Ww: Legends~

Sai shrugged.

"Whichever you prefer. I'll meet you outside, Miss Lola." He said politely, leaping nimbly out the window. Landing on the tree branch with a deft movement, Sai descended by leaping from branch to branch, his suit still perfectly intact and immaculate.

Waiting outside, Sai glanced down at his right hand, moving it about in front of him. Black electricity crackled around it momentarily, and he took a deep breath.
Nova’s scream was cut off when the leather hand covered her mouth and she froze up, she was touching her! The ghost girl was TOUCHING HER! Physical contact probably made Nova more uncomfortable than anything else, and she shrunk off from the gloved hand. Although the ghost girl was quick to explain that she meant no harm and was simply trying to protect "Angafay". The younger girl would have recognized it immediately as the blind girl’s name if she wasn’t too busy noticing the ghost's 'instruments' for protection by her side.

As if that wasn’t enough, she introduced herself as going to the academy and not a real ghost because she could touch Nova. A fact that the navy-haired girl already knew but Arianna emphasized, touching her arm again, and she jumped back to avoid her feeling the firm plate of arm. A deep frown embedded itself on her face as she glanced at Arianna’s feet; at least there were only two of them…

It turned out she had spoken too soon, as a boy rounded the corner and seemed to recognize the two girls with her. As he asked to join them, she realized he hadn’t taken note of her immediately and she wondered if it was an opportune time to escape. After all, the knight’s focus was now on the blind girl, asking of her well-being and where she wanted to go. The boy’s focus was also on the girl, and she looked from side-to-side very slowly; would it be rude to run off without saying anything?

While the two in the hall talked about being able to speak with Angafay properly, Nova had a debate with herself. She had just run into the girl, did that really mean she was stuck here to meet all these people? All these strangers that would be examining her and…

The girl stuffed her hands into her pocket when Daniel’s voice sounded her way, freezing up, he had asked her a question. “Uuuuh, Sure?” she noted, not sure what she was agreeing to “But…I think I’m going to head to my roooom now” she explained, taking wide, deliberate steps around the three. It might’ve looked odd with her hands in her pocket, but she was giving them a couple seconds to deny her exit.
"If you must, then do so. I suppose we will see you later." Arianna answered as Nova took steps around them. The Knight's eyebrows raised in question at the awkward looking walk, and she almost felt herself giggle. "We are not going to hurt you, if that's what you are fearing." she said with a bright smile, her cloak now settled back around her shoulders.
Suddenly the wall ended, and the drow stumbled a little. A stairwell... this was the same one from earlier wasn't it? Without waiting for confirmation, Angafay set one foot onto the stairs, and began to climb. More than anything else, she just wanted to move, and to think, to think out that vision from earlier in relative peace. It was of a man with only the greatest of intentions, but surrounded by violence; a former student at this school!?
Theo inwardly flinched at the contact before he followed the nymph's gesture and stared into the water. The form sinking through, grey and bleak almost too perfectly fitting in with the water and stared down in shock as Evelyn passed them. The words, mocking and cruel, almost made him snap right then and there, but a sudden darkness from below them gave him pause and as he glanced at the bottom of the bubble, two red eyes, far off were glaring back up at them.

Evelyn had gone ballistic, the feel of a cool knife on her skin, an wicked man's laughter, water forcing it's way into her lungs as a tide ripped her away and under the bridge of the horseman himself. She could almost feel herself dying again,drowning and bleeding out as rocks dashed into her flesh, split second surfacing allowing her to take in little to no air whilst blood bubbled in her throat. But she wasn't in the river again. She was already dead but the voice in her head, an angry repressed form of herself, whispered in her ear that it was no accident she was yards below the surface of water. The bubble that past her when this thought dawned was almost too perfect. Blinking red orbs closed, feeling the softer motions of water filter across, she allowed herself to sink, the nymph would come back down at some point, and she had all the time in the afterlife to wait.
Arianna sensed Angafay's want to be alone, and took Daniel's arm, tugging him away with a slight nod. She knew Angafay would call for her by the necklace if she was in danger, so she tried not to worry. She let Daniel follow her and they were close to Nova by the time they were away.

"Angafay wished to be alone, I can sense this." Arianna said, looking at the boy sideways. "I wish you to come with me to find the headmaster, so that we may learn that spell." she added, hoping the boy would accompany her.
Daniel nodded

"sure, but... are you sure she'll be okay? i mean, i dont wanna go then come back to find her face-first on the ground or something..."

he looked at Angafay with concern in his face, honestly she looked so helpless, fumbling around, lost and confused...
"Hm, impressive," Lola mumbled to herself as the boy flawlessly climbed down the tree from her window. He did mention that time was of the essence, so she figured not to keep him waiting. Nova should be able to find her way back to her room, and Lola began feeling bad for leaving her again. Looking in one of her bags for a sheet of paper and pen, she decided to leave a message for when Nova gets back


I am so sorry for leaving you behind back there! The halls got crowded and, well, something unfortunate came up. I'll be back later on, should you worry at all. I'll see you later.


