Ww: Legends~

"I have not made enemies. I am not here for either. I'd rather not deal with anyone at all if I can help it," Lukas said, clearifying his statement. He then shrugged. "Of course I probably did upset a few people and this one girl seems to dislike me," Lukas amended, thinking of his earlier interactions with Claws. "But she doesn't seem to be all that threatening, so I don't think I'll need to worry."

Lukas looked at Jiro, a questioning look on his face, but he didn't say anything else, going back to reading.
Daniel tripped, he had no idea what just happened, but his first reaction was to protect Arianna's head, he turned mid-fall, landing on his back, he groaned, looking up at the shaking armour, shaking from the invisible giggle.

he smiled up at the armour and handed the head back up with both hands, her head was entirely undamaged, asside from some riffled hair

"heh, no hard feelings, right?" he said, picking himself back up, he leaned down and ripped her axe from the ground

"damn this thing is heavy!.. here"

he handed the axe handle-first back to Arianna's body, smiling a bit.

"okay then, enough joking around i guess... shall we get to the Headmaster's office?.... hehe "head"master..."
Arianna reattached her head, giggling aloud now. She did believe it was indeed time to go meet the man.

"Yes, we should move along." she said, walking down the hall with him. She had no clue where the headmaster's office WAS, so she was hoping Daniel knew the way and would lead them there safely.
When being giggled at, Nova blushed trying to brush it off with an awkward smile and looking at the girl’s key in her hand. It was surprising to see that the girl was actually only a couple doors down from herself, being in 316. They were headed in the right direction, and as they passed another intersection on the way there, Nova glanced both ways out of habit. People watching always made her walk faster and keep her head down through the fear of getting noticed. Instead she saw a ball, and nearly almost missed it, as it skimmed by her face and towards the drow.

“Ah-” was all that cracked out of the girl’s mouth, but the drow had already dodged the ball she was about to warn her about. It was weird, especially considering Angafay was blind that she had managed to duck underneath it, maybe she had heard something? Somebody yelled an apology from down the hall, but in favor to stare at Angafay, they were ignored. Maybe she just had poor vision? But she did say she was blind…

After an impromptu introduction, which made Nova freeze up, bowing in response to Angafay’, she decided to just ask. “How’d you know that was coming?” and remembering that she had just introduced herself, the cyborg bowed again. “Nova Upton” she introduced, “First child?” she guessed, although the fact of actually going to school prevented her from inheriting any ethics.
"As I said before, the gift I came to master," the drow replied, continuing her walk as though nothing had happened.

"I can sometimes sense danger before it comes, other times I feel distant moments, through either time or space. I'm to be sacrificed to Lolth if I've not grasped a firm hold of this talent upon my return home."

Angafay seemed somewhat detached from the idea that she'd be sacrificed to an evil spider goddess if she didn't learn to see the future on demand within the next few years. On the inside though, she was very much disturbed by the thought.

The ball thrower cursed quietly, though not quietly enough to go unheard.

"As of now, I can only detect intended threats..."
Mel stared at the items in her hand. Why did people always give back the things she gave them? She shrugged and put the handkerchief and water back in her pouch. She then threw her arms into the air and began running in the direction Claws had pointed.

Still going, she turned to Claws. "So where are you from? My family's from London, England, land of tea, pirates and horrible cooking."

(I have no idea where to go now. TTATT)
Daniel chuckled

"heh, yeah..."

they walked along around the school, soon coming to the large tower in the centre of the school

inside, they saw only a single runic circle and a woman behind a desk, she was an ogre, unlike their male counterparts, Ogre women were relatively calm, collected and organized, and they were far smaller in frame , only about the size of a smaller human woman compared to their hummer-sized men, of course this suited them perfectly where they evolved, on her desk was actually a picture of her massive green-grey massive-jawed "hubby"

"hello?" Daniel opened with, the woman just looked up at him over her glasses

"... yes?"

"We'd like to see the headmaster please"

"do you have an appointment?"

"well, no bu-"

"then you won't see hi-"

there was a pause, then she smiled

"I have just recieved a message from the headmaster... please just step on the circle..."

after they did so, there was a bright white-blue light and they emerged in the headmaster's office.

