Ww - the coming storm

Taking that as well, Leslie made an odd face before raising an eyebrow, "A coffin?"
:: this one crumbles ::

:: the fourth ::

Golem: " I'd neither a guest nor a trespasser be; in this place I belong, that belongs also to me."

:: this one had a female voice ::
Taking the next key, Leslie puffed out her cheeks, "A home...?" There was a large amount of doubt in her voice at this.
:: fourth crumbled ::


:: marco opened a constantly-changing book, to check on Leslie's progress, he subsequently exclaimed in surprise ::

Marco "what the hell!? how did she get so far so fast!?"


Fifth golem: "Until I am measured, I am not known, Yet how you miss me When I have flown."
Taking that key as well, she yawned, "Time." Moving back to the middle of the room, she sat there, tilting her head looking at it.
Borghen repeatedly struck at the ward-protected walls,causing the magical Ward Wall to become visible,and small cracks began to spider out from the points of impact. Hollow,synthetic ringing sounds were emited with every blow.

Borghen,in his fury,roared,and shook all of Chicago to it's core.
6th golem: "i can be caught, but not held, i can last an eternity but i am gone in an instant... what am i?"


:: marco felt something, something was very wrong ::

Marco: "she'll be okay while i'm gone"

:: he came out of the other-world, and back into the accademy, Leslie was standing there, her eyes closed and flickering, her mind was in the training world ::

Marco: *over intercom* "this is Marco highland, i can sense something, dad, can you give any info!?"

Artemis:"ah yes, it seems to be a demon, Marco, do you want to take care of it? i know it'll be a test of your skills"

Marco: "right, im on it"

:: Artemis was more than willing to let marco fight on his own, but he would step in if Marco's life was in immediate danger ::

:: Marco's body flickered, he emerged in front of the demon ::

Marco: "evening, now, how about we discuss this peacefully before it gets out of hand, eh?"
Smiling, Leslie nodded her head before inhaling sharply. "Your breath." She was starting to think she was getting a little too lucky with this...
:: the golem began to rumble ::

Golem: "the answer was "a moment""

:: even though the golem was stone, it moved with incredible swiftness, swiping at Leslie with it's great blade ::
Leslie's eyes widdened as she scrambbled backwards and back to her feet. Crap crap crap.... Quickly moving she looked up at the cieling, then at one of the still standing statues before scrambling up the side of the statue and latching onto a rafter. Sitting up on the rafter she looked down on the moving statue shaking a bit.
Borghen glared at Marco,and ceased his pummeling of the Ward Wall. His left arm,huge,with massive scything claws,rested behing him, his armoured arm set before him,almost like a shield. He glared at Marco with his crimson eyes,examining him.

"You...You're a friend of that wind rat! Die,cur!"

Suddenly,Borghen lashed out at Marco with his left arm,in a horizontal swing.
:: boghren's hit landed, smashing marco into the wall, luckily he hardened his skin ::

Marco: "now now, lets no- *SMASH*"

:: marc let out a blast of icy wind from his mouth, freezing Boghren's middle finger ::

Marco: "looks like you're the violent type, eh? i can work with that"

:: all the while Marco had a friendly smile on his face ::


:: the Golem jumped, easily reaching leslie's height, it gripped to the roof and continued to try and impale Leslie on it's sword ::
Moving quickly trying to move farther away on the rafter away from the thing before squeaking as she felt something sink into her arm. Tears filled Leslie's eyes as she looked down to see part of the golems sword sticking from her shoulder, blood starting to flow from around it. Loosing her footing in the sudden panic that washed over her, she fell, the sword cutting and digging into her skin a bit deeper before it ripped out. Hitting the ground rather hard, she held her shoulder tightly, very near having a full blown panic attack.
Borghen's gaze simply slid between his finger,and Marco. Borghen gave a devilish smile,and curled in his other digits on that arm,leaving the middle finger standing. Suddenly,the ice melted as his hand burst into flames,anf delivered an upward claw swipe,while breathing black flames in the trajectory of the swipe.
:: the golem reached out, grasping Leslie by the neck ::

Golem: "you failed my question, you failed to defeat me... answer me this, and you may live"

:: it loosened it's grip on her neck so she could answer ::

Golem: "it can kill a woman but cannot bring harm to a man, it can make the greatest of wariors cry like children and make the most powerful of leaders fall to their knees, but it threatens no-ones power... what is it?"

:: is Leslie failed, her neck would be snapped like a twig and she would fail the test ::


:: Marco side-stepped the attack with relative ease, the demon was powerful, it was difficult to hurt but it was also slow ::

:: marco flickered, and emerged on top of the demon's head, his feet being un-hurt by the heat ::

Marco: "i'm gonna ask you one more time... surrender of you will have to fight me"
Torn between crying and wanting to make this things head go boom, Leslie shook her head a bit and closed her eyes. "C-child b-b-birth.." She stuttered out.
Borghen roared,as e brought his right arm up with lightning speed,and grasped Marco by the face. He whipped Marco off of his body,into a lamp post thirty feet away.

