Ww: Legends~

Arianna's eyebrows furrowed at Angafay's sudden departure, but she tried not to worry. After all, the drow had the necklace; she could summon Arianna at any time. She turned and begun walking off, her cloak around her like a shroud. It billowed out from behind her as she walked for the nearest door, trying to find her way to the stables. When she did, she saw her rather miserable horse, who immediately whinnied happily upon seeing Arianna taking the saddle to put on her. She tacked up her horse, not hesitate to get in the saddle. She drew her sword with a sickening hiss, grabbing the reigns.

"YAH!" she yelled, kicking her horse.

The horse took off from the stable and ran across the grounds, her hooves pounding the ground like thunder. Arianna couldn't resist, and she could feel the aura and blood of the Horseman coursing through her veins. She took her head off and placed it in a saddlebag made of velvet, riding headless with her sword out. Every student that saw her pass outside either screamed, or dropped their jaws in shock. She grinned inwardly and kept riding, urging her ghostly horse faster to work the laziness out of her.
Mel smiled. "I am Mel, a ninja of the Ibarabara clan," she said, still refusing to break character. Then she shifted to pose in a sort of fighting stance. "Identify yourself." Though she tried to keep a serious face, the girl couldn't help but giggle.
Claws was a bit unsure of the girl, but she kept on smiling and nodded at the girl. She wasn't one to judge on other people's strangeness.

"I am Elikutia, but you can call me Claws. I am a werewolf." She smile wider. "Nice to meet you Mel of the Ibarabara clan."
the staffmember tilted his head

"is that a Familiar? you can only have pets if its a familiar ot else the animal will be sent away, Familiars are allowed to be bought into class and all areas of school, look around you..."

looking around there were a lot of students with familiars, passing them by was a Lamia boy with a large white wolf at his side.

"now go on, there are no pet-sitters here, either its a Familiar, or its outa here!"

he gestured for her to just keep on walking.

in his dorm, Daniel found his first class, learning Alteration.
(Her actual last name is Lecarde, just saying)

Mel's eyes widened. "Lucky. I'm just a human. See this hand. It doesn't turn into anything cool." After pouting a bit, she did a twirl that ended in a curtsy. "Well, it is always nice to meet an ally. Are you excited for this year too?"
"W-Wha-? Uhm...." Lola stammered, not quite following the rapid dismissal of the elder. She sighed and quickly left, a worrisome look on her face arose. She had a vague idea of what a Familiar was, though she doubted that Jirou was one at all. Plus, she was certain he would disrupt the class multiple times, even if he was a Familiar. But she loved Jirou, and she didn't want him to leave her side. But what should she do? She already knew a couple of peaple know about him, especially the jerk what walked into her dormitory yesterday; he could easily tell her off if he had the chance. Great, now another thing to worry about, running into him again.

To Lola, it seems that she isn't going to enjoy being here as much as she thought she would. So far, the only person who actually treated her kindly was Nova, and even she didn't want her as a roommate originally. She was no longer worried about Nova got there, she could find her way back. Lola just wanted to be alone with Jirou, thinking of some sort of plan for him. He was still sleeping in the pouch when they made it to the room. Lola set her pack on the floor open and upright near her bed, locked the door, and opened the window. Cautiously, she stepped onto the large branch of the tree nearby, and found a side solid enough for her to sit down on. She looked out at the view given by this new perch, a large lake, and thought she saw a boat moving.
"Humans are pretty cool and you are here, aren't you? So you must be a witch as well." Claws smiled at her, an encouraging look on her face. "I am very excited to start this year. So far things have been going well for me. Well except for this very rude boy I meant. Have you met him? He has blonde hair and blue eyes? Short. Probably with an angry look or something."
l smiled back. "Thanks, I guess being human is okay but I am a witch. The only one in my family." When she heard Claws' description of the boy, she shook her head. "I don't think I've seen him, but if he's as rude as you say I might have. My 'dad' says I have this uncanny ability to block out unpleasant things." Suddenly a stray ball hit Mel in the head and knocked her to the ground. She simply picked herself up and acted as if nothing had happened. "If he's a new student like us, I think we'll see him soon enough."

(Also, as a female werewolf, what happens if the full moon happens to occur during your "time of the month"? Seems kind of scary . . .)
Sai stuck his hands in his pocket, brushing his shaggy hair from his yellow eyes. He might need a haircut soon. He liked his hair long, but etiquette would dictate shorter hair was the norm for young men. He sighed. Walking along the school grounds, following the scent of sweet death Evelyn exuded, he wanted to find her again. She was the single person who wasn't either a rude peasant, or blindingly stupid.

Glancing out at the lake, he sighed. He could feel her, very faintly, and someone else. Most likely this Theo she mentioned. The failure of a necromancer.

Glancing down at his suit, he shrugged. Total formal wear wasn't needed right now. He took off his black jacket, and untucked his black shirt. He loosened his tie as well, giving a much more casual feel. His jacket faded into smoke, disappearing. He licked his lips, his sharp teeth glinting in the sun.

