Ww - the coming storm

Vent sighed as Alec sunk into the ground.

Not so much as blush..... He thought, blushing himself.

His Umbralus markings wriggled, a portal opening around him. He locked onto Steven's magical signature, and teleported, ready for battle!


Vent appeared in a hallway of the Academy, and saw the two antagonists, and a third holding Joseph. With the sudden speed of light as his Umbralus activated into lightning form, Vent shot to Steven's side.

".... Hey bud. Reinforcements." He stated, balling up his fists.

"Voltus!" He yelled, a bolt of lightning lauching at the closest enemy (Rudra).
The bolt struck the demon straight in the chest,causing it to stumble slightly. Rudra growled,with the voice coming from the spherical pommel of the sword. "Better luck next time,mort--AARGH!"

Steven capitolized on the demon's opening,and delivered a massive telekinetic blast quare to it's chest,causing it to fly down the hall,landing ere feet away from Joseph and the man holding him. Igni charged,and leapt above and over Vent and Steven,landing mere feet behind them,preparing to deliver a fatal slash, "You die now,vermin!"
Vent grinned.

"Sorry, not today!" He yelled, his demonic katana drawing itself from it's sheath at his waist, before Vent grabbed it from the air, parrying Igni's swing. Pushing off, Vent leapt with wind magic, grabbing Steven along for the ride.

"Hit the other one again!" Vent yelled, launching electrical shockwaves at the one he blocked (Igni) from his katana with slashes while flying through the air backwards at the man holding Joseph, Steven in his other arm's grip.
Alec sat inside the blind realm, her mind racing before Meido brought up the subject of Zaria. "He still has you on leash dear. And I can tell your getting sicker a lot faster. " The manifestion of Meido standing in the Blind realm nearly scared the hell out of Alec. It was the first time she had seen the thing outside of her mind. It was still just as frightening, it not a bit more intimidating.

"I know, I know. I need to take care of it, but how? Whenever I'm near him he screws with my head..."
Steven complied. He knew that striking at the man would be pointless. Steven lifted Rudra's host off the ground and threw it into Yumi's office,where he heard loud crashing,and something explode,and almost immediately after,a sword spiraling out. Steven nearly passed out from the exertion. They were heavy,and he moved an entire mountain not too long ago.

Igni jumped out of the way of Vent's electric assaults,and dashed towards the abandoned Blade of Wind.

The man backed up more quickly,and shouted, "No closer! If you disobey,the soldier boy dies!"

There was already a shallow cut in Joseph's throat. His eyes were closed,and his right fist was clenched,with small shafts of white light escaping between his fingers.
Alec sighed and fell back as Meido gave no answer. Rather, she did give one, just not one she wanted. Meido had opened a hole in the blind realm, beyond it was Zaria's temple. "Go take care of it you worthless girl." She scretched before throwing her out onto the steps, the blind realm fading once again into Alec's mind along with Meido. Almost instantly, the doors to the temple flew open, and Zaria stood there, in his full fledged demon form looking down at her.

"Alec Deathlind." His voice boomed before Alec found herself soaring through the air before crasahing back into the concrete wall of the temple. Instantly, something cracked, and going from the pain in her arm, her shoulder blade just shattered. Hitting the ground, Alec glared at Zaria who was right there in front of her a hand around her throat a blade to her heart.

"I told you. You would come back to me." He growled, "Now shall I clip your wings first or just reanimate you to begin with..." He mused before suddenly gasping in pain, blood spilling down the right side of his face, one eye missing and the body beneath him missing.

"Zaria. Tonight, You shall die."
:: Marco's stumbling came to an end, he slumped down onto the wall ::

:: the walls shook, there was a deafening roar down the hall, Marco did all he could but soon came to a halt, falling face-down on the damp ground ::


:: a while later, Marco awoke, he was in the hallway, and all was quiet... there was a gentle breeze in there, he must have been near an exit above the water level... or on the other side of the valley's hills ::

Marco: "oh... damnit...."

:: he got up on all fours, then he slowly made his way to his feet ::

Marco: "okay... calm the **** down.... you were studying and fell asleep! thats all!"

:: he looked around and saw a light at the end of the hall ::

Marco: "but anyway, iim getting outa he-"

Woman: "NO! get away from me!"

Marco: "what the...!?"

:: the voice echoed from down the hall ::

Marco "well... if the "creeper" was real, it would have taken me already..."

:: he walked down the hallway, coming to an old wooden door ::

Marco: "damnit... looks rusted shut, nothing a dash of magic won't fix...."

