Ww: Legends~

It took a moment of stifled giggles from the crowd but eventually a voice made itself known next to Nova, unfortunately it was a male voice. Boys were in a totally different fear spectrum for the girl, as her father often warned her they were only trying to look what was under the clothes. It made no sense to the navy haired girl… didn’t they have the same parts? It must be their fascinations with robotics that drew them towards seeing her particular extremities.

The girl slightly turned her head, purple eyes landing on the boy who was most definitely a boy; short black hair, slightly square-ish feature. Realizing she had yet to answer his question, color filled her face and she immediately pushed herself up, with no help from his hand.

“I’mfine” she blurted, quickly turning and making a quick escape from the auditorium. Please don’t follow me, please don’t follow me the girl chanted this in her head, closing her eyes as if that would get her any faster. It seemed her clumsiness didn’t stop in the auditorium though; she had run into a girl who was making her way down the wall.

“Sorry!” she noted, taking three steps backwards in a stumble, blinking as she saw the girl with the blindfold that she and Lola had passed.
Arianna had just rounded the corner when she heard a loud "Imfine", and then "Sorry!". Her shoulders turned that way to indicate where she was looking, and she could sense Angafay. No doubt someone had run into her in a flurry. She turned and walked that way, her cape billowing out rather menacingly behind her. Her head was still hidden at her side from view, and the space between her shoulders was empty. She came into the hall where Angafay was, another girl standing there apologizing for the collision. Arianna recognized the girl from their trip to the meeting that morning, and started walking over. She meant no harm, but her clanking armor, large, black cape, knight appearance, and, of course, having no head was giving her a scary introductory appearance for Nova.
Still feeling along the wall, heading to her room, Angafay was very much lost in thought when she was run into. The girl tumbled straight to the cold floor, and didn't quite catch the exact words the other used though she still got the message. Several minutes and the drow had barely taken a step, just leaning against the wall as she tried to clear her vision up yet more. Slowly getting her feet beneath her again, Angafay simply nodded to the one that had run into her, sharing that she was alright.

Loud metallic footsteps could be heard, Arianna returning the blind girl guessed, she'd met no one else that wore armour yet. Angafay stopped, waiting for her friend to catch up though she would have had little trouble even had she kept walking. It seemed that the ride took far less time than she'd anticipated; well there was either that, or she'd spent far too much of her time concentrating on her earlier vision, the latter being far more likely.
Arianna caught up to Angafay easily, touching her shoulder to signify her arrival. She noticed the horror stricken look on Nova's face, and moved her cape, revealing her head. She put it on her neck and let the skin and such reattach, inhaling slowly when it had. There was still a scar on her neck where the head could come off again, and she blinked, looking at the startled student.

"My apologies, I forget that the living are not used to seeing a knight without a head." she stated, then looked at Angafay. "Are you alright?" she asked, concerned.
Claws, not sure of the world, nodded. "Maybe he is. I guess we may eventually find out."

Claws shook her head, smiling at her new friend, maybe. "No I don't even have siblings, but I guess it might be that way though. But a good thing is we are a close knit family." Claws shrugged. "But no worries. I don't mind the questions."
Like Sai, Lola still couldn't interpret what was making the fog by the lake. However, his attention came back to her, asking of Nova. "Hum.. yes, well, I just met her yesterday. She's my roommate." She responded, looking back down at her watch-bracelet.

The question of her abilities came to a surprise to her, but she couldn't help if the boy was curious. The looks he gave her, however, was quite intimidating. "Well...." Lola hesitated, tying to come off as interesting. "I do mostly healing and earth magic. Anything you would like to know in particular?" She asked
Shaking his head to clear it, Theo looked at her and drew in a breath of air. He had the oddest feeling that saying something wrong would get him put back into the water. As a few drops from his hair hit into his eyes, he really didn't want that. "What do you want me to say? That I'm sorry for doing something I didn't know I shouldn't? "
Sai bit his lip.

"Well, I was thinking of venturing out into the fog. I wouldn't want to go alone, and the point of asking was to ascertain whether you'd be of any help should a combat situation arise." Sai put forward. He rubbed his chin. "Will you accompany me?" He asked afterwards, a calm and collected look coming to his forlorn eyes, exuding confidence and experience.


