Ww: Legends~

Noting that he didn't catch it, Evelyn sighed in relief, shaking her head quickly, before stammering out a painful, backwards goodbye. Turning abruptly, she took the closest path, passing by the strange boy who knew, and towards the outer school grounds. Shaking faintly, she found it was getting harder to keep focused, much like with the ogre.

Theo yawned at the sound of a loud banging, lifting his head and grumbling,
"He's not here." Throwing the pillow at the door, he turned back over onto his stomach, trying to ignore the noise.
Crow started walking too, but sadly enough had to follow her because that was the direction of his dorm. However, he lost sight of her quickly which was good since he didn't want to be considered a stalker. He stopped in his tracks, debating the possibility of exploring a bit before dragging himself back to his room with his evil roommate who would undoubtedly make fun of him. He sighed, unable to make a decision.

Jinx kept knocking at the door. Her knocking was too loud in her own ears for her to even hear Theo inside. "Crow! Seriously! Open the door! I wanna talk to you about something..and my I left my hairbrush in your bag!" she yelled continuously, getting more and more frustrated.
Saiful's mischievous grin faded as he got up, and nonchalantly followed the girl, fading into a shadow.

Standing on a rooftop, he sniffed, and followed the scent of death, leaping across the rooftops and architecture of the outer school grounds. He watched over the girl from the rooftops, incredibly intrigued. Could she control herself? Was she scared of being found out? Was her form unstable or illusionary?

Many questions sprang up to Saiful, and he decided he'd ask her himself in a bit.
Cutting away from the school, she took to the edge of the building. Following it around the various buildings, she soon found herself in an empty place, a dip between two buildings that was shielded from sun light. Leaning against one of the walls, she slid down to a sitting position, shaking her head. She was gradually fading in and out once more, trying to calm herself down. How could someone know? How did she come so close to blowing it?

Grumbling in anger, Theo pushed himself off the bed
. "So help me I am going to hurt someone..." Marching over to the door, he unlocked it and wrenched it open, "Shut up!" He screamed, before shutting it once more. Stumbling back over to the bed, he fell down face first, and grumbled more.
Saiful glanced down over the edge of the gap between the buildings.

"If it's any consolation, I'm different from the others, and that's how I could tell." He said, standing silhouetted in the sun. Leaping down, he blinked, straightening up and dusting off his suit.
It went by quickly. The door had opened and shut rather quickly. There was no way Crow was in there. He knew how she hated being yelled at. She sat down near the wall next to the wall and sniffled. No one seemed to be left in the hallway which was good. It saved her from looking like a cry baby. Tears formed in her eyes and slid down her cheeks, getting more and more troublesome. She cried, unsure of how to react and not wanting to walk and possibly run into others. So she sat there and cried.
Jumping at the voice, she stared up at him as he jumped down. Narrowing her eyes, she vanished from sight completely. Though she didn't move, it was the only defensive response she really had. Using what faint skill she had, her voice whispered near his head from every direction, "Different how..."
Saiful chuckled. The whites of his eyes went black, surrounding his yellow irises. He tilted his head, glancing about.

"Demon blood runs in me. It affords some interesting abilities. I could smell death off you, and especially now with his display, I know exactly what you are, little ghost." He rambled a bit, his eyes returning to the human norm.
Sighing as she reformed, parts of her wavering between a fake solidity and transparent, she looked at him. "I'm not little." She retorted, forcing herself to stand up. "And just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Folding her arms, she tried to look defiant, but in truth, she was terrified of the child who could so easily pull apart everything she kept hidden.
With a sigh, Saiful slid his hands into his pockets.

"I apologize for any fright or uncomfortable feelings I have given you thus far. I was merely curious...." He started, looking up at the sky for a moment before re-fixating his gaze on the ghost girl.
Crow slowly made his way back to the dorm, dragginghiss feet along the way. He made it to his door to find a curled up Jinx sitting in the hallway. He couldn't see her face since she had it hidden. "Jinx? Do you need something?" he asked, too tired to be aggravated. She looked up, her eyes still a bit red for some reason. She nodded. He didn't bother asking. Unlocking the door, he went inside with Jinx following close behind him. "What do you need?" he asked.

"My hairbrush," she said quietly, glancing at Theo and then quickly looking away. As Crow began to dig through all of his bags, Jinx sat on his bed, weirdly quiet.
outside, Dali wandered around the school, wearing a pair of school sweatpants and a black singlet with the school's symbol on it with a sports bra underneath.

"ugh, these human clothes are so uncomfortable! these pants clinging to my legs! ugh!"

she was walking around barefoot, oddly enough in these clothes, only her exposed arms and feet felt comfortable, of course she has modesty, but these human clothes were so alien to her.

in the yard, Daniel once again caught sight of that girl he was talking to, talking to some guy with a creepy-as aura.

Daniel walked up to the two, joining them.

"hey guys, dont mind if a butt in here do ya?"

Daniel looked to the guy with the creepy aura

"heh, if you dont mind me asking... my little second cousin has an aura like yours, let me guess, you're half demon, right?... my little cousin's mother is a wrath demon, oddly enough a nice lady... but no-one ***** with her baby or her man... aaanyway, am i right?"