In the office, the headmaster was facing away from them, pouring some scotch into a glass, that spider-woman was there as well

"Sir, I must implore you to increase security! almost every outpost for "The Union" has gone dark, and those who have had reconnosance performed on them all show the same conclusion, the occupants murdered with "Old One" weapons and messages written in Elvish fortelling the second rise of the-"

"i know what they say! do you forget i was at station 12 when it went dark..."

"We need to address this issue now! and what of the orcish hordes massing and advancing in the east? the local elvish colony have requested aid, and if they are not stopped, then its out students who will be fighting along with us with out backs against the wall"

the Headmaster turned around, seeing Daniel and Arianna standing on the teleport pad


he walked down the stairs, taking a sip of his rum, he smiled to the kids.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that... some trouble up north"

"Is it bad?" asked Daniel, clearly concerned

"probably not, probably just some Ice-trolls running amok, i'll bet those who wound up... dead... bandits, no doubt about it... damn savages"

"what about the old one weapons?"

"there are old one weapons all over those parts from the war a century ago, the Bandits and exile mages who live with them no doubt make use of them, now, how can i help you"

"Well sir, we'd like to learn the spell you used to speak all languages at once during the assembly"

the headmaster chuckled and stroked his beard.

"hmm... you, headless knight, and you, boy... come with me into my study, i'll show you right now, i havent taught anyone directly in over a decade, this will be a treat for me!"

the headmaster lead them into his study, just off the main room of his office.
Arianna tried her best to stay silent, letting Daniel do all the talking since she didn't know the man. She followed him, her cape billowing out behind her, and kept her gaze thoughtfully downward. The headmaster reminded her of someone, but who? She glanced up at him, then down again, returning to her thoughts. She honestly thought it would be harder to convince him to help, but was glad that was not the case. As she continued to walk, she looked around, taking in everything.
"The "Spell" you're looking for currently has no name oddly enough, and its not a spell at all, but instead an enchantment, to be placed on the Larynx, tongue and inner ears, so you can speak and understand any language by default.. i see everything in this school outside of the bathrooms and dorms, and i know you both are here because of the blind Drow girl, you wish to understand her and for her to understand you..."

the man turned round, holding out his hand.

"some spells you can perform without wands, staffs or other enchanted items, if you were to become masterful enough, you could discard items like wands forever... come, take my hand"

Daniel hesitated, but he held out his hand, upon touching the headmaster's hand, a dozen blue ribbon-like spells crept up Daniel's arm, some going into his ears, the others going into his mouth and 2 into his eyes.

after getting the spell, Daniel went limp and collapsed, his fall broken by a levitation spell the headmaster cast easily, and he was lain down gently on the floor.

"nothing to fear here Arianna, the headless knight... thats just his body putting him to sleep so it can adjust for the changes to it's Larynx, Ears and tongue, so the brain can come to terms with it, he'll be awake in less than an hour... now... you"

the headmaster held out his hand for Arianna.
As soon as Daniel had collapsed, Arianna had reached for the hilt of her sword. She hadn't even drawn it when she heard the headmaster speak, and looked up. He was expecting her to do the same? If she was dead already, and had no body to really effect, would she collapse? What would happen once she was unconscious? All aspects of her knight training flew to mind as she glanced at the outstretched hand. She was already dead, he couldn't possibly kill her, but Daniel or Angafay...she swallowed hard before slowly extending a hand. Every nerve in her dead body screamed for her to stop, but she tried to go against it. However, her other hand did not leave her sword handle.
Just as angafay's hand touched the headmaster's the same magical tendrils crawled up her arm, going into the same orifaces as Daniel, and soon, she felt some effects.

"it will take a few seconds for you to feel it, but since you're brain is still working, it will need to sleep first an..."

the voice driffed off as she drifted to sleep, or more accuritely, her head fell asleep, her body stayed upright

the headmaster spoke to the body

"well, not like you can hear me without a head and by extension, ears... i'll just leave you here..."

about an hour later.

about an hour later, Arianna woke up, feeling like she had slept for a week, just in front of her, Daniel was fooling around with a strange contraption in the headmaster's study, with the headmaster himself sitting at his desk, focussed on his computer tablet, just because they were mages, didnt mean they had to be all "castles and knights" after all, this school was very modern.