"Ignorance is no excuse, my little necromancer." The nymph said, blowing bubbles at Theo's face comically. Her ensuing laugh was comparably to the sound of a wave crashing along a shore.

"Don't you know some of my kind are less than friendly to your already less-than-friendly species?" She added, putting a hand on her hip, licking her lips once more. Gills were evident on her neck.


A stray tentacle reached up, and smashed the boat Evelyn was in, snapping it in twain.
"Ah, sure. I'll go," Lola replied, rubbing the back of her neck. Some strands of her hair had stuck to her skin, and made as a great excuse to reach there. "I'm not sure how much use I would be though," Lola trailed off, her eyes catching the trinket on her wrist. "But, I'm an excellent fencer, and whenever I wear this thing–" she held up her wrist a little–"I seem to have incredible reflexes. I don't know what it is..."
It was a little bit unnerving that the girl in the blindfold didn’t answer Nova directly, as she had easily knocked her over. Instead all the young girl got was a nod to signify the blind girl was alright, and she helped herself up. Nova scanned her carefully, taking advantage of the fact that the girl couldn’t actually see her doing it and feeling embarrassed when other footsteps made their presence in the hall.

The girl adverts her eyes, but the distinct noises of the stranger’s movement keep her in the hallway. Armor, purples orbs observe as the person steps into her view point, clanking armor that made her eyes slowly travel up the billowing cape. All she wanted was a fleeting glance at the person who wore such clothing, but when her eyes met the shoulders, she faltered. No head. There was no head on the body! Yet it stood there as if-as if- WAS IT ALIVE!?

The body seemed pivoted towards her, and all of a sudden it moved, pushing away the cape so she could see the detached head herself, which only made her flounder further, mouth opening and closing. Then the body replaced the head back where it belonged, the color slowly re-igniting it's face and the wound fading to a scar as she, it turned out to be a girl, apologized.

Nova opened her mouth, and while she wasn’t expecting words to form, she didn’t expect herself to scream either. Yet she did, scream that is, at the ghost or zombie or whatever it was that was standing next to the blind girl asking her if she was alright.
"I'm fully aware of what your kind does to humans." Theo replied back slowly, chills running down his spine. He was oddly reminded of an old song to do with tricking the devil an had to wonder if it would work here. "What do you want with me? I can assure you I taste awful."

As the boat was split Evelyn let out one last shriek of terror as she started to sink into the liquid. Memories long burried surffsced and thoughts flooded through her worse than the water. Her eyes began to go red blood mixing and dissappearing in the liquid.
Arianna visibly cringed at the scream Nova let out, shuddering. She reached a hand out and covered the girl's mouth, the gloves on her own hands rich and rather soft. She sighed slowly, rubbing each ear gingerly with her free hand, then looked at her and removed her hand.

"There is no cause for alarm, my intentions here are not to harm you. I merely came in search of Angafay because she is my friend, and I have sworn to protect her." she saw Nova's still terrified face and sighed again, moving her cloak back over her shoulders. Her armor was indeed imbrodded with serpents, and she had a sword hilted to one hip, and an axe to the other, but she looked like the little kid she was, and less threatening. "I am Arianna, a Headless Knight attending the academy." she offered her hand, hoping the girl would calm down. "I am a ghost, a specter if you will. But as you can see, unlike your version of 'ghost', I can touch you quite easily." she taped Nova's arm with the back of her hand, then offered it again for a hand shake.
Mel smiled brightly at Claws. It was nice to have someone who could handle her . . . stupidity? She wasn't actually an idiot, it's just she only had book smarts to work with. Given her history, or at least what she was told, she never had much experience with people. "There are no classes today, right?" she asked while looking out the window. After a moment of silence, the black haired girl struck a pose. With her feet apart, one hand on her hip and one hand pointing to the air, she said, "Let's explore!"

