Ww: Legends~

Raising an eyebrow, the nymph motioned at the maelstrom of activity outside the bubble.

"That isn't your little friend anymore, necromancer." She said, then making a strange whistling noise. Tentacle came from the floor of the lake, stirring up debris and dirt. Skeletons and bones floated about in the water. Tentacle whipped around, narrowly missing the bubble aiming for Evelyn.
The tentacles crashed through Evelyn, swirling the form that quickly put itself back together without harm. She was crazed, angry, scared, and very pissed off. As pissed off as a 14 year old centuries old little girl could be. Ignoring the skeletons, her eyes locked onto the Nymph. In the woman, she saw Peter Malgon holding his knife and laughing. Moving back, she rammed into the bubble as hard as possible. Theo stood motionless in fear.
The nymph wrapped her arms around Theo again, putting her head on his shoulder. She was much stronger than she looked, however, and Theo would be able to feel her strength as she held him.

"Control your little pet, necromancer. Don't tell me you're so much of a failure you can't even utter a command." She whispered in his ear, smiling wide for Evelyn outside the bubble.
"She is not my pet. She is my friend." Theo bit back, trying to push away from her, before drawing out his wand quickly and trying as hard as he could do make something happen. From the tip of the wand, a burning flame came forth, leaping towards the Nymph as he tried hard to ignore the burning on his hand. From outside, Evelyn let forth another screech before she dissolved in the water, red eyes popping up every so often.
Surprised, the nymph yelped in pain, her red pupils going black like the rest of her eyes.

Stepping back from Theo in the bubble, she swallowed, watching her scales reknit themselves. "You made a mistake, you little failure." She spat, the tentacles going haywire, smashing and whipping around faster. The bubble burst, and a tentacle wrapped around Theo, beginning to rise.

The nymph began to sink into the muck and grime of the lake floor.


Outside, the fog cleared. Sai stopped his sprint, glancing out on the water.

"... Wha..." He let out, watching tentacles whip about.
Water swirled around him and if it wasn't for the tentacle around him, Theo would have been throw hard against the bottom of the floor. Evelyn looked between Theo and the Nymph as she reformed and despite her anger, she moved towards Theo. For once, her ability to hold a form allowed her to solidify herself long enough to grab his arm, pulling up towards the surface, kicking at the tentacle.
The tentacle reared back, and shot up with amazing speed, launching the two from the water like a cannonball.

The nymph completely disappeared into the muck and he tentacles followed.


Sai's expression became one of disbelief as two figures came flying up out of the water.

"... Uh?" He let out, running to towards their projected landing spot. He wasn't sure what else to do.
As the two broke the surface, Evelyn tried hard to make sure she landed first. Hitting the ground, she kept Theo pressed tight against her biting hard on her inner lip as for once in her existence she felt extreme pain. Skidding to a halt on the grass, the area behind her covered in blood that was quickly dissolving, she sighed in relief, the red eyes and dripping blood disappearing as Theo fell through her onto the grass before she disappeared completely unable to hold her form outside of a faint shimmer.
"I see... If you dont mind me delving a little deeper... is it true your body will go on a rampage if your head is removed?"

Daniel was hoping that she wouldnt pull out her blade and cut his head off for agitating her, even though she would never do that.
Sai arrived on the scene, seeing a wet and ragged Theo, and nothing else. He didn't know who this was, but he could smell Evelyn. He deduced this must be the human male she spoke about earlier.

Rushing to his side, Sai bit his lip. He hoped he was okay. Gingerly touching his shoulder, Sai cleared his throat.

"... Uhm, are you quite alright?" He asked, trying hard to maintain his orderly and sophisticated demeanour.
Groaning, Theo opened an eye before sighing. Looking up at the new boy, in a suit no less, he groaned. Did he just fall asleep on the floor and imagine all of that? Sitting up and hearing the familiar squish of wet clothing and a weird chill go through him. Twitching, he looked towards the lake before blinking. "The hell just happened? Where the heck is Evelyn?!"

Bolting up, he started back towards the lake, fully thinking his friend was still at the bottom but the image of a crazed ghost flashed into his head. He stopped a foot from the water's edge, staring at it as pain and fear mixed over his face.
Claws made a move as if to fix the bandaid but decided to just leave it. She was sure Mel would straighten it out later. She nodded at her friend.

"No problem, though I'll have to wash my shirt now," Claws said. She looked around and shrugged. "How about we see what is in that direction," she said, pointing to the right side of where they stood.
Arianna tried not to laugh aloud at his comment, but a minor giggle did escape her. She stopped and faced him, reaching up. Grabbing under her jaw bones, she called "Catch!" before pulling her head off and tossing it to him. The skin of her face was cold, but the hair was as soft as silk. She looked right at him, though she had no head, and opened her arms in a "Well?" gesture, her axe and sword visible at each side of her hips. She looked rather calm, and walked up and down the hall a few feet, even walking backwards without falling. She even successfully reached out and touched his shoulder, looking very well in control of her body, even when her head was not even in her hands.
Daniel caught her head and looked at it

"i see..."

when her body moved back a bit, Daniel grinned

"Nice... KEEP AWAY!"

Daniel began laughing out loud, with her head held firmly to his chest, he ran away from her body, her head looking forward while he ran so she couldnt bite him.

he looked back at her body chasing her head and laughed, he was having a hell of a time!
A life without vision, even hearing it uttered from the drow’s mouth was unbelievable but the first thoughts that entered her head were ones of jealousy. Nova couldn’t believe that such a girl didn’t end up being her roommate, not that she disliked Lola, but it would be a lot easier with a blind roommate. No more getting up earlier to hide away, or trying to dodge Lola from seeing her missing parts; Nova’s lips slightly tightened and when Angafay asked if something was wrong, she was slightly surprised.

