Ww: Legends~

Sai grinned while shaking his head.

"Those rules are for the students who cannot handle themselves. We can often end up as the targets of unorganized groups, looking for all sorts of things." He looked down at his hand, twisting it to look at his somewhat longer than average nails, another subtle sign of demon blood.

"I can handle myself." He noted for Evelyn, somewhat ham-like. "But if you would rather not, we can save that specific venture for another time." He considered, shrugging.
"I suppose...but it is only the first day..." Evelyn reminded, biting on her lip as if nervous. "And...targets? Who would want to target children? Aren't there more...well, prominent people to go after?" Tilting her head, she stepped closer to him, "But, it's not that I wouldn't....I just...." She looked back towards the school, serious unwavering clear in her face. She truly didn't know.

"It's not an act. Most people look at me like that. I also may have yelled at her earlier. I don't know. Someone was knocking and being really loud...I just sort of opened it and shut it without looking too hard. As for what I know, let's just say, I know females. She wanted someone to talk to, and you shot her down. You never know when she might be gone, you know...you should be happy to help her." It was the most Theo had ever said to a stranger, and frankly, he didn't mind it too much, but, it was encroaching on his sleep.
Sai raised and eyebrow playfully.

"People target children as a statement. Their willingness to do whatever they think seems right. Besides, the older, more skilled targets take more skilled rebels. Which tend to be rare." He let out, explaining. "Perhaps you're scared, Miss Everlyn?" He suggested, licking his lips, his grin widening a bit.
Crow sighed, his anger finally simmering down enough for him to think straight. The new environment was sending his head spinning a bit, and his reaction wasn't exactly a positive one. He silently admitted his unusual behavior. "Jinx and I don't communicate well so anything coming from me would just be unnecessary information." Crow sighed, feeling bad for sending his sister packing, but that was how it always was. She needed pushed to get out of her own world sometimes. "Besides, if you know girls so well, why don't you go talk to her?" He held back a laugh at the unrealistic suggestion he jokingly made.
Angafay cocked her head to one side, turning to hopefully face Arianna, no doubt she'd be off by at least a few degrees.

"You, made something?" she asked, still trying to discern where exactly she should be looking, or for that matter, where she should be moving a hand. It sounded like something was being presented to her, but of course there was little to do about it. There were no other sounds in the halls, eerily deserted for such a prestigious academy; and not even a particular smell that seemed out of place. It was like the building itself was just, waiting...
"Oh..." She stated simple, trying to remember things from her time period that his logic applied to. She really couldn't recall very well. At his accusations, she frowned deeply, "I'm not scared. I'm worried. There is a very big difference there, I'll remind you." Tightening her lips, she looked at him, "Fine. I'll go."

"She came to you, didn't she? That right there proves what you have to say is more than unnecessary." Shrugging once, he adjusted his pillow, looping a hand around it before milling over his next words. Blunt, he decided, was the best option here. "She's not my sister."
Arianna gently pressed the necklace into her friend's hand, hoping she would like it. The gem was as smooth as silk, yet as firm as glass, and seeming stainless and beautiful as a chapel's stained glass picture. The chain was thin, but durable, and it would take quite a strong amount of pressure to break it. She let Angafay feel over it, her rich leather gloves warm despite the owner being very much dead.

" 'Tis a necklace that has been enchanted by a spell." she explained. "I made it for you so that if you should need me...all you must do is hold it close to your heart, and speak my name, and I shall come to you..wherever you may be." she finished, taking a breath she didn't know she was holding. She carefully stepped behind the girl and gently fastened it around her neck, the chain not too lose, and not too tight. "I hope you are pleased with it."
Sai's smille grew a little sinister for a moment, as he turned and headed into the building. The portal hovering above the building served as a beacon of sorts for the Academy, and a symbol of the unity the Academy strived to represent.

"... Which city would you like to go to? Are you familiar with any?" He asked Evelyn, glancing about the building and spotting the receptionist, who might pose a threat.
(This is to everyone~)

The long night of meeting and greeting came to a slow end. Everyone had settled into their dorms successfully and possibly had made their acquaintance with a few more people. The morning rose quickly, as if it was eager to shine on the new day which presented new opportunities. It was about eight in the morning when the loudspeaker rang out all around campus so that everyone could hear the announcement. "All new students, please report to the auditorium in two hours. We will have an assembly and later you will be allowed to tour the classrooms you will be learning in," the old man spoke with strictness. "I repeat. Report to the auditorium in two hours."