She wasn't sure what sort of stuff she'd find (seriously, I have no idea right now) but this school was huge. It must have adventure waiting for them somewhere, right?
walking around the school, Daniel was underwhelmed, the first Alteration class was just the teacher showing off and saying what Alteration is basically which took about 20 minutes.

coming around a corner, he saw 2 familiar sights, the blind drow girl who he helped get of a school building and the heavily armoured Arianna.

walking up to them, he waved a bit, hoping Angafay would recognize his voice (hopefully as a friend)

"hey everyone" he opened with "don't mind if I join you, do you?"
Suddenly, talking. The girl that had bumped into her screamed, a shrill noise that pierced the ears. Covering her own ears, the scream suddenly stopped, and the talking began. Three voices mingled far too much for Angafay to decipher their words, so she simply kept walking, one foot before the other.

One boy from earlier approached, the one that had been with Dali not long ago. Hopefully the drow wouldn't get lost, though with three others around she rather doubted that would happen.
"Certainly." she said to Daniel, then looked at Angafay again. "Are you alright, Angafay?" she asked quietly again, touching her friend's arm. "Do you want me to take you somewhere?" she offered. She didn't really know what else she could do for her, and since Arianna didn't have anything else to do for the day, she might as well be ordered around like the Knight she was.
Daniel came up to Angafay, he leant over a bit so he was at her eye level

"Angafay?" he asked gently, it seemed something just shocked her.

he looked up at Arianna, a bit of concern on his face.

"man, i hope we get to learn that spell the headmaster used so everyone understood what he said, then maybe Angafay could understand what we're saying..."
"Indeed. Do you think it wise to ask him about it?" Arianna asked, intrigued by the thought of speaking English, yet having Angafay understand her. She continued to speak in a soft voice as not to scare the drow, walking with her easily so she did not fall or get lost.
Jiro watched as the girl quickly answered his questions, then got herself back up without Jiro's help and hauled away from him. He just stood there, scratching the back of his head as he felt confused. Did I say something wrong..? He thought to himself as he wondered why the girl had run off. Who knows, maybe she was in a hurry. And by now, his demon would start to mess around with Jiro. And he was right, because Jiro could hear his demon burst out laughing his ass off as if the girl running away was the joke of the century. "Well now, look's like you've got yourself another special skill. Scaring the crap out of girls, I guess I should give you some props there for doing the job for me." Daichi said as he chuckled for a bit. But the demon didn't really stop talking from there. "Hell, you should already reconsider on not going after that other girl you were just gazing at back there. Better to think about it now before you make another one run off." He told Jiro, who really didn't care on what Daichi had to say about this. He just shook his head, then decided that it would be a good time for them to just head on back to his dorm. It seemed like the only thing Jiro could do now. And then he just realized that by now his roommate is probably sitting around in their room.

"Least now we have enough time to head back to our dorm. Hopefully you can have a good talk with your roommate." Daichi said. Jiro quickly nodded to that as he exited from the auditorium. And once he was outside, he stood there and stared at the auditorium building for a moment. And as he stood there, he began to wonder on how many times him and the rest of the other students will be able to see their headmaster again. He just shrugged, and continued to walk back to his dorm. After reading a few signs for some directions on how to get back, he finally made it to his dorm. He gave off a sigh of relief as he stood in front of the door and held onto the doorknob. He then opened it, and saw a guy inside there. Obviously his roommate. He just walked in and sat on top of his bed. "Hey there." Jiro said, then looked over to the book his roommate was reading. "What book are you reading?" He curiously asked as he lied back down on his bed and began to wander off into his thoughts.
Marco shrugged

"whats the worst that could happen? its a spell any newcomer would be eager to learn pretty understandably, and they're teachers, if we get in trouble for asking them a question, then they're the ones not going their jobs"

Daniel then turned to Nova

"what do you think?"
Lukas was falling into an almost calm-like state. Reading was always something he enjoyed, mostly because it was a solo activity. No one to do something stupid or annoy him. Sure people could interrupt him while he was reading, but Lukas sought out places where people were not likely to go to read. Of course Lukas knew that his roommate was sure to show up at any moment least he was either gone or distracted so much he didn't return until Lukas was asleep.

Of course his roommate was neither gone nor busy as he walked in, immediately questioning Lukas. Unless someone else just randomly walked into his room. Either way Lukas was not happy for the interruption in his reading and he lowered the book to look at the person he would be sharing a room with. For a couple of minutes Lukas appraised Jiro as if to determine if trying was going to be worth the effort. He raised his book back up once he was done.

