Ww: Legends~

Angafay didn't reply this time, caught up in her thoughts as she attempted to decipher the previous vision. It was of the past, that much was for certain now, but when; where, were still mysteries.

Powerful magic was involved, as was violence, much violence, but good intentions. Who could possibly have such noble thoughts, yet draw so much blood? She refused to dwell on it; there were things relevant to the moment at hand to deal with.
Arianna continued to walk down the halls, not quite sure where the auditorium was. She gave signs a quick passing glance as they walked by them, following their cattewhompus instructions on how to reach the room. She was so caught up in her own mental musing she almost tripped down a flight of stairs, stopping Angafay successfully in time. She proceeded a bit slower to allow her to ease down the stairs, allowing her to keep a hold on her arm so she didn't fall. Arianna naturally had quick reflexes, which came with her training, and if Angafay WAS to fall, she could easily be caught by the knight standing just lower than her on the stairs as she was lead down.
The announcement rang out overhead once more. "All new students, report to the auditorium immediately. The assembly will begin shortly."

Jinx woke up right away as she heard the announcement once more. "Crap!" she said rather loudly as she leaped out of bed. In record time, she managed to get dressed and take off out of her dorm.
The girl seemed to stiffen up first, than Lola finally rose with a mess that used to once be hair around her face. Nova looked mildly amused, watching as she finally responded, although it wasn’t very coherent. It seemed the navy haired girl wouldn’t have to answer as a voice seemed to boom over the speakers once more.

“Uh, well. We’re going to be late…” she noted to her roommate in response to the announcement, grabbing the towel off the floor to dry more of her hair. Then she quickly ran a brush through the length, expecting her roommate to get ready while she did. After pulling her hair up into a messy bun, she slipped on some boots, and paused shortly at the door.

"C'mon Lola!" she called, a little bit antsy that she said something so loud after, and frowned at herself.
When the announcement came on again, Jirou yelped. "Oh no, there's that voice again! Where is it coming from?! Help!"

Lola quickly jolted in response to the announcement. The girl flailed off the the bed, throwing her blanket on the ground. She ran to the dresser, and grabbed the first top and bottom she came across, throwing off the nightgown she wore and throwing on the garments. The resulting outfit was a tee with a candy print, and a pair of shorts. She combed her fingers through her hair, put on a pair of canvas shoes and picked up Jirou, slinging a pack over her shoulder.

"Kay, I'm ready," Lola said with a yawn.
With her roommate ready in no time, although she hadn’t bothered trying to cover herself ,Nova ushered her along “Okay, let’s go…” The cyborg led them on the way out the room, surprised that Lola opted to bring Jirou along to the assembly. After taking a few steps, she hesitantly asked back “Uh…do you know where the Auditorium is?” and the other girl simply just took the lead.
With Jirou in her arms, Lola was quickly motioned to the hallway and was now in front of Nova. She had been asked if she knew where the auditorium could be. "Um... yeah. There should be a door there when we make it to the main hall. We can just follow the students when we get there."

Once they had made it to the main hall, Lola had unslinged her pack, opened it up to an empty pouch, and placed Jirou inside. Petting his head, she carefully put the pack back on her shoulder and proceeded to the auditorium. The room was so packed with students, it made Jirou antsy.

Lola looked back at Nova. "So, where do you want to sit?" She asked.
When the duo eventually reached the bottom of the stairs, another couple brushed by, with three heartbeats and separate breaths. Could this be the girl with the dog from before, and with a friend?

"The auditorium, do you know where it is?" she asked before they got out of earshot. Angafay did not want them to be late, though there was really little more than this that she could do about it.
"I do." Arianna answered, leading her that way.

They walked into the auditorium, and Arianna looked around. The room was definitely large, and spaceous enough for the students. She guided Angafay to the front and helped her sit, sitting next to her. She made sure she wasn't sitting on her cape, and that her weapons were concealed, then looked at her friend with a smile, proud she had gotten them there a few minutes early.
After she had passed Nova, Lola noted the rough location of the auditorium before leading the rush to get there on time. When the two were descending the steps though, they passed an odd twosome that seemed to be taking it nice and easy. Nova avoided eye contact once she saw them, only catching the girls’ contrasting hair colors, one a strawberry blonde and the other with a white greyish color.