:: he tried to cast a spell, nothing happened ::

Marco: "oh thats just PERFECT!"

:: he grasped the door, trying to force it open, and in a single, massibe heave, the rust snapped off and the door went flying open, Marco fell in to find a young woman... weeping in a corner ::

Marco: "hey... are you okay?"

:: the girl raised her head, to reveal her face, it was wrinkled and twisted, her eyes were spewing out black tears and her teeth had rotted ::

Marco: "oh son of a..."

:: Marco closed the door, and began running away, his wounds seemed healed ::

:: he ran as far as he could, coming back to his camp site, he could hear a soft patter of footprints coming closer, that girl... was a monster... or it used to be human but was'nt anymore ::

Girl: "come out pretty boy... please... i'm so lonely and i want a cuddle"

:: her deformed hand clid between the bars on the door ::

Marco: "you can't fool me!"

Girl: "please.... pwetty pwease!?"

Marco: "dan it... leave me ALONE!"

:: the girl came birsting through the door, only to be skewered by Marco's blood-magic knife ::

:: there was a clapping behind him ::

Man: "well done"

Marco: "and who the hell are you!?"

Man: "this body'n name is benjamin Green.. a real religious nut-job... heh, i told him that i was "the lord" as he called it... and viola!"

Marco: "and what about this... this..."

Man: "ah! that was his daughter Lucy... its amazing... you killed her in cold blood... its amazing what a simple illusion can do"

Marco: "illusion?..."

man: "ah yes... although you saw her as a monster coming to kill you, with that twisted voice.. she was actually begging you for help... and she thought you were saying "come on! lets get outa here!"

Marco: "so.. she... she was innocent"

Man: "as innnocent as a kitten"

Marco: "bastard!"

man: "now now... don't try anything... this man is under my control... you don't wanna kill him just so you can annoy me a little bit"

Marco: "who are you!?"

Man: "you know me as... "the creeper"

Marco: "son of a *****..."

:: Marco put his blade away and ran away, the echoing cackling laughter of the creeper-possesed man taunting him ::
Vent's eyes narrowed, flicking the katana up, pointed at the man. He set Steven down:

".... Watch my back, will ya?" He said with a grin, staring down the man.

Vent's katana lost it's electrical aura, and so did Vent. His Umbralus form deactivated. He stood staring at the man, a no-nonsense look on his face.

"..... Who are you, and what do you want?" He spat, glancing from the knife back the man's face.
The man smiled as he becked away. "I am nothing more than a simple servant of Innos. I was tasked by Him to retrieve the Eye. As soon as It is in my possession,I'll leave."

Igni's host picked up Rudra,the Blade of Wind,and said, "Now,with our powers combined..." "We shall be unstoppable!"

The demons charged,and Steven attempted to use telekinisis to throw them,but he was too bushed. All he managed was a pathetic blast,which done nothing to the demon at all,and collapsed to the ground,unconcious,with a loud thud.

Suddenly,Joseph shouted, "Vent! Look away!"

"What are you planning,boy?"
Zaria laughed, "Foolish girl. If anyone dies it's you." He lunged forward only to find himself passing through air where Alec should have been. He roared in rage. "No, You won't die but you'll wish I'd have killed you for everything that I'll do to you." His power flared, rage overwhelming everything. He knew he could work and function clearly in rage, but could she?

Alec's eyes blurred for a second and every single thing she hated came to mind. The most prominente being the thing standing across from her. At that exact moment, Meido took over and Zaria's powers stopped working.

"WHat is this?!" He howled moving foward at an insane pace only to be met head on by Meido, fists interlocked in a struggle for domminance, heads bashed together every few seconds the power shifting between the two but ultimately equal.

"Zaria..." Meido said as from her hands, portals to the blind realm opened, Zaria's firsts sinking into them before the two headed straight into it, cutting both forces off from everything in the other dimensions. The second the two were both fully in there, Meido and Alec split. THe shadow figure Meido holding Zaria in place, while Alec came from above weidling two dark purple twisted daggers both aimed for the demon's lungs.

( Zaria speak=Purple. Meido Speak=dark red. Alec speak=dark blue.
Vent sneered at the man, before spinning around to face the now combined Igni and Rudra.

"Let's try something new!" He yelled, now facing the charging foe.

"Umbralus Aquas!" He said, entering a new Umbralus form. Instead of the usual wind or lightning, or the rare darkness, Vent used water. He'd recently learned he was quite adept with this element. Not so much as wind, but a fair strength resided.

