Ww: Legends~

When this girl mentioned girls not going to this school, Daniel rolled his eyes

"Bullsh*t, this school was only founded a bit over a century ago, and ever since it was made its been co-ed, women were allowed full educational rights in all magical arts back in 1965 i think it was if I remember my texbooks right..."

Daniel was curious now

"and anyway, what bought this up that women couldnt learn magic in the schools? that all changed over a century and a half ago"
Crow left Jinx in the hallway for her to cool down before she exploded in rage. He sighed, a bit disappointed he would miss out on all her fits that were oh so entertaining to watch. At least he wouldn't be embarrassed though. He looked around the building and realized that finding Evelyn would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack. With a shake of his head at his own stupidity, he began to walk towards the exit, passing quite a few people who were still also lurking in the hallway around him. However, they were most likely lurking for friendly conversations and new friendships, whereas he was being rash over the sudden news of rooming with Theo, the arrogant thorn in his side. "What a pain," he mumbled to himself, mentally hitting himself for being so silly.

(If any girl wants a roommate, tell me~ Jinx is free.)
"I meant educational in general, not just magical, and that didn't happen until 1972, at least in the United States." Evelyn retorted, "And I never meant this school exclusively. You need to learn how to listen." Folding her arms, she could have sworn heat would have risen to her cheeks if she had blood. "And you just said..." Sighing in annoyance, she understood why Theo didn't like talking to people, even for the advance in education, they were still just dull stick in the muds. "You just said that the girl's dorms would have been better than the boys. I was going off what you said, please, do try to keep up."
Crow walked with his head low, trying to avoid eye contact with all the females giving him weird looks. He expected that much. He resembled a lost puppy. Without paying attention, he accidentally bumped into someone. His head shot up and he turned to see the object he had crossed paths with. It was a boy and right near him was Evelyn.

"Evelyn," Crow said with a smile, a bit surprised at his discovery. "I was just looking for you. What are you up to?" he asked, aware that he might come across a bit strange or stalker-ish. He forgot to watch what he said though which was bizarre. "And who's he?"

Jinx dragged her stuff to the door that finally matched the number she was given. She let out a sigh of relief and then knocked on the wooden door because she didn't want to jinx herself more. Sure, she found her room, but what would her roommate be like? What if she hated her? Would she plot her demise in her sleep?

Jinx shook her head, realizing she was being over dramatic again. Too lazy to get out her key from the bottom of her bag, she knocked on the door again, but this time to get inside. (Can she room with Claws? ^^')
(She most certainly can)

Claws looked up from the book she had taken to read after she had half unpacked her things. She was excited to have someone at the door. She thought it might be her roommate, but why would she knock?

Ignoring the thought Claws put her book down and walked over to the door opening it.

"Hello," she said, smiling wide at the girl standing there. "Can I help you?"
Jinx waited impatiently for the door to open. She considered digging the key out of her purse for a bit even though, in reality, she had only been standing there for a matter of seconds. When the door did open, a girl stood in the door frame with a smile on her face. She was adorable.

Jinx put on a smile of her own. "Hello!" she said energetically. "Sorry for having to knock. I'm Jinx Pierce, your roommate. It's nice to meet you," she said, trying to sound calm and normal for once. It's not like she wanted to weird her out right away.
Daniel rolled his eyes, not wanting to get into a whole "thing" with this.

"ugh, okay whatever..."

things went quiet for a minute

"say, do you have a wand or a staff or something? i think we're required to have one, even if we dont use it"

Daniel reached down, pulling his wand out of a wand holster on his leg, many other students had such holsters, many from species with legs had them.

he held up his wand, showing the slight green at the bottom of the handle, the dark, almost black wood.

"took me about 3 months to get the materials for it, wood of an immortal tree, a drop of Pheonix blood for the core and this Elvish crystal at the bottom to focus power...."

It was then that Crow bumped in to Daniel, Daniel looked up at him

"Careful there!"

when Crow asked "who's he?" Daniel frowned

"Someone who would prefer someone ask him who he is to his face, and not indirectly as if he's not there..."

it was clear Daniel would rather Crow ask for his name to his face, not just ask Evelyn as if he wasn't there.. and he didnt appreciate this rude greeting one little bit.
"It's okay. Now I don't have an excuse for not getting to the rest of my things," Claws said, moving so that Jinx could enter the room. She looked at her new roommate. Jinx was pretty with her red hair and green eyes. Claws felt that she was much more prettier than her, but she didn't mind. She had always enjoyed the way she looked. Her mind went to the boy's insult and she shook her head.