As they were passing, a quiet voice reached out to her, and she paused to look behind her, it didn’t look like Lola had heard the girl’s question. Nova stood there nervous, looking up to meet ey- a blindfold? The girl who had spoken at the end of the stairwell had a blindfold on, and it took a moment for the girl to process it. Who walked around with a blindfold around their eyes? How were they supposed to see? Unless…

Nova suddenly remembers Lola, looking back to find that the girl with platinum blonde locks was all but gone from her side. “Uh, S-Sorry!” she noted, slightly inclining her head as if she was bowing before turning tail to run back to Lola’s side. Hopefully the blonde in the armor next to the girl could help her, or at least she should be able to follow Nova’s footsteps. With a frown, she rushed back up to Lola, who seemed to turn towards her just in time to ask where she wanted to sit.

With some effort at trying to catch her breath she noted, “At the front…or something?”
Ok, Assuming everyone is at the Auditorium now...

The Stadium was massive, deceptively bigger than the outside ould indicate, probably since most of the stadium was built into the earth.

the Auditorium was filled with people of almost every sentient species, excluding those who naturaly had no magic or were too volatile to risk educating in how to harness magic, like the Orcs who were both.

people of all shapes and sizes were there, from humans to slimes, Succubi to Dragons (in mostly human form of course) and many in between, chattering everywhere, the seniors were up at the back of the auditorium, wearing their school blazers, robes and the such, each was well trained in teir own skills of choice, from combat to healing.

soon though, there was a thundering voice, thanks to an enchantment in the voice, even Angafay heard it as if it were in her own language, from the side of the stage, an old, very tall muscular man walked out, with tanned skin, a rough face, a big blonde beard and long hair, he looked honestly like a viking or a biker in a suit.

"SILENCE!" he roared, even the most cocky of students shot up, shut up and paid attention after hearing his loud booming voice.

"Remain quiet..." he began, his voice still thundering and clear, but no longer actually roaring.

"Welcome newcomers to Highland Academy, and welcome back seniors, middle schoolers and staff... Again it is truly wonderful to see all your faces looking up, i remember when the seniors, like Jacob Dart our school captain was a junior like these ones down here..." his great, muscular hand gestured across the juniors, starting at Daniel and ending at Lola who were a dozen or so spots away. "when they looked up at me with the same intimidation in their eyes from my initial call for silence all those years ago... and i look up at them all now, smart, rational, skilled and independent, well taught in not only magic but in morality and academics, and i think that you, our students will all achieve their level in good time..."

Now, the headmaster went about the normal formalities

"Highland academy was the first, and still the most successful multi-species school in the world, with among the highest graduate rates and lowest fatality rates our system of education is global, not just in the classroom, as your assignments we will give you objectives and send you all over the world via teleport magic, you will learn not only from books, but through experience, from learning how other cultures operate through spending days or even weeks in various locations, to learning botany and alchemy by collecting plants ingredients yourself from the Amazon, Siberian forests and more all under the close eye and instruction of staff, our way of educating is very hands-on, we believe in learning through experience, again i ask you like every year, what will you be? will you be the one to achieve peace between the Orcish hordes and the Elvish settlements in Turkey? will you be the one to re-establish contact with the lost magical realm of Asguard which was sealed during the first "Nightrise war"? what will you do? what will you become? we at highland academy can show you the door and give you the key, but you must be the ones to unlock the door, go through it and claim your destiny... thank you"

with this, the towering headmaster steppe down, and his assistant walked up, she was honestly very scary, her upper body was that of a human woman, but her lower body was that of a giant spider, with big hairy legs and some strange pincers coming from her back, she began to read announcements

"Juniors, when you arrive back at your rooms you will find a datapad waiting for you, this will serve as your iary, timetable, calendar and many more, the datapads CANNOT play games, to use them as such will come with immediate, very harsh punishment, also know that all your rooms are enchanted, over time they will gradualy change to suit your own liking, space is irrelevant, a single room can eventually grow to a 100km by 100km swamp by your second year if that is the habitat you wish to live in, it is non-negociable however that the back of your door will always display your timetable for the day and whatever reminders in regard to schoolwork you need to remember... that will be all, thank you, Seniors, please conclude b leading the rest of the school in reciting the school motto and the school song?"

Jacob Dart, the school captain stood up "ahem...

