Ww - the coming storm

Meido let the sickness spread out before her, watching in a cruel delight. Soon after, Alec reamerged, the sick feeling in her stomach subsided for now. I despise doing this. Yes, but at least in hell no one cares what happens. Soon after she cut the sickness, letting the rest bottle back up into her mind and body, it faded from hell as well. Leaning against the back of her cave she closed her eyes.

She was trying to think of what even trigered the sickness to begin. It was right around the time she had met Zaria, come to think of it. Her eyes snapped open and a growl tore through her throat.
Borghen threw Vent off his shoulders and glared down at him. He can't fly. How fortuitous. Borghen lost the blades,but that didn't matter. Borghen shot his hand forward,towards Vent,and nine spears of light formed behind Borghen,and launched in an arc towards Vent.


Aeonor hiked through the desolate landscape,searching for the woman whom he knew was Alec Deathlind. He kept checing the image he pulled from Steven's mind with any female he came across,but didn't find a match. He used his scythe as a walking stick. He walked past Alec,not seeing her,but his aura of resolve washed over everyone nearby.
Feeling an emotion wash over her that was not her own, the growl increased, before she crawled from the cave, her ears perked in the direction of what she had identified as Zaria when it wasn't it. Launching herself at it, her hand formed into a claw she attempted to blindly kill the thing making her so pained and hurt.
Aeonor wipped around when he heard swift,approaching footsteps. He brought his scythe in front of him to block any strike,with the blade facing away from whomever was approaching. Just before he was struck by a dragon's claw,he saw the face. It was a match. "Alec--!" Was all he could muster in his old,yet strong voice before he was bowled over.
At the voice, Alec froze, hr face took on a thing of fear as she realized her blunder. Blind eyes widdening she pulled back, shaking her head before running in the opposite direction sure what ever she had just hit was going to kill her for that error.
Aeonor pused himself up with his scythe,and looked up just in time to see Alec dashing away. "Alec! Come back!"

Aeonor gave chase,using his scythe to vault over any obstacle that got in his way.
Keeping her head forward she ran faster, wanting to know how it knew her name but thankful that she couldn't ask. Getting lucky as far as the way things kept flat, Alec was relieved. Till she ran face first into a boulder. Her nose breaking and blood starting to leak from teh bottom she patted the rock till she found the edge around it in a panic and took off in a different direction, away from the cliff with teh caves that probably would have been of more help in hiding.
Aeonor saw Alec crash into the boulder while she was looking right at it. Ye,gods...She's been blinded!

As he saw her go off the cliff,Aeonor sped up. "Hold on,Alec!" Aeonor leapt off the cliff,and dove down after Alec. He quickly caught up,and caught her in his arms. Aeonor then muttered, "I hope this works..." and buried the blade of his scythe into the cliff face that was beside them,holdng the scythe in one hand,and cradling Alec in the other. "Please,don't panic. Steven sent me."
Alec blinked in confusion, how would Steven even know...it was lieing. Growling at the thing she started wiggling around trying to push away from it.
Aeonor felt Alec wriggling in his arm. "Alec! I'm telling the truth! Steven has...Had a link with you. He does with Vent,too. It's so he knows if his friends are alive or not! Please,stop and think! You know Steven! Search your feelings! You know this to be true!"

While he was trying to convince Alec,the scythe slowed their descent,and eventually stopped them a few feet above the mouth of a cave,with an outcropping floor.
Alec bit down onto the guys arm before slipping out of his grip hitting the ground. Placing her hand near her mouth she cut threw the stitches holding it shut so she could speak for a few seconds. "Of course I know them, that's why you do. Your just a thing here to screw with my mind, to make this a true hell." The stitches crisscrossed over her lips again as she finished speaking. On instinct she darted to the right and into a little cave hole to hid in.
Aeonor sighed,and removed his scythe from the cliff face. He feel,and landed on the outcropping. He walked in,and immediately saw Alec. He teleported in front of her,and dropped his scythe,with a loud wooden clanging.

"Strike me. With all your might. The result will tell you what you need to know."

Aeonor held his arms out beside him,awaiting Alec's assault.
Alec closed her eyes and pulled her legs up to her chest shaking her head. "no..."
Aeonor kneeled down in front of Alec,resting a warm hand on her shoulder. He barely knew her,but he knew people like her before.

"Listen,Alec. I am Aeonor,the Guardian Spirit of Reslove,and current Mystic Spirit to Steven Adams. He sent me to find you. I'm here to ask you a question. Do you want me to help you? I cannot help you leave here,unless you allow it."
Shuddering at the touch, she looked at him, or appeared to be at least. Her expression seemed to just read, 'how.'
"I am a Guardian Spirit. Therefore,I act as a nexus between myself,and my chosen ward,which is Steven. I can act as a lens,in which you ca focus your spirit through in order to re form yourself in the mortal world,born anew. You'd appear beside Steven,in any shape you see fit. But the form you choose will become your permanent body. Do we have a deal"
Aeonor nodded. He picked up his scythe,and drew a magic circle around Alec,and then drew one nearby,and stood in it's center.

