Ww - the coming storm

The girl looked him up and down. "You look pretty old to still be going here..." Shrugging she twirled a piece of hair around her finger, "But First floor, thrid room from the right hall branching from the foyer."
Steven nodded,and said "Thank you." He motioned for Joseph to follow him,and followed the girl's directions to the nurse's office.

Steven smiled warmly when he saw the printing on the frosted glass window. "Nurse Yumi Deathlind's Office" Steven turned and looked at Joseph. "Before we enter,let me give you Yumi's rules of engagment. Don't act like an idiot. Don't lie. Give as much information you feel is relevant to her questions. And finally,if we can't get a distance learning arrangement for you,don't come to her office with a major injury more than once every two weeks. Breaking any of these ruls,especially the last one,is liable to get you on Yumi's bad side." Joseph nodded and stood at attention. It's like Yumi were the Colonel.

Steven knocked on the door,and waited.
The door opened by itself, a voice from inside calling them in. Sitting behind a desk off to the side, opposite of a medical bench, equipment, and various strange objects that could very well be what a stereotypical witch's brew was made of, Yumi shuffled through papers glasses perched on the end of her nose,, pulling out a little pad of green paper she glanced up. "Name, problem, what you did, what class, and how much damage."
Steven walked in and said, "Miss Deathlind,remember me? I have someone who should meet you." Steven gestured towards Joseph,who marched in behind Steven,and now stood at attention,giving a salute. "This is a friend of mine,Joseph Ray. He'd like to learn magic via a distance learning program,under Vent,Alec and myself."
Looking at Steven then at Joseph she leaned back in her chair. "I see." Nodding her head to the salute she kept a stone face. "Understandable. What are your conditions to this distance learning program?" This was directed at Joseph.
Joseph said,as a soldier would say to a superior officer, "I wish to learn magics that can be used and applied to many aspects of life,ma'am! This includes mundane utility,combat,and iteraction with others,ma'am!"

Joseph was still at attention,but he dropped the salute.
Yumi nodded her head, picking up the pen and writing in short hand. "Very well. Not like I could tell you otherwise. Steven, would you say this man needs a physical before you start in order to judge how he is? Or do you feel comfortable with winging it?" She leaned forward, her hands folding together completely business.
Steven raised an eyebrow and asked, "Depends. He's a soldier. What kind of physical did you have in mind? At ease,Joseph."

Joseph widened his stance to shoulder width,and placed his hands behind his back.
"A simple one, reaction times, muscle mass, weight height the others that follow suit, if he has any unknown disorders or diseases. ANd since he was a soldier there might be a chance of having the need for a mental test as well. Tell me sir," She looked at Joseph. "as a soldier were you at any point placed in the middle of battle. If you lie, I will know."
Joseph stated, "Only once ma'am,but it was before my military career. When I was a child,I witnessed the massacre at Mother Mary's Orphanage. Anything else,ma'am?"
"Have you ever in your life had depression? Anxiety? Thoughts of Suicide?" She said.
Joseph pondered this. He looked to his past. He finally said, "When I discovered what had happened,I was...For lack of a better term,dead inside. This continued for several years. During this period,I often found myself wondering 'What if I tried to intervene,what if I was the objective?' After I went into high school,I came to peace with my past. I discovered there was no point to dwell on the past. But later,I began to feel hatred. Who would be so cowardly as to send mercenaries armed with miliary grade kit to purge an orphanage. I then decided I'd become a soldier,so I could recieve the training and the resources to ensure this cannot happen again so long as I was in a position to help. I visited the memorial placed at the orphanage site every day. As a reminder of my oath."

Joseph slowly abandoned his soldier tone,as he relived his life. It was obviously painful,but he knew it had to be done.
Nodding her head she stood up. "Please take a seat on that bench, take your shoes off, and relax." Going around her desk, she stopped in front of a cupboard, taking a key out from her pocket she opened it, it had a lot of creepy looking things it in, something that even looked like a human heart in a jar with an extra heart chamber on it. Taking a box down from the shelf she shut the thing again.
Joseph nodded and did as asked. He did glance worryingly at the heart in a jar,but he decided against the notion that Yumi was out to hurt him. Steven said, "Do you want me to wait outside?"
"If you would like." Opening the box, she pulled out a small mundane doctors tool to test reaction time, tapping Joseph's knee with it, while a little dial appeared over his head as the actual test.
Joseph instinctively moved his leg away from the hammer as it swung,causing it to miss entirely. He muttred a quick 'sorry',and put his leg back in place,while Steven left the room and silently closed the door.
Yumi laughed lightly and simply shook her head. "Better than most." She took another object from the box and gave Joseph a full physical before shrugging and putting the box away. "How opposed are you to having someone in your head?"
"Observation." Yumi replied folding her arms over her chest and leaning back against her desk completely at ease.
Joseph was still uncomfortable. He believed that the mind was a private domain meant to be a bastion and an arena to be used aganst one's personal demons. Finally,he decided. "Alright. You can go in. Just...Try not to break anything,please."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Yumi said before placing a hand on his forehead, leaving it there for a second before taking her hand off and stepping back. "It seems everything is in working condition. Though, it seems you are very angry without knowing it. May I suggest a stress doll?" She held out her hand, a little blue thing that you squeezed and the eyes and mouth popped out with a small noise.
Joseph nodded in acknowledgement. He was an extremely angry man. He taken the doll,and said, "Thank you. Is that all,ma'am?"
"That it is." She sat back down behind her desk and returned to her papers, it was her sign of dismissing him.
Assuming he was dismised,Joseph got off the examination table and put his socks and shoes back on. He faced Yumi,and came to attention with a resounding stomp,and snapped off a salute. Dropping his hand,Joseph turned on his heel and marched out.

Outside,in the hall,Steven was leaning on the wall. He heard the stomp,and pushed himself off the wall. When Steven saw Joseph marching out,he asked, "So,d'you check out?" Joseph nodded,and pulled out the stress doll. "But apparently I have stress issues. Besides that,I'm good. The program was green-lighted."

Steven nodded,smirked,and opened a portal to a random mountain range near Germany. If Joseph was going to practice summoning guns,he'd better do it in an isolated area. Steven gestured for Joseph to follow.
:: far below the water, Marco was lead by the creature, coming to the massive chained body of the ancient creature known as "the creeper" ::

Marco: "holy... even though its just it's body i can barely breathe, with such a presance"

Creature: "yes indeed, but this is not my master's body"

Marco: "what!?"

Creature: "this is but a single limb, each part of it has a mind of it's own but all are working toward a single goal.... the will of the governing mind"

Marco: "and how many limbs are there?"

Creature: "about 70 or so"

Marco: "but.... WHAT!?!?"

(this was the creature)


:: the creature was almost the size of an aircraft character and it stank beyond belief ::

Marco: "how the hell was this put under a school!?"

Creature: "why do you think the dark mages attacked it and drove the old students out? because of this!... even though the body has no mind, it still holds power, and that power can drive mages and magical creatures to darkness and insanity"

Marco: "what!?"

Creature: "fear not... this body is a shell, the esance is gone"

:: Marco just stood there, gazing at the massive creature ::

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