Ww - the coming storm

Nodding her head, Alec smiled, "Come on then dear..." She opened a portal back to his room in the school and gently lead him into it. "Try not to hurt yourself, please." She said as nice as she could with a half hearted smile before turnign to leave him there to get over his drunkness alone.
Vent grumbled as he stepped into the room. He was drunk, but he knew Alec was just trying to get rid of him right now.


He collapsed on the bed immediately. He figured he'd probably made enough of an ass out of himself.

Then he chuckled.

No way.

He got back up, and tried to think of something to do.
In the hall, Alec looked down at her watch before dissappearing back into a different hallway and running into a small blonde girl, who looked a bit suprised in general before scurring back into her room. "Stupid..." She muttered before going down the hall to her own room setting up a healing spell for her stomach that would actually close the wound.


Shutting her door behind her Leslie shivered, that lady looked scary. Very scary. Peeking her head back out into the hall she didn't see her anymore and darted out, ready to retract the sand she had placed before.
Steven and Joseph appeared at the top of the Bourj Dubai (the tallest structure on Earth. Period.),and Joseph began to freak out.

"No way...This can't be real...This can't be...But...I'm here...I feel the heat...I feel the wind...What is this? What are you,Steve?"

Steven's smirk widened,and said,while grasping Joseph's shoulder, "I'm a mage. That girl,Alec? Her,too. Her fiancee? A demon. Hidden all across the world are mages and magic touched individuals...Even gods. Magic is real,and it's far more than anything you could ever imagine."

Joseph's jaw was wide open. He slowly closed it,and began to look around while backing away. "I'm on Punk'd,aren't I? Where are the cameras?"

"There are none. This is real. Just as real as the nose on your face. Just as real as that bayonet resting across your hips. Welcome...To the world of magic."

Joseph,whose eyes were wide,and scared,began to back away even faster.

He was approaching the edge.

"Joseph! The ledge!"

Joseph whipped around just in time to see the side of the tower rocket past.
Creeping silently through the halls Leslie avoided being seen by anyone, she figured it would be bad if she had. Stepping down the stairs she had left the sand on before it slowly rose up and went back inside the gourd at her hip as she walked by. Looking into the room with all the weird little doors she stepped inside, watching silently as people went into the rooms but didn't come back out. The only thing in her mind that would explain it was a flash from a history book she had dared peek at. Gas Chambers....


Leaning back against the counter, the radio across the room started blaring music. Not really registering it at first Alec just kept up her healing spell before the chorus made her look up. Her eyes narrowed for a second before she sighed mouthing the words with it as she stopped the healing. It was nothing more than a gash on her stomach now anyway.

Looking at the ceiling she tilted her head before holding up a blood stained hand and the words "Kiss me, Kill me. Your kiss is torture but killing me would be to easy.~" appeared on the ceiling in the blood that had been on her hand seconds.


Tucking an envolpe into his pocket, Ricardo stepped from his main office building in none other than Paris France. Giving a cheery 'Bonjour' to a few people he knew on the street, the man kept walking, rather wondering what he should do at the moment.
Steven's eyes widened in terror. No...I won't let Joseph die...

Steven ran to the edge,and lookedat Joseph,who was sailing down the side of the building at near terminal velocity. No....

Steven closed his eyes,and inhaled deeply. When he exhaled,his body changed. He became a figure in a ragged gray robe,with a sinister looking scythe. Aeonor,Spirit of Resolve. Aeonor pointed his scythe down towards Joseph,who was only a few hundred feet from the ground. Suddenly,the blade of the scythe began to glow a faded magenta,and Joseph slowed down. When he touched down on the ground,he was only going three kilometers per hour. Joseph got up on his knees,and patted himself all over,trying to acertain if he was alive or not. Aeonor faded back into Steven,who teleported down,and said, "You're alive. C'mon,I think that's enough excitement for one day." And Steven teleported them both to Chicago.

Thank you,Aeonor.


Borghen sat in the cellar in Hope's manor. He contemplated his battles,and where he failed. There were three common elements.

He was fighting mages. This issue had been resolved...Mostly. He still required one more skull,and therefore rune,to become immune to magic entirely.

He was mostly unarmoured. This prooved to be problematic. Without armour,he was exposed to assaults,which could still hinder him.

Finally,he only used his natural weapons. These were easily countered,and even more easily disabled.

Borghen knew how to remedy these problems...He needed another metamorphisis. He began to curl up,into the fetal position. His skin boiled. The skulls fell out,and skittered across the floor. The entire cellar was consumed in a furious,hellish flame. After the flames died down,where Borghen once was,a figure,clad in blood red plate armour now stood. It raised an arm,and flexed the fingers. With a satisfied chuckle,it dropped the arm. Suddenly,it stomped the floor,and a massive sword shot out from it. It was easily six feet long,without the hilt,which was another two feet. The blade ended in a square,with a spike protruding towards the rear of the swing arc. At the base of the blade were three bolts,which went into an extention of the hilt,and the blade which was sandwiched beneath. He smirked,and opened the soul link to Alec,which was made while she was his prisoner at the Hellforge.