"It's a novel about a man who makes a pact with a demon in his youth and now as an adult has to go on a long journey to restore his soul. It's okay so far," Lukas said from behind the book.


Claws laughed at Mel in a friendly sort of way. She could already tell they were going to be good friends even if Mel was a bit...odd. Claws nodded, ready to go explore the school.

"Let's go!" she shouted in agreement.
"Hey pipsqueak, what the hell are you thinking about? It better not be about that girl." Daichi said, feeling a bit angry that Jiro is actually thinking about the girl he was gazing at back in the auditorium. Jiro then shook his head, and sat straight up from his bed. He watched his roommate as he waited for his answer. The guy just stared at Jiro for a moment once he lowered his book. After that, he raised his book back up and continued to read it, along with finally answering Jiro's question. He listened to his response, and kind of felt uncomfortable. In many ways.. that sounds like me. God, why did I even have to ask what book he was reading.. Jiro thought to himself as he raised up his hands, and stared at them as he began to wonder if he was more of a demon than he was human. He was just basically Daichi's puppet.. But of course, his demon always had to interrupt his thoughts.

"I love the sound of that book!" The demon said, but then started laughing his ass off again. Jiro just sat there, wondering what was so funny. "Well I wish that poor sucker good luck. Because to be honest, his soul is long gone by then. Restoring his soul? HA! That's a good one." Daichi said as he continued to laugh. But Jiro knew what his demon meant. His soul was long gone, all because of Daichi. And Jiro tried to find a way to get his soul back before, and to rid of this demon. But he had no luck. Hell, his soul is probably rotting in the fiery pits of oblivion for all he knew. And he had to live with it. Even some people told him that getting too close to his demon would make his soul fade away even more. But it's all too late now. Jiro waited for a bit until his demon was finally quiet, then stared at his roommate's book as he scratched the back of his head.

"You think.. he'll ever be able to restore his lost soul..?"
Lukas found that he was not going to like his roommate, if he kept asking such questions when Lukas was trying to read. Lukas sighed deeply and lowered the book again, looking back at Jiro.

"I don't think so. I do hope he doesn't. He was an idiot to ever agree to such a thing from the start. He is paying now for such foolishness. Demons are not something to take lightly and dealing with them is stupid. They have no care or love for humans or anyone but themselves. He deverse his fate and the journey is pointless in my view. I do not think he will regain it and if he does, it will be a weak way to resolve the conflict unless the writer can do it in such a way I can believe it."

Lukas stopped talking. He didn't really care if someone was dumb enough to make any kind of deal with a demon. It was not his problem afteral. Still it was a stupid thing to do and he was going to be blunt and honest about it. Lukas was really not one to mince words.

"I am Lukas by the way. I guess since I'll have to be putting up with you I should at least give you a name and have one in return."
Sai shrugged.

"Probably an enchantment of some kind, Miss Lola. I could inspect it and discern it's origin and effects later. Right now, I have a feeling time is of the essence." He explained, straightening out his suit once more, his eyes narrowing and looking far more serious and dangerous than a mere moment ago. The ominous look in his yellow eyes was made even more piercing by the shaggy black hair that framed it.


"Kekehhheheheheheheh.... Oh. You human children are so prone to displays of arrogance." The woman let out, as they began floating back up towards the surface. Wrapping an arm around Theo, she pointed out of the bubble, at something passing them by, going deeper as they ascended.

"Some things should stay dead and gone, don't you agree, necromancer?" She asked, gazing condescendingly at Evelyn as she sank.
"Right..." Lola hesitated, now thinking of what she possibly would be getting into.

Sai's intimidating stance did nothing to help her, she hadn't fully looked at him until now. He was really tall, she would guess nearly six feet already. His eyes–his pupils, rather–were yellow, giving clear evidence that he was no human she had ever encountered before. Sai had definitely meant business, and that in itself had shaken her enough.

Maybe my abilities aren't cut out for this... she thought, sighing. Still, she had known to venture off further than her borders before, it is how she discovered her abilities after all. She didn't want to leave Jirou, but felt she had to, hoping he would be just fine inside the room. Her mind was instantly changed, she grabbed her backpack and plopped Jirou inside, his tiny body making him easily sightless.

"Window or door?" Lola asked, preparing herself for the next series of events.

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