Ww: Legends~

Daniel sighed

"aah... okay then... spoilsport"

Daniel ruffled Arianna's hair then jumped back, playing along with her on their way to see Angafay again, darting around and teasing her playfully.
Arianna giggled at Daniel's playing, and reached out from under her cape to tug his shirt and make him stop or occasionally stole something from his pocket he wouldn't notice was missing for a few minutes, then give it back with a laugh. She remembered something about the headmaster being able to see everything in the halls, and looked around. How could he, anyway? She didn't see any guards possessed by a spell or anything, but DID giggle at the notion of him following the students around, hiding behind corners. When Daniel ruffled her hair again, she grabbed his wrist, ruffling his to the point it stuck up as if he had been struck by lightning. She laughed aloud and took off running down the hall, looking over her shoulder.

"I bet you cannot catch me, Daniel!" she joked, though she was sure the boy could with her wearing armor and heavy weaponry to slow her down.
Daniel sped after Arianna, leaping onto her back and wrapping his legs around her waist

"Ha! mush steed!"

he put his arms around Arianna's shoulders, setting his head on top of hers, his chin just above her forehead.
Arianna blinked, glancing up. She wasn't expecting Daniel to jump on her, much less cling to her. She stood still to regain her balance and tried not to let his leg touch her sword or axe, confused. The term "piggy back" wasn't around in her time, and thus she didn't understand what was being asked of her.

"Ummm, Daniel...? What exactly are you desiring me to do?" she asked in confusion, holding the boy up with ease.
"you know... piggy back?... hmm, i have an idea, let me down"

the second Daniel touched the ground, he bound back up, landing on arianna's shoulders.

on her shoulders, he pulled his shirt up over his head, exposing his belly a bit, he then pulled his wand out, casting a spell to make his wand look kind of like a sword an he grabbed Arianna's head, holding it up exactly like she would when she ran through villages as the "headless horseman"

his heels kicked lightly against her body, like that of a rider telling a horse to move. as a rider she should hopefully get the hint now

"know I, the headless horseman and know fear! with my 2 legged steed!"
Arianna gasped when he jumped on her shoulders, trying hard to balance. For a moment she found it difficult, but she slowly adjusted to the extra weight and found her center of balance. When he kicked his heels against her sides, she giggled and started forward, hoping her head didn't fall off. She shrouded her cloak around herself and kept walking, a small grin teasing on her face. She had an idea.

"Daniel, are you afraid of real horses? If not, you can ride with me on Dixie for a small loop around the school if you wish." she offered, wondering if the boy would be brave enough to take the offer, considering she was a REAL Headless Knight.
"You would be correct...but Theo is all he'll answer by. And...thank you." Evelyn's voice murmured before dying off completely, the chilling air moving past Sai in the form of a light breeze. Steering clear of Theo's path, the ghost died off towards where she felt most at home, a grave yard of what was presumably the school's dead pets or something.

without missing a beat, Daniel responded

"that would be epic! if you're horse undead too? that would be AWESOME!"

he slipped off Arianna's shoulders smiling

"aah, that reminded me of when i was little, i used to ride on my Sister's back when we were little... of course she's not my real sister, she's adopted, a Chakat... but dont get me wrong, no matter what the paperwork and genetics say, she's family though... too bad she doesn't have any magic in her, so she goes to a non-magical school in france... aaanyway, lets go see this horse!" Daniel tended to ramble on whenever he mentioned new people to someone, an old habit of his.
Arianna listened attentively to his story about his adopted sister, smiling. She had never had siblings, and wondered what it was like. She remembered tearing through the village and seeing older siblings step out in front of their younger ones, offering their heads instead of the younger's, even if Arianna hadn't come for their heads. She smiled at the memories of the village, which was deserted save Dixie and her now, wishing the people still lived there. Even though they feared her and gave her a hard time, she still fell in love with them and missed them when they left. She wondered if the Horseman ever felt that way...she took her thoughts off the Horseman, trying to get the tiny blush off her face as she lead Daniel down a hall and outside.

Upon seeing them approaching, Dixie pawed at the wooden stable door, eager to get out. Arianna smiled and walked over, motioning for Daniel to stay. Once she entered the stall, she tacked up her horse, leading her out. The Western saddle was dark brown, almost pitch black, standing out against Dixie's creamy skin and light brown mane. She put her foot in the stirrup and slung herself on, but, shockingly, she didn't have a head. She had left her head in the stable. She rode over and seemed to give Daniel an invisible smile, offering her hand to him to help him up.
"Daniel chuckled when she came back without her head

"so, this is Dixie huh?..."

