Ww - the coming storm

Alec looked at Steven, eyes sort of clouded over a bit, "No." She looked at Ricardo, motioned for him to follow and left the room very near breaking down by the time the door shut behind the two of them. A nurse gave them a weird look but kept going.

"What's your problem?" Ricardo muttered, arms folding across his chest.

"I can't let them do something like this." She said back, tears spilling down the side of her face. "I don't want one of them to die."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"I need you to get another gaurd so i can go get this stone before they even start out for it." Ricardo blinked a few times, he honestly didn't think someone would do something like that. At least, not without a reason of personal gain. Nodding his head, he bowed, "Alright, your free to go."

"Thank you." Alec said before she disappeared into the blind realm without a trace, inside the world of darkness, Meido started calling her just about every thing evil and cruel it could think of. "JUst shut up and open the door to hell." Meido did as she was told.
Vent's eye twitched as soon as Alec and Ricardo left the room.

He immediately leaped to Steven's bedside, and grabbed him the shoulders.

"Can you listen in on their conversation with your powers?" He asked, a nasty grin on his face. Like he'd let Ricardo say something smooth to Alec after he had been all wrapped up in that other girl's arms.
Steven watched Alec walk out of the room,and he immediately knew what impact his explanation had on her. With Vent's request,Steven belted out a telekeneticaly propelled right straight into his temple. "Have you no shame? I can guarantee that Alec's going to do something VERY foolish,just to save one of us. Go after her. Hell is...Well...Hell. If you need anything..." Steven conjured two magical earpieces. "I'll be in touch."


The man jumped in surprise as the illusion dissipated,and as Hope offered a handshake from beside him. The man retracted the wire,and shook the hand that was offered,while stating, "On one condition,human. We're partners;equals. No one controls the other."
Alec took a deep breath and stepped out of the blind realm into the sky of hell, feeling the rush of air push past her as she headed for the burning ground a simple swipe of a hand created a board that floated in the air of a dark crimson. Landing on it like a cat, she set off searching for that soulstone from the air, keeping her magic levels low in case they thought of following if Ricardo told them.
Vent sighed.

Last time he'd chased Alec into Hell, it hadn't gone so well..... He'd nearly lost himself to Umbralus. And got attacked by numerous demons, but those wern't so big a deal.

With a scowl, Vent snatched one of the ear-pieces, and pocketed it.

"Thanks." He said, rubbing his temple. That had actually hurt. Off guard, telepathically enhanced, and Steven actually being quite fit physically....

Vent opened the door, and only spotted Ricardo.

"....... Where's she go?" He asked, a no-bullshit look on his face. As if he didn't already know.


Hope took the demon's hand with another twisted smile.

"... I wouldn't have it anyother way. Servants annoy me. Partners are much better." Hope stated, suddenly glowing with light.

"Would you humor me and come somewhere with me?" Hope asked, the dimensional fabric around them already starting to fold in on itself.
Ricardo raised an eyebrow. "Don't know what you mean." He said, he may not have liked the man, or the gaurd for that matter, but he did understand why she was doing what she was and wasn't about to tell on her and have it fail.


Alec crouched down lower on the board picking up on speed, till it started kicking rather hard making her gasp and nearly fell off , barely catching the edge of the board. "Stupid little...." SHe pulled herself back onto the board and kept going, a little more careful about her growing burden.
Steven didn't have much to do,now that everyone left. So,he conjured up "Dragonlance:Amber and Ashes" again,and read from where he left off.


The man followed Hope through the portal,but he had a bloodwire hang from his palm,just in case. "If this is a trick,your life is forfiet."
Vent had a hard time holding himself back.

"..... I know she's gone to Hell. Just say it, you stubborn brat!" He semi-yelled in Ricardo's face.


Hope chuckled.

"That would be a lot more threatening if you could follow through on it." He commented, the dimensional fabric reconstructing itself into Hell.

Standing at the egde of the Hellforge, Hope snapped his fingers, a new white suit appearing on him. He fixed the cuffs on his wrists, and turned to face the demon.