Crow rose up out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. It seemed he had passed out in the middle of his conversation. What had Theo been saying? Something about Jinx being his sister. He knew that, but he told her already he refused to baby-sit this time. Two hours? Who wants to go to some boring assembly anyway? He made his plans to skip and look around a bit. What a pain this day would be. Disaster after disaster seemed to just be throwing itself at him.

Jinx woke up to the sound of the loud speaker, her eyes wide in terror. "There's an assembly??" she asked herself frantically. She sighed, much too lazy to get up. "I'm too tired..." she mumbled as she closed her eyes again. However, she couldn't sleep again after the announcement. She wasn't sure what would happen if she didn't attend. Would they even notice? Jinx chose not to risk it.
Arianna merely opened her eyes upon hearing the loud speaker go off, not moving for a moment. She quickly got up and stretched, looking around. She brushed her head off, nearly losing her head in the process, brushed her teeth, and made herself presentable. She slid her armor on and fastened it, tying her belt around her hips. Her sword and axe were equipped, sharp, and hot as hellfire. Good. She fastened her cloak around her neck and slid into her boots, leaving her dorm. No one was walking around QUITE yet, so she stole outside to the stables. As soon as Dixie saw her, she whinnied happily and nuzzled her owner, making Arianna smile.

"Stehen Sie bequem, mein Freund." she cooed in German, which was English for "At ease, my friend".

The two sat there and enjoyed their company until Arianna had to leave, much to Dixie's disapproval. The knight kissed her on the nose and strode back inside. Just the way she walked, even at such a young age, commanded authority almost. Her sword and axe at her sides, her sharp dragon armor glinting in the faintest light, her large black cloak flowing around her like bat wings...she was the picture of a knight. She walked right up to Angafay's door, taking a long breath. She checked her appearance one more time before hesitantly knocking, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Angafay? 'Tis Arianna. I do not know if you heard the announcement, but I am here to escort you to the auditorium." she said quietly, yet audibly, her appearance and word choice making her look like a knight for hire reporting to an important person.
Angafay awoke to the loudspeaker in a fit, scrambling right out of bed to the floor where she pulled her sheets over her head, expecting a raid on the building any moment. It was probably a good ten minutes or so before a calm voice came at her door, Arianna.

"Come in..." she replied, trying to remember where she was exactly. A bureau should be somewhere on her left, though if she remembered correctly it wasn't very near. At least, the drow figured, she wore a reasonable shift to sleep.
Daniel heard the announcement, he was still with Angafay but he had let go of her hand untill she seemed ready to keep going.

"okay, lets go"

Daniel lead Angafay back to her dorm, at her own pace again of course, after arriving at the dorm, he let go of her

"okay, i'm sure you can get some help back to your room now, sorry but i have to go"

he ran off, going back to the boy's dorm, he had an hour and a half to prepare now...

after getting back, he stripped off, had a boiling hot shower, and re-dressed himself in some stylish clothes, converse sneakers, black jeans (kind of tight) a red t-shirt and a black coat, he kept his want in the wand-pocket inside his jacket, all his clothes had little pockets and bits and pieces to hold wands in...

after he was ready, he came back out, his hair spiked at the front, his face fresh and ready to take on the world "auditorium... right!"

he walked off inn the correct direction.

Dali heard the announcement while she was high up in a tree in the courtyard, munching on an apple.

"huh? uh-oh!"

she jumped from the tree and took off to the dorms, showing remarkable agility and speed, when she got back, she didnt go for a shower, instead she began taking her clothes off and focussing her power, soon a mask appeared on her head, a tribal battle-skirt appeared around her waist and this kept going untill she looked like a younger version of her "battle form" on her profile, mask, spear and all.