His eyes and hair going a deep blue, and his body glistening with a liquid aura, Vent swung his katana, sending a wave of water crashing down on the advancing enemy.

Also, at that moment, Vent sent a message to Joseph telepathically.

'Draw this rune' It said, flashing an image of Vent's favored 'Strength' rune. 'Focus on the natural power of the water as you draw it in the air!'
Joseph smirked,squeezed his eyes shut,and said, "This."

Joseph opened his hand,and an explosion of light erupted from his hand. Technicaly,it was a failed conjuration,but it had the desired effect.

The man who was holding him was blinded,and relaxed his hold. Joseph ducked out of his grip,and recieved Vent's message. He smirked and traced the rune as Vent had instructed,while imagining the power of rushing water. He finished that,and drew his knife.

"Payback time,asshole!"

Joseph opened his eyes,and charged at the man,now on the ground.

Igni and Rudra were barely affected by the flashbomb. Their eyes were pure magic. Their demoniac hose was struck by the empowered water blast,and was knocked backwards several feet,leaving cracks where it had landed. It got up,and the Blades said,

"This is getting..." "...Rather tiresome!" "Now you die!"

The demon host began to slash madly in the air,and n the wake of each slash was a stream of fire and a miniature hurricane,each being sent to Vent at incredible speeds.
Vent sighed.

"Umbralus Duos! Ventus Aquas!" He yelled, figuring two elements would fare well against even odds.

His watery form was joined by the flowing wind, Vent looked as if his body was mist. Standing with a calm expression, his aura one of gentle winds and calm waters, he returned each wild slash with a speedy one. Waves of water met the fire blasts, and opposite spinning winds canceled the demon's own.

As Vent met each of the slashes, he advanced forward, ready to meet the demon at a closer playing field. He didn't look back, fully trusting Joseph's ability to handle the problem.

With all the water I'm putting around to fuel his rune, he'll he strong enough physically to fight that hooded *****! Vent thought as he calmly strode forward.
Igni and Rudra continued their assault,hoping to tire Vent out,completely oblivious to the rune that empowered their foe.

Joseph leapt into the air,and attepted to deliver a downward stab to the man's abdomen. The man inched backwards,still blinded,attempting to get away from the conflict,and instead recieved the blade of the knife in a FAR more painful place.

The groin.

The man shrieked in agony as Joseph pulled out the blade,and lined up another shot to the throat.
Vent heard the scream, and decided to wrap things up on his end as well.

He flickered out of sight for a second, his misty body re-appearing in front of Igni-Rudra, his katana sheathed again. His Umbralus form wore off, and Vent regained physical shape. He grabbed both of Igni-Rudra's wrists, and yanked it's arms apart, then wrenching them out of place from their joint. Then, pulling forward on the dislocated joints, Vent pulled the demon into a vicious headbutt to it's nose.
Joseph said,"Tell Innos to do better next time." And he then buried the bayonet to its hilt in the man's throat. He then turned his attention to Yumi's body. "Alec won't like this..."

The demon holding Igni and Rudra let go of the blades,having lost control of its arm muscles,and went limp. Without the swords,it had no governing will,and was reduced to an empty shell.

Igni and Rudra themselves clanged to the ground,and decided to remain silent.
Vent sighed.

The two swords on the ground. Fire and wind. Conner and himself. Two sides of the same coin.

"..... Stupid ******* symbolism." Vent spat, opening a portal to the Umbralus scroll.

"I know you swords are the true enemies I just fought. The body was nothing but a puppet. I can't destroy you right now, so I'm gonna deal with you later, got it?" Vent explained to the swords, as they slipped into the portal to his master's realm.

"Good luck, don't say anything stupid to Olivia." He said, grinning.

He then turned around, the portal closing.

He spotted Joseph, having won. Vent's grin then disappeared when he saw Yumi's body.

"..... No." He said quietly, sprinting to her side. He picked up Yumi in his arms.

"Yumi! Miss Yumi! Are you okay?" He asked, shaking her slightly, holding down on the wound, trying to stop the flow of blood.
Joseph shook his head. "It's no use,Vent. It's been a few minutes already. Brain damage would've started by now. Also..."

Joseph picked up some red material.

"Cardiac tissue. Her heart was shredded. I'm sorry. She's gone. We should tell Alec."

Steven stirred nearby,coming from unconciousness. "Urgh...What happened?"


Igni and Rudra were rudely thrown into the Realm of Umbralus by Vent.

"Well. This is inconvineint,brother." "Yes,it truly is. What now?" "I don't know. Maybe we could pass the time?" "Oh? How so?" "Singing? Dancing?" "Bah! That's boring! Why not...Drama? Comedy?"