"Alec,when I chant,I'll need you to look at me,and repeat what I chant. This will establish a connection to Earth. Here I go... Inatenzei ageti kar'k tan shal neitus saptos..." He repeated this chant,over and over,and he began to glow white.
Nodding her head, she put one hand near her mouth as it continously pulled and ripped the stitches so she could speak the chant. Repeating his words she stared dead at him despite not being able to see. It was creepy how things like that worked.
A brilliant beam of light connected Alec and Aeonor,as they continued chanting. Both of them glowed,as did the circles. The light was so brilliant,even Alec,in her Hell blinded state,could see it. Suddenly,they vanished from Hell,and appeared in Artemis' secretay's office. Aeonor immediately retreated back inside Steven and said to him, She's back.

Joseph wheeled around and fell over at this sudden commotion. It's obviously going to take a while before he gets used to the world of Magic.
Suddenly finding herself in a familiar office, Alec blinked a few times before rubbing her eyes, completely ignorant to the change her appearance had just taken. Blinking, she saw Steven and Joseph before jaw dropping a bit, her mouth not even looking like it had been stitched at all. She was very confused, despite being born and raised in magic, there where things she doubted it could do and that was definitely one of them. Looking at Steven again she smiled lovingly before crouching down and offering a hand to Joseph, the same smile on her face.

(RAWR IMAFIAHMYLAZUR....she now looks like this: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs27/f/2008/069/2/2/Space_Witch_by_norli.jpg Wings and all though the wings fold out of sight O_O)
Vent growled, his demonic form overtaking the short burst of Umbralus he'd used.

He hadn't thought this one through. They were in Hell again. Borghen's territory. Vent had it rough on Earth fighting Borghen, this was too much.

"Shit!" He yelled, raising his arms, the Umbralus markings wriggling.

"Umbrlaus Terraquitus!" He yelled, the dimenson-rending portal opening up. He remembered Steven's magical signature, and tried to lock onto it.

"Borghen! You're as good as ****** next time!" He yelled, slipping into his own portal, which disappeared in a flash of black light.


Landing outside the. Door to Artemis' office, Vent landed with a crash. Literally. His demonic energy made his body tougher, and heavier. So he judged the landing wrong, and the floor cracked under the pressure.

He quickly dispelled the demonic form, but the ability to ignore injuries that it granted went with it. Vent instantly fell to his knees.

Panting, thinking he'd pass out from the pain, Vent used the healing spell he's managed to learn, the healing water. Water came from all around him and covered him, repairing him to the point where he could function again. Of course, he was still covered in cuts, and his right hip was a disater.

He automatically sensed something inside the room with Steven. Three other pressures. One was obviously mundane. The other was incredibly powerful, but had restrictions. Vent thought it might be a Spirit Guide, or something like that. And the last one...... Vent knew it well.


Vent sighed.

Back already, was she? Pfft, whatever. Not a big deal. He still wasn't sure how he felt about her.

Cracking his knuckles, Vent walked into the room, trying to maintain his serious composure.

But that failed.

He saw Steven, and a mundane, and felt that special presense from Steven, but also saw a total babe.

That wasn't Alec......

Vent's jaw dropped a little, and he quickly realized just how bad he looked in comparison. Covered in cuts and bruises, carrying a demonic katana, and missing his shirt, so all his Umbralus markings were visible.

He was completely self-conciousnat the moment.

".... Hey, Steven and company." He said, a little awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

He didn't really know what to do next.
Joseph grabbed Alec's hand an pulled himself up. When Vent came crashing in,he shouted,and dove to the ground,drawing his bayonet,using the secretary's desk as cover. Steven whipped around,ready to spring into action,but when he saw it was Vent,he relaxed. "Get up,you. It's another friend of mine." He turned to Alec,and saw she looked radically different,and he jumped a bit. "Nice look. Somehow,it suits you."


Borghen chuckled. The boy cut and run. Suited him just fine. Borghen banished the spears of light,and looked around. Finding his bearings,he flew off.
Alec smiled lightly, completely unfazed by vent's enterence, more amused by the reaction it caused. Nodding her head to Steven giggled, "Thank you." Turning slightly so she could look at Vent she pounced him in a hug disregarding that his bruises might mean that it would hurt.
Vent nodded to Joseph, putting two and two together to realize it must be a friend of Steven's, or something along those lines. Whatever. He was glancing off, trying not to look weirded out as the girl jumped him in a stinging hug.


Vent gritted his teeth, and breathed a bit shallow, his eyes going wide.

".... H-Hi. Love the enthusiasm, but who the Hell are you?" He asked in a surprised voice.

Steven's words echoed a little weird, however.

It couldn't be......

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