Ww - the coming storm

Nodding her head she smiled softly to herself for a second before frowning. So what does that mean for us then...? It means your going to get hurt. Bad. Meido answered. Rubbing the side of her head , Alec stepped outside of the cabin again before her hand balled up into a fist and she punched it straight forward into the air, in a fighting stance, a burst of energy shot from it and evaporated into the air. Sighing she sat down, knees pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. Everything was so f-ed up in life.
Vent gulped down a glass of water, and another, and a third. He spat in the sink afterwards, almost wanting to leave. He felt like his face was burning.

He slapped himself a couple times, trying to calm down. Then he realized he was still shirtless, and slipped one one. An easy button up shirt, which he rolled the sleeves up and undid the top two buttons on.

Going outside, he sat down beside Alec, and sighed.

".... If I put my arm around you, would I lose it?" He asked gingerly.
"Depends on where you put it." She said a bit monotone tugging her hat down over her eyes so her face was hidden. Meido was still screwing with Alec saying everything that could go wrong, things that would happen to make it go wrong, and also giving her a friendly reminder of three certain people.


Leslie knocked a bit louder on the door, before sliding down the side wall and sitting just out of reach of the rain watching it storm like crazy outside.
"Is here fine?" Vent asked, resting his arm around Alec's shoulders, holding her tight. He felt better already.

".... What's wrong? Is Meido making fun of me or something?" He asked, a little chuckle escaping his lips.
Alec made a small noise at the sudden pressure she had on her from his arm but otherwise didn't object."No, not you." She peeked up from under her hat fo ra second, "Pretty sky..." She muttered.
Vent sighed.

"Fine. Don't tell me. I don't wanna know and or help." He said, grinning, also watching the 'pretty sky'.
"You couldn't help anyway...it's all personal stuff she's picking up on." Alec said a bit indifferently. "and you knowing would probably scar me worse than anything she could do." She shuddered.
Vent's nose wrinkled, and he sighed.

".... But I wanna know stuff about you." He said in rebuttle.


In a blink of light, Leslie was in Hope's study. The flame lit the tastefully decorated room, littered with papers and trinkets of varied magical powers. Hope sat in his chair, looking normal, despite his absorption of the Soulstone mere hours ago.

His head tilted at Leslie, and he smirked.

".... 'Welcome to my web, said the spider to the fly'. A famous quote, no?" He asked, his smirk chilling in looks.
Leslie blinked in suprise and nearly fell over at the sudden change. Bowing her head to the sir she tried to hide the shiver that went down her spine at his smirk. "Sir." She said in a timid shaking voice of a servant.


Alec raised an eyebrow and turned her head looking at him. "Really now." Laughing lightly she started naming dates of things that he should be wary off, the fact taht she has a metal plate in her hand, and that she can't remember her own birthday phone number or address.
Hope's smirk faded.

".... Why were you on my premises?" He asked bluntly.


Vent sighed.

"That's good stuff to know, but I can tell it's not what's bugging you." He chided her, taking her hat off with his free hand.
Trembling slightly, Leslie straightened, not able to keep eye contact with the Sir. "I was wondering if I could seek shelter or Sanctuary for the night from the storm." In the same tone as before.


Alec's eye twitched and she reached out to grab her hat back. "Come on, that isn't yours." SHe mumbled.
Vent chuckled.

"It is now." He said, placing it on his head, and grabbing Alec's hand to prevent her from taking it back.


Hope's eyebrow raised.

"... And what do I get in return, young miss?" He asked, throughly interested.
Alec frowned before twisting her arm free and tackling him. Sitting on top of him she reached for her hat again.


Leslie looked nervous for a second. "What would you like sir?"
Vent sighed.

".... Not where I was gonna go, but I don't mind for now." He said with a grin on his face.

He continued to block her attempts at her hat, resting nicely on his head.


Hope Astrumregis smiled.

"..... Do you even know who I am, girl?" He asked, actually amused.
Alec;s face went red and she puffed up her chest offended making more grabs for her hat. "Obnoxious."


Leslie met his eyes for a second before shaking her head, "No sir, I do not."
Alfred walked up the steps to Hope's manor,and stepped inside. The damage had been repaired,and the armed goons were out of sight. He approached the study door,and knocked. In his front pocket was the contrace to have the statues moved,and alongside it,the notice of acceptance from the Art Collective Institute's curator,Wallace Dean.


Joseph and Steven were atop the German mountains,training. Joseph had mastered summoning weapons,ammunition,and augmenting the weapons and ammo. Now,they were practicing illusions and telekenisis,Steven's prodigal arts.

Telekenisis was lesson one,and as a demonstration...Steven lifted a nearby mountain...And set it down gently. Joseph was left speechless,as Steven collapsed to one knee from exhaustion. "And that...Is what a telekenetic prodigy can do." Steven began to cough violently,and small flecks of blood flew onto the snow beore him. "Heh,I was wondering when that would come up again..." Steven stood up shakily,and said, "If you can move even a small boulder on your first try,I'll be impressed. Try."