"I'm coming for you,and your fool of a mate. Pray to your gods now,while you still can."

The voice was undeniably Broghen's.

His new form, full body,armour only: http://www.maps4heroes.com/heroes5/pictures/olivier_ledoit/O_LEDROIT_Inferno_Agrael.jpg

A bust shot: http://www.celestialheavens.com/homm5/images/characters/Inf_Agrael.jpg
Looking at the ceiling, Alec nodded her head. Good. Hell was coming for her again. Maybe it would hurt this time, you know, actually hurt. "Even the gods can't save the condemned. You'll know that soon enough." She said back to the voice still staring at the ceiling. Standing up slowly she rolled her shoulders back before looking into her mind where Meido was tearing things apart in distress, completely baffled at why her host was being so....depressing.


Scrambling back out of the room she darted up the stairs and outside of the school, fear etched into her face, this building was a nightrise building. it was misleading wizards so it could gas them and get rid of them. Beating feet down the side walk, Leslie planned on getting as far away as possible.
Steven and Joseph appeared a few feet beside Alec. While Steven calmly leaned on the wall beside her,and said, "So,what's new with you?" Joseph stumbled and fell over. He was not used to teleportation.

"I need to find a way to...Improve Joseph here. Know any Runeology?"


Borghen looked at the skulls that were scattered around him. They were another weakness...Yet at the same time,an essential asset. He smirked,and arranged the skulls around him. Seven skulls,seven Primal elements. One missing,perfection incomplete.

Borghen sat down,cross legged,holdinghis sword before him vertically,and bean to chant,

"Cerl'taj kel ku'k ta...Cerl'taj kel ku'k ta..."

As the chanting intensified,the skulls began to glow,each for their respective element. The skulls slowly vanished,and in their place,were small spheres of light,each representing the element the skulls they came from did. The spheres of light drew in,and began to dance around Borghen's torso and arms.

"Now...I am ready. Beware,Child of Wind. You're a dead man walking."

Borghen propped the blade of his sword on his shoulder,and was consumed by a vortex of flame,and appeared in the courtyard of the Academy in an identical vortex.
Her eyes blurring for a moment before focusing, Alec looked back at the two holding up a bloody hand in a hello. "Shock Therapy. It tends to work." She mused before frowning, "And no. I don't."

Meido chucked something at the corner of Alecs mind Dont you dare ignore me you little witch, i'll come out there and kill you myself.... she growled angrily.
Joseph got up,and rubbed his ass,ad said, "Next time,give me some warning!"

Steven sighed,and said, "I did. You just didn't react fast enough. Anyway,Alec,know anyone who does know Runeology?"


Borghen stood at the center of the courtyard,and looked around. The place was thrown into utter chaos with his arrival. Anything flammabl was consumed by a raging inferno,anyone caucht inside immolated. Anyone near his point of arrival were reduced to atoms. Anyone who could move were retreating as fast as they could to the Academy. He walked slowly towards the grand double doors,crushing anyone in his path underfoot by either knocking them over,or simply walking heavily on their heads if they crawled.
"Nope." She muttered. Moving over to a window and looking out at hte sound of noises before closing her eyes and rubbing her nose between her forefnger and thumb. "Ask Marco...I'm sure he knows someone. If not, Artemis."
Steven sighed. "I DON'T want to speak with Marco. His high and migty personality...irritates me. Who's Artemis,and where do I find him?"

"Don't I have a say in this!?"


Borghen reached the doors of the Academy,with the sword held in his left hand,propped on his left shoulder,and a dead thirteen year old girl held by the neck in his right. He delivered a devestating straight kick to the door,blowing it open,without dropping the corpse,or his sword,and walked inside.
"Do you really want a say?" Alec's eyes slid over to Joseph as a bit of fear magic made her form horrific and terrifying. Looking back at Steven she nodded her head, "Understandable. he has a new underwing too, poor girls going to get hurt because of that personailty to." She laughed bitterly, " And Artemis is Marco's father, the headmaster of the building, and top floor, room 4,000 at the front desk with the night elf, say Yumi sent you to deliever a hacking message and you'll get rushed right into him. And don't worry about faking that either, i've done it many times, he finds it amusing."
Steven nodded,and looked at Joseph,who was now cowering in terror. "Oh,get up,you,it's just an illusion." Steven picked up Joseph,and proceeded to drag him to the express teleporters to the top floor. He saw the night elven secretary,and approached the desk,still dragging Joseph along. "I'm Steven Adams. Yumi Deathlind sent me to deliver a hacked file to Artemis."


Borghen stood in the ground floor foyer of the Academy. He laughed,and threw the girl's corpse at someone standing atop the stairs before him,who was holding a staff. The mage was knocked backwards by the force impated by the corpse,and Borghen leapt at him,sword held over his head. He landed in front of the mage,and brought it down,brutally cutting him in half.