Their bickering continued in this vein for an EXTREMELY long time.
Vent scowled.

"...... Steven." He said, putting Yumi's body down gently. He strode over to Steven's side.

His hand came back, and delivered a punch to Steven's left cheekbone.

"Moron!" He spat, standing over Steven, a look of near anguish on his face. "That stupid Eye! It's bad enough Borghen just attacked the school because of me, but now you're drawing Innos here!? That thing needs to go!"
A split second before Alec's attack would have landed, Zaria let loose a flowing emotion of uncertainty. Though Alec was fixated on killing the demon, Meido was heavily affected. Faltering in her strenght, Zaria lunged forward, taking Meido down, making Alec miss. Holding the manifestion close to his side a claw to her throat, he stood looking at Alec. "Come closer, I dare you."

Meido just simply stared straight forward, a look of confusion and doubt written across her face. It was unusual for that side of Alec to be like that. Hands tightening around the blades, Alec snapped. Within seconds, Meido was absorbed back into her being, and the blind realm was covered in light showing the state of ruin the place actually was.

An old courtyard with the ruins of an old building, a fountain off to the right of Zaria that didn't flow but seemed to be filled with blood. Vines and weeds over took everything but the place had a charm to it, like that of a place a nightmare that happened but had ended long ago.

Zaria stood back, completely aghast at what Alec had become. The markings over her skin had burst through once again, the meido magic coursing through extending the power markings to every part of her skin. The aura coming from her was anger, sadness and most prominenet of all. Fear and hatred.. Zaria laughed. "Your really think being afraid will help you now?"

"Being afraid means nothing."Alec stated with a twisted sort of grin, her voice a mix of her own and Meido's. Seconds later, Zaria fell to the ground, blood spattering everywhere, Alec standing behind him missing the daggers. Snaping her fingers, the two ripped themselves back out of the demon's lungs and heart leaving a gaping hole in his chest as they settled back into her hand.

Zaria lay on the ground, blood soaking into the ground as his organs lay scattered about. Standing in front of him, Alec sneered down at him. As she turned away to leave him to die alone, his hand shot out and latched onto her leg. Instantly she could feel him injecting more of what already coursed through her viens. In response, she raised her free leg and nailed it down agaisnt his head. The result was what would be expected from an over powered witch that was being driven by hate.

Sure that the demon was dead now, Alec reached down and took from the mutalted body, a fang and drew out poison from his claws. Pocketing the items, Alec opened a portal to Zaria's temple. Carying the body out, she set it inside the thing, made it look nie and pretty like he was still sitting there. Closing the temple doors behind her she sat on the steps bowing her head and letting Meido retreat back to her own self in the blind realm, giving her up for now as the markings faded.
Hope sat on the couch in the room, located in a stylish foyer in front of the bed.

"Have a seat, Leslie. I have a matter to discuss with you." He said in a cheerful fashion.
Leslie nearly jumped out of her skin at her name being said, since she was fairly certain she had never said it to this Sir. Not wanting to be rude and disoby him, she looked around for a second before taking the 'worst' chair in the room,, not that it was bad, just that it didn't have the same shine and sparkle as the other furniture did. Looking at the Sir and waited for him to continue.
Hope sighed, but was smirking on the inside. This girl would be easy to control.

".... I have an experiment. I need a suitable candidate who has some sort of magical ability. You fit the bill perfectly, and you're in my debt. Would you partake in my little experiment?" He asked, smiling quite sweetly.
Leslie looked down for a second, "W-what kind of experiment is it?" She asked timidly, very afraid of angering him at the moment.
Hope got up, still smiling. He strolled over to Leslie's side, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

".... I won't lie, Leslie. There's an element of danger to this experiment. Basically, I plan on altering the magical make-up of your soul. Your soul and magical powers will become demonic in nature. The only thing that will change about your body will be the eyes, the identifiers of demonfolk." Hope explained.

"The cause is noble, my dear. I have an enemy who uses demonic powers for his own gain, somebody very evil. Another enemy of mine has powers seemingly demonic in nature, but aren't quite. As you can see, I need to study how their powers function, if I ever hope to help them. I am, after all, the strongest single mage currently alive on earth. I need to help those beneath me." Hope continued, taking his hand off Leslie's shoulder and taking on a serious look, while lying through his teeth.

"...... You could even aid me in my quest. Take up permanent residence here.... Do what needs to be done..... For the world's sake." Hope continued further, faking a slight blush, in hopes of playing Leslie into his hands.

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