"There's an artifact in there I need, called a Soulstone. I'd like you to accompany me while I go get it. I'll make it worth your while." Hope explained.

"And while I'm at it, I'd like to know your name, 'partner'. I'm called Hope Astrumregis, myself." Hope said in a superior tone.
The man,now in Hell,squirmed,but shed his disguise. He appeared to be a muscular,tusked man,with a cyclone of fire for legs. "A Soulstone!? You plan to imprison me,Hope!" The demon roared.
"I won't betray someone who has a purpose and pure reason for what they do." Ricardo growled back.


A few minutes later, alec could see the hellsforge. Speeding up, she grinned for a second before the sight of two people already there made her slow down and stop right above them, looking down at them,she tried to see if it was Steven and Vent already there till she caught sight of silver hair and gasped, a hand going over her mouth to hid the noise. No way...
Vent sighed, his fists tensing.

"I respect your attitude, but you couldn't have picked a worse time to suddenly get noble." Vent spat, his Umbralus marks glowing. He fell into a portal, flipping off Ricardo as he fell.


Hope chuckled.

"Not you, demon. A Soulstone is must more versatile than you'd think. My plan requires one." Hope explained, not fliching or moving in the slightest.

"Now, relax, and tell me your name so I can stop calling you 'demon'." Hope stated, his eyes being drawn to the skies. He immediately started to chuckle again.
The demon snorted,and loosened its stance,but it kept bloodwires handy. "You may call me Borghen,Ho--I sense something...Terror...Anger...Magic. There's a living soul about!"

With that,Borghen started to scan the area,not bothering to look upwards.
Alec bit her bottom lip and slowly started to move, seriously hoping she woul;dn't be seen, or recognized, and if seen, she hoped it would jsut pass as a random flying demon rather than herself because if that was hope. She was screwed.
Ade raised a hand and yawned widely as she sat outside the hospital. She shivered slightly as a cold breeze blew, she curled her arms about herself; trying to keep warm as she sat on the bench. She crossed her legs as she waited, trying to be patient. Her violet eyes drooped slightly, feeling a tad bit sleepy.
Vent dropped into the skies of Hell, scanning the miles upon hundreds of miles he could see. He saw the volcanic mountains in the distance, and decided that a 'Hellforge' would be there more likely than anywhere else. With a gust of wind, he shot off in that direction, still a little ways off.


Hope smirked.

"It seems the very woman who will make my dream a reality has come to this very area. But, the Soulstone first. Come with me, Borghen. We need to get it quickly, before something happens." Hope explained, quickly striding off towards the Hellforge.
Steven quickly whipped on his earpiece. "Vent,I've lost your imprint! Were are you?"


Borghen growled,huffed,and decided to follow Hope. "So,tell me,why do you require a Soulstone? You don't truly believe you'd be able to bend an undying soul to your will,do you?"
Alec caught the word of the soulstone come from the man she knew as hope's mouth. her eyes widdened. No. No. No! Outstretching a hand black tendrils went through the air directly at Hope's head, each hardening into a razor sharp point.


Ricardo simply shrugged and walked out of the hospital, not caring either way. Stopping outside he blinked a few times to see Ade sitting there. Stepping up to her he took off his coat and drapped it around her shoulders.
Vent sighed as he rocketed through Hell's skies.

He pulled the ear-piece out of his pocket, and held it to his ear.

".... I'm in Hell. On my way to the Hellforge after Alec. Or.... At least I think. I hope." Vent said, not knowing the irony of his last addition to his sentence.


Hope ducked and swerved, giving Borghen a push to make sure he didn't get hit as well.

Hope, once again without using any magic, displayed super human abilities. He grasped the tendrils Alec had shot with his hand, and yanked on them.

"Borghen!" He shouted, his left hand reaching into his pocket while the right one reeled Alec in. "Take this!"

Hope tossed Borghen a trinket of sorts, looking like a small ceremonial dagger.

