Ww: Legends~

Claws nodded at Jinx left the room. She was bored now but decided why not go and have a look around. She would try and remember where her room was so that she could return to it easily and not get lost. She smiled as she looked around it, excited to be starting and then moved out of the room.

She heard and saw a couple people as she walked. No one said anything to her and so she said nothing back. She was having a good time anyways just looking around when she walked into someone carrying books.


"Oh I'm sorry."

She looked up to see if was the rude boy from earlier. He was glaring at her as if she was the worst person alive. He then shook his head mumbling something and started to pick up his dropped books. Claws made a move to help him, but a dirty look and she moved a little away. She wasn't sure why he was being so awful. She really didn't do anything wrong and he was like this before.

"Hey I'm sorry."


"Jeez you don't have to be so mean." Claws regretted the words when he gave her a hard look as if debating whether or not she was serious. Claws shrugged and looked down at her shoes. "Well sorry again."
After what seemed to have been at least half an hour, Angafay realized that should her roommate be on their way, they were certainly running a little bit late. The drow certainly hoped she wouldn't get the quiet type for a roommate, she didn't want to be walking into someone on a regular basis.

"Hello?" she asked after a reasonably long pause spent trying to remember which word it was that she should be using.

"I suppose I should find everything ahead of time..." she muttered to herself in her native tongue. Getting lost on the way to classes, or worse, the washroom, could certainly pose problems in the future. This time the noble daughter decided to go without the blindfold this time, maybe if she looked like everyone else someone would approach her; from what she'd gathered, no one else wore blindfolds.

Feeling her way to the hall, Angafay heard nothing from outside, and hoped that she wouldn't fall down any stairs on her little adventure.
Arianna looked up, blinking. She saw a girl feeling her way along the walls, slowly, almost cautiously walking over. When the girl touched her thick cloak, she smiled at her.

"Hello, are you lost?" she asked Angafay softly, touching her wrist, the leather of her gloves rich and rather cold.
Flinching away at the touch of something that was most certainly not a wall, Angafay yelped something out in her native tongue quickly before a voice greeted her, and a hand that seemed cold as ice gently took hold of her wrist. It took a moment for the drow's heart to stop racing and for her to slowly piece together the sentence.

"Very much," she replied, realizing now that the hand was gloved.

Otherwise the hallway was silent, like a cavernous void with a cold floor, the numbness slowly edging into her extremities was certainly not helped by Angafay's bare feet...
Arianna beamed, gently guiding the girl over to a bench. Sitting her down, she never let go of her wrist, sitting next to her. She seemed very timid, and Arianna was more than glad Angafay couldn't see her, since Arianna WAS a HEADLESS Knight that could whip her head off like a basketball. And she was dead and ghostly, which would have frightened her worse.

"Are you trying to go somewhere specific? Perhaps I can aid you in taking you there." she offered, speaking slowly and as distinctly as she could. She took her axe out of her sheath closes to Angafay, putting it on the other side of herself so it didn't frighten the girl if she were to bump into it.
while Arianna and Angafay talked, Dali and Daniel were standing there, staring in shock

"her... her throat-hole..."

"i know" replied Dali...

but eventually, they broke out of it and saw the Drow from earlier and Arianna, he decided to walk over to them at the bench.

"hey again" he opened with

"hey Arianna, sorry about going... into shock back there, first time seeing someone's head come off"

he turned to Angafay "hey, you're that girl at the gates this morning, right?"
Guided by the hand to some sort of seat, Angafay was grateful for the change of pace, someone relaxed that had no problems taking things slowly. It was just as the other girl spoke up that a familiar voice approached, the loud girl from across the hall. With three people speaking suddenly, the drow directed her violet gaze downward, as little as it changed things, and produced a folded piece of paper to her new friend, a paper with her class schedule written on it. Hoping that the conversation wasn't being directed her way Angafay simply waited for a quiet moment to puzzle out what it was that everyone was talking about.
Arianna took the paper and read over it, humming quietly. A small giggle escaped her when Daniel seemed shocked about her head coming off, when it didn't bother her at all. She finished reading the paper and gently handed it back to Angafay.

