Ww - the coming storm

Ade smiled and stood up on her tip-toes so she could kiss his cheek. "It's fine..." She murmured before tilting her head as she heard his friends. "You should go with them... I have something I need to take care of, how about I meet up with you once I'm done?" The greenette spoke, she didn't even glance at where Ricardo's friends were, her eyes were only on him.
"But your face said you were thinking about it." Alec said as she walked through the sliding doors the hospital. Walking up to the desk, she tapped the lady on the shoulder said Steven's full name and was told a room number, thankfully, in english. Looking back at Vent she had to smirk, "stairs, elevator or other?"


Ricardo nodded his head, "Alright dear." He gave her a kiss and melted into nothingness appearing outside the hospital doors seconds after the other two had gotten there.
Vent rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a book for you to read." He said, a smile gracing his features.

"And, seriously, what do you think?" He asked, his smile turning sly.
"But you make it so easy too." She rolled her eyes, "And I don't really know." Alec said winking at him and heading towards where the stairs were located after nodding to Ricardo as he walked in through the doors.
Vent's expression didn't change, and he nodded to Rocardo as well as he followed Alec to the stairwell.
Inside the stairwell, Alec did a little trick of stepping into a small portal and appearing the three flights up that needed to be climbed. As the other two went into the stair well she chuckled. "Better start trucking it up boys."
Vent sighed.

He started walking up all the stairs, without using magic. With his luck, he'd get caught by a mundane, so he didn't risk it.

"This'll take me a while!" He yelled up the stairs.
Ade sighed with relief the moment Ricardo disappeared. Instantly she grabbed the sword at her belt and threw it off her body, crying out slightly with pain as she grasped her side. The sword was of course a magical one... And while it had tremendous power, it also had a semi-sentience about it... The stupid sword also had an egotistical attitude and tended to burn the wield who ignored it.

At least she wouldn't have to keep a hold of it for long. But now there was a long aching burn all down her side. With a small sigh, Ade pulled out a phone that was in her pocket. She pressed speed dial and lifted it to her ear.

"I got the dang thing so bring me back, before I scream." Ade snapped at the person who answered it.

"Haha, alright; knew you could do it~ I guess I win that bet that you'd fail utterly." Another feminine voice spoke, laughing childishly as this person heard Ade's voice.

"Whatever... I don't really care what you idiots do when I'm not there." The violet eyed woman spoke, rubbing her temples slightly as she bent to pick the sword back up.

"Adeee~! Did you meet a guuuuy~?" This voice asked, sounding anticipated and anxious to hear the answer.


"Oh my gosh, YOU DID~!" The woman squealed excitedly. "You have to tell me everything~!"

"Hell no!" Ade squeaked, flushing slightly with embarrassment. There was no way she was going to tell anyone about Ricardo... It was just to embarrassing. There wasn't time to continue the conversation as light wrapped around Ade and teleported her away from the factory.
Ricardo rolled his eyes and started skipping steps. Alec had to laugh from above, "Would it help if you got here before mister bunny that I would give you a victory kiss?"
Vent smirked.

"I'd much rather win a kiss from a more manly competition." He said, full of attitude.

Suddenly, with a gust of wind, he was behind Alec, tapping her shoulder.

"...... But I'll take what I can get." He finished with a sly grin.
Alec laughed, looking back at him before going on tip toe and kissing his forehead. "Congrats."

Shaking his head, Ricardo simply snapped his fingers and floated up the rest of the way.
:: Marco stood up, and glanced at the demon-flame in the vials ::

Marco: "prideful demon..."

:: Marco walked out the door, into the moscow night ::

:: Marco heard a scream in the distance ::

marco: "looks like someone could use a hand..."

:: meanwhile, a young russian woman cowered in a corner, she was surrounded by several thugs, each of their flies was open, and they were arguing about who would rape her first, marco came the dark alleyway, his silouette cast a shaddow over them all ::

marco: *in perfect russian* "leave, and i'll spare your lives..."

thug1: "like hell"

:: there was a flicker, and said thug's "junk" came flying off in a fountain of blood ::

Marco: "go now, and i'll leave your balls intact!"

:: the thugs pulled out knived while the one he had "dis-membered" curled up on the ground, they all charged, Marco ducked and sliced the nut-sacks off of 2 more thugs, leaving only one ::

thug4: "p-please... mercy!"

:: Marco showed mercy by sclicing this one's right arm clean off, sending him sprawling in pain on the floor ::

marco: "consider this a light punishment.. now die with some dignity"

:: the final thug did this, he didn't cry or wimper like the other two, he simply kneeled, looked up into the cold night and let himself bleed out with the other three ::

:: Marco turned to the girl ::

marco: "are you alright?"

girl: "y-yes... i am"

:: she began to sob, marco picked her up ::

marco: "come on, lets get you home... where do you live?"

girl: "i am from stalingrad"

Marco: "what are you doing here?"

Girl: "my father and his friends bought me here, i was used as a bargaining chip to these thugs and they took me as a sex-slave... they were going to use me in scat and snuff films!"

