Ww: Legends~

Jirou's tail stopped wagging at the sudden tension and looked up at Lola, waiting for something to happen. Lola's smile faded at the boy's comment, and she took a small step back. She knew what kind of person this boy was, and she knew exactly how to deal with him. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"First off, we just walked inside. As you can see, we do have a lot of luggage here, so we couldn't close the door then. Second, I was gonna get my key and come right back, so why would I close my door for that unless I was hiding something? Third, I am very well educated, and it shouldn't be any of you business if someone leaves their door open anyway. And lastly, nobody likes a prick. With that being said, goodbye."

Lola slammed her door in front of the male and sighed, looking back at Nova, blowing a puff of wind at a platinum blonde lock that blocked her eye. She set Jirou down again, and tossed his jingle ball over in a corner, the tiny pup happily retrieving it.

"Well, I got my key," Lola stated, somewhat back to her bubbly self.
Arianna blushed a little, surprised. She thought she would be by herself at this school, that no one would really WANT to share a room with a dead, HEADLESS Knight that was more than obsessed with the original Headless Horseman. A small smile worked its way across her face, and she giggled a little.

"Yes, I would be more than happy to share a room with you." she replied, beaming softly as they continued to walk. "Oh, I can see your classroom down this hall." she answered as they walked, looking at her. "I have very much enjoyed our time together, and I look forward to sharing a room." she stated, smiling softly.
Lukas, peeved at the girl's insolent attitude, scoffed again at the closed door. Fine, let her think what she wanted. He wasn't the one who was inviting people to come and harass them. Lukas started to walk again, ready to just head back to his own room. He hoped not to see those girls again, but he didn't think that would be the case. He was sure whatever classes he has, they were either too stupid to be in them or just not good enough.


Claws had found that she has walked in sort of a circle and she frowned. Maybe it was just best to head back to the room and wait for tomorrow. She was a bit tired from walking around a lot.
Sai bit his lower lip in thought.

"Can you explain more about your circumstances as a student and sentient being over a beverage?" He asked, hoping to treat Evelyn to something to make up for his rather rude and forward behaviour in regards to his curiosity.

He found her quite a refreshing taste from the other riffraff here, her polite and educated demeanour one of nobility like his. Sai was sure they'd get along famously, once they'd gotten to know each other a little better. He couldn't be overly informal with someone he didn't know, and he looked forward to heated debate and verbal jousting.
"You know your classes as well?" Angafay asked, noting the change in footing. Back were the cold tile hallways, gone was the dirt she still knew so little of.

Did no one on the surface scheme against one another? It was a fantastic life indeed if she never need fear waking with a knife in her heart.

The drow truly hoped that this world was truly as it seemed, a veritable paradise...
Crow glared at the closed door, but slowly let out a deep breath. "No. We are not having a pow-wow," he said, not turning his back away from Theo. He was waiting for some sort of snide comment or something of that nature. It didn't seem to be coming, though. Still, he waited for it expectiantly. Turning to Jinx, he said "It's time for you to go back to your dorm. Take your brush."

Jinx whined but Crow stood firm. "Fine..." she mumbled as she opened the door and slammed it shut again. Slowly, she made her way back to her dorm, trying not to disturb her roommate if she was still there. With the stealth of a ninja, Jinx crawled into bed and shut her eyes, hoping to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

(Attention! I plan on having the next day start in approximately 8 hours so finish up your conversations. You may all rejoin together tomorrow at the entrance ceremony or whatever it is called where you listen to teachers speech about the school year.)
"I do not, but I will find out." she reported, stopping at the door, allowing Angafay to enter. "I hope you find your class enjoyable, and I shall be a mere call away." she said with a smile. "Merely call my name; ghosts can appear when you summon them." she concluded with a wink, walking back down the hall, her cape billowing out behind her.

She really liked Angafay, she really did. The girl was quiet and calm, and respectful. But she was also blind...Arianna stroked her chin as she walked, the richness of her leather glove even surprising herself. She needed to make sure she could be tied to the girl where she could summon her with ease without even having to speak. She sighed softly as she begun to think of ways for it to be done. Just as she was walking by the library, she stopped and turned to the door, walking in. When she was out, she had a book on summoning spells, and continued to her room.
Arriving at the classroom, Angafay expressed her gratefulness, feeling around the doorframe to possibly find some identifying mark that she may remember it tomorrow, when classes began.

