take me at least five minutes to carefully lay out all the seals necessary anyways, a rushed job can kill you"
Vent sidestepped Borghen's initial slash with the dagger, over to the side of the dagger's arm. With this sidestep, he delivered a crushing horizontal blow to Borghen's ribs, spinning out of the way and off behind Borghen.

".... I'm no prissy mage who can't fight with his body! I thought our other fights would have shown you that. Besides, Borghen, you knew I was a half-demon. Did you forget that important detail?" Vent taunted, bring his katana back up to the ready position.

'Well, don't kill me. This bastard's already doing his best!' Vent thought back to Argo.
Borghen gasped in discomfort at Vent's blows.

The armour did it's job,and kept the blows from doing any actual damage.

Borghen suddenly flipped the dagger in his hand so he held it by the blade,and hurled it underhand at Vent,aiming for his solar plexus. The end of the shield then extended to a point,as if it grew a blade.

Borghen charged forward and delivered a lunging blow with the sword,keeping his shield in between himself and Vent.

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