Ostendo non ostento!"

the school above the juniors responded at once "

I show, not boast!" (FUN FACT: thats actually my family's motto, i found it out when i found my family's crest)

them the rest of the school began singing the school song which went for 2 minutes (cant think of lyrics right now)

the woman walked out afte rthe headmaster, her 8 legs scuttling along creepily.

the other staff looked imposing, the P.E teacher was a centaur, the swimming instructor was a giant purple slime, the "groundskeeper" was actually 2 twin gnomes, the maths teacher, physics teacher, chemistry teacher and basic magic teachers were all human ect...

with that, the assembly was over, and they were free to go back to their dorms.
Sitting down with her headless friend, the drow was quite happy to be there before the assembly began, even if it only was by moments.

"How does this one know drow?"
Angafay muttered to herself during the assembly, hearing who she assumed was the headmaster, and eventually another voice, an assistant?

It seemed that no one was to be killed either, and though informative, the meeting was very brief.

"I guess, we go back now..." she said, turning to Arianna.
The assembly turned out to have seats assigned by grade anyway, so Lola had lost Nova throughout the leaving crowd. She had hoped she knew her way back to their dorm, because she needed to ask a staff member a question. I'll look for her back in the main hall when I'm done, Lola thought, finding a teacher standing by the auditorium doors.

"Excuse me!" Lola called out from the crowd, not wanting to lose the elder from all of the commotion.
"I shall take us back to our room." she said to Angafay, helping her stand.

She looked over her shoulder and waited for the people to leave, so that they wouldn't be crowded. After they were gone, she let Angafay take her arm and started for the door at a leisurely pace. They certainly had a lot of fascinating stuff here, and it was more than Arianna could have ever imagined. She felt honored to be apart of such an immense family, and that she was going to further her ability as a knight. Her heart grew aflutter with the thought of becoming like the Horseman himself, and she blushed with a dreamy smile of him complimenting her himself. A small shiver ran down her arm where Angafay was holding her from the hopeful thought, and she continued to lead her friend protectively to their room.

"Angafay, is there somewhere you would like to go besides back to our dorm?" she offered, not wanting to keep her friend cooped up.
Lukas had not heard the announcements as he had remained in his room throughout it all. He knew he would be punished, but it was much better than being surrounded by a bunch of idiots and freaks. He could always find out what happened from his roommate, he supposed. As he waited to see if he was really getting on, Lukas focused on the book he was reading.


Claws did her best not to squeal out in excitement while she listened. It all sounded so amazing. She couldn't wait to begin her year here even more now. As long as she avoided Lukas and others who might be jerks, Claws was certain she would have the best year ever.

She got out of her seat, stretching before heading back to her room. She wasn't sure what to do for the rest of the day, but she was sure she would find something.
Mel was practically jumping in her seat when the whole thing was over. The headmaster was badass awesome. The whole school bursting out into a booming song was amazing. The whole thing reminded her of the mangas she loved so much. It was so exciting. She leaped out of her seat and skipped out of the auditorium.

When moving down the halls, she spotted a girl she hadn't yet greeted this morning (Claws if that's okay with you Legendless). She immediately skidded to a stop and went over to the tan girl. Keeping in character with her ninja outfit, she lifted a hand in greeting. "Nin nin!" (Translation: "Good morning!")
It would seem the two wouldn’t get seated together, as the seats were arranged by grades and poor Nova was left to sit in the freshman aisle next to a bunch of strangers. The girl was quite fussy always pulling down her sleeves, drawn up on herself and giving out a very distant aura. Purple eyes only remained in contact with the stage, as she watched who she assumed was the headmaster; give a speech to the students.

A woman that sent shivers crawling up her spine approached next, her bottom being that of a spider and grotesque. The woman had specified the juniors, but Nova had listened anyways, expecting that the same rang true for everyone. Then after some awkward lip-syncing, to which she didn’t sing the song that she didn’t know, the assembly was over. As the people next did her started leaving, the young girl fidgeted and quickly got out of everyone’s way. This only resulted in her tripping, to fall flat on her face in front of a group of people, at least her hands ended up underneath her.
The assembly turned out to have seats assigned by grade anyway, so Lola had lost Nova throughout the leaving crowd. She had hoped she knew her way back to their dorm, because she needed to ask a staff member a question.I'll look for her back in the main hall when I'm done, Lola thought, finding a teacher standing by the auditorium doors.
"Excuse me!" Lola called out from the crowd, not wanting to lose the elder from all of the commotion.

the staff member at the doorway, a large bird-like man with 4 arms all crossed looked

"hmm?" he went, his voice had an english edge to it, even through the strange gargle-like noises he made while speaking.