A slight rustle in a tree a distance away caught his attention. He smoothly darted to the side, hiding in foliage. Seeing a girl climb out of a window and onto a tree branch, Sai raised an eyebrow in interest.

After a moment of watching her, Sai lept up the tree, landing deftly on a branch some distance away from the girl, hidden by leaves and branches. He could still sense her life force, and smell her blood and body. He waited a moment. Deciding on his next course of action.
Eventually, the two found themselves not moving almost on the far end of the lake, well out of anyone's sight, even if the fog had allowed vision to them. In their silence many things had passed between them and now, with Theo leaning back in boredom, and Evelyn peering over the edge of the boat, a hand dipping into the water without ripples.

"You haven't done that in a while, you know..." He noted, looking at her with a dimmed curiosity. Evelyn shrugged pointedly not answering. After a moment, she sat up slightly, blinking and stared back towards the school. Sighing, she leaned back towards the water and took away from her mind the thought of someone watching. Swirling her hand in the water, not feeling the liquid as it passed through her shimmering hand.

"How did I come back?"
Still somewhat upset about the events that previously occurred, Lola continued to sit on the tree pensively. The boat she thought she saw was most likely a figment of her imagination only there to keep her distracted, but she could be right. The fog had cut off her vision after all. Lola no longer cared for the lake, and kept on in her thoughts. What was she going to do with Jirou? She couldn't stand the idea of not having him with her for the year, especially since he seemed to be the only friend she had right now.

During these thoughts she heard one of the tree branches rustle. Due to the impact it was a large animal, or possibly a student. Lola would think it wouldn't be possible for someone to get up here and not pass her, unless they were accurate enough to jump off from the roof. It didn't matter to her now, she heard Jirou whimpering in the next room, and she had to present herself. She stood up and made her way back into the window, finding the pup still in her bag.

"Where were you?" he asked faintly.

"I was just outside. I'm here now," Lola replied, sighing. Turns out that if she did keep Jirou, leaving him alone would not be an option. "You must be hungry," Lola suggested, setting him down.

Jirou scampered around, looking for his jingle ball, while Lola grabbed his food bowl and a bag of dog food. She was still standing by the window when she was pouring a cup into a bowl.
"Well hopefully you don't meet him. I mean I don't think he is a very nice person to be around anyways," Claws said to Mel, actually looking to see if Lukas might suddenly appear. She really didn't want to hear what he might say if he heard her badmouthing him. But she nodded at Mel. "Yup. I am the only witch as well, though not the only werewolf. I was born a werewolf actually."

Claws was confused by the random ball hitting Mel, but the girl didn't seem to care. Still Claws looked around to make sure no one else would throw something.

Sai crept silently along the branches, nearly reaching the open the window, feeling another life force and beating heart inside. Sai blinked, his piercing yellow eyes turning out towards the foggy lake.

An uneasy feeling came over him. He couldn't tell exactly what it was, but something about the fog felt unnatural.


Eerie whispers filled the air around Evelyn and Theo. Just audible, but tantalizingly too quiet to make out what they said. The fog shifted and warped, shapes coming into being.

Walking on a water before them, a beautiful woman stepped out of the fog, sauntering up to their boat with an elegant stride. She wore a green dress, tightly fitting her curvy body. Black hair hung far past her waist, and she smiled at Theo and Evelyn warmly.

Then, tentacles shot up from under the water, wrapping around Theo and dragging him under the water.
Right before she set the bowl down, Lola looked up at the window once more. She saw a figure too large to be the animal she thought had jumped on the tree; it turned out to be another student after all. The fact that he was right next to the window, regardless if how quickly or not he'd done so, made Lola curse aloud, her hands releasing the bowl, the food following in delay.

The watch on her bracelet ticked loudly, and by reflex she had caught the bowl back into her hands. Her catch had been so accurate that only one bite of kibble had hit the ground; how she had done it wasn't important to her as of now. Jirou had quickly lapped the tiny bite up as Lola clapped her hand over her mouth still staring at the stranger looking in the other direction.
"He might not be so bad. Maybe he's a tsundere type character like in those mangas." Mel, curious at what Claws was looking at, turned to try to find it. She didn't see anything worth mentioning. "Anyway, that's cool," she said commenting on Claws' family. "It's like a wolf pack. Do you have to establish dominance among siblings?" Then Mel realized what she said could be taken as offensive and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry. I only have outdated books to go by . . . This is the first time I've been allowed out of the house. Apparently I'm anemic or something."
As the whispers surrounded them, Evelyn and Theo looked at each other. Instinctively they moved closer together, not that either would have been decent protection for the other. Looking out into the fog, the former reached for the hand of the latter, though the touch just sunk through. As the woman drew closer, they children did as well.

The scream of surprise and fear that ripped through Evelyn sounded demonic and deadly as Theo was dragged under the water, though it didn't carry far across the water. Moving herself to the other side of the boat, staring into the water as her friend was no where beneath the surface she started to panic. As her eyes moved back to the woman, red was staining the front of her dress.
"Give. Him. Back. Now."
Sai glanced away from the disturbing fog, and right back at the girl he'd been watching.

After a moment of silence, he licked his lips, looking away sheepishly.

