Ww: Legends~

"Dead rats, huh?" Crow said with a smirk. "At least they're better company than you." He sat up rather quickly and looked at him. "So, for curiosities sake, are you two brother and sister or just friends?" he asked, his voice free of his smart tone. "She's cute, ya know? The only reason you aren't dating her has to be because you're siblings. It makes sense, right?" he asked more himself than Theo. He got up. "I'm going to go tour campus and try stumbling upon her," he said with a wicked smile.
Dali raised an eyebrow

"wha?... oh right! i leanred about these from observing humans... these are human Keys, there are holes in human doors that you put these into and when you turn them, the door opens!... i'll help you with yours"

again, Dali lead Angafay cheerfully through the school, soon coming to the girl's dorms.

Dali had Angafay hold the key the right way, and she guided it into the keyhole

"okay, now its in.. now turn it towards me..." she said, standing to Angafay's right, when angafay did so, she heard a "click" and the door moved at even the smallest press

"and presto! you're inside... wow you're room's kinda bare, but i guess you won't mind... hey, if you dont wanna have trouble with keys and all, i guess we could become roommates, or if you want me to go, that'll be fine too"
Theo looked once at the boy as he sat up, before finding himself laughing near hysterics. Brother and sister, is that what this naive kid really thought? Wiping a tear from his eye, he just shook his head, smirking the entire time. "Good luck finding her, she tends to...disappear in new places."

Looking at the door, and then at the key slowly dipping through her hand, Evelyn shrugged. She'd always had problems holding tiny solid objects for long time periods, and given how long she'd spent looking for the room, she was surprised she hadn't dropped it yet. Pulling it out with her free hand, wincing a little she set it into the lock and turned,before looking around.

Seeing no one, she left the key in the door and passed through the wood, emerging on the other side to a sunny room. As it seemed, her roommate wasn't there yet, and that suited her just fine. Spinning herself over the floor, she moved towards the bed farthest from the window, claiming it as her own to avoid the awkward questions of 'why do you have no shadow?' and 'Why can I see the window through you?'

Giggling lightly, she sat down on the edge of it, staring out over the rest of the room, wondering who she'd get. A vampire maybe? She'd love that, never have to worry about someone not understanding the age problems and being bothered by funeral music. Another giggle went through her, and she layed back, closing her eyes and imitating sleeping.
Jinx ran down numerous hallways, trying to figure out where her room was. She resembled a chicken with its head cut off sadly enough. After tiring herself out for the fifth time, she sat threw herself and her bags onto the floor in a long hallway. "I'm so tired of this," she muttered to herself, growing more and more impatient by the minute. "Where is the stupid room???" she growled furiously. She sighed, getting out the paper with her room number once again. She was surrounded by doors that weren't even close to her number.

Crow wandered around the girls dorm like the creep he was. He couldn't think of any other way to pass the time without being around his blasted roommate. "Evelyn~" he said, bored. A girl sitting on the floor randomly caught his eye. "Jinx??" he asked, confused. Jinx smiled up at him awkwardly. "Is this where your adventure has led you?" he asked. She shook her head. He noticed her bags sat next to her which meant she hadn't found her room after all this time. With that, he turned around and walked the other way, knowing all too well that his sister would bite off his head if he tried helping her out. What a stubborn girl. "I'll be outside if you need me," he called back to her.
More chattering, and the dark elf was dragged across the grounds again to the girls dorm, up a flight of stairs, and into another room. The other girl seemed to ramble off at the mouth the whole way until suddenly, silence. Had she been asked a question? Before she made things awkward, Angafay tried to answer the question she hadn't really heard.

"Yes?" she said, unsure.

Inside the room the floor was clean, uncluttered. It made navigation easy, though there wasn't much moving to be done anyways, the room wasn't particularly large by any means.
"Oh, Jirou? he's a Japanese Spitz," Lola replied, looking down at the carrier as the fluffy pup continued to gnaw on the cage, now whimpering for freedom. The younger girl seemed to become more uneasy about the attention the trio were getting, and noticed the doors opening.

"Hey, they're letting us inside! D'you wanna help me find my room? Maybe we could be roommates!" Lola suggested, readying the heavy luggage on her back and arms.
Jirou kept gnawing at his cage despite the two having a rather dull conversation and Nova assumed it had to do with the people around them. The poor little dog only wanted to greet all these newbies and she felt a little sorry for the pup. When Lola noted that the doors were opening the ultramarine-haired girl relaxed slightly. Then nodded towards the girl at her venture to find rooms, upon realizing that it might be taken as an answer for both questions, she went frigid.

