Ww - the coming storm

Alec blinked a few times before a look of her came to her face as she drew away from him, folding her arms over her chest she moved away from Vent, annoyed that he didn't realize it was her, after all they'd been thru it should have been obvious despite the change. Looking over at the secretary she nodded her head before moving over to talk to her, letting Vent figure it out himself.
Vent grinned.

".... Only one person could scowl like that. Alec." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

".... I felt it was you, but.... You're different. Like..... Different. Wow." Vent started, still grinning.

"But..... Didn't you just die?" Vent asked, pulling out the blood soaked note, with Alec's message to him on it.
Turning to look at Vent she put one hand on her hip, the other on the desk, proping her head up. "When has being dead ever stopped me from coming back?" She nodded her head to the letter, "Glad you got it and not Borghen..."
Vent walked up to her, and let his finger run along her neck as he past her.

Still grinning, Vent propped the katana up on his shoulder, and sighed.

"You tell me." He said, an eyebrow raising.
Vent sighed.

"Well, I think that's appropriate. I hadn't seen you in five years, and you got engaged to a demon. I'm not beating around the bush this time." He said, shrugging, his grin fading for a sec while he summoned a scabbard for his katana, and slung it around his waist. Carrying it was getting annoying.

"..... Why are we here, anyways?" He asked, fully realizing they were in the secretary's room for Artemis' office.
Laughing lightly, Alec nodded her head. "Speaking of which, I'll need to pay a visit to that thign soon. I have the urge to tear his lungs out and choke him with them." Her words were spoken with a sort of happiness to them, it was rather odd, even for her. A smirk went across her face. "For the rest of that, I thought you were mad. Or is that something you wish to discuss in private...?"

"And that would be because Steven wished for Artemis's help adjusting Joseph to 'us'"
Vent's serious face made one of it's rare appearances.

".... Yeah, private would work."

He sighed, and then grinned devilishly.

"We don't need old Arty to get Joey accustomed to magic!" He said, snapping his fingers. Suddenly, all four people were in a black area where nothing was, but oddly, they could still see each other. There was no light in the darkness, but there was perfect visibility.

Vent pulled a scroll from his pant's pocket.

"Guess where we are?" He said, still grinning, knowing Alec might know at least.
Alec chuckled, "Umbrulas..." she muttered before tilting her head back and doing a bridge before flipping back over, just as a small way of looking for the old young child she had grown attachted to in the short time she had be learning under her.
Steven was intrigued. "Umbralus? That explains the surroundings. Where'd you get this magic?"

Manwhile,Joseph stood up,but kept his bayonet drawn. His right eye was twiching,and ha bounced on the balls of his feet,ready to strike at anything that came from the darkness. "Should we really be out here? We're sittng ducks if anyone decides to attack us...Especially in this gloom." This was promptly rewarded with a swift slap upside the head from Steven,to which Joseph replied, "Do you think I'm your apprentice?" Steven smirked,and said, "You might as well should be."

Joseph wailed in despair and dropped his knife,with the inscription "Never Forget MM" visible. He buried his face in his hands,and muttred, "Why me,why me,why me..." repeatedly.
Vent chuckled.

He winked at Steven.

".... Joseph. Feel like getting used to the magical world really fast?" He asked, a small girl stepping out of the shadows beside Vent. Vent grinned. "Meet my master, Olivia."

Olivia shrugged.

"I've taught you all I can, boy. Why do you keep coming back?" She asked, slightly annoyed, but giving Alec a genuine smile, as if she was glad to see her.

"Because I keep needing help." Vent said. ".... I was thining we could give Joseph here-" Vent motioned to Joey, as he called him, "-A small Umbralus inscription. To keep him safe. Nothing that he would depend on, but a stepping stone to accelerate his growth, ya know?" Vent explained.

Olivia, nodding, sighed.

"You actually had a good idea, boy." She agreed.

Vent beamed.

"Steven, would you be okay if Joey got a small Umbrlaus mark? Nothing like mine, but something he could fight with, ya know?" Vent asked of Steven, while glancing at the cowering Joey.
Steven raised an eyebrow. "Why are you asking me? This isn't my choice to make. It's Joe's. Ask him." Steven gestured towards Joseph,who was still lameting his position in this.
Nodding her head to the little girl, Alec looked at Joseph and frowned. Crouching down in front of him she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Dear, please, listen to me for a second alright?" She spoke in a soothing voice, trying to calm him down and get him to stop freaking out so badly. "We aren't trying to scare you or hurt you, and if we did that was not our intent and we are truely sorry." She gave a small smile. "No one is going to harm you. We just want you to understand, as you are a friend of Steven's and it would be hard for him to hide this from you. It's easier to learn now then forget and find out when it's something crucial. Alright?"
:: deep in the lirairy of the first school, deep under the water of the flooded valley,Marco sat ikn a half-rotted chair, researching runic magic ::

:: apparently, runic magic was a combination of over 320 different forms of magic, from tribal to summoning. and it was all to seal away a single creatre... called the "creeper" ::

:: a chill ran down his spine, Marco stood up ::

Voice: "welcome mortal"

:: Marco face-palmed ::

Marco: "okay, cut the crap, i've had enough so-called "immortals"

:: the creature emerged, it had 5 eyes, 3 were infected, it's limbs had wasted away and it seemed to be having trouble standing upright ::

Creature: "very considerate of you to offer yourself young man"

Marco: "i'm not some offering,n i was studying runic magic"

Creature: "ah! the magic used to seal away my former master!... do you want to see him?"