Hearing Arianna speak behind her, though not spending the time to puzzle out what it was that she'd said, the drow blindly felt her way along the wall, deeper into the classroom. When she did turn again, Angafay could hear nothing, sense no presence in the doorway.

"A-Arianna? C-Class only begins tomorrow..." she mumbled, hoping that this was only a joke. There was no way that the girl had been so devious as to assist an assassination attempt, right? Without her blindfold, alone, Angafay suddenly felt very vulnerable, truly blind, and expected a dagger to find it's home in her back at any moment.
Luckily for Angafay, there was no dagger, but there were footsteps, approaching, getting closer... and closer, oh gods OH GODS!"

"hey" said Daniel, of whom the footsteps belonged too, he had been doing a bit of exploring himself.

Daniel went over to her, seeing her eyes, they were unfocussed

"here, i'll give you a hand"

soon, Angafay felt a warmth in her hand, the human boy was holding her hand.

"where do you want to go?"
Lola seemed to be really angry at the boy, as she readily started explaining their situation in an aggressive tone. Nova’s mouth remained open as she watched the girl tick off their reasons in her head before exclaiming he was a prick and slamming the door in his face. The girl’s eyebrows lifted and she was standing awkwardly in her position above the bed, until the girl turned around and announced she had her key.

The girl then shook herself off, noting a simple “That’s good” before actually pushing her bed towards the room’s corner. When it was there, she pulled it a little away from the wall so a small gap was there and looked back towards Lola. “Sorry…again” she notes, in case the girl is actually angry at her leaving the door open.
Lola shook her head slightly. "No need to apologize," she replied with a smile, "as long as you would pardon me. I hate people like him," she added, now going through her luggage.

She had added on to her complaint as the pulled out her clothes "They're nothing but a bunch of cowards masquerading themselves with fancy clothing and a snarky attitude, ridiculing others just so they can feel better about themselves. Luckily, that's the only thing that bothers me. Plus I know how to deal with them."

Her suitcase was now empty, and she was now looking for a suitable place for thee ensemble. She looked back at Nova. "Hey, do you need help unpacking?"
When Angafay suddenly heard a boy's voice, she flinched, and when a hand took hers she completely recoiled, tumbling over a chair to the floor. It was only then that the drow recognized the voice, it was a boy from earlier.

"Where do you want to go?" he says...

Instead of searching for her words, Angafay produced her key again, she was done with the excitement of this day, missed her 'sight', and just tired. Already she wanted to go home, but she'd made a friend now, someone she felt she couldn't abandon... and she didn't exactly look forward to returning home without mastery over her prophetic gift.
When Angafay recoiled and fell, Daniel held her hand tightly, holding her arm up so her head didn't hit the ground "woah f**k! easy there!" Daniel then pulled Angafay back to her feet, she didn;t seem to be hurt.

Daniel knew what Angafay wanted when she presented the key

"Ah, you wanna go back to your dorm huh?... come on, i'll lead you"

Daniel moved and took Angafay with him, he walked slowly so as to not have her feel like she was being forced or anything, he held her hand firm so to try and keep her comfortable, he couldnt imagine what it was like, not seeing anything, having to navigate through sound and touch, he relied so much on his sight he took it for granted.

they were heading for the main exit...
Even though the girl assured her it was fine, Nova was still nervous that in Lola’s head she was ridiculing her. The girl then complained about the boy who was just here though, explaining him to be a haughty person that put others down. Nova scratched at her human arm, as she was the type of girl to be put down by that type of stuff. Maybe it was better if from now on she avoided the boy…

When the girl asked if she could help Nova unpack her luggage, the girl opened the big bag and started pulling out the smaller one inside. “Uh…” the girl noted, throwing her tool kit to the side in the bag with some clanging, making her blush. To distract Lola from asking her, she handed her a couple stacks of clothing, and hangers.