"Dali, Daniel, I shall catch up with you later, I am going to escort Angafay to her first class." Arianna said politely, looking at the girl next to her and speaking slowly. "Are you ready to go?" she asked. "I could carry you to your class, or I can walk slowly with you, either is fine." she said, beaming softly.
Quickly enough, the conversation calmed, and the gloved girl asked Angafay a question.

"I am not so feeble," she replied when the paper was pressed back into her hand. Tucking the sheet away, the drow stood carefully, reaching with her hand to be lead. The idea of being carried was an especially uncomfortable one, no drow had a palanquin, and never had, to her knowledge at least. To allow any complete control over one's own body was to invite disaster. Of course Angafay had to get over such inhibitions to a degree, seeing as she could never find her way about on her own.

A few moments later, the blind noble asked a question, realizing her previous question probably seemed quite rude.

"Where, do you stay?"
"I have lived in an under-developed, farming town for as long as I could remember." she replied, looking down some as she lead the Angafay forward. "I heard of this school, and I decided to come here to better myself as a knight." she answered, smiling softly, walking slowly so the girl did not trip. "I have been dead for quite a long time, and I was bound to the town, my horse and I both. But coming to the academy has proven to be quite useful despite the fact I shall return to my town as soon as my time here is finished." she answered, nodding in satisfaction at her answer. "What about you? Where do you stay?" she asked softly.
The slow walk and talk was nice, something like home. The sounds seemed gentler now, more at ease.

"In the dark..." she replied simply, pointing downward. Producing her key next, she held it out, offering explanation.

"Here now."

Thinking back a moment, Angafay realized her friend's choice of words.

"Dead?" she asked, cocking her head in curiosity, though her gaze remained still.
Claws opened her mouth to say something more to Lukas, but he once again just brushed past her without another word. Claws stared at him not believing that someone so rude could be here. What was his problem?! Claws frowned and turned, walking in any direction but the way he went. She also wondered why he had come to the girls' dorm. Did he know someone here? Intend to harass his female classmates?

Claws decided to put it out of her mind and not worry about him.


Lukas was glad that the girl did not follow him or say any more. He was unsure why he had come this far, bored and a bit ticked off, but relieved at having no roommate. He could hear girlish talk and giggles behind closed doors. It made him scowl.

He saw that one door was open as if inviting people to come and chat. It made him sigh. He would much rather people not randomly come into his room or really just look around unless invited.

He got to the door and peeked inside, knocking on the door. Why not educate it's inhabitants?

"Excuse me. I don't think you should leave your door open."
Daniel shrugged.

"oh well guess i better got going to my first class as well"

Daniel got up.

"wait, i'll come along! i dont know where my first class is"

"yeah, im gonna go to the front office to get my timetable anyway"


they went.
Arianna smiled sadly. She hadn't told anyone the story of how she died, because she had lived in her town her whole dead life, and everyone knew the legend and the story. She tried to recall what seemed like a hazy memory, just a fairytale in her life, chewing her lower lip some. Finally, the words came to her slowly, like murky, dark bubbles rising from a pond long forgotten.

"I...was teased in my school. A boy chased me to a bridge on my horse, and made me fall to the depths with my horse. I lost my head and died instantly, but came back as a specter." she admitted, looking down sadly. "I can still remove and reattach my head, and people are often afraid of me."
Listening to the girl's story, Angafay had little to say about it. Being upset about her death was understandable, but there were worse fates.

"A better fate than sacrifice to Lolth..." the drow replied, shuddering. Such would be her fate should she not master her talent before returning to the underdark.