"About time you woke up" said Daniel, looking up from the contraption, which soon folded out into a strange spider-like robot and looked at her with it's glowing green eyes.

Daniel walked up to her

"check this out..."

Daniel held up a computer tablet an a voice came from it


then Daniel spoke again

"ok, guess what this says..."

the tablet speaks "it is widely believed that the woman who sells sea shells by the sea shore is actually a drug dealer, since no-one in the right mind would pay money for shells by a beach" it was very easy to understand, but with a strange accent and elegance to the pronunciation.

after she guessed, Daniel turned the tablet around, showing the word "Elvish" in english.

"Ha! Elvish! but we hear it in our native language, no matter whats being said!"

the headmaster chuckled

"Alright you two, get out of my office, i have important work to do.."

"ah, yes sir! thank you sir!"
"No, I don't need help, and I most certainly don't need a nosy brat pushing his way into our lives." Theo spat back, before pushing away from the shore, and from Sai, moving back towards the school quickly. An air of anger rolling off him. From next to Sai, a soft sigh emmited from a form that wasn't there, and a hollowed voice spoke quietly, "He's going to be like that for a while...I don't blame him either."
Arianna rubbed her head, not used to feeling unconscious. She knew well what sleep was, but being unconscious? For a dead knight, unlikely. She walked slowly after Daniel as he lead the way, her cloak draped around her. She suddenly had a bad feeling, but wasn't sure what it was for. She sighed with a smile and hid it, glancing over her shoulder. It scared her how much the headmaster reminded her of her old dojo master who, along with everyone else she knew, was dead.

"Thank you, sir." she said, then continued out the door after Daniel. She needed to find Angafay.
"America. There are a good number of werewolves over there," Claws said. She could remember meeting others like her and it made her smile. She touched her collar around her neck and for a brief moment, her cheery exterior faded, but then it came back.

"But England sounds like an interesting place." Claws saw they were headed for a garden it looked like.
"Oh, your country is one of the ones that drive on the right . . . weird." Mel noticed Claws' expression change for a moment. She wanted to ask but she knew that some people didn't like prying. She once got in trouble with . . . who was it? Mel felt a slight pain in her head while she tried to remember who it was that didn't like her prying. Not able to recall anything, she shrugged it off and smiled Claws.

"Yeah. I've only been out in the city once but it really is fun. All types of shops and buses and horses. I hear America is an exciting country. Does this New York City really never sleep? Are there really fast car chases? Does what happen in Vegas really stay in Vegas?"

She stopped rambling when she saw a garden up ahead. "Flowers!" She ran up to the plants, sniffing each one.
Angafay was gifted in a way that Nova was immediately envious of, thinking back to the explosion that day. Sensing immediate danger? The girl wondered if that would have helped her get out of there any sooner, but she might’ve just lost less of her. Apparently it wasn’t quite mastered though, as she could only sense intended threats and although Nova had no idea who or what a Lolth was, it sounded bad.

There was a curse in the hallway, and if she wasn’t so quiet she might’ve not heard that it come from the ball thrower. Her eyes shot up to the deviant and she simply stared at her from her place beside Angafay, continuing to walk.

“Many would be lucky to have such a gift” was her only comment, trying to keep it impersonal, to avoid questions. Purple orbs were still locked on the bad-guy in the situation though, although her words were directed at Angafay as well.
"right.. lets roll, thanks teach!" said Daniel, walking in to the teleporter.

"seeya" the headmaster said, waving them off.

on the other end of the teleporter, the Orcish woman was talking to her husband on the phone

"uh-huh... wait, so Barzog is trying to become horde boss?... now that will never work... heh yeah, tell me about it.. okay, good luck sweetie"

she hung up, Arianna and Daniel could hear "goodbye my love" on the other end just as the phone hit the reciever.

"okay, bye" said Daniel, the Orcish woman was suprised

"aah, the gift of tongues... i heard that in Orcish sweetie, and right now i'm speaking it too... you hear it like english, dont you?"