“It doesn’t matter how you put them up” she notes, handing them off before retrieving the tool kit to slide underneath her bed. Then she tossed some more of her clothes beside her, sorting some with a pile of hangers and others by themselves, for the drawer. Hopefully Lola would figure out what she was doing, leaving Nova to unpack the miscellaneous box, leaving just her bedding in the huge bag.
Arianna finished what she had to do, taking a step back. She sheathed her sword, the metal on the sheath making a dangerous hissing noise. The crystal on the chain before her on the table glowing a light icy blue color, in the shape of a tiger's eye pendulum. She picked it up gracefully and exited her room, locking the door. She strode down the hall with her cloak billowing out behind her, staring forward. Suddenly, she caught an eye of Angafay with Daniel. She hurried that way, beaming softly. She couldn't wait to give Angafay her gift. She was almost to them when she tripped, banging her head on the wall, which tumbled off. Her expression froze as her head rolled across the floor, and she sat up, still able to see, but not speak. She chased after her head and caught it, snapping her fingers to try and get Daniel's attention.
After speaking with Daniel outside of the academy, Jiro stood there quietly and continued to stare at the gates as he ignored most of the things that went on around him. Soon after, the man decided to just go ahead and walk through the gates, because he wasn't going to just stand there and continue gazing at it for the whole day. But as he passed through the gates, he felt a large source of energy flowing around the entire area. He just paused for a moment there, feeling amazed. Just back there before he entered through the gates, he wasn't able to feel this amount of power that was going around here. But maybe others felt it too when they walked in. Even Daichi was a bit amazed by the power that Jiro was feeling. 'Well, with this amount of power going around the academy, this should be interesting.. very interesting..' The demon told Jiro as he spoke to him in his mind. But then Jiro started to wonder.. Since this is a magic academy, this power that he was feeling might help all of them on being able to channel their magic in different ways. Whether that's true or not, Jiro didn't know. But what ever it was, it was a great feeling.

Moments later, he made it over to the office area. When he arrived, he quickly asked for his room number and for the room's key. And after he asked, the dark elf woman stared at him for a bit. After the long stare, she handed him his key along with telling him his room number. And as he got a hold of his key, he nodded to the woman and then turned around to start looking around for his room. He thought that he shouldn't be quick at making his way to his room, so he just took his time. He started to look around, seeing that there was these posters of how the academy looked like back then. He couldn't believe that he missed those posters when he was making his way to the main office. But as he continued to walk, he kept hearing many voices, especially a barking dog. At first, he thought he was hallucinating. But after a while it really didn't catch his attention for the moment, for he was too busy wandering around.

The academy was huge, and Jiro could easily get lost if he took the wrong turn. Which indeed had already happened to him several times that day. Which is why he was "late". That made him chuckle a bit, getting lost here but yet feeling more amazed as he continued to look around. But as he was having fun and taking his sweet time to walk around the academy, Daichi was growing impatient on wanting to find their dorm. So the demon decided to speak to Jiro again, only his voice was sounding to be more tense than how it was before. 'Jiro, once you're done screwing around, maybe you can find your way back to our dorm?' Jiro just rubbed his eyes when he heard the demon, feeling a bit annoyed by Daichi's impatience. "And how the hell do I do that.. I'm freaking lost here.." Jiro quietly whispered to himself, knowing that Daichi was able to hear him. Besides, Jiro was alright with the idea of getting lost here at the academy, since there was much more to see. 'Read the signs..? Come on, didn't you read the brochure? It did say that there would be signs posted around the academy for directions..' The demon suggested, although he was right.

"Damn it, again with the brochures? Don't attack me for not reading that thing."
Jiro whispered to himself again, regretting that he didn't really bothered to read the brochure when he had the chance. 'Just quit wandering around, and head to our dorm. Simple as that.' Daichi said, but his voice started to fade from Jiro's mind; as a sign that he had nothing else to say for the moment. Jiro just let out a long sigh, and decided to just listen to his demon. Finding their dorm would be a good idea anyways. Especially since his backpack weighed so much. He then looked around for a few signs, and he was lucky to even find one. The signs were in English, so it was obviously easy for him to read them. And finally, after being lead by the signs he made it to his dorm. When he made it there though, he looked around the room and saw that there was already someone's luggage bags that was laying around here. He just shrugged, and placed his backpack beside his bed, which was right across from where the other bed was at. He wondered who could it be that he was sharing this room with. He hoped that it wasn't going to be someone that Daichi wouldn't like. Even though that demon doesn't really like anyone unless he accepts them. Well, I can't wait to see on what happens next.. Jiro thought to himself as he sits down on his bed and starts to unpack his things.
Thankfully, the human caught Angafay, keeping her from bumping her head. He seemed to understand what she tried to say, and led her back. Thankfully he didn't drag her along like the loud girl from earlier had. This time hallways weren't quiet, they were filled by the clanking footsteps of someone in armour, hopefully Arianna. It would take time to adjust to the thought that the sound of metal armour was friendly here, not the sound of marching to battle.