“No! I mean…Ye- No.” she stumbled over her words, shaking her head as she backed up a step or two. Lola and her were just becoming friends…there was no way that she could see Nova…well, as Nova. The girl looked worriedly down at herself and was blushing quite brightly, but she turned away slightly in hopes that Lola wouldn’t see.

“W-We can find your room… b-but no roommates…” she explained, pushing the fact that she would live with a roommate no matter what out of her mind. Making a rather weird face and squeaking slightly, she rushed to besides the girl, then walked towards the open doors, hoping she followed. The school probably had a roommate in mind for someone so image-conscious like herself.
Claws was lost. She saw people both guys and girls talking. She didn't want to interrupt any conversations. She couldn't be sure that someone wouldn't just yell at her or something. The werewolf sighed and looked at her papers again. Then she saw that she was near enough to her room. She knocked on it to make sure that her roommate was there or not and heard no answer. She opened it to reveal she was the first one here.

Claws claimed a bed and started to put her things away, humming to herself.


Lukas had already left this things, all unpacked, in the room that was his. He was still feeling embarrassed by the mix-up but he didn't show it. He scoffed and hunched over he walked down the hall.

The boy wasn't sure where he was headed but he just wanted to get away from people. All their laughing and talking was getting on his nerves. He found himself outside the library and he entered, going straight to the shelves.
Dali smiled looking at the room

"yeah... well, my room is right across the hall, if you need anything... anything... you just come ask me, ok?"

Dali turned around and walked out of the room, leaving the door open, Angafay could hear Dali put her key in, then a loud


in the boy's dorm, Daniel was unpacking his bag, his door left wide open, he was putting his clothes in the cupboard.

"sweaters, shirts, pants... wouldit really have kiled 'em to maybe take out a single sweater and put in a hoodie? goddamn..."

he continued unpacking, making comments on what he pulled out as he went on.
More blathering, and suddenly, loud exclamation. Angafay had been in the middle of looking about her room, identifying where the beds were placed, and the earth spirit's shout made her trip, graciously onto the bed rather than the cold floor. Deciding not to bother trying to explore any more for the moment, the drow made herself comfortable, and lay back to await her roommate's arrival.

This land of sunshine and plant life would take adjusting to; especially the locals...
Watching him leave, Theo just rolled his eyes before putting away his few items. When he was satisfied, he pushed his bag under the bed, and flopped down on the sheets. He took in a deep breath and held it, waiting for it all to disappear, to hear Evelyn telling him to wake up, that he had fallen asleep in the blue grass again. When it did none of that, he finally relaxed, and started to doze off.

Sitting up at the faint calling of her name, she stared at the door. It wasn't Theo, he never called her from afar like that, but it was male. At least, she thought it was. Shaking the feeling off, she flopped back down, the door swinging open the second her head touched the mattress. A loud, chattering away trio burst into the room, and out of habit, she vanished completely. One of them stopped and stared towards her bed, before tossing a bag on it. With invisible hands, Evelyn threw it back, successfully scaring the pee out of one of them, who went running along with the other. Which left the roommate. An orge of a woman, joy...
Lola had frowned slightly at the semi-rejection, but she could understand why. Some people would rather hold onto their shot of privacy as much as they can grasp, but Lola would be what some would consider a people person. She looked back at Nova and smiled again.

"Well, let's go then," Lola replied, walking beside her. "I think it's up on the top floor, let's hurry."

Jirou began to wiggle in his cage, feeling the swaying and seeing the forward movement. "Oh boy, we're moving!" he yapped, once again attempting to bring attention to those around them. He couldn't wait to get out of this cage and run around. He couldn't wait to be free.
In the boys dorm, Daniel pulled out his want, twirling it around, letting out small flickering lights as he lay back on his bed, his now empty massibe backpack lying on the floor, and shrinking itself into a school sized backpack... of course his bag was enchanted, what wasn't around here? even the walls had begun to change themselves, in a week they would have "morphed" into looking like they were covered in posters of his respective interests.

on the other side of the hallway, he saw one of his new room-mates, an albino Sergal went into his room, looking back through Daniel's open door, Daniel gave a slight wave, the Sergal returned it then went into his room.

Laying back and letting the lights die out, Daniel sighed.

"haaah... so, this is where i'm staying, huh?... not bad i surpose"

leaning back up to a sitting position, Daniel got off his bad and walked out his door, closing it behind him and locking it, then he headed out, walking down the hallway, hoping maybe he'd run into someone.
Her roommate stared off towards her, only seeing the wall behind her, but all the same, Evelyn was terrified. She really hadn't meant to scare them, only to make a point of saying, take the other bed, but now, watching the ogre breath in heavily, she was paler than a ghost. So to speak. Quickly, she darted off the bed as the ogre charged at it, too dull to realize it might have been it's roommate, but all the same anger. Skirting around the large girl, she darted for the door which was thankfully left open.