Daniel petted her lightly on the head, stroking down Dixie's long face, she didnt seem hostile.

Daniel came up to Arianna, seeing her without her head "you know,you should put something to cover the hole where the head is meant to be, one day a raccoon is gonna gnaw on that thing and i'm just gonna sit there and laugh" he said jokingly, as he got up on Dixie's back, she was a strong horse, not showing any movement or strain at Daniel sitting on her back.
Arianna shifted in the saddle when Daniel climbed up, her chest caving in some with a sigh. She took off her cape, which was going to get in the way, and turned around, putting it around Daniel's shoulders for him to hold on to. After fastening it, she put his hands on her shoulders to hold on, and gave the horse a kick. With a whinny, and no further instruction needed, Dixie bolted off, hooves pounding the ground like thunder. Arianna stayed squared in the saddle as she continued to lead the horse forward, easily keeping an eye out for obstacles and such.
Daniel held on tight, it was amazing how fast Dixie was, but guess an undead horse can have abilities unlike a living horse, she was as fast as a motorbike!

"damn! how fast can she go!?" yelled Daniel, trying to get his voice over the sound of the wind plowing in his and her ears.

Daniel held on tight, it was amazing how fast Dixie was, but guess an undead horse can have abilities unlike a living horse, she was as fast as a motorbike!

"damn! how fast can she go!?" yelled Daniel, trying to get his voice over the sound of the wind plowing in his and her ears
Arianna pulled the horse around the side of the building, checking to make sure no students were there first. She wondered mildly for a moment if the headmaster was watching, but tried not to bother herself with the thought, considering she was in control of a horse. She faced Daniel in the saddle a little and put his arms around her waist, gripping his hands in a motion of "HOLD ON". When she turned back around, she gripped the reigns, giving them a crack with a bump to Dixie's sides. She reared a little and whinnied, taking off at full gallop, which was roughly 40 mph. Arianna had no trouble hanging on and kept urging Dixie forward, hoping to race down the entire length of the school at this speed.
Daniel gripped around Arianna's waist tightly, which pulled his body up against hers, he watched over her shoulder, seeing the area blur past "woah! a-amazing!" he yelled, the sound barely reaching Arianna's ears.

he rested his head on her shoulders as they went on, teaching the other end of the school grounds in about a minute

"woah, this is... insane!" he exclaimed, clearly having fun, his arms didnt loosen around her waist.
Arianna brought Dixie around, patting her neck and allowing her to have a rest. She merely let her walk forward, touching the weapons hilted to her belt to make sure they were still there. Not that they could fly out, but it was always good to check. Once Dixie threw her head with a whinny, Arianna turned her around again, making her lightly trot forward, sitting tall in the saddle like she had been taught to do.

She was happy Daniel was having so much fun, and honestly expected him to be more scared. The feeling of having a warm, LIVING body against her cold, dead one was extremely foreign, and she wasn't used to it. She more or less threw an invisible glance over her shoulder when he propped his chin on her right shoulder, smiling invisibly. She had never had another person ride Dixie with her, and it was rather fun.
When they slowed down, Daniel was panting, a big smile on his face

"w-woah, i had no idea a horse coud move that fact, seriously Dixie's legs must've been a blur!"

he then realized how close he was hugging up to her on the saddle, he blushed a bit then loosened up

"oh, s-sorry" he said,moving back a bit.
Arianna started to give an invisible giggle, but stopped. About the time he apologized, she suddenly whirled around, looking back at where the stables were, though they could not see them from there. Something suddenly felt horribly wrong. She put Daniel's arms back around her and kicked Dixie, cracking the reigns loudly. As if the horse felt her rider's urgency, she took off with a loud whinny, running as fast as she could back down the school. The stables were on the other side, but they would be upon them in mere minutes. When she was sure Dixie had reached speed and was aware of where they were going, she drew her sword, the hissing of the blade coming out of its sheath bone rattling. She gripped the reigns and the handle of the sword, looking almost exactly like the Headless Horseman himself, save for her small size.
“Ah, but people may also be trying to kill you at any moment” Nova notes in response to her first comment, than shakes her head at the thought of continuing. Something along the lines of she knew how that felt, or her story dwelled in her head, she shoved them away.