"yes student? how can i help you?"

he was clearly still somewhat alien to english, but he was trying his best not to scare her even with his somewhat scary appearance.

Daniel left the auditorium, holding his head away from Dali who still smelled like dirt and her mask smelled like it was made from bugs.

going back to his dorm, he found the datapad as promised, Dali found hers as well, as soon as he touched it, it came to life.

"Welcome Daniel Tellores" said the robotic voice "initializing, one moment please..."

elevator music played while it loaded, until finally his class schedule popped up on the screen, it included the name of his next class, a brief description of what it was and where to find it on a map.

(NOTE: Angafay's datapad will know Angafgay is blind, so it will speak the information and where to find it, instead of a map it can direct her with speech to the class)
After listening to the announcements earlier that day, Jiro quickly flung himself from off of his bed and got ready for the assembly. He was in a big hurry, noticing that he was a bit late to get to the assembly in time. And he knew that by the time he leaves his room, he would miss out on seeing who his roommate was. But as he walked over to the door, he just shrugged at the thought. Maybe I can see my roommate after the assembly.. Jiro thought to himself as he opens the door and shuts it behind him. He was really hoping that this assembly wouldn't be a huge waste of time. But that was quickly changed by a thought that he just had; that this entire academy was large in size, and how Jiro was fascinated by it earlier. And with that thought in mind, another one came rolling back to Jiro.

What if I could just wander around a little more.. maybe.. let myself get "lost" again..?

'Oh, don't even think about it, pipsqueak. There is absolutely NO WAY that I'm going to let you reenact yesterday's lovely strolling. So get your hind in the auditorium before I do something about it, Jiro.'
The demon's tense voice interrupted Jiro's thoughts.

Jiro just let out a long sigh and decided to listen to Daichi. So, he began to walk around to look for directions on how he can get to the auditorium. But looking around for directions made him a little more late than how he was before. 'Looks like being late is another special skill that you have.. Jiro.' The demon said. Jiro just gave him a smirk, as he finally found the auditorium from the help of those signs that he was lucky enough to find. At first, it didn't really look as if it was that much of a large building. But this made Jiro wonder if it was much larger in the inside of the auditorium than on the outside. And as he opened the doors to the assembly, he was right after all. It turns out that he wasn't actually late, more like getting there just in time. There was a whole bunch of people that were already sitting down and having fun as they chatted to one another. A massive auditorium, filled with hundreds of different other species.

Impressive.. Jiro thought to himself as he quickly made it to his seat. And once he finally made it, it didn't take too long until a man; who was the academy's headmaster, stepped in. He then began to start the assembly as he started to explain basically most of the things that the newcomers needed to hear. But as the man was speaking, Jiro just couldn't help to look around at all of the people that were attending the assembly. He had never seen such a place that held a large number of different types of species in one place. He was completely amazed by it, being amongst these creatures. But as he was scanning the auditorium, he found a girl who was actually closer to him from where he sat. To Jiro, words couldn't even describe how beautiful she looked. And soon after, he found himself gazing at the girl's platinum blond wavy hair; which kind of made her hair look like the sea.

But before he could even gaze at the attractive girl and her wavy hair any longer, Daichi called out for Jiro's attention. 'Hey, why don't you shift your eyes towards the headmaster, instead of the ocean and her pretty face.' The demon told Jiro, who wasn't really pleased with him. 'Remember your banishment, Jiro. Don't you remember all of that bad luck?' Daichi told the boy. Jiro just rubbed his eyes, then turned his view towards the headmaster without even answering back to his demon. The old man on the stage was done anyways. But after he had finished speaking, a woman who was half human, half spider, came up the stage and began to speak as well. But Jiro just tuned her out for a bit, because he was upset that his demon would actually bring up his banishment while the assembly was going on. Being banished from his village for having Daichi inside of his body was probably the worst thing that had happened to him. When Daichi warned him about the banishment, it meant that the demon would probably do something terrible that would upset Jiro. And this time, Daichi meant it towards the girl Jiro was just gazing at. Sometimes, Daichi would just give mercy to the boy after he mentions the banishment. But that was if the demon thought that Jiro deserved mercy from him. Complications with his demon towards other people is why Jiro tries to not get too close to anyone but his sensei, who is long gone now..