"okay! i'm ready for anything!"

she went out the door, as she ran down the hall towards the door, she leapt clean over Arianna with ease, not loosing a bit of speed, she got out and calmed down, heading more calmly to the auditorium, everyone else was clean and dressed nice, she was still dirty and dressed like a savage.
Arianna walked in, blinking in confusion at her friend being found on the floor. She assumed the announcement had frightened her and walked over, her heavy boots audible on the floor. She gently touched her friend's shoulder, then grabbed her hand, helping her stand.

"Is there anything I can do to help you prepare for the meeting?" she offered, her gloved hand holding on to Angafay's.
Mel woke up to a loud voice telling her to start heading to the auditorium. The sun shone through the window and she jumped out of bed with a big smile on her face. In the other bed, was her sack doll, Vash. She picked him up and said, "Time to get ready, Vash."

The black haired girl skipped down the hallway, following the signs as they came. Today she was dressed up as a ninja, complete with a face mask and rubber kunai. In her hand was Vash, dressed in matching ninja garb. And while rushing down the hallways, she greeted each person with a "Nin nin!"
As Lola was busy putting away the girl’s clothes, Nova set aside the box for now and pulled out her bedding instead. The girl had just reminded her of the time and she probably figured it was best if she had a place to sleep. “Alright” the girl noted in response as she finally remembered that she had yet to answer her roommate.

After the girl had set the bed, she took the rest of the pile on the floor and stuffed it evenly in the drawers. The girl had left out her pajamas, which were flannel button up shirt and long bottoms, and took them into the bathroom. While she changed, she traced over the metal and checked her joints meticulously, like every other nights. Then the girl brushed her teeth and washed her face, thankful for the metals water proof capabilities.

Nova made sure that the longer sleeves covered her hands and finally made her way outside of the bathroom, carrying her dirty clothes. Tossing them on her box, she worried looked at Lola, hoping she hadn’t seen anything before the navy haired girl climbed in bed.


When the announcement came over the speakers, Nova’s eyes darted open and she sat up wearily, before seeing the other bed in the room. Panicking, she righted her clothes and stood, the girl still seemed asleep, but Nova needed to get ready before she woke up. Grabbing some jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt, along with underwear and a towel, she tried to remember where her shower necessities were.

Her purple eyes met with the box, and she glared an imaginary hole in the thing before sneaking over and opening it. It was stuffed with plenty of things but what the girl grabbed out of it were her shampoo, condition, and soap bar. Then she hurried to the bathroom again, without saying anything to Lola, and took a shower in lukewarm water. Her shower was equally as quick as her drying off period, her hair the only thing still dripping wet when she exited the bathroom in the new clothes.

She almost cursed herself for forgetting a new pair of socks and threw her towel on her feet, kicking it as she walked over to grab some new socks.

“Lola?” Nova noted tentatively, slipping on the socks one foot at a time before letting her sleeves fall back her fingers once again.
"I need clothes..." Angafay replied, poking her head out from beneath the blanket. Something was drastically wrong with surface life if it were normal to wake to the booming voices of foreign languages, demanding things of everyone.

Such things only happened before a siege in the underdark, when a family was found guilty of assassination and the top three families came to exterminate them. Those were the worst days, when all she could hear for hours was the deaths of hundreds... Drow culture was extremely volatile, and though Angafay was born to it, she certainly did not fit in.

"Meeting?" she asked suddenly, just realizing what it was that she'd asked. A family was going to be exterminated!?
Arianna obediently went and looked through Angafay's things with care, finding some clothes. She gently handed them to her and stood by in case she needed help putting them on, arms crossed. Arianna couldn't remember the last time she wore something else besides her armor, black clothes, boots, and her sinister-looking cloak. She was too sentimental and nostalgic to change, and she didn't think she could considering she was a ghost.

"Yes, the principal of the academy is holding a meeting in the auditorium to discuss our classes, and the rules of the academy no doubt." Arianna explained slowly and quietly to her, seeing as she was scared. She gently reached out and slid her shirt on the correct way, noting the necklace being there from the night before when Arianna gave it to her. "Do you like the necklace I made?" she asked, finishing with her shirt and taking a step back again.
Surface clothes seemed rather... different... Angafay thought to herself as the cotton tee was pulled over her head.

"So there will be no killing?" she asked, pulling a pair of these 'jeans' that seemed so popular up here.