"That is 'Nighoggir', and it enhances demonic energy. Use it well, 'partner'." Hope explained, before letting go of the tendril and darting into the Hellforge.
Steven was less than impressed. "You THINK!? You had better pick up her imprint and follow it like a god damned bloodhound! I don't want anyone of our own dying today!"


Borghen caught the knife deftly,and held it as if it were an actual weapon. His cyclone became legs,and his other arm became a vicious sword,from the elbow down. He also grew spear-headed tendrils from his shoulder blades.

"Your journey ends here,mortal child! I'll enjoy what I'm going to do to you...On BOTH sides of the Veil!"

With a roar,Borghen shot into the sky,leading with the dagger,his entire body alight with Demonflame.
At the yank, Alec stumbled on her board a bit loosing her footing. Quickly cutting the connection to the tendril she barely caught the edge of the board for teh second time, seeing the demon charge at her, she meeped and scrambled back on quickly moving far out of reach of him before smiling polietly and speaking to him calmy, a trance going into her voice.

"Now, before you go thinking I'm the bad person here, let me say this. That man? He will kill you when he's done with you. You may think he can't but he can. And will. . But really, please, please don't do what he wants you to do. You are not the one I'm going for, and hell, neither is he. I only want one thing here, and to leave peacefully. I mean you two no harm, and if you still feel like attacking, I can make you a wonderful deal, kay?"
Ade blinked with surprise as she felt a coat being draped across her shoulders. Looking up, she felt a smile pull at her lips as she saw the man she had been waiting for. "Hey..." She murmured quietly, her gaze softening as she stared at him. "Told you, I'd be back..."
Vent scowled as he neared the Hellforge.

"Don't you think I feel like enough of an idiot already? And right now, I'm only really at 3/4 strength, that beast of a demon took a lot out of me...." Vent spoke back into the ear piece before feeling a chilling, familiar demonic presense.

"The same demon!" Vent exclaimed, totallly taken aback by the sudden twist of events. "..... Borghen." He whispered, gritting his teeth.

Vent flew with reknewed vigor.


Once inside, Hope scanned the Hellforge. Many small demon underlings immdieately ran at him. With a flash of light, Hope set to work.
Steven sputtered. "D-DEMON!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE!? LISTEN TO ME,VENT! DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID! JUST GET ALEC AND GET OUT! NO CONFRONTATION,UNLESS IT'S ABSOLUTELY NESSECARY!" Steven had a feeling Vent was ignoring him,but if Vent gets himself broken down there,Steven could at least say "Told ya so!".


Borghen spat at Alec's offer. "Your mind games won't work on me,child! And he's welcome to try! Even if he 'kills' me,I'll still live. I'm a Demon;I cannot truly die. I live so long as there is rage on Earth. And you can only be here for oe goal;the Soulstones! Your plans are parralell to those of Hope!" Borghen then pulled a new trick out of his bag,for Alec,at any rate. He launched four Bloodwired from his fingertips,wit his thumb still holding the dagger. The wires wrapped themselves around Alec,and then he began to heave them upwards.
Alec yelped at the blood wires as she was taken off of her board, " I'm not playing mind games. And I really can give you a better deal. More power than you could ever imagine, enough to destroy the humans by filling them with all pure rage." Wincing slightly she twitched her fingers, markings across her skin started glowing.


Ricardo smiled nicely, "I know you did."


In a dark room a older woman fell to one knee, casting spell after spell to counter and block another man's own magic. At first, it had started out fine but then things had gone downhill and she was running low. Very low. Casting another spell, she failed to see the last spell coming towards her till it hit her upside the head, pain flared up and she dropped her wand. Slowly, the body crumpled into itself mouthing the words 'i failed you friend.'

Zuzu, an old musician and witch, was dead.
Ade shifted slightly and her gaze dropped down to the ground. "So... what now?" She asked softly, her cheeks flushing slightly as she gripped the edges of his coat and pulled them tighter about herself.

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