Ww - the coming storm

Shaking her head no, Alec sat down indian style, a tad inappropriate but it was still her position of choice. "Had to knock him out....I think the healing would have made him scream a bit more than the injury."
Steven saw Alec shake her head,but didn't hear what she said,due to the loud ringing in his ears.

"What? I can't hear you! I think he tried to make a flashbang! Did he make the fusealready lit!?"

Steven was shouting quite loudly.
Frowning Alec snapped her hands over her ears and fell back on the ground before send a small thing up in the air, it read exactly what she had just said.
Steven nodded,and,noticing the ringing wasn't relenting,he felt just below his ear.

It was warm and sticky. He drew his hand back,and there was blood on his fingertips. His eardrums probably burst. Steven tapped Alec's shoulder,and begand gesturing towards his ears.
Looking up at him she nodded her head before placing a hand on either side of his face, blue sparks going from her finger tips and directing themselves towards his ears. As the spell finished she let go and leaned back on the ground again rubbing her head.
Steven grunted as he heard something pop inside his ears. Suddenly,his hearing was retored. "Thanks,Alec. So,how long is he gonna be out for?"
Alec made a noise, "A few minutes, an hour, three days. It all depends on how he personally takes the spell...."
Steven nodded,and sat down nearby. This is gonna take a while...

Joseph's eyes fluttered open. He bagan to process the situation. I'm on my back. My eyes were closed. I'm not in a bed. Bad. Very bad.

He felt his knife. So,they didn't disarm me. Bad move.

In less than a second,from when his eyes fluttered open,Joseph sprang up and mounted Alec's chest,pinning down her arms with his knees. He whipped his bayonet out and placed the blade across her throat. "What'd you do to me?"

His soldier's training obviously kicked in. He recieved the Commandant's Commendation in basic traning. This meant he was the best in Basic.
Not even seeming fazed she stared at him. Her eyes slide down into the blade, "You know, even if you did it, nothing would happen. You arent fast enough to keep up with me boy." She closed one of her eyes, "Besides, you did ask for a medic, and I told you no one would hurt you."
Joseph relaxed a bit,but he didn't dismount. "Alright...But give me a warning first..." Joseph sheathed his bayonet and rolled off Alec.

"So...Should we try again?"

Steven nearly tackled Joseph when he saw what he did,but decided against it when Alec started talking. It's like she's a master hypnotist.
Shuddering violently for a second, her composure cracking after the 'danger' was gone. Sitting up straight she looked at Steven. "If I had told you, you wouldn't have let me do it." Rubbing her head again she stared at the ground. "And if your going to do that again, let me make something clear. When I say mimik, I do not mean try it with a different weapon. I mean exactly the same."
Joseph replied, "I'm a soldier,not a child. A firearm is far more flexible than any blade. Knives and swords are weapons of last resort in this day and age. Now...Anything else?"

Steven smirked and rested his forehead in his index finger,middle finger and thumb. This'll be fun.
"In our world, you are a child." Alec said a bit annoyed. "And to learn a firearm you must first learn the basics. And if I may, in our world, guns are the last ditch effort. A fools tool that is used without honor." She shook her head and pulled her hat down a little tighter before snapping her finger. "Now try again."
Vent, holding the hilt of his new katana, felt almost insulted by Joseph's statement. Watching him until now was fun, but it was just getting boring.

"..... You'll never learn magic that way." He said, bringing his katana out of it's scabbard, holding it in one hand in front of him. Pointed directly at Joseph.

"..... I'm gonna swing in exactly ten seconds. You have that much time to crete a shield for yourself. Use magic." Vent said, glaring Joseph down.
Joseph huffed. She wants a blade? I'll give her a blade...

Joseph adopted a low stance,with his knees and back bent a bit. He held his arms as if he were holding a rifle...and concentrated. And now the boy wanted him to conjure a shield? Joseph,with closed eyes,smirked. A bright light appeared in his hands. It began to take the shape of a rifle...A C6. His front hand went to his bayonet. 4...5...

The rifle was conjured. Joseph felt its familiar weight. He whipped out his bayonet.


He slammed the bayonet into place and place his hand on the foregrip.


Joseph whipped around to meet Vent's withering glare,and he didn't flinch. His stance just screamed CQB.
Vent chuckled, before a small electrical shock sprouted from the end of his katana, straight into Joseph's face. It would be painful for about thirty seconds, then leave his face numb.

Vent shook his head.

"... Good timing, nice conjuring, not what I said to do. The first rule of magic, expect the unexpected, especially when your opponent tells you his plan." Vent explained, who had been expecting a weapon instead of a shield.

"This also ties into my second rule: always listen to your masters." Vent explained further, before grinning, and giving Alec a smile.
Joseph acted quickly when he saw the blade flicker with the magic lightning. Ranged attack...Wonderful.

Joseph dropped to a crouched position,and the bolt of lightning whizzed overhead,and instead landed in Steven's chest,who was standing behind Joseph.

Joseph was already looking down the iron sights with his finger on the trigger.