Lolth turned out to be a goddess of Angafay’s people, and it seemed like the drow was actually afraid of her. It was all a bit confusing to Nova, and she was glad when the girl asked a question she could understand. Albeit, a bit brokenly, since English was obviously her native tongue.

“Yeah, we’re pretty close…” she noted, the distance was a bit hard to judge but she noted, “You’ll come up to the doors soon…I think yours will be the third” she responds.
Daniel gripped tight again.

"what!? whats happening!?"

when he saw Arianna drawing her blade, Daniel took one arm from around Arianna's waist and pulled out his wand

"whats the trouble!?"
When Dixie rounded the school, Arianna saw what, or better who, she was looking for. Someone with dark hair, appearing to be a boy, was in the stable, and had her head in his hands. Arianna urged Dixie faster and took one foot out of the stirrup, getting ready for the attack. When she got close enough, she jumped off Dixie and gave her a slap, making her continue to run away with Daniel on her back. The boy turned, but barely had time to react before she stabbed his shirt over his shoulder, pinning him to the wall. He seemed almost unimpressed, and held up his almost white hands with a grin.

"Easy, Arianna!" he said, watching as she snatched her axe out of its holder. "I wasn't gonna steal your head, here, catch!" he said, throwing it to her. She caught it by the hair and slapped it on her shoulders, glaring when she could.

"You have no business in this stall, for it is not your's!" she snapped, wishing Dixie had been in there alone where he could have been kicked. Meanwhile, Dixie stopped at the end of the school, tuning with a snort, Daniel still perched safely on her back.
"Many thanks, Nova Upton," Angafay replied, fingers trailing softly along the wall as she began to count door frames.

"You have helped me greatly, and some time I would like to repay your kindness."

Unsure of what else to say, the drow continued to pad along in silence, ears open to the sounds of life crowding the halls.
"hey wait!" Daniel went as arianna jumped off and made Dixie keep going, Daniel was trying to get off Dixie's back, but the horse seemed to know arianna's intent to keep him on her, so Dixie made it near impossible for Daniel to get off, bucking in the right directions to keep him on her back at all costs, however, when Dixie stopped, daniel had his chance "seeya Dixie"

he cast his wand up and a pulse escaped it, in a few seconds the whistling of air around a broomstick was heard, Daniel jumped from Dixie's back, and a second before the horse spun around and caught him again, he was snatched up by his broomstick, he turned it around and went bolting towards the stables.

Daniel arrived back there in meter seconds, coming off his broomstick with his wand drawn, the tip glowing red and pointed also at the pinned boy

"Arianna, when i drew my wand, that meant i wanted to help... and that was really embarrassing, sending me away while you dealt with the problem..."
"She was probably trying to save your scaly hide." the boy teased, nodding at the sword. "Wanna unpin me, doll face?" he asked with a grin, only resulting in Arianna's eyeroll as she snatched the sword from the wall. "I didn't think you'd have any friends, being dead and all." he added, standing.

"Save your speech, what are you doing here?" she asked, wondering who this boy even was.

"I'm a student, of course." he remarked, looking Daniel up and down with a grin. "This your victim?"

"Begone!" Arianna snapped, slashing across his face with the axe, the hellfire blade almost touching his skin. He shrugged and put his hands in his pocket, walking away. Arianna looked at Daniel apologetically, not really sure what to say as Dixie trotted over, nuzzling her master.
"So... you guys got history?... ex-boyfriend?"

after her reaction he sighed

"Arianna... dont try to send me away like that again, ok? i know you were trying to protect me but, as odd as it sounds, i dont need protecting"

he sighed, putting his wand back into his pocket

"... Want me to freze his face then hit it with a hammer? make it crackle and fall apart like glass?"
"I do not know him, and no, allow me to handle him." she said, leading Dixie into her stall. She hated their fun had to end like that. "Let your concern be for yourself, I do not want you being harmed." she added, untacking Dixie. Her face turned really red when she realized how...affectionate that must have sounded, and began to stammer. "I-I mean, you are a very dear friend of mine, a-and I-I-I do not wish you nor Angafay to be harmed, s-so do not concern yourself with my pr-problems." she finally got the sentence to make sense and gave Dixie a sigh across her nose before walking out of the stall, shutting the gate, her face still red. She was going to kill the kid that started all this mess.

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