"Any friend of Vent Adam is my enemy. You must all burn,and be purged with cleansing fire! After I kill you,I shall harvest your skull,and stick it on a spike!"

Borghen charged at Marco,clawed arm behind,armoured ar before him.
:: the golem didn't release it's grip, instead it fell to dust, her wounds dissapeared and a key was lying between her breasts ::

7th Golem: "i can fell cities, destroy armies, break families and wipe life from earth, yet i give life, i birth forrests, i give life to cities and yet, i am always tainted... what am i?"


:: marco fell back, releasing a chain of light from under his skin, that bound the demon's horns, as he reached the ground, he swung between it's legs, and bought the chain up, the chain begant o slice into the demon, and as he landed back on it's head, he pulled the chain, the chain cut into the demon, and would soon destroy it, unless it acted quickly ::

Marco: "you do realize, that NO-ONE FUCKS WITH MY FRIENDS!"
Leslie looked at the 7th golem and her eye twitched. "I ******* hate riddles." She muttered before her rage over came of fear and a large burst of raw energy shot out from her hand at the statue, turning it, and the others around it, to dust.
The chain simply vanished after a few seconds,and it's energies flowed into the skull adorned with the Rune of Light. Borghen laughed derrisively,and once again grabbed Marco with his right hand,but this time it was around his throat,and he held Marco before him.

"Foolish mortal. I thought you'd read these runes. I. Am. Immune."

Borghen slammed Marco into the ground,and began to sprint down the street,with Marco held fast within his grip.
:: after Leslie tried to destroy them, all the golems in the room drew their weapons ::

all Golems: "you no longer have a seond chance, answer correctly or face us all"


:: Marco was dragged along the ground, at the end of the street, marco only just managed to get out of the grip, he stood up, his entire face was grazed, his hardened skin withstood the punishment and was already healing ::

Marco "now that'll wake ya up"

:: he looked at the demon ::

Marco: "looks like i have no choice but to ger serious"

:: marco took off his shirt, revealing runes all over his body ::

Marco: "you speak of runes, but can you read these? you know what these are, don't you?... these are restrictions.. once these are gone you will be in a world of hurt"

:: he clapped his hands together ::

Marco: "seals 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3... RELEASE!"

:: several runes dissapeared, blue energy circled around marco, after this, some blood came trickling down from his wrists, he snapped his fingers and the blood expanded and hardened into a massive blade, and that was only one drop of blood ::

Marco: "come on!:
Leslie smirked, "Try it." At that exact moment, a giant wave of sand washed over her and she disappeared, the sand getting washed away with a breeze.

Standing outside the shrine, Leslie capped the gourd and broke out into full tears. She had no idea what she had even just done and she was scared, equally as scared as she was about the golems which would probably kill her.
Borghen ceased his sprinting,and turned around to face Marco. He was unfazed when Marco worked his blood magic. Borghen's clawed arm began to transform;It now resembled a massive,razor sharp,broad,blade,with a turning point half way up,where his elbow was.

"Such a dull surprise. Now,die,churl!"

Borghen charged once more,with his blade arm held horizontal before him.
:: the ground beneath leslie gave way, and as she fell, she woke up back in her own body in her room, the last thing she heard before she woke up is "failure" ::


:: Marco charged as well, in the middle he jumped, their blades met, causing a massive "boom" ::

Marco: "summisto!"

:: he summoned a massive cattepillar inside of the demon, the catepillar began to eat at it's insides ::

Marco: "now what you gonna do? let yourself be eaten from the inside-out, or will you gut yourself to stop that from happening?"

:: the cattepillar was ag big as a small car, with skin so hard it could not be consumed, these giant catepillard are commonly used by the magi army for moving cover ::
Borghen smiled. "A caterpillar,you say? A creature born of Mother Earth..."

Suddenly streaks of amber light shot from inside Borghen's body to the skull marked with the Rune of Earth.

"...Returned to it's purest state of Her energies. Now,stay still."

Borghen drove the point of the blade down,aiming for the crown of Marco's skull.


Steven simply shook his head. "No,she's not my girlfriend. She's actually this fine man's fiancee. Joe,I'd like to introduce you to Alec Deathlind and Zaria. Two friends of mine,whom I've decided to show the old stomping grounds. Or...I tried,anyway... Alec,Zaria,this is my best friend from the orphanage,Joseph Ray."

Joseph held out his right hand for a handshake.

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