"If this were loaded,you'd be dead. As a soldier,I was taught that total avoidance is ALWAYS preferable to even a blocked strike." Joseph stood up,and propped the rifle on his shoulder. He noticed Olivia standing near Vent. He shuddered. There was something...Off about that girl.
Vent chuckled.

"Wanna get into a 'prepared fight' with me? Look up." He stated, pissed the mundane was as fast as he was.

Above Joseph's head hung a portal, an Umbralus Terraquitus. Vent smirked.

"Don't play with the big boys yet. And by the way, shoot me. I dare you." He spat, a bit more annoyed than he knew he should be. He snapped his fingers, and the portal disappeared.

"I know this'll sound bad coming from me," Vent said, grinning at Steven and then Alec, "-It doesn't pay to be cocky."
Watching the two, as Joseph had done the motion of shooting his gun, she smacked him upside the head. Hard. Before reaching over and taking the gun from him, looking at it closely before snickering. Moving a couple feet away she did a little trick of spinning it over her arm as well as having it do a 5 turn flip in the arm before catching it. "Colour Gaurd rifle."

Still holding onto it, she took the blade out before tossing the gun back. Toying with the blade she smirked.
Steven sat up and rubbed his chest. "You're lucky that didn't do any damage,Vent!"

Joseph's eye twiched. "Cocky? You need to learn the difference between 'cocky' and 'deliverance of fact'. I realize that you could easily trounce me...If you could close the distance. And--Hey!"

Joseph exclaimed as the C6 was taken from his hands. When he saw Alec playing with his bayonet...Something snapped.

He lunged,and grabbed Alec's wrist. He twisted the hand and elbow,then brought the entire arm behind her back,while forcing her to her knees. He planted his foot on her back as his grip shifted from Alec's wrist to the hilt of the bayonet. He pushed with his leg,forcing Alec onto her front,as he pulled the bayonet from her grip. He quickly sheathed the knife,and was about to pick Alec up off the ground for a second go,when Steven stepped in.

Steven quickly kicked Josephs arm away from Alec,and delivered a telekeneticaly propelled short jab to Joseph's stomach. "Watch it Joseph. You're still inexperienced. If I didn't step in,Vent would've ionized you. Then Alec would've chased you to Hell,resurrect you,then kill you slowly."

The jab knocked the wind out of Joseph's lungs,and dropped him to his knees. By the time Steven finished his scolding,Joseph was on all fours,coughing,sputtering,and trying to gasp for breath. He taken a few breaths,and nodded in acknowledgement. He then curled up into a ball,trying to breathe.
Vent's hand had gone for his pocket, and his demonic aura welled up. He was about to touch the note, which, written by Alec, bypassed his transformation requirements. His demonic blood howled to be let loose, but Vent held off.

".... Steven, you and your pal need to go have a talk. Get some food, sleep. Besides, I need to talk to Alec, alone." Vent explained, his demonic aura dying down, the wrath leaving him. It was unbelievably hard to control his temper these days. His anger seemed like it was always trying to get the better of him. The demonic blood, Vent knew it. Ever since Borghen released it by accident, it had been his greatest weapon and his greatest curse.

Holes opened up beneath Steven and Joseph, and they were dropped back in the Academy.

Vent quickly got down, and picked Alec up, carrying her through the blackness. He sighed.

".... Sorry." He said, in a low voice, his head turned away. He was even pouting a bit, like he'd been asked to do something unfair.
Alec grit her teeth through the whole ordeal, if she had known that the kid would act like that, she probably wouldn't have taken the weapon from him. But still, she didn't like that the thought of shooting Vent had crossed his mind to begin with. Meido was crowing her in head, wanting to rip that boy to shreads but Alec kept her hushed and under lock.

As she was picked up, Alec blinked a bit before sighing and turning her head more into Vent's chest. "it's fine..." She muttered.
Vent rolled his eyes.

"..... Anything YOU wanna say?" He said, hoping to hear her say the same thing he had.

It seemed like the darkness was lifting, and Olivia sighed behind them. She then winked out of sight.
Alec thought for a second before sighing. "Is there really anything to say that you can't already tell? I'm stupid, I hurt you, I'm sorry, and there's not much I can do to take that back."
Steven and Joseph appeared in an empty dorm room in the academy. Steven looked at Joseph. "You need to control your temper. If you pull another stunt like that,you're liable to be killed. Look,if you're still up for learning magic,I can get you started here. This is the Chicago Academy for Mysticaly Gifted Individuals. I knew the nurse here. Maybe she's still around."

Joseph sat down heavily on the side of the bed. He pondered his choices. He looked up at Steven and said, "Why not. I just don't want to be chained here. I want distance learning arrangement."

Steven nodded and said, "That could be arranged. C'mon,Joe."

Steven walked out of the room,and held the door open for Joseph,who got up and followed him out. Steven closed the door,and looked around. "Well...I guess someone decided to completely change the layout while I was gone..."

Steven saw a student female student walking down the hall in his direction. He flagged her down,and asked, "Do you know where the Nurse's Office is?"

(OOC:esme,mind RPin for the student?)

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