Marco "a powerful monster that took a whole new form of magic to seal away?... no thanks"

:: the creature cackled ::

Creature: "ha! you know it was sealed away... but you don't know how!... the creeper was sealed away in 3 places... his conciousness was sealed away inside a stone deep in the earth, it's power was sealed deep in the city of Asguard and it's body is chained away in this building"

Marco: "if they could do this... why didn't they just kill it?"

Creature:"the Creeper cannot be killed, if it's escence is destroyed it will re-form in another body in about 50m years, if it's body is destroyed it simply moves it's power and conciousness into another host... human or servant... any is good"

:: Marco had a long think ::

Marco: "okay then, show me the body of this... thing"

:: the creature led Marco deep into then ruins of the old school ::
Joseph looked at Alec. "I know,I know...It's just...Hard...When your entire world is blown to pieces...But...I have a question...Can I learn magic? Or do I have to rely on everyone else to make things spontaneously combust?"
Laughing lightly Alec shrugged, "I'm sure we could teach you, if you wouldn't mind carying around a couple charms to help you do it, of course." Nodding her head energetically, "And if you really wanted to make something combust..." She leaned in and whispered something about Vent's pants, as her hand settled over his as she pressed a feather into it and winked. Standing back up Alec ran a hand through her hair and looked up.
Joseph nodded,and got up. He looked around for his knife,and picked it up. He spun it deftly in his hand,and slid it back into its scabbard.

"I'll never be truly comfortable in a combat situation without a firearm. Since I can't be seen walking around with a C6 or C8,I'll need to learn how to create them at will. Where do we start?"

Steven smirked. Joseph,as usual,gets right to the meat of things.
Laughing again, Alec shrugged, "Steven, that's more your area right?" She looked over at him one eyebrow raised.
Steven raised an eyebrow,and looked at Alec. "I don't know a thing about jump-starting magic abilities. I know magic technique. Nothing else."

Joseph looked between Aled,Vent,and Steven.

"So,I'm assuming this is more complicated than I thought,eh?"
Rubbing her nose between her fingers she sighed, "i didn't really mean jump starting it, i meant the weapons thing...but um yeah...." unconsciously , her news wings seemed to ruffle themselves reflected how she felt at the moment, without looking at anyone she suddenly drew an arm back and sent it flying at Joseph, stopping it exactly an inch from the tip of his nose, her whole side of her arm transformed into a blade.

"Try. If you want to learn, try. Push yourself past your limits to mimick that. You were once a soldier, I can see that in you, you know how to make yourself do something so do it."
When he saw Alec's arm shoot towards him,Joseph sidestepped and drew his knife,and was about to attack her elbow when Alec's arm transformed. He stopped,slowly sheathed his knife,and listened while Alec explained the basic premise of weaponization magic.

"Visualize...Will to being...Well..."

Joseph closed his eyes and held his left arm out beside him. Weaponize... My arm... Arm.. Weapon... Firearm... Think... Metroid... Samus... The power beam! Yes!

Josephs arm began to glow,and a shape of light began to form over his arm. Suddenly,the light exploded like a flashbang;blinding light,and one helluva bang. The force of the blast knocked Joseph onto his right side,and the flash of light temporarily blinded Steven,who was now blinking madly,and stumbling backwards.
Covering her eyes with the arm she had struck out with Alec flinched a bit at the sound. Biting her lip she burst out into a large fit of laughter. "Now that is certainly making things interesting."
Joseph got up,rubbing his shoulder. It hurt like a mother effer. He rolled up his sleeve,and discovered why it hurt so much.

It was shattered. The shoulder was swollen and purple. Nothing was poking out,but the injury was still severe. It probably involved several major blood vessels.

"Jesus,F**K! This HURTS! MEDIC!"

A loud riging filled Steve's ears,and his vision slowly turned from white to normal. He barely heard anything,but he did hear Joseph's call for a medic. Steven shouted, "Alec,check out Joe! Make sure he didn't blow his arm off!"
"Roger." Alec said quickly placing a hand on Josephs forehead, implying an old favorite of hers, the knockout spell. It would keep him under without pain long enough for her to fix it. Looking at his shoulder she traced a pentagram onto his shin and a strong healing spell into it. Red and orange sparks danced across the areas that were injured, fixing it and making it stronger to avoid further damage. Sighing after a second she leaned back, "he's going to have a rather nasty bruise. I still can't fix that....."
Steven stumbled towards Alec and Joseph. His vision was just about normal again,but he was still nearly deafened by the ringing in his ears. "Did he faint?" Steven shouted.

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