"I am Elikutia Degeers but my friends call me Claws," she said, introducing herself.
Listening to Daniel, a bit confused as her letter said nothing about needing anything to channel magic, she humoured him. Feigning entertainment and adding a soft 'wow' as he pulled out his wand, she smiled faintly. When Crow appeared, and Daniel gave him lip, she looked at him and smiled apologetically. "I was tusj gniklat o-" She stopped speaking, blinking a few times at the flustered way her words were coming about, backwards. Damn it, Theo. Bowing her head, she motioned towards Daniel and mouthed, talking.
Jinx dropped her stuff right next to her bed, not bothering to put any of it away just yet. Who would put forth so much effort anyway? Oh god, Crow was rubbing off on her. She shuddered at the thought of her being as lazy as him. She turned back to her roommate.

"Claws sounds much easier to pronounce. I already told you that I'm Jinx. And no, that doesn't mean I'm bad luck if you were wondering," she said, half doubting herself. Then again, she considered the only reason she seemed unlucky was because Crow pointed everything out for her to pick on her. "I have no cool nicknames sadly enough. How did you get the name Claws?" she asked curiously.

Crow looked Daniel up and down, not too impressed. He put on the fakest, most insincere smile he could manage. "My apologies. I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself," he said with a smirk forming in place of his smile.

"I am Theodore Lancaster the third." He blurted it out and successfully kept from smiling or laughing at his lie. "Now, Evelyn, I do believe you should be spending time with me since I am clearly amazing. Shall we go?" he asked with an honest smile toward her.
Daniel could see through his fake smile immediately, and in turn gave back a smile just as fake and forced

"well, nice to meet you, Theo..."

maintaining the fake smile, Daniel shook Crow's hand, even though they were smiling, there was an atmosphere about that told a very different story.

after crow asked "shall we go" Daniel turned to Evelyn

"oh? heading off already?"
Listening to him, she stiffed a quick laugh behind a grey hand. Standing up gingerly, with a grace most girls from their time lacked, she looked back at Daniel, "It was nice speaking with you, Daniel, very informative." Smiling at him, she bowed her head to him, before looking at Crow, the smile spreading. Gesturing with an arm that read, 'after you'.
"I'm a werewolf," Claws said, shrugging a little as if it was no big deal. It really wasn't but it didn't stop people from reacting differently. Some were fine with it or say they said but tended to avoid her during full moons or try and calm her down when she got angry. Claws had control over it but some people just couldn't be convinced. "I also am very physical with my hands when I fight too."

She smiled at Jinx's comment about her name. "I'm sure you aren't. But I like your name. I don't think you need a nickname with one like that."
Crow smiled at Daniel, his ego restored. He would get to run off with a pretty girl, and he got to use Theo's name against him. It was clearly a win-win. Well, until the real Theo shows up, but that can obviously wait until another time. Crow looked back at Evelyn with a smile.

"So, two things. One, your brother or friend or whatever he is to you is my roommate. Is he going to try to turn me into something vile in my sleep? And two, now that I've saved the princess from the evil villain, what should we do? I can show you some of my magic," he said, grabbing his wand out of his boots. "That is only if you enjoy illusions though. Sorry, I can't make a balloon animal or anything impressive like that," he rambled accidentally. Mental slap number two. "Opinions?" he asked weakly with a small laugh.
Daniel let out a sigh

"Theo... bullsh*t" Daniel could easily tell the name was fake.

walking in the other direction, daniel said to himself

"oh something tells me i'll be meeting him again"
Jinx smiled happily, pleased someone believed that she wasn't an actual jinx. She listened as her roommate told her that she was a werewolf. Jinx couldn't help but to grin at this new information. Never before had she met anything other than normal humans or boring magical ones. "A werewolf," she trailed off. "That's awesome! I've got the coolest roommate ever!" she squealed in delight, spinning in circles briefly. "That's so neat. You have to be way more interesting than all the humans I know." She laughed in triumph as she realized her roommate was so much better than Crow's.
Claws blushed a little at Jinx's comments but she was happy. Jinx thought that she was cool. Claws had met few who got so excited when she told them what she was. She moved a hand to her collar and for a moment she frowned but then she was smiling again.

"Well I did get into a lot more trouble than most humans I knew when I was younger," Claws said. "But thanks. I am happy I have you as a roommate. You seem like a cool person yourself."

