Ww - the coming storm

Vent just grinned.

"So long as you know." He stated, feeling a little triumphant.

They stepped out of the darkness, into a bright, beautiful light. Then they were on a cliff, overhanging an amazon-like valley. Vent grinned.

".... Like where I trained for five years?" he asked, also motioning to the wooden cabin built from magically carved wood.

"That was actually part of my training too." Vent said, chuckling. He sat down on a rock overlooking the cliff, still holding Alec. His face looked elsewhere, as he gazed off at the setting Amazonian sun.
Alec tilted her head back to look at it all, she was a bit surprised at the whole thing. She really couldn't say anything about it, it was....she had no idea. As he sat down with her, she suddenly clung a little tighter to him, a bit afraid he would drop her.
Vent snorted.

"I'm not gonna drop ya, stupid. And even if I did, it's not like I couldn't save you, if you didn't save yourself." He explained, pulling her even tighter, a grin on his face.

".... Scared of heights?" He asked, his grin now sly.
"A bit..." Alec muttered, "It's a growing thing from work really...you get hit off a lot of things and you think you'd get used to it but you really don't." She was more or less rambling to hide the fact that she was still really creeped out being that close the edge. "By the way, your hands are really warm."
Vent looked down at her, and smiled warmly.

".... Well, let them warm you up." He said, wrapping his arms around her back. He realized that he still looked like shit, but decided he didn't care.
Alec's face went dark red and she kept her face down, "That really wasn't what I meant..."
Vent sighed, and turned away from the cliff, letting go of Alec. He chuckled, and went into the house, motioning for her to come too.
Sighing and rubbing the side of her head, Alec stood up and pulled on her hat a little bit more to hide her seemingly permanent blush before following him into the cabin, shivering slightly as though the place had a very sketchy eerie feel to it.
Vent walked into the cabin, feeling a touch of nostalgia. It was still as dirty with training rocks (most broken), some scrolls, and his bed. There was a kitchen, and a sofa in the kitchen, for some strange reason.

"..... Like where I lived with Olivia for five years?" Vent asked, quickly spotting a sole picture of him, Marco, Alec, Xavier and Daelyn. He sighed, and blew some dust off the picture.

".... I was Conner when that picture was taken." He stated, now having most of Conner's memories.
Nodding her head she looked around, "You really did train a lot, huh?" She was drawing the conversation away from the aspect of Conner. "And I'm shocked Olivia actually stayed with you...and it does have charm to it. Well used."
Vent rolled his eyes, smiling.

"She didn't." He said, pulling the Umbralus scroll from his pocket again.

He tossed it onto a nearby table, and shook his head, his shaggy hair getting somewhat out of his eyes.

He went into the kitchen, and a popping noise was heard. He came back with two beautiful plates of fillet mignon, with ceasar salad on the side.

"I'm actually getting better with the Umbralus portal technique. Transporting used to be Conner's, and my, weakness. Cooincidentally, a young couple in France is gonna be pissed about having tocwait another hour and bit while they get a new dinner cooked." He said with a grin, handing Alec a plate.
Alec just made an uh-huh sound. Setting the plate she was given down on a small spiral of black tendrils she had made. "Honestly, I don't really want to be beating around the bush. Besides the apologies, what did you want to talk about." Her arms folded across her chest and she raised an eyebrow, despite her appearance change, the effect was just the same as it was before a bit threatening and all serious.
Vent sighed.

"To be blunt," He started, then pausing and rubbing his chin, thinking how to phrase his question. "..... What did you have feelings for. Conner, or me?" He spat out suddenly, a curious look in his eye.
Alec saw that one coming. Flinching slightly for no apparent reason she shrugged. "Both. But in different aspects. I mean, Conner was, Is, someone a care about because he's my friend. You on the other hand..." Her face went redder and she trailed off.
Vent's eyes lit up. He actually grinned ear to ear. Then he realized he must look like an idiot, and shook his head again, rubbing his eyes, and trying to look non-chalant.

He opened his mouth, and closed it. He sighed.

".... You know, I really did kill him. He was your friend. Marco's friend. Everyone's friend. He was me. And I killed him." Vent said, clenching his fist. He was torn between guilt and bliss at the moment.
"good." She said, "He was a butt-munch anyway." Shrugging, Alec rubbed her arm, "and you fail at trying to be cool. Anything else?"
Vent chuckled.