"... Hello. My name is Sai." He introduced himself, swallowing the lump in his throat.


The woman just shrugged, going under the water as well, but the water seemed to part for her. Like, getting her wet would have been a crime.

Coming to a halt just in front of Theo, an air bubble surrounded them, invisible to anyone on the surface of the water. The woman snickered. The girl up there would be going insane.

"Well little boy, what are you doing out on my lake? Don't you know these waters are forbidden to students for good reason?" The woman asked in a sing-song voice, bubbly and flowing like a little creek.
Arianna brought Dixie back to the stable, her cape rippling around her as she did. She decided to leave her head off just for kicks, pulling the large mare into her large stall. Worn out and refreshed by the run, she allowed Arianna to untack her, filling her trough with hay and filling her water bucket. Arianna took her head out of the saddle back and hid it under her cape, walking out. As she walked for the building, she wondered if Angafay had made it to their dorm alright. If someone messed with the Drow...her muscles clenched in anger at the thought, and she supressed it. She could see perfectly well as she walked down the halls, her armor clanking audibly with every step she took, her head not in sight.
Lola's hand moved from her hand to her chest as she caught her breath again. He doesn't seem too bad, she thought as she finally set the food bowl down in front of Jirou, pulling back the pale locks that fell to her eyes. She wasn't quite ready to take her chances however, knowing his her last greeting encounters went.

"Hey," Lola replied, rather indifferent as opposed to her usual friendly manner. "I'm Lola."

She had noticed Said looking in the same direction she had, and moved closer to the window. "Did you see anything out there? I thought I did, but the fog had blocked it."

Glancing back at him, she took a step back, expecting a rather negative reaction to emit from him. Though she could be wrong...
Evelyn let out another scream, this one louder and more normal sounding as she fell back against the boats side. Theo was dead, and it was her fault. She couldn't swim and get him, she had no way to bring him up. She didn't have the magic, nor the power to row back fast enough to get help. Feeling pain swell in her chest, she screamed once more.

Theo tugged and kicked and fought against the tentacles that had pulled him under. He could feel water in his throat and lungs, burning and salty, and black was creeping up on his vision. Just as he was running out of the little air he had in him when he had went under and opened his mouth, he was able to breath again. Coughing out the water, he stared at the woman in confusion and fright. "I...I..." He couldn't talk.
Sai nodded.

"I think a friend of mine was out there, but I currently don't feel well about the fog. It seems unnatural to me." He explained, blinking a few times, realizing he was still crouching on a tree branch.

"I'm so terribly embarrassed. May I come in for a moment, Miss Lola?" He asked very politely, his demonic yellow eyes quite soft and pleading.


The woman licked her lips.

"Come on now, little one. Spit it out. A big strong necromancer like you able to summon ghosts long dead must be able to manage a conversation with a water nymph." She let out mockingly, her dress becoming one of seaweed, her hair flowing like water and scales developing on her skin. "I may not be your average water nymph, but that doesn't change anything." Her voice chimed again, as she lowered herself and gently slid a scaly finger along the side of Theo's face.
"Oh, sure. Come in," Lola replied with a grin, actually surprised at how polite he was to her. She stepped back to give him room to go in, looking back out the window.

"The fog does seem weird, it's not anywhere else in this area, but I guess since the lake is water, after all..." Lola trailed off for a moment, worried that she might begin to ramble.

Another thought clicked into her head, referring to the very first thing Sai mentioned. "Oh, Nova," she mumbled under her breath, now feeling guilty for leaving her younger roommate to be lost in the school. She may as well have been out there by the lake already as far as Lola was concerned.
Sai lept nimbly into the window, straightening up, fixing his tie and tucking his shirt in.

"Well. Now that we have been introduced, I shall inquire as to your status at the Academy. Are you a first year as well, Miss Lola?" Sai asked, his suit jacket materializing from a puff of smoke, as he slid it on with elegance.

His gaze, however, was not on Lola, but out on the water. Lola's words echoed, and he tried to put thought to it. Normally a fog is never so localized... It was most assuredly unnatural. However, Sai was reluctant to research this phenomenon further. He felt uneasy gazing out at it.
Lola had temporarily gotten her mind off of Nova just in time to see Sai's trick, which she found very impressive, and to hear Sai's question. "Why, yes I am," she replied. "Well, It's my first year here, if that's what you're implying."

She had noticed that he was still looking at the mysterious fog out by the lake. Jirou had been surprisingly quiet through it all, still contentedly eating his food. Lola had softly murmured in thought, the boy's focus somewhat worrying her.

"Wow, it does look uninviting," she spoke softly, looking outside once again. The look of the fog seemed all too distracting to her, especially as the boy looked on.
Sai nodded, his gaze coming off of the fog and focusing on Lola, as proper etiquette would have him do.

"I am a first year here as well." He replied, taking on a dignified air. "... Who is this Nova you just mentioned? A friend?" He asked, glancing back out at the fog momentarily.

"Hmm." Sai let out, rubbing his chin, thinking, his gaze returning to Lola. "How competent are you with magic, of any kind?​" He asked, sizing her up visually.

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