"You have found your room, yes?" she asked, remembering how her roommate had not arrived yet. It would be just fantastic should this girl be staying with her.
(@Marira I wasn’t sure if I could control Jirou or not, so I worked around it as best I could)

It seemed Nova was left with the bed immediately in front of her, and although she didn’t quite understand Lola’s window logic, she didn’t mind. The only problem with her new bed was that it was in the middle of the room; the corner next to the window at the back looked a little bit more inviting. With the thought in mind, her smaller frame worked towards pushing the bed towards the wall, surprised when Jirou ran in and out of her field of vision.

The sounds of barking hit her ears and she wondered when her new roommate had let the cute little dog out. Looking over, she noticed Lola was mostly unpacking the dog’s stuff and smiled to herself, thinking she must really like the dog. Then she stood up, announcing she’d get her key from the office and confirming Nova’s speculation that she didn’t have one. It seemed that the Navy haired girl would get a much harder task, watching the dog…

What her purple eyes didn’t catch was the look shared between the owner and dog, as she was already panicking on the inside. What if she lost the dog? Then Lola wouldn’t need to see her missing extremities to not be her friend any longer. Before the girl could protest, Lola was gone and she was forced to look at the dog that had brought her a ball. Not just any ball, but one that had jingled all the way here as he seemed to look at her with puppy dog eyes.

“Uh…” she noted, not really sure what to do with the animal, she crouched down and stared at him. Then she took the jingle ball from him, thinking that’s what he wanted and was about to toss it lightly until someone knocked at her door. Nova jumped, releasing the ball and flinging it into the air as the male’s voice started; her heart calming from the panic. The girl turned and stood up slowly, her eyes meeting up with the blond that stood in the doorway before backing up slightly and looking away

“Uhm…I’m just waiting on my roommate…sorry” the girl noted, turning from the boy and just hoping he left her. The girl was nervous though, shaking as she tried to push her bed and forgetting all together that she was playing with Jirou. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she took a risky glance over her shoulder to see if he left.
Arianna winced at the thought of being sacrificed. She had read in one of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow stories that Lady Van Tassel sacrificed her soul to Satan in order to control the Horseman, and Arianna always thought the idea of sacrifice in general was painful. She tried not to let her blood boil at the thought of the woman controlling the poor Horseman, and took a breath. Her warm smile returned to her face.

"I have no room." she answered softly. "I had literally only walked through the door when Dani asked me to fix her outfit, and her friend came over and wanted to see if I could truly remove my head. Then, I saw you." she concluded, giving the girl a direct smile, though she could not see it.
The talking, the yelling, the slamming of doors shut. Theo could not get a break with the sleeping. Rolling over onto his back, he started at the ceiling for a moment, before sitting up, looking at first Crow, then at the girl who had been looking for him earlier, his sister, if he recalled correctly.

"We having a pow-wow or something in here?" He asked, in a joking, but almost friendly manner, still too tired and groggy to make a snappy remark or witty greeting. Leaning back, he stretched out his back, feeling several popping cracks before a sweet relief as he slouched back forward.

Though someone actually seeing her wouldn't be a problem, she did know Sai had a point. Kids were oh so cruel now-adays. Even worse than when she was growing up, actually, or longer back, as her dear friend Ichabod Crane told her once of adults when he had been living. Following after him, and breaking free from her thoughts, she shrugged,
"Hardly. I don't even know how I made it back outside, to be quite frank."
"I, live alone..." Angafay stated, leaving the hidden question to hang in the air.

The drow continued to put one foot before the other, carefully making her way to wherever her new friend may lead her, and then it dawned on her. The two didn't know one another's names yet, and it would be difficult to meet again should they not have so much as that.

Letting go of the headless girl's hand, Angafay made a quick bow, introducing herself.

"Angafay Noquiryn, third child of the third family..." hopefully the introduction would not be lost. More so, she hoped that her friend would not be unsettled by being in the presence of the most likely heir to the third most powerful family in all the underdark.