The note was placed on Nova's bed, waiting for her when she gets back. Lola tightened the drawstring on her backpack and jumped on the beach Sai used to get inside the room. Lola gingerly crawled down the trunk, almost getting hit by a stray nut that made itself loose above her head. She touched the ground and looked back at Sai, quietly admiring the trick he was currently doing with his hand.
Sai glanced at Lola, and immediately stopped. He sighed, motioning for her to take the lead.

"Do you know where the docks are? Or, at least something we can use to get out on the water?" He asked, furrowing his brow. He would need to familiarize himself better with this part of the school in case something similar happened in the future.


The woman chuckled.

"Would you like me to follow her down, or leave her down there, Theo darling?" She cooed, licking her lips once more. Her body shifted and she got off of Theo, standing upright beside him, flipping her hair from her face. Red, fish like eyes on her face gazed down at Theo.
Jiro just nodded as he listened to his roommate's answer. At first, he felt a little bad by what the guy was saying, because obviously Jiro has a demon. But his case was completely different. He didn't openly accept Daichi like how the character of that book did with his demon. But he could feel pressure going around through his right arm. And soon after, his demon smirked. "Part of what he said is true. But Jiro, if I was uncaring towards you and if I only cared about myself, wouldn't you be dead by now?" Daichi asked, wondering if Jiro really did noticed his demon's mercy towards him. And he was right too. Jiro wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him and Daichi to bond together. And in many ways, they respected one another.. even if it didn't seem like they do.

"I agree.. It does seem pointless.. But what about those who were forced out of their own will to hold such a deadly demon? Then to be banished from their home and to never return in this life, and in the next. What would you call that person then? A lost cause? A heap of bad luck? Well, many people call them those things. And maybe all of those who carry such a darkened soul should have the same fate as this book's character.."Jiro said. He meant that towards himself, because it was all true. He then began to wonder how life would have been like without Daichi. He could have still lived in his village. He could have had a perfect and normal life. But he then thought about the things that had happened since he had his demon.

Maybe having a demon taught me something..? Or maybe having Daichi by my side is helping me reach to my destiny.. Whether my destiny will turn out to be good or bad, I don't know. But that's something I'll have to see for myself..
Jiro thought to himself as he stared back at his hands again. He then looked back up to his roommate, who then gave him his name.

"Well, my name is Jiro Mitsoyu. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lukas." Jiro said as he held out his hand towards his roommate, hoping that Lukas would have the decency to shake hands with him.

Looking at the woman, for once his thoughts of keeping himself alive died out. "Go down and get her." He said, clear anger in his tone as he glanced down once more to notice the red eyes were no longer there. "And I am not your darling..." He hissed, really hoping to annoy her more with humans.
"Yeah! Adventure!" Then Mel jumped out a nearby window. They were on the first floor. What could go wrong? But as she went through the window, her foot got caught on the frame. She fell face first into the bush under the window and proceeded to somersault forward until she hit a tree.

She quickly jumped up and gave a goofy smile. A tiny trickle of blood was dripping down her forehead as she was scratching the back of her head. But it didn't seem like she noticed. "I've got to work on my landing." She went back over to the window. "So where do you want to go?"
Arianna had given her the freedom to leave and Nova was relieved, finally turning to walk normally up the stairs. Except, it would turn out she was too late as Angafay had made it onto the stairs before her and was making a steady climb up. Nova watched for a moment, intrigued as the other two argued whether to leave the blind girl or not. The headless girl could sense she needed to be alone though, which meant Nova slowly trailing behind the blind girl up the steps.

“…C-Can you really not see?” she asked the girl quietly, so as the others did not hear, and slowly drawing her hands out of her pocket. Nova fidgets, probably another rude question, she hangs her head slightly, “Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t ask” she notes. Still, the girl remains behind her, as she think it better than passing her on her way up to the room.
"I am certain you won't think it's a pleasure later," Lukas said bluntly, a serious expression on his face. The book was put down for now and annoyance flashed over Lukas's face as he thought of a response to what his roommate said.

"I can't really say. But I believe there is always a choice. If that person does not like what is happening there is always the possibility of death if there is no other way. Still I think most know what they are doing when they make a pact with a demon." Lukas looked at Jiro again, a hard look on his face as if he was trying to figure it out. "But who cares about people like that? I have never met one and I certainly hope not to. Of course I seem to become surrounded by idiots, so who knows."


Claws went wide-eyed at Mel's action and hurried out the window herself, tripping a bit and falling as well. Luckily she didn't get the same fate as Mel did and she hurried over to her new friend. She grabbed for something, using her sleeve finally to stop the blood.