Daniel was half preparing himself for a punch to the face as he said that.
Mel was half skipping, half dancing around campus, exploring her new home for the next semester. She was strumming a ukelele and on her head was a large jester-like hat. She sung a silly song off the top of her head.

"I got my party hat,

I bob my head and back.

Look at my party hat,

I whip sh** back and forth."
(Bettsy, they are not in the "yard" and are in a rather hard to spot place /behind/ the school between buildings.)

Refolding her arms, she looked at him, "Curiosity killed more than a cat." Gazing off towards the mouth of the, well, rather deep and secluded dip between the buildings, she frowned. They were deep enough in shadows that a passerby most likely wouldn't notice, but all the same she felt uneasy. Her skin was still flickering at random, and this boy, well, he was nearing a dangerous line. Looking back at him, she lifted her head up in an almost defiant manner, "I should know."
Saiful felt the tension escalate. He wasn't going to let a simple spirit scare him out of learning something. His shoulder's shrugged, his hands remaining in his pockets unthreateningly.

"... Well, I'll take my chances." He replied with a small grin, licking his lips. This would reveal slight fangs, not prominent like a vampire's or a full demon's, but still present and accounted for. "If it's not crossing another line you've drawn to try and distance yourself from people, avoiding contact to keep your secret unrevealed, may I ask your name?" He began, hoping for an introduction.
Raising an eyebrow, she sighed. Persistence in males was something he was used to from Theo, but coupling it with an uneasy aura, and not so much. "Evelyn Reed." As she got a better hold on herself, her form steadied out. "Your self...?" Quickly adding, "Now, don't take that as a friendly invitation and get ahead of yourself, unlike most of this time, I was raised with some manners."
Saiful shook his head, a knowing and slightly condescending smile gracing his face in place of the playful grin.

"Don't worry Miss Reed, I'm no chauvinist. I'm more of a scholar, and I have no real intentions on you, other than to learn a thing or two about your form and presence. You interest me." He noted, one hand coming from his pocket and waving in the air in front of him gracefully. Saiful had a bad habit of talking with his hands. "I am of noble blood, Miss Reed. Don't fret. I understand social situations and the correct behaviour expected of me. When I choose to follow those guidelines, that is."
Nodding her head in a skeptical way, Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Sure, sure..." Glancing towards the end of the hiding spot again, she leveled her look at him in an almost bored fashion. "What do you want to know? I'm sure I could stir up a few stories that'll keep you entertained for a while. Factual, of course, for your dear scholarly nature."
Saiful nodded.

"I would like to ask how you maintain your form, first of all. The idea of a spirit, ghost, whatever term you may wish to utilize in this case maintaining a rather well-kept human form is unheard of. You're the first I've seen." He stated, rubbing his chin momentarily in thought.
"Headless horseman, Anna dressed in blood, Blochviche. All can do this." Shrugging, Evelyn continued, trying hard to ignore the fact he was viewing her much like the Spanish Priest had."It's not unheard of, most just don't mix among humans making it seem rare. And yes, you do need to look for us should you really wish to find us, as for how, well...it depends on what brought you back and what keeps you here. The stronger it is, the more solid."
Saiful smiled.

"Stronger, as in emotions, correct? What keeps you tied to this ball of dust, Miss Reed?" He further asked, visibly relaxing and becoming less tense the more they talked. The more words being shared left Saiful using less sophisticated diction, talking more naturally and even his posture was relaxing.
"Emotions or spells. Either poison works." Pulling at a piece of hair, she broke of the tip, watching it dissolve as the spot she took it from never changed. "See, that would be a great question. I'm not quite sure, as for a long while, in fact, up until four years ago, I wasn't tied down here. One day, I just found myself pulled back into this bleak and dreary world, and in all honesty, despite the problems and communist fear, I want the 60's back."
Saiful blinked.

"... How old are you? How did you get pulled back? What kind of spell is it, seeing as you didn't give me an emotional reason?" He rapid-fired off questions, his curiosity insatiable. He simply had to know now.
"I died when I was 14,Thirty-seven days before i would have turned 15, to be precise. " As it seemed, the year she died wasn't the top priority on her list, leaving the technical how old hanging in the air, though one could assume it was more than a century, given that the 2160's had nothing really going on, and communism was far from being prevalent then. Shrugging, she thought for a moment, pulling her legs up into a crossed style, quite literally floating in mid air. "By magic, I don't know. I never really knew. Theo was the one who found me, and he seems to know what I should or shouldn't do, so it would be a question for him."
"Hmm...." Sai mumbled, rubbing his chin.

"Is Theo a mage? Is it his magic that is somehow keeping you on this plane of existence? If so, I would like to meet with him, if it wouldn't be a problem. But perhaps at a later time. In fact, I have one last question." He mused, taking his other hand of his pocket and stretching both his arms.

Sai seemed far more comfortable now, and less aloof. Once he'd conversed with someone, familiarity would allow him to let his permanently held guard down a little.

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