Drow culture was not very friendly, in stark contrast to the blind girl. To kill one's superior was to invite promotion, and to assassinate a family's heirs was to remove a family from the running, bringing room for their own family to rise higher. To assassinate a noble was not easy, and to do it twice took a lot of resources. The third would be a desperate attempt if anything, which would most likely be thwarted out of simplicity, but to kill one who could see the future...
Apologizing? Lukas scoffed at the girl's words as if she was somehow being accused of something. Sure he did say that she shouldn't leave it open, but it was the truth.

"Surely she can manage to unlock and open a door. You don't even need to lock it." He looked down to see a dog and he sighed. So now people were bringing animals into here. He just hoped the dog would leave him alone.
"Oh, I apologize for not introducing myself." Arianna replied. She bowed elequantly at the waist, her cape flowing gracefully over her shoulders. "I am Arianna Everton, a Headless Knight that has modeled herself after the Headless Horseman, Christophe Klaus, of Sleepy Hollow." she said, smiling. She left her arm by Angafay when she was ready to be lead again, a large smile on her face at now knowing her new friend's name.
Apparently Arianna hadn't caught the drow's original question, so she vocalized it this time.

"Would you perhaps, room with me?"

Feeling about ahead of herself, Angafay hoped that her friend was truly holding a hand out as she was imagining, or she'd look like a blasted fool again. Reflecting back a moment, she also realized that her undead friend didn't truly grasp her position in drow society, likely for the better. She decided to keep this under wraps for the time being.
Jirou was ecstatic that Nova decided to play with him. The door knocked before she tossed it, and he pranced happily when the ball flung in the air, and chased it around until he finally caught it. Turning back to the door, he saw a blond boy about Lola's age, and ran up to him, ball jingling in his mouth.

"Hi! I'm Jirou!" he barked, tail wagging. "Have you met my mommy? Her name's Lola! Wanna play ball with me?


Lola quickly ran back to the office to get her key. "Ah, I knew you'd dome back," the woman at the desk said.

"Sorry, my hands were full back there," Lola explained, quickly grabbing the key off the table. "Have a nice day!" She called back, heading back to her dorm.

When she turned down to her hall, she noticed a boy fairly closer to her age standing by their doorway. She walked back inside, giving her usual friendly aura.

"Hello there," she said to the boy, "what brings you down here?"

Jirou barked happily when she saw Lola again, and grew even more hyper. Lola scooped him up with one hand and held him like so, putting her key in her pocket and using her now free hand to pet him.
Lukas moved a little away from the door when the dog came over to him looking to play. He was not about to play with the small mutt but before he could say that and most likely go, the person's roommate showed up. The dog seemed to be her's and he was relieved when she picked him up. He really didn't want to deal with a little hyper dog. He might end up kicking.

He sighed a little at her question. "Just looking around. Didn't meant to end up in her girls' dorm. Trust me that was a mistake," he said none to nicely. Of course Lukas was rarely nice at all. "I saw the door open and thought to tell it's inhabitants that leaving your door open is a stupid idea."
Nova cursed in her head when she still saw the boy there, frowning as she righted her bed, forgetting why she was there in the first place. Not only was he still there, but the boy seemed to be talking to her, assuring her she could close the door and she sighed. Muttering an apology again, she approached the door and was about to close it, trying to usher Jirou in when Lola’s voice sounded.

The girl had come back to the office, and Nova was for once relieved at the onset of more people, backing away from the door as Lola scooped Jirou up. Her roommate greeted the stranger, and he responded much the same way as he talked to her, saying that his journey was a mistake. Apparently seeing their door open made him approach them and she cursed herself for eve forgetting it open. If it was closed, then they wouldn’t even be talking to this kid.

“I’m sorry, Lola. I forgot to close it…and Jirou could’ve ran out” she apologizes for the third time in less than an hour. Still the girl means it, looking at her roommate and the colder boy in the hallway before turning around less than subtlety.

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