"Are you okay?"
Arianna rubbed her face. The situation was confusing her, as well as slightly frustrating her. She wasn't used to being around people like this; she was used to being around a commanding officer and being told what to do. She was used to it being just her and Dixie riding around, terrorizing a town. She wanted desperately to stay with Angafay and help her, and do whatever the drow commanded of her, but she knew she wanted to be left alone at the moment. Then again, Daniel was right. If they left, she could easily fall and be hurt, and Arianna couldn't run very fast in her armor even if she was summoned. She could sense Angafay feeling smothered...but what could they do? She looked at Daniel, then her eyes flicked toward Nova as she watched her speak to Angafay, trying to sort through her dead head for an answer to the problem.
Jiro just smirked to what Lukas had just told him, watching as his roommate finally lowered his book. But then he began to give Jiro his answer. He nodded, agreeing that most people would rather die than deal with a demon. Death wasn't really one of Jiro's options, but the thought was there. Although it isn't possible for Jiro to want to kill himself over having a demon. Even after all he's been through. "Death.. Ahh, how I miss it." was all Daichi said, until he decided to continue speaking. "You know, Jiro. He's kind of wrong there. Not too many people know what they are doing when they come across a demon. Or when they 'pact' with one. It is obviously difficult yet some fools think that it's 'cool' to have a demon inside of them, and to use them for their own purposes. Out of all of those disgusting humans out there, I am honestly glad that I picked you." Daichi said, which kind of made Jiro glad. "But I'm not really liking the way he speaks about this topic."

He then stared at Lukas for a moment. The guy said that he has never met anyone like the character in his book, and that he hopes that he doesn't. Funny thing is, Jiro was right there in front of him. He just gave off a slight chuckle. "We'll see about that, Lukas. You'll be surprised with what you'll find around here. Hey, maybe when you do find someone with a demon.." Jiro stopped for a moment, then leaned over as if he was going to tell Lukas a big secret.

"..Let's hope that demon doesn't consider on tearing your precious soul away from you." He told him, but then sat straight. "But of course. If anyone had a demon here, they would obviously have their demon under control. Because then why would they risk coming here? Now that's when you could really call someone an idiot." He said as he continues to stare at Lukas.
Lola realized that Sai noticed her, which resulted in his trick to cease. Lola awkwardly turned to face him, embarrassed that he caught her staring. She herself had no idea where to go from here, especially since the fog blocked their sight for the most part. For whatever reason, Lola felt the need to, in a way, deem herself to this newcomer, but how?

"Ah... I'm really not familiar with his area, but I guess it doesn't hurt to experiment, right?" She asked, taking a step forward.
Lukas felt like there was something Jiro was not telling him, but he didn't particularly care. Let the boy keep his secrets. It didn't matter to Lukas. He sat up more, moving to look back at Jiro with a dismissive look.

"Well I am not really an expert on demons in the first place, so I guess what I say doesn't really matter. Still if I did meet someone with a demon inside of them, I would not make friends with them." Lukas smirked. "Of course I am not here to make friends in the first place. I also highly doubt anyone would want to be my friend and from whom I've met, well," Lukas shrugged. "I see no reason to befriend anyone. No offense of course."
Mel blinked a few times before answering. "Yeah. I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?" She was unaware of the cut until she saw the blood on Claws' sleeve. She reached up to her forehead and felt a tiny cut. She then took a small smiley face bandaid and put it on her forehead. She had missed but still she giggled as if it was in the right place. "Thank you. Where should we go first?"
Hearing the girl from before ask about her eyes, Angafay paused in her ascent to reply.

"Never have I had the gift of vision."

The reply was simple enough, and the drow really didn't mind being spoken to, though being surrounded by those that felt the need to converse became somewhat frustrating.

"I have a different gift, the one I've come here to master."

Something seemed to have this girl perturbed, making her apologize and fidget.

"Does something bother you?"
"I believe she will be well." she said, looking at Daniel with just her eyes. "Angafay, I shall return later, Daniel and I are going to ask something of the headmaster." she told her friend before turning to leave, motioning with her head for the boy to follow.
Daniel nodded

"sure, I'll see you guys later" he said to Angafay and Nova.

going with Arianna, he pointed to a central tower in the school, not a skyscraper, but a tower nonetheless.

"guess the headmaster's office is in there" he said, walking with Arianna

"so Arianna... i thought Headless nights like, were at peace and passed on when they regained their head and only terrorized towns in search of their real head... so the head thats sitting pretty loosely on your shoulders... is that your real head or not?"
Arianna smiled, her eyes dull and her skin cold as she continued to walk with the boy. She had never been asked about her past, and felt odd responding to such a question. She continued to walk with him, her cloak around her as it billowed behind her.

"That is of a typical Headless Knight, unless brought back by dark magic for hire, yes. However, locating my head was not what I desired, and is thus why I am not at peace." she replied, still walking. " 'Tis my own head, though."
Sai nodded.

"Well, there must be one close to here at least." He said thoughtfully, taking off at a sprint. He ran along the path outlining the water, knowing they'd come across something eventually.

"Just shout if you see something!" He yelled back to Lola.


The nymph laughed, her scaly skin glinting in the bubble. They started to descend.

"You won't find what you seek down here..." She warned, her mirthful tone dying down. The deeper they went, the more neutral she seemed to become.
"I'm not looking for anything." Theo said, conviction firm in his voice. As they got farther under the water, he could see the red eyes again, getting closer. Within seconds, an echoing scream through the water burned into his ears, and a bloody child, what had triggered in Evelyn, was moving around their bubble in anger all aimed at the Nymph.

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