Today the drow would not be going without her blindfold, and it was while they spoke that she tied it on, ensuring she not forget it. When Arianna asked of the necklace, she had little to respond with besides a:

"Do you?"
Lukas ignored the announcement, choosing to return to his room anyways. Like he really wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of idiots while listening to someone drone on and on. No. Lukas knew he would get in trouble if found out, but he didn't care at the moment. He would deal with it later. He headed to his room, making sure to not run into anyone else on the way there.


Claws had just opened the door to her room when she heard the announcement. She glanced in, trying to see if Jinx had returned so that maybe they could go together, and saw a human-shaped lump on one of the beds. Claws knew it had to be Jinx, but the girl did not move. So she was asleep? If Claws woke her to go, she wasn't sure if Jinx would be happy about that. After a few moments, Claws shut the door and made her way, letting Jinx sleep.
"I do." she replied with a smile. "You need simply to only hold it close to your heart and speak my name, and I will come to you. I do not want you to be harmed, and I will do all in my power to protect you." she said, walking over, her armor clanking a little. She stopped in front of her and extended her hand for her to take. "Shall I escort you to the auditorium?" she asked.
Jirou was the second to pop up during the announcement, his tiny head turning this way and that to the sound of the adult's voice. The puppy had jumped from his bedding and spun around, barking.

"Wha-?! Who's there? More people?! Where are you?!! Boy, I hope you're not a ghost! Ohhhh...." Now afraid of the thought of a ghost, Jirou jumped back into his bed and hid in the corner, quivering, as Nova walked back out of the room.

Lola had already awaken by the intercom and Jirou's voice, and turned her body to the window in protest. She didn't feel quite ready to wake up, which would have most likely contributed to the lack of sleep she had last night. She still wasn't used to her new bed, or the new room, now equipped with a neighbor. When she heard Nova's voice moments later, and began to stir again. Her mouth had an odd taste to it, almost as if she was licking her pillow all night. As she rose, her hair was tousled into a fluffy cloud shrouding her face and her eyes showed clear signs of a sandman visit. Drawing her tongue over the right side of her mouth, she spoke in a nearly zombie-like manner.

"Herrrrmmm..... Wha–?" She responded, yawning.
"We'd best be off," Angafay replied, cinching her blindfold tight, the golden insignia of her house centered right between her eyes. The ebony skin, ivory hair, and blindfold certainly didn't seem to fit with her attire of white tee, and blue denim jeans. A vision flashed by, something distant, something dark, and very much indistinct. It left the drow weak in the knees, and she slumped. Never before had Angafay witnessed a vision like that one, though it was far beyond her talents right now to decipher. Was the vision from past, present, or future? That seemed to be the greatest question, one that with time, she may be able to discover.

Right now though, was not the time for such things. Straightening back up, Angafay shook away the weakness, pretended it was nothing.

"Shall we, go?"
Arianna gave her a look when she got weaker. As a ghost she could detect when a living thing was weak, and Angafay had faltered, if even for a moment. She let it go and courteously let the noble girl take her arm, walking out and shutting the door. She carefully walked with her down the hall, not going too fast, and even that speed making her armor still audible as she walked.

"Angafay, I remembered you saying you had no roommate. I had to tend to my horse last night and stole away in a random room to sleep, for I thought when I returned you would be asleep, and wished not to disturb you. If you would not mind, I would like to stay with you as your roommate." she offered, leaving the request open for the girl to say yes or no if she liked.
"I think that would be best for us both," Angafay replied, hearing the door shut behind them. So this place had rules... The word seemed more foreign than the rest of the language did. In the underdark the only concept of such a "rule", was not to be caught in an uncomfortable position.

"Shan't we hasten ourselves?" the drow asked, not wishing to be late to a meeting of such importance.
Arianna smiled at sharing a room with someone. Other than Dixie she would have spent her time alone, but now she had Angafay to spend it with. She grew a bit sad at the thought of having to leave the girl when they were finished with their schooling, and hoped she could visit her sometime if she got the chance. She was yanked out of her thoughts when Angafay asked if they could go faster.

"Tell me if you feel off balance." Arianna said, quickening their pace, staying right at the girl's side to allow her to hold on to her arm, which was covered in black clothing, along with her large leather gloves.

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