Ww - the coming storm

:: deep in the catacombs, marco limped, his clothes were torn, he was bleeding from all parts of his body and his eyes were pitch-dark ::

Marco: *pant, pant* {gotta get outa here...}

:: there was a low rumble down below ::

Marco "what have i done....."


- a little while earlier -

:: marco and the creature gazed at the body of the monster before them ::

marco: "you know... i have never judged anything by size but this thing.... plus the power that just the shell eminates is...."

Creature: "indeed... this is why i serve this part.. every part of the master is guarded by a single servant..."

Marco: "guarded... and yet you bought me here"

:: the creature smiled and then lashed out at Marco, piercing his shield with ease and it's claw emerging from his back ::

Marco: "w- what!?"

Creature: "i get my power from this shell... all i needed was the blood of a mage!"

:: the creature tossed Marco aside, walked to the side of the massive body of "the creeper" and wiped the blood onto it ::

Creature: "igak maglifuur"

:: the body stired ::

Creature: "alsak!"

:: the creature roared, fully awake ::

Creature: "ah master... you are whole again"

:: the Creeper saw Marco on the floor, and launched itself at him ::

Marco: "teleportus maxima!"

:: one of the creature's limbs was teleported away, the creature roared, and went at marco again ::

:: before the creature reached him, great glowing chains came out of the walls and ground, binding the creeper ::

Creature: "no! master! wait' i'll set you fre-AAGH!"

::Marco had driven a shard of broken metal into the creature's chest, it began to shake, but soon went limp, dead ::

Marco: "well then you big ugly monster...."

:: Marco clapped his hands together, twisted them around and then opened them, casting a sealing spell on the beast, he would have wounded the beast if it weren't for his gaping wound, spilling out blood ::

Marco: "aagh!... inflamento"

:: he cast a fireball, and used it on both sides of the wound, sealing them up and stopping the bleeding... his screams could be heard all over the tunnels ::

Marco: "damnit...."

:: he glanced at the beast, as it began to break the chains holding it down, it's limb that Marco teleported away had re-grown and looked stronger than before ::

:: marco only just managed to get to his feet and he began to limp away, hunched over and going agonizingly slow ::
Leslie nodded her head slowly,"A-alright. Thank you Sir." When she spoke this time, there was more of a tremble to her tone than normal.


Alec gave a small smirk, " Yeah, something like that..."


Narrowing her eyes, Yumi crouched down looking under her desk staring at the eyes of a dark rodent that had escaped it's cage. The sudden sound of coughing coming down the hallway made her jump and bash her head from the top of the desk, the rat ran into a new hiding place.

Rubbing the back of her head and swearing obsinites in chinese she walked out into the hallway about to jump shit at the student making to much noise before seeing steven passed out in the hallway in a middle of blood.

Snapping into Doctor mode(damn straight no more nurse ><) she leveilated him and stuck him inside the office on a cot, automatically stetting up a scan for his vitals while injecting his arm with a neelde full of something that would bring his vitals back to normal.
Steven began hacking again,and spat up another large gob of blood,which landed on his chest. After he stopped coughing,Steven looked around,and saw Yumi. "...Did I pass out? Urgh...My head..."


Borghen reached the cellar,and paced it in a huff. For some reason,that butler annoyed him. Borghen began to take his fury out on a target he had set up earlier,striking at it with great strength and fury,with resounding clangs and bangs. Borghen's aim was to forget about that butler.
Yumi raised an eyebrow as she swiped her hand through the air and a hologram screen of his vitals appeared. "A migraine. And yes, you did."


Feeling a bit nervous about just standing there, a bit wet and noticing she was leaving a small spot of water on the floor Leslie almost panicked before a small bit of her sand leaked form the gourd at her hip, absorbed the water and went back into the gourd.
"It says you have internal bleeding." Yumi said before her foot stomped down on the tail of the rat that had earlier eluded her reach.
Steven groaned. She won't like what I'm about to say...

"Yeah...I already knew that...A doctor in Russia said I'd be coughing up blood for the rest of my life. Anything else?"
Yumi nodded her head, "Russian doctours know shit." She replied promtly before waving a hand in the air. "Also, have you been under a great deal of strain lately, primarily around your knees?"
"Funny..." Yumi mused for a second before something on the screen dissapeared at her will. "Anyway, your fine, don't do a lot of heavy lifting, put yourself under strain, and avoid taking anything that causes thining of the blood."
"Nothing. Nothing at all." Yumi said, dismissivly, before picking up the rat she had trapped and taking it back to her desk. Using a rolling chair she put it back in it's cage on the top shelf of a large bookcase.
Steven nodded,and slowly got up. Once he reacheda sitting position,he began coughing again. He covered his mouth,and when he drew his hand back,Steven's hand had flecks of blood on it. Sighing,he got to his feet,and thanked Yumi,then walked towards the door.


In Josephs room,a sliver of light shone onto the bed from the door. A robed figure walked in,and approached the bed.
Yumi barely acknowledged the fact that Steven left, a bit preoccupied with the rat having bit her.


Sighing, Alec lowered her head a bit before sticking her tongue out at Vent and randomly licking his cheek.
Steven left Yumi's office,and was slightly wobbly. "Damn...Did I really...Holy shit..."