Daniel couldnt help but smile, and he just kept on walking with his head held high, the assistant just shook her head and went back to work.

outside, Daniel took in a deep breath

"okay, now to find Angafay and give her a little supprise... hey, i got an idea, when talking to her, we'll tell her we've always known her language, and we just didn't speak it to fool with her!"
Arianna chuckled at Daniel messing with the clerk, still following him with her black cape out behind her. When they were outside the headmaster's building, she touched her necklace, closing her eyes. She could sense Angafay far off, but still with Nova. It would take maybe ten minutes to catch up to them if they walked at a normal pace. When she finished dowsing to locate the drow, she heard Daniel talking. She listened to him for a moment, then her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly.

"I do not think that to be a good idea. Angafay...does not know our humor, and I wish not to startle her. Also, if we could speak her language all along, she would think we had not spoken it to her to prank her harshly in some way, which would be the only sound explanation." Arianna answered. She loved scaring people MORE than Daniel could ever dream, but it was in taking off her head or blowing by them on Dixie with her sword drawn.
Claws giggled a little at all the random questions and followed Mel into the garden.

"Yeah we drive on the right. Not that I've really drove a car before. But I guess it's different for other countries." She thought about the other questions. "I think New York City has it's people that don't sleep, though it seems a bit silly to me. I've not been there often but it's a busy place. I don't really know of any car chases and I guess so. Vegas seems like the kind of place for weird things to happen."

Claws shrugged. "I mostly lived out in the country."
Mel nodded as if in realization. "I hear countrysides are nice. The air is cleaner. The roads are quieter. And there's lots of flowers and running space."

She bent over to to smell a rose. It reminded her of the rose tea she had back at home. She span around and sat on the ground. The scent of roses swirled around her. She smiled widely. Claws was the first friend she made, or at least the first one who seemed to acknowledged it.

"Is your home like that?"

The black haired girl looked to the sky. "The day seems to be longer today, huh?"
Sai took a deep breath, letting it loose when Evelyn spoke to him.

"... He certainly is protective of you, isn't he?" He noted, putting a hand on his hip. "I was trying to get out there, I would have helped in any manner I could." He added, feeling bad, nearly useless for not being there on time.
"Terribily so. I'm all he has." Evelyn admitted, the sheepish tone showing through though she was not. "But I'm afraid I am so awfully tired...and though I could explain, to which would probably make you feel better, I can not...even this is hard to keep up..." A sigh filtered through the air, and a chill crept through, growing colder as Evelyn grew more and more exhausted.
Crow, who had avoided the opening ceremony to catch up on some unneeded sleep, managed to dress himself and slowly make his way out of the dorm room. He simply closed the door, leaving it unlocked since he was too tired to care. Since he was half asleep and practically dragging himself along, he wasn't sure where he ended up. Upon further inspection, he saw a random guy who looked kind of familiar. Avoiding the open area, he hid as best he could. "Is he talking to himself? Don't tell me he's crazy," he thought to himself.

Jinx skipped along, fresh and upbeat. There was no reason for her to pay attention to where she was going. She had attended the morning ceremony and was floating on air. After a long nights rest, her emotions died down a bit, enough for her to stay calm for the time being. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the sweet smell of the school, even though she wasn't in the vicinity anymore. What could possibly ruin the moment?
"Then feel free to rest. I'll watch over Theodore in the mean time. That is his full name, correct?" Sai asked Evelyn, rolling his eyes.

Theo seemed hostile, so it would be better to watch him from a nice, safe, non-yelled at distance. Sai didn't feel like getting blasted for good intentions. He felt bad enough already.
"Yes, well, in all likeliness my gift will be my undoing." Angafay replied, her covered eyes still staring sightlessly at the floor.

"Lolth is the patron goddess of my people, she represents all that they stand for. You may have guessed, but I'm not exactly of the status quo," the blind drow continued, figuring that her newest friend likely knew nothing of their evil deity.

One foot before the other, and every step a light tap on cold stone tile, reminding Angafay that she was most certainly not at home here; whether for good or bad was yet to be decided.

"Do we near the rooms?" she asked, turning her head to face her companion.

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