Already Angafay had been lead in one day by more people than she had in her entire lifetime, explored a new place, and left the underdark. Finally she realized how far she was from home, home which was safe and dangerous at the same time.
While Jirou was busy playing with his toy, Lola waited for Nova to give her something to do. She watched as the girl pulled out some of her luggage, one of the smaller bags making a clink when it landed.

Her attention was quickly drawn to the clothes that were suddenly pushed into her hand. She stumbled a little to make sure she didn't drop any, then placing them on the top of the bureau, looking around for some hangers. Once she found them, she began hanging the girl's clothes. She had realized that her attire consisted of uncropped articles, either pants or long sleeved shirts, but she didn't bother asking about it.

Lola decided to break the silence. "We have a big assembly tomorrow, we should get ready for it." She stated. Jirou was finally slowing down, yawning. His tiny head leaned on his ball.
Arianna finally found her head, growling at herself inwardly for dropping it. She stuck it on and let the tissues reconnect,, her sight slowly coming back through her eyes. When it did, she looked to the side and saw Angafay and Daniel. She strode after them with her cape billowing out behind her, catching up in no time. Daniel stopped and looked at her.

"Hello again, Arianna." he said. She nodded courteously and looked at Angafay.

"Angafay, I have something for you." she said, extending her hand with the crystal necklace in it. "I made it for you." she said shyly.
"Most likely." Evelyn replied softly, the idea of an ice cold soda pop making her toes tingle in excitement. "Though I don't know what you'd want to know, really..." Softly treading the ground, she looked down, wondering if here, she'd be able to learn how to make a soft wind to give the illusion of feet pressing against the ground, rather than having grass blades phase through her shoes and feet. Glancing over at Sai, she smiled faintly, wondering how Theo would react when she told him whom she'd met.

Raising an eyebrow, Theo looked at Crow, before the male had asked Jinx to leave.
"Shame...you know, she looked like she could have used one..." Shrugging, he turned back towards his bed, falling back on it and curled up around the pillow. Inside, he could feel the cold metal locket pressing against his hand, before sighing softly.
Sai breathed deeply through his nose, taking in the slightly sweet scent of the wind here at the Academy. It smelt like blood to him, and he found himself rather fond of that smell. So much blood all around him, pulsing and coursing through the veins of many different people. His demonic heritage afforded him many strange abilities and quirks, and a fondness, not so much for the consumption, but for the sight and smell and general idea of blood was one of them. Evelyn didn't afford any smell of blood, but the death lingering on her was also somewhat pleasant to his nostrils.

"What type of beverage are you craving, Miss Evelyn?" Sai voiced in an amicable manner, glad to see a small smile on Evelyn's face. That meant she at least wasn't scared or creeped out by him, and his somewhat inhuman display earlier.
Tilting her head up towards her new companion once more, she shrugged once. Letting a hand twirl a strand of hair in thought, she shrugged a second time. "I...a lot of the new drinks you living have created are rather different for someone like me. Wubota Water, L'aki Soda...I mean, would it be so hard to bring back some Birch Beer Soda, or Nehi?" She laughed for a moment, shaking her head. "Sorry...I get..nostalgic over little things."
"One would assume. You are in fact from a different era entirely, correct?" Sai asked, raising an eyebrow, already knowing the answer. "We could search for some, if you'd like." He suggested, turning on a different path, towards the portal nexus the Academy kept with all major cities. He could probably teleport himself, but didn't want to be drained of energy. And he wasn't sure if teleporting another person could work yet. It wasn't his forte, so to speak.

"... Are you okay with larger cities, Miss Evelyn?" He made sure, stopping, before they continued any further.
"I am." Evelyn stated. "Possibly we could search...I don't think the companies are still in existence..." Following him, taking in the grounds as a way to keep track of how the outside sprawled and turned and twisted into different paths to where her head almost reeled, she paused at the site of the portal. Not stepping up to his sidde, when he stopped, she looked at the portal, "I don't think we're allowed to leave school yet...and...I don't, uh...handle people..well. It's also getting late."
Crow shook his head as he sat down on his bed. He debated the options he gave himself such as sleeping or studying a bit which was a rare behavior for him. "Yeah? And what do you know about my sister?" he asked, keeping his stare towards the ceiling. "And besides, don't act like you even care about how she feels." Crow furrowed his brow as he slowly got out his magic book and began to flip through it. It was purely illusions. "I saw how she looked towards you when she came into the room. She looked scared. I don't know why, but she did." He refused to turn his gaze toward Theo. His roommate was either messing with him and faking his change of heart, or he needed to pick a side instead of flip flopping between caring and not.

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