And so Joseph tried. All night long.
Vent chuckled.

"And you like it. Nothing wrong with being a little obnoxious." He explained, grabbing Alec's hands and holding them.


Hope's smile faltered for a second, and came back full strength.

".... Alfred. Come in, and explain to this guest of mine, who exactly I am." Hope said in a jovial tone.
Alec growled a bit, "Don't tell me what I like.." She mumbled, a bit touchy on things like that before leaning forward, without using her hands and biting the edge of her hat and lifting it off Vent and flipping it back onto her own head with a practiced sort of skill.


Leslie jumped a bit before looking at the door, bowing her head to the person coming in.
Alfred walked in,and bowed eeeply to Hope and Leslie. "You now stand before my master,Hope Astrumregis. He owns this estate,and all whom work here. He is aslo a very knowledgable scholar of the Arcane,and practitioner of magicks,both ancient and contemporary. Compounded upon these latent talents,my master Hope is also a talented artist,recreating exact replicas of famous sculptures like the Venus DeMilo,and Michealangelo's David,selling them o the highest bidder,keeping the priceless originals for himself. Furthermore,he's the single most powerful individual in existence,practicaly having Lucifer himself wrapped around his little finger. Furthermore...He is in possession of a currently inert Soulstone...He intends to fill it shortly. Did I miss anything,sir?"

Alfred stood before Leslie and Hope,perfectly calm. The perfect image of a loyal butler.


Finally,after uncountable attempts,Joseph successfuly lifted and moved a boulder. It tired him out considerably,but he did it. "I think that's all for today. Let's go to the academy. I'll let Alec and Vent know about the plan." Joseph,too tired to speak or move,simply passed out from exhaustion. Steven opened a portal to the academy,and picked up Joseph in a fireman's carry. Steven carried Joseph through,and set him down in the bed. He opened a psychic link with Alec and Vent.

"You there?"


Borghen's portal lead to the outside of Hope's study. He emerged,and knocked lightly.
Leslie blinked a few times, "I'm truely sorry, but I don't really know what your saying, who are David and Demilo? And what's a soulstone?" She tilted her head innocently, though she had been raised with magic and in a magic family, she knew little about the magic world or the regular world after she was put out on the streets.

Feeling a bit dull, she looked down bowing her head to both the sir and the man she had gathered was a butler. "My apologies, Sir and Sir." She said, bowing a little bit more for each of the two.
Hope actually laughed. Not sinisterly, not mockingly, Hope Astrumregis actually laughed because he found something truly funny.

Which would still be scary.

".... You can stay the night." He said suddenly, composing himself. "On one condition."
Steven was unnerved by the silence,so he strengthened the psychic beacon,and said more insistently, "Are you there? Is anything wrong??"


Alfred silently removed the documents from his front pocket and presented them to Hope,allowing him to look them over.


Borghen growled in annoyance,and knocked a little harder,just in case he wasn't heard before.
Leslie nodded her head, folding her hands behind in her back in a respectful manner. "May I ask that condition, Sir?"


Alec's eye twitched, a sudden sharp flash of light and twang of pain sent to Steven was a warning that they were busy at the moment.
Hope chuckled.

"You'll owe me one." He said, letting his words linger in the air, seeming much more implicative than they seemed.

He looked over the documents, handed them back, and sighed.

"Tell Borghen I'm not seeing him right now." He said, motioning for Alfred to leave.


Vent sighed.

"Told Steven to piss off?" He said, moving his face closer to Alec's slowly.
Steven grunted in pain from Alec's psychic assault. He cut the link,and muttered, "Well...I guess she wants some alone time...Who am I to go against the wishes of a Deathlind? Now...I hope something happens soon...I grow bored easily,lately..."

Careful what you wish for,the addage goes. At that moment,Steven went into a violent coughing fit,spewing up blood with every cycle. Eyes wide,and unable to make a sound beyond a hacking cough,Steven braced himself against the wall,and began to hobble towards Yumi's office. He ould barely breathe,and he was losing a lot of blood. No...Not like this...

Steven collapsed into unconciousness ten feet away from Yumi's door,unmoving,barely breathing,and blood still coming from his mouth.


Alfred nodded,and placed the documents back into his chest pocket. He bowed to Hope,and Leslie,and approached the door. He knocked on it,and opened it,seeing Borghen standing on the other side. "About time." Alfred shook his head,and said, "The Master Hope will not be seeing you right now. Please return another time." Borghen opened his mouth as if to say something,then closed it,although this gesture would have been unseen,due to his helmet. His hand strayed to his dagger,but the fingers never touched the hilt. "Fine. I'll be back later." Borghen turned on his heel,and marched off towards the cellar. He held no respect for Alfred. No emotion whatsoever. No spine,either,instead relying on others to fight for him.

Alfred walked out of the room,and silently closed the door. He then proceeded to his quarters.

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