But finally the spider-woman was done speaking, and if Jiro needed someone to tell him what she had just said, his demon would probably be the one since he was listening. Jiro just got up once everyone else did, and noticed that the meeting here was shorter than how he thought it would be. Now since he could leave the auditorium, maybe he could meet up with his roommate back at their dorm. That's if his roommate is even there. But on his way to the exit, Jiro was being shoved by everyone else who was trying to leave. It was a bit annoying, and Jiro was just WAITING for Daichi to say something about all the shoving. But thankfully, the demon didn't speak this time. So the boy just stood in the middle of a large group as he waited for his chance to leave. And moments later, Jiro's attention was caught when a different girl tripped over and fell down to the floor right in front of the group that he was being shoved against to. At first, he thought that this girl was the same one he was just staring at a while ago. But this one was a completely different person, and she didn't have the blond wavy hair that the other girl had. Jiro quickly squeezed himself from out of the group's grasp, and walked over to the woman. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt when you fell down, right?" He asked as he stood right next to her, and held out his hand so he can help her get back up on her feet. He was kind of relieved that he wasn't stuck in the middle of that large group anymore. At least he could help out this woman now while he can.
Waiting out the other students' departures, Angafay felt the tremble run through her armoured friend, but decided to ignore it. Things would certainly be interesting, learning in a foreign language in an unfamiliar place.

It took some time before the auditorium was cleared out enough for the freshman duo to leave, but when it was finally time, the drow wasn't sure if there was somewhere she wanted to go.

"I think our room will be just fine for now..." she replied quietly, following along behind Arianna, lead by the arm.
"If you wish." Arianna said, as if reporting to a commanding officer. Without arguement, she started leading her back to their room. "If 'tis alright, after we return, I must leave to check on my horse. She has been in that wretched stable since our arrival, and I must ride her to ensure she gets the proper exercise. Will you be well in the room alone, or would you rather I stay with you?" she added, looking at her friend sideways, though she knew she couldn't look back.
"I'll be fine alone..." Angafay replied, understanding the need to care for another. The drow wished that her friend would also spend time with things besides herself, though it was nice to be doted upon, it was unpleasant to spend no time in private.

Releasing Arianna's arm, she stepped away, speaking up once more.

"I will find my own way, you see to your horse."

Not waiting for a response, Angafay gently placed a hand on the wall and began to walk, putting one foot in front of the other, slowly so as to assure she wouldn't trip. The time on her own would give the blind girl to puzzle out more of her vision.
The elder looked more intimidating when she got closer, but she had set that thought off to the side. She was pretty certain that he was somewhat docile, lest he wouldn't have gotten a job in this school. She glanced over to the door to see if she missed Nova, which she saw no sign of her, she walked up to the staff member.

"Hello there!" She began, trying to hide her fear the best she could. "Do you know where I can find a pet sitter of some sort for when I have class? I have a puppy," she said, reaching back into her pack. Jirou was found in his pouch taking a nap, his tiny body rising up and down with each breath.
"Oh hello," Claws replied, a little startled by the sudden appearance of someone else. But she was a friendly person and not about to just go and walk off and ignore them. In fact she was happy they talked to her. She was looking forward to making more friends. She turned to see who had talked to her and didn't recognized the person. Still she smiled at them.
The deadly duo had gotten up very early in the morning, slipping out before either of their roommates had awakened and now, long after the assembly, were treading across the grass towards a lake they had found much earlier in the morning. Back when it was too dark to go too close too. The campus life had started growing and both knew that trouble would happen if someone caught them out there. Exchanging looks, they slide down off the grass, onto the muddy banks and out of sight.

Theo rolled up the sleeves to his dark flannel, before his eyes light up in mischievous glee.
"There's a boat up ahead, looks like it's in good condition." Evelyn nodded, shaking her head as they sped up, reaching the boat in no time at all. Shedding her visibility, Evelyn poked her head up over the wall of dirt once more, looking to see if anyone was close enough to see them. She couldn't even see anyone out this way, so they were safe. Ducking back under, and joining in the world of physically visible objects, she blinked.

Patting his hand on the empty bench as the boat bobbed in the water, Theo tipped his head towards her in a 'come on' fashion. Re adjusting his grips back onto oars he had found, he used them to push off the bit of sand they were sitting over after Evelyn had joined him. As they moved farther out into the water, and into the fog that swirled over the lake, keeping them out of sight, he stopped rowing, and let the currents take them where they would.

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