“Just…” she starts, trailing off as she thinks of what to say to the girl, “J-Just thought I was being rude…” she explains. Which was true, the girl was always socially awkward no matter the situation and this made it truly show.
"'Twas a simple question, no offense was taken," Angafay replied, slowly making her way to the top of the first flight of stairs.

Trailing her hand along the wall, the drow tried to get a feel of her surroundings while she stopped to continue their conversation.

The bumpy-but-smooth texture of painted brick trailed beneath ebony fingertips, a bizarre thing to notice for certain.

"Is this the way to our rooms?" she abruptly asked, suddenly remembering that she had someone with vision following her.
Nova’s question hadn’t harmed the relationship that was slowly festering between the two girls, and she sighed slightly in relief. The stairs had ended as well, which meant she continue on down the hallway, yet the drow asked an innocent question. Hesitating on moving around her, she answered the question from behind for now “Uhm, the girl’s dorms are that way…” she explained. Then remembering she couldn’t see, “F-Forward!” she added, continuing to say “…Whi-What’s your room number?”

The girl felt rather stupid, and was almost tempted to guide her much like the knight had, but then the blind girl wouldn’t have her own feel of the school. There was also the problem of the clear distinction between normal skin and her hands, so she urged herself to at least move besides her. “And…the hallway left leads…it looks like an atrium? I’m not sure…” it was a side note, but she might as well talk about what she could see to a person who could not.
Arianna's invisible jaw was on the ground, and she darted after Daniel. Even with her armor, she was still pretty fast, but it wouldn't be enough to catch him. She tried to quickly think of an idea, and finally got one. She whipped her axe out of her belt, looking at the floor where the boy was heading. Moving more to the side behind him, she threw the black bladed weapon, which stuck in a crack in the stone floor with ease. As she had planned, he tripped over the weapon, but the moved up behind him and caught his arm, keeping him at an angle above the floor. She let him gaze up at her for a moment before pulling him onto his feet normally, extending a hand and politely asking for her head back, though her shoulders were vibrating some with a silent giggle at the harmless prank.
Sai went up to Theo's side, touching his shoulder gently again.

"I can smell and sense Evelyn's presence right here, she's just weakened right now. She will be fine given time to recover." He mostly theorized, hoping to at least calm Theo down.

".... What happened out on the lake?" Sai asked, glancing around, sure nobody else was around that the moment.
Producing the key in response, Angafay couldn't help but giggle at her newest friend's mistakes. It was evident that she had never dealt with the blind before. This hallway was more full of life than the others she'd passed through before, more than silence ringing on elven ears. It was as the two passed the hall's intersection that Angafay's talent rang off again, danger. The drow ducked, and a ball whistled by overhead, luckily it hadn't been flying low or it likely would have caught her anyways.

"Sorry!" a student called from Angafay's right. Disregarding the other girl, the blind girl continued on her way, realizing she hadn't yet introduced herself.

"I am Angafay, third child of the Noquiryn house," she stated curtly with a slight bow, not really taking extra thought at the sudden, belated introduction.
"How do you know?" Theo turned suddenly, looking at the other fully in disdain and if not a hint of hatred. "She could still be down at the bottom of the lake with that, that thing!" Shivering as a light breeze swept over them, he heard a soft sigh. Looking back out at the water, and the few bubbles still rising to the surface he shuddered. "A monster happened." And for once, he didn't mean the nymph.
Mel took out a handkerchief and water bottle out of a pouch on her belt. Handing them to Claws, she said, "I don't know if it would do much but we can try, right?"

Then she threw her arms up. "Yeah. Adventure." And she proceeded to run blindly in that direction.
Sai forced a smile.

"My name is Saiful Impendium. I met Evelyn earlier and talked with her briefly. I'm a half-breed. Half demon. I have heightened senses. I can smell her all over you, and around us. Not to mention I can feel her presence. She's here." He explained, hoping not to trouble Theo too much. But Theo's other comment troubled him.

Sai wanted to get an explanation, but he figured Theo would want to rest. He relaxed his shoulders, still tense and ready for action.

"... Are you hurt in any manner? Do you need assistance with anything else?" Sai asked, making sure Theo was fine before delving too deep.
Claws laughed at Mel's excitement, taking the things handed to her and trying to see if it would work. Mel's excitement was almost infectuous as Claws herself, felt like she was all ready to go on an adventure too.

"Thanks," she said, handing the water bottle and handkerchief back. "I am all ready to go."
"True, I guess." Jiro said as he nodded, listening to what Lukas was saying. The guy then told him that he isn't here to make friends. "Why's that? You've made enemies already?" Jiro asked, giving off a slight chuckle. "Maybe.. if this boy's attitude could change, he wouldn't have to worry about that. And if he does change his act, maybe people will be friends with him." Daichi said, then smirked. "But hell, you don't need to worry about that at all though. Since you are the complete OPPOSITE of me." The demon said, then bursted out laughing. Although, Jiro wasn't sure if he should feel grateful for that. He just rubbed his eyes, feeling a bit tired. He then stared back at Lukas.

"Oh, and none taken." Jiro said, in response to Lukas' earlier statement. But Daichi was right about what he had just said. If Lukas had already made enemies, then that is obviously not a good thing. And after a quick moment, Jiro's demon began to speak again. "But I'm pretty sure trouble will break loose. That's if he's going around the academy acting like such a hard ass all the time."

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