Taking the illusion off after they left she sighed, picking up a butchers knife from teh counters block she teleported herself 12 feet away from Borghen and bowed, "Sir." Looking up at him she nearly jumped, he was terrifying. "I ask you to stop killing innocents and take only what you came here for."
Borghen laughed as he hefted the sword to a ready position. It seemed to be nearly forty five pounds,a weight impossible for any human to wield properly in combat. Suddenly,he brought the back of the sword (the blunt part) down hard onto Alec's shoulder,completely shattering it. He grabbed her wrists,and held them with one hand behind her back,and replid, "Gladly,wench. But first...Send that fool boy you call a mate a message for me. I will be waiting in Hope's estate...With the apple of his eye in my custody."
Yelping in pain she grit her teeth as the knife feel to the ground next to her, nodding her head she smiled faintly, "He's drunk you know. And mad at me. He wouldn't care. And he's not a mate...never was either."

Sighing, she tilted her head back, looking at Borghen as her mind sent out that link to Vent's, Borghen says hello from Hope's estate.
Borghen growled. He felt a telepathic wavelength. Good.

"Now we leave."

Alec and Borghen were consumed by a vortex of flames,and they appearedin the most secure room on Hope's estate: The Arcane Vault. Borghen slammed Alec to a far wall,and summoned chains to bind her there,limbs splayed at odd angles. He smashed her hips,rendering them useless,so she couldn't escape on her own power.


Borghen left the vault,closed,locked and warded it against magic behind him,and proceeded to Hope's study.
Letting out a scream Alec very nearly blacked out from pain. Fingers twitching slightly she attempted senind oug a blue spark of healing magic but found it wouldn't work. "...shit..." She muttered, it wasn't that she had a problem with broken bones, it was more the pain of them being set at bad angles that she didn't like. Tilting her head up a bit she suddenly smirked. Moving her head just slightly she rolled her tongue over her teeth hard enough to make it bleed. "Won't hurt much worse..." She smirked wider.
Stirring Vent from his drunken reverie, a short telepathic message brought him down to earth. His face was flushed, and he had a bit of a headache, but his body had seemed to purify itself nicely of the influence. He listened intently, atop the roof of a hotel. He'd gone for a drunken wander.

He crossed his arms. He didn't exactly want to do anything, but he knew right from wrong. Leaving Alec to Borghen was wrong. But maybe...... Alec had gone to Hope's estate of her own free will? This could be a trap?

Vent chuckled. He sortaa felt weird thinking this out.

Closing his eyes, he opened them, and he was in front of Hope's estate. His memories of getting trounced by Hope here were revived, and Vent's grin turned into a scowl.

He started making his way up the walk, where he slammed on the door.
The door was answered by a butler. "Yes,sir? I wasn't informed anyone would be coming to call,today. What is your buisness here?"


Borghen reached the door to Hope's study,and knocked,and then stood at attention outside the door.
Vent glared at the butler who answered the door, his aura seeming like a tap under pressure. He kept quiet, a silent wrath filling the air.

"...... Borghen. Where is he?" Vent spat, balling his right hand into a fist.


The door opened, and Borghen was ushered into Hope's study.

Hope was sitting at the desk, an amused look on his face, while he played with the Soulstone.

".... Vent at the door, Alec hurt in the Vault..... You're up to something, I presume? Is your revenge at hand?" Hope asked prophetically, the Soulstone dissappearing in a flash of light.
The butler was taken aback by the sudden inquiry. He replied almost instantly,without a single give-away, "There was a Borghen here,but now he's gone. I assumed he returned to Hell to find new playthings."

Out of sight,a small legion of armed thugs,mages and mundanes,gathered at various points around the estate,ready to ambush Vent.


Borghen stood at attention before Hope,and gave his report.

"Sir,with all due respect,you're only half-right. Indeed,my own revenge plot is in play,but I also brought Vent here as a means to remove the two greatest threats to our operation; Vent Adam and Alec Deathlind. With them dead,and kept dead,we'll be able to complete our objectives without any major incident,sir. Any input,sir?"
Vent kept up the scowl.

"Don't bullshit me. I'd prefer not to have the blood of...... Innocents on my hands, but I don't know exactly how innocent you are. Get out of the way." He spat, ready to kill. Vent was not in his usual jovial mood. This had to stop. Alec had to stop getting hurt, he had to finish something. This was starting to get annoying.


Hope chuckled.

"Very good. It's your show right now, Borghen. I had no hand in it, and it will remain a double-edged sword that I will not. Now, don't you have guests to attend to?" He asked, pleased with Borghen's performance so far.
The butler sighed,and opened the door wide,cordialy allowing Vent inside. "Please be mindful,sir. We just had the cellar repaired after a recent fire."


Borghen stood proudly at attention,and slammed his right fist over the left side of his chest;a sign of devotion and respect. He spun around on his heel,and marched out,closing the door behind him. He retrieved his sword from beside the door,and propped it over his shoulder. He decided to check up on his investment,and headed for the Vault.

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