".... Thanks for being blunt, Wicked Witch of the West. No, nothing else, really." He said, unable to keep himself from smiling. He ignored the knives and forks he brought out and picked the fillet mignon up with his left hand and took a bite.
Alec nodded her head before rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I prefer south, she doesn't die." SIghing she looked around the cabin, she did want to ask something but wasn't sure how to fraze it without making it sound weird or insulting. Looking at the different training stones she tilted her head trying to imagine him actually working hard enough to break it.
Alec paused in her motions for a second before offering Vent a smile, "Nothing important."


Leaning against a fence, Leslie closed her eyes. It was getting late, and she still hadn't found a place to sleep in. A park, a church, nothing. Sliding down onto the ground she pulled her knees up close and hid her face, pulling her hood over the rest of it. She could hear a mother muttering something about dirty homeless people as they walked past.
From the tops of a German montain range,stocatto banging could be heard,echoing fore miles around in the emptiness. There were two men atop the mountain. One with a machine gun,and the other with nothing. A campfire blazed nearby,as if the men were planning on staying there a while. The unarmed man said, "Again,Joseph! Infuse your rounds! Focus on exactly what you want them to do!"

The armed man,Joseph,nodded. He raised his weapon,and with a flash of light,a belt of rounds appeared inside the feed mechanism,and trailed into a large box attached to the side of the weapon. Suddenly,in a flash of light,the unarmed man vanished...And in his place,ten exact copies. They dashed towards the man with the machine gun,who opened fire,in rapid bursts of four.

The rounds bounced away from the charging men. When they bounced,a faded pink dome flashed into sight. Soon,they began to penetrate,and eight of the men vanished with the sound of shattering glass. The two remaining charging men moved to pincer the armed man in. They moved with inhuman speed,and wound up for a punch. The armed man leapt backwards at the final moment,and the two charging men struck eachother in the face,and vanished to the sound of shattering glass.

Another unarmed man,identical to the rest,stoodup by the campfire,and applauded.

Steven smiled. Joseph was creative. "That's enough,Joseph! C'mere,and relax."

Joseph nodded,and dismissed te weapon in a bright flash of light. He waed towards the fire,and sat down opposite Steven.

"How'd I do?" Steven smiled wider. "You faled to meet the criteria...But what you done produced a better result."

Joseph chuckled,and pulled a bag of nuts out from an inside pocket,and began to munch on them.


Borghen walked out of the Hellforge,with a wide array of Hellish armaments. On his right hip he had a cruel looking dagger. On his left hip was a small warhammer,with a vicious axe head opposite the smashing head. Slung across his shoulders was a flamberge,with cruel serrations running the entire length of the blade. Resting across the small of his back was a shortsword,with what appeared to be a vial set near the base of the blade. With these weapons,Borghen sunk into the ground,a portal appearing below him.
Leslie took in a deep shuddering breath as someone kicked her in the ribs for being in the way. "Scum." They muttered before walking away down the street. Holding her side she stood up shakily, she wasn't going back to there, not with what she knew. And if Marco found her....well, she'd she'd she'd shoot him that's what she'd do. She'd find herself gun and shoot him.

Stumbling down the street she kept moving looking for a place to call sanctuary. As she moved, she stumbled into the drive of a fancy house. She looked at it a bit afraid and dwas about to turn back when a crack of lightening split the sky and it started down pouring. Scurrying up the drive she went to the front door of the house to ask for shelter. Little did she know it was Hope's Estate she had stumbled onto.
Vent's eyebrow raised inquisitively.

".... Tell me anyways." He said, throughly interested.
Playing with a strand of hair, Alec leaned against one of the training stones, staring at the ground. "I wanted to know...uh, why you where, uh, asking that question." She averted her eyes completely now. "The thing with conner and you, I mean."


Taking in a shakey breath, Leslie knocked lightly on the door, jumping at another crack of lightening and roll of thunder that was very loud.
Vent went a little red.

".... I guess I just wanted to hear you say it?" He more asked than stated. He wasn't even sure why he'd asked that, it had just sort of come out.

He sighed.

Rubbing the back of his head, he averted his eyes too, and tossed the last bit of meat into his mouth. He quickly got up, and went to the kitchen, mumbling something about a drink.

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