:: she began to cry louder, and tears came more, Marco used his left arm to hold her up, and used his rght arm to push her head into his chest to cry ::

Marco: "there there... its okay... that won't happen... tell me... where were they taking you?"

girl: "to the mountains in the east, i know the place, they have over 300 girls being raised to eat poo and kill each-other"

Marco: "show me where it is, i swear i'll put an end to it"
Vent sighed. He looked a little disappointed.

Turning quickly, he stalked off to find Steven's room...... Which he had no clue where to find.

He turned back around to face Alec, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Where's his room?" Vent asked, feeling a little dumb.
Alec's smirk faltered a bit at the expression she caught on Vent's face before he started walking. As he turned back, she appeared directly in front of him and kissed the corner of his mouth. "307.Or the last door on the right." She said before brushing past him, muttering something to herself in Chinese that was directed at the cackling in her head.
Vent was a little stunned for a second, but recovered quickly with a contented grin on his face, and put his hand behind his head.

He started following her to the room.
Nice move Girlie. Alec's eye twitched. Shut the hell up. Meido made a raspberry noise at her. Putting on a black face, Alec knocked on Steven's door before entering. "You called?"
Steven set down his illusionary copy of "Dragonlance:Amber and Ashes" and looked at the door.

"Come in. I was just enjoying a good book."


In Paris,France,a man walked onto the Eiffel Tower's observation deck,and looked over the city,and though to himself,

I've heard the French make great food...
Vent sighed, walking into the room, and sitting on the end of the bed.

"..... Well, start talking."
Alec leaned agaisnt the door which she had shut in Ricardo's face, he wasn't part of this group of friends, he didn't need to know, and waited for Steven to start talking.
Steven glanced at Alec as she slammed the door shut in Ricardo's face.

"One,he's your ward. He doesn't leave your sight. Two,this could affect him. Let him in." With that,Steven displled his book.


The man suddenly whipped his arms out to his sides,and blood red wires,coming from his palms,wrapped themselves around everyone on the deck. He jerked his arms to opposite sides of his torso,and everyone that was wrapped up were cut up into at least five pieces. The wires vanished,and he vaulted over the guard rail,laughing like a madman.
Alec shot Steven a look. "Whatever." She opened the door and gruffly pulled Ricardo in with her burnt hand, mentally giving him a warning that if he said anything out of line, she would shove a boot so far up his but he would spitting out leather for the rest of his life.
"Stow the attitude,Alec. This is important. It's about that attack in Central Park earlier. That demon was sent by Innos,the God of Bargains,Deals and Commerce. His sphere may seem lame...Until you realize,he's also in charge of 'Deals with the Devil'. I,perhaps foolishly,made such a deal. I requested of Innos a method of controlling my powers without destroying everything in a three kilometer radius. He gave me this eye,the Eye of Innos. It grants the user magical omnipotence. In return,Innos demanded all of my wealth,both present and future. Apparently,gods aren't all knowing. As you know,I'm poor. Innos,however,didn't. I agreed,and the Eye was given. Soon after,he realized he just gave away his Eye. He sent his followers to retrieve it. Five men,all having the Blessing of Innos,challenged me over ownership of the Eye. Five men,defeated with the powers granted by the Eye. But...In Central Park...I believe Innos has grown truly angry with me. That demon was one of his personal servants in the Immortal Realm of the Fade. If Innos sends more of these,and more than one at a time,I don't think we'll be able to survive. We need to find a way to make these attacks stop. Without giving up the Eye. I'm all ears,my friends."

With that,Steven looked between Alec,Ricardo,and Vent expectantly,awaiting questions and suggestions.

Suddenly,he began to cough violently,and he covered his mouth. Blood then began to cover his lips,chin and hand.


The man landed on the ground at the Eiffel Tower's base,creating a crater and shockwave. People ran and screamed in a panic. Security guards began to surround the man's crater,and drew collapsible batons from their belts. One of the guards extended his,and it was about four feet long. The man chuckled and smiled gleefuly.

This'll be fun. He thought.
Alec blinked a few times, moving quickly to steven's side trying to see if there was anything she could do for his coughing up blood problem, a complete 180 from the cruel mood she had just been in. "Are you okay? Do you need anything for this? Should I get one of the doctors?"


Ricardo just kind of shrugged. "It seems like your screwed. But, quick question, how much did this guy want?" He started pulling out a wallet


(I was asked too)

THe gaurds each took out there batons and raised them high, ready to strike the man down at any sudden movement as they call got closer to him.
As Steven's coughing fit subsided,he straightened up. "No,don't. They already told me there's nothing they can do." Steven muttred. He shot Ricardo a murderous glare. "Don't you listen,boy? Innos said all wealth I gain. Meaning,no amount of wealth will appease him."


The man straightened up. He now began to laugh loudly and openly. The,he adopted a mighting stance. He bent his knees slightly,widened his stance,and started to constantly shift his weight around. Heheld his arms straight out in front of him,hands angled so his palms faced the security personnel in front of him,with is fingers slightly bent and apart. All thw while,he continued laughing.
"Fine then, how about I just feed you a large amount of wealth for the rest of your life?" Ricardo honestly didn't care. He had no problem with it.

Alec bowed her head, and stepped back, after lightly patting Steven on the shoulder.


The gaurds charged, swinging the bats down upon the man.

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