Steven saw the puddle in front of him. He opened the door,and asked Yumi,pointing to the pool of blood, "Is all of that MINE!? How am I still alive!?"


The robed figure jerke'd it's arm,and a flash of silver appeared in it's hand. Using it's other hand,the figure pulled Joseph out of the bed and into a hostage hold,with the knife's blade pressed to his throat. Walking out of the room,the emblem of the Order of Innos was plainly visible on his shoulders.
"Yes all of that is yours. " Yumi said irritably as a flash of green light went through the cage, followed by a loud scretch then silence from the rat on the shelf. "And because your a lucky sun of ..." She sighed, running a hand through her hair before looking at something across the room, "Yeah, I know I know Don't swear in front of children." Her eye twitched before she looked at Steven again. "Go get some rest.."
Steven left the office and silently closed the door. He began to move towards Joseph's room...But stopped when he saw Joseph,or rather,someone with a knife to Joseph's throat,at the other end of the hall,moving forward.

"The Eye,Mister Adams,or Mister Ray will be sporting a Columbian Necktie!"

Steven groaned audiably. I'm in no condition for this!

He used telekenisis to pull the man's knife arm away from Joseph,but something happened.

A rebound.

The immense force Steven projected to move the man's arm came back,and struck Steven square in the chest,sending him rocketing into,and through,Yumi's door,blowing it off it's hinges. He landed on her desk,caving it in. Steven arched his head back,looking Yumi in te eyes,and said, "I may need some help with this guy."

Meanwhile,Joseph was trying to think. He was being held prisoner,and now being used as a bargaining chip. He was exhausted,and could barely stand on his own power. Think! I need an advantage!
Yumi raised an eyebrow at the sudden disturbance and mess. Sighing she rubbed her temple before stepping out into the hallway, looking at the man. Snapping her fingers, a sudden rush of power came from the older witch. "Let the boy go, Or would you really want to face a founder?"
The man smirked,and said, "So,you must be Yumi Deathlind! It'd be a pleasure to see the Herb Witch bleeding before me! Igni! Rudra! Go!

Suddenly,two demons leapt from his shadow,one teal,one red,both headless,and brandishing scimitars. They charged towards the office,red one leading.

Meanwhile,Joshua was still trying to think something up. Telekenisis? No...Steve just tried that...Make a gun? He'd have me slit before I can bring it to bear...

His options were grim,indeed.

Steven rubbed his head,then got up slowly. "Ouch. This bastard's gonna pay...Somehow."

Steven coughed,and some blood came out of his mouth. "I REALLY need to get that fixed..."
"A herb witch?" Yumi laughed. "That's a cover story darling." Within seconds of the red demon reaching her, she was gone. But the laughter still surrounded everything before a sigh. "You know, your very annoying." at random intervals things would strike out towards the red and blue demons within blades that she didn't have before.
Igni and Rudra were nimble,and tough. The somehow dodged the most of the strikes,only sustaining a small few in the chest,which only wend millimeters deep. They had extemely tough hides. The sound of laughter could be heard,not from the demons,but from the swords. "Do you really think..." "You could truly harm..." "Igni and Rudra?" "We are the twin blades of flame..." "And wind! Your end is nigh!"

Joseph's mind was racing. What can I do?? C'mon...Think...

Steven limped out of Yumi's office,clutching his chest. "Today just isn't my day...Woah!" Steven ducked just as a visible miniature cyclone,sent by Rudra,shot over his head,denting the wall behind him.
"I'm not trying, honestly." Yumi's voice said before suddenly, an explosion set off in the middle of the hallway in between red and blue.
Vent chuckled as he was was licked. He leaned in closer, and kissed Alec gently. It was over before she would know it, he kinda hoped. He didn't really know if she'd hit him or not.

Just then, his eyes widened.

"..... Steven's in trouble." He said, having not broken the mental link yet.


Hope sighed, and snapped his fingers.

"..... Here's your room, Leslie." He said, suddenly the two of them being in a room decorated the same way his study was.
Igni and Rudra were thrown against opposite walls,but were oterwise unaffected. They were strong,fast,and tough. They got up,and charged. Igni,the Blade of Flame,adopted a defensive stance,consantly moving,whilst Rudra,the Blade of Wind,carged Steven. All the while,the man holding Joseph hostage backed away.

"Oh,shit! Oh shit! OH SHIT!!!"

Steven dove around Rudra's charge,and got up shaky and slowly. He wasn't in any shape for this shenanigans.
Alec blinked a few times, nodding her head not really fully understanding before she stood up, "Go then, help out." She said absently before sinking into the ground disappearing into the blind realm.


Leslie blinked a few times, not really comfortable with the sudden room change like that though it didn't look much different. Bowing to the Sir, Leslie thanked him for his kindness.


Yumi frowned, before stepping from her hiding behind the man holding Joseph. Loading a magic bullet towards his heart, she fired it before gasping as her own bullet perceived through her heart, shredding it to pieces. Falling back, blood pouring from her mouth and chest wound, Yumi Deathlind died by pure blunder.

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