Arriving at the Academy, Saiful stepped past the prestigious gates, smiling a rather contented smile. He was rather excited about continuing tradition and going to a respected Academy to continue his magical learnings. His late father had always said he'd made his best friends and allies best friends at the Academy, before going on the rule the business world.

As far as Saiful was concerned, his father had also been weak. He sighed, entering the main hall and spotting numerous interesting looking people. However, the un-interesting people far outnumbered the elite few as Saiful saw it.

He yawned, already having grown bored. He would find a room later. He wanted to check out the other places this Academy had to other a budding young mind his his own.

Finding a garden after much time, Saiful's half-demon eyes glanced over the lush plants and terrain, a few people present. Including someone not quite alive. Saiful sensed quite an interesting magic coming from the obviously dead girl, his half-demon nose smelt out the sent of death a mile away. He stared at her, sitting down on a bench and leaning on his hands in an interested manner.
Smiling lightly, Evelyn shook her head, a light laugh with a hint of a saddened note ringing forth in the air. Looking at Crow, she shrugged, before she perked up at hearing his offer to see his magic. Nodding, she clasped her hands together, "Taht dlouw eb ecin." She mentally smacked herself for talking, surely, he'd find her weird.

It was at that moment she could feel eyes on her. Looking over her shoulder, speaking more to herself, than to Crow, words coming out normal and unjinxed,
"Odd when the haunting gets haunted..." Rubbing her arm, she looked back at her possible new friend, and tried not to seem to odd.
Saiful's smile grew wider, morphing into a mischievous grin. His seemingly aloof and unfocused yellow eyes staring into the girl (Evelyn)'s own, he mouthed 'hello, ghost' from his seat, seeing if he could get the better of her without even trying.

She interested him. It was hidden well, her state of being. Saiful realized nobody else must actually know. Unless she'd told them, or tripped some sort of test. But then again, nobody but Saiful was that curious. Nor were their curiosities piqued quite the same way.
Crow grinned from ear to ear as she nodded her head. Then, some jumble of words came out of her mouth and Crow had no clue what to make of them. He stood there, confused. Unable to make a decision, Crow stood there for a bit, debating whether he should try to showcase his magic or to ask her about her jumble of words. "Are you alright? I couldn't understand a single word you said," he said, sounding a bit more concerned then he meant to. Holding his wand, he waved it a bit in the air. "You, my dear, shine as brightly as a star," he said to her with a smile, even though he was still confused. Stars came down from the sky and circled them, shining. Although it was only an illusion and they weren't actually stars, it was still a nice trick.

Jinx smiled brightly. "Don't worry. I got into a lot of trouble too. My neighbors always said I was much too loud for my own good. But what do other people know? They're all crazy," she said speaking a bit too quickly again. She stacked some of her suitcases on the bed, trying to clear the floor so Claws wouldn't fall. "Well, I'm going to try to find my brother. I'll be back later," she called as she ran out the door and down the hall.
As her eyes went back to looking through the various people, she caught hold of a pair that not only made her feel uncomfortable, but were connected to a mouth that had just uttered word that made her not there heart skip a beat. The temperate around her dropped colder than in the office when the woman had asked about the state of living, and her nerves were going live wire.

Staring at the boy, Crow's words caught her attention once more, and she looked back at him before stars went over them. Blinking in fright as one brushed close to her arm, bright enough to actually make her transparent there. Illusion or not, that wasn't good.
"Oh no." She whispered.
Crow noticed the distressed look on her face and frowned. His concentration disappeared as did his spell. Somehow and someway he had messed up. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, confused even more than before. His head was spinning. He didn't move, unsure of how to react. Why did he always have to mess everything up?

Jinx skipped down to Crow's dorm, staring at the people that passed her. She was always a starer. It came to no surprise when people looked back at her with bewildered expressions. It was actually amusing most of the time. She arrived at the dorm at last. Knocking on the door, she yelled "Crow! Open the door!"
Saiful tilted his head in interest, continuing to watch the other boy's playful display. Seeing as many, many people had just arrived at the Academy, it was more than likely this boy had just met the ghost girl. Yet, he was parading about with such obvious attempts at romanticism, it made Saiful chuckle.

Why would someone try to woo a woman they had just met? That seems pointless. Saiful was raised better than that.

Yet, he felt like he could do it better than this cheap illusionist if he felt like trying.

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