Out into the hallway she ran, moving around people in a flourish and frenzy, flickering in and out of sight so no one was quiet sure what they just saw. She didn't stop until she had found herself outside, and surrounded by plants, nonexistent heart racing and letting herself return to visibility. Plopping down on the edge of a short stone wall that encased a punch of flowers, she pushed her hands over her face, trying to calm down enough to think straight.
Daniel, having finished his little exploration of the boy's dorm, headed outside, the air was... thicker than he was used to, henever noticed it till now, he was so used to spending times in his family's mansion up high in the mountains that he wasn't used to the air at ground level

"phew, talk about thickness... i think i'd better get used to this before i do anything..."

he decided then to walk around the school for a bit, soon though, he came across a girl as pale as a sheet, her hands over her face, as if she was crying.

carefully, Daniel walked up to her, kneeling down next to her

"Excuse me... are you alright?"
Jumping at the sudden voice, Evelyn shot back eyes wide as she stared at the boy before sighing in relief. Chuckling faintly at her error, she smiled softly, shaking her head. "I'm fine, thank you, just a bit of a scare these last few minutes is all...." Staring at him, she nodded faintly, a bit surprised someone had found her out here already.
Daniel smiled gently "yeah, this place can be a bit confronting, can't it?"

Daniel got up, he figured it would be a bit uncomfortable for him t just go ahead and sit next to her, so instead he sat on the bench on the oposide of the small path.

"so where you from?" he asked curiously, hoping to start some conversation.
Nodding in agreement, she watched him as he moved. Tucking a strand of faded hair behind her ear, she smiled faintly. Where was she from? A few places popped into mind, -the grave, hell, light places, to name a few- but only one seemed appropriate to utter to a complete stranger. "I'm from Sleepy Hollow." And indeed, her voice held some of the yankee accent to that area of upstate New York, though a bit dated if one really listened close enough."Yourself?"
when this girl muttered "sleepy hollow" Daniel couldnt help but raise an eyebrow, thinking of the headless horseman...

"Sleepy hollow huh? i hear that can be a mighty creepy place"

when she asked where he was from, he chuckled a bit and scratched the back of his head

"well, i was raised all over the world really, but mostly i was raised in the Canadian Rockies and down in Central Australia in a town owned by my dad, since he owns a lot of the mines in the region"

leaning back a bit to let some students through, a group of girls, elves, a Sergal and some humans.

"honestly, i've never seen so much diversity in one place..."
"I suppose it can be to people who don't live there. I've always found it rather quiet peaceful place." Listening to him, her attentive eyes never left his face, wonder going across them to learn someone had been all over at such a young age. Watching the girls pass, one of them coming close to nudging her leg, which caused her to pull back almost instantly, she smiled more, "It's...pretty interesting..."
Daniel smiled, showing his teeth a little bit

"yeah, so are you a newcomer too?" he asked in a friendly, tone.
Evelyn nodded, finger twirling the end of a strand of hair that stayed perfectly straight. "Yes, I came accompanying my friend, you might see him later, given that you're also going to be in the first year boy's dorms section?" It came out as more of a question, than a statement, more so because she knew Theo was odd about socializing, than not knowing how the layout of the dorms actually worked.
It was probably the face Lola had made after her answer that made Nova’s conscience pry at her heart, the guilt flooding in. The older of the two was quick to brush off the face and suggested that they go, and hurry while they were at it. Navy tresses fell forward when she nodded her head, but she held them back when she followed the girl in front of her up the stairs. They were quick to make it to the office, where the person at the desk asked upon their arrival of their names.

“Nova Upton” she noted, going first in the duo as the woman typed away at her computer, only to give it a strange look. “It says here your room is unavailable…” she notes, “But there are plenty available rooms at the moment…I’ll just assign you to room number 313.” Then the girl took off with her mouse and keyboard, a little bit flashy for the simple task, “There we go and your roommates name will be…” Nova was about to question the fact of even having a roommate before the woman announced “Lola Isle!”

The smaller girl looked at the one beside her, with a dog cage as the secretary handed her a key and student card in an envelope. Nova frowned, it seemed her first prospect of a friend went out the window; she too the key anyway, and strained a smile in Lola’s direction.
Daniel raised an eyebrow

"Really? you came in the same group... oh right, now i remember you"

Daniel only really remembered the people he actually met, not just people he saw in the background, but he said he remembered her to be polite.

"yeah in the boys dorms, odds are the girls and boys dorms will be like everywhere else, in the terms that the girl's dorms are probably a lot nicer than the boy's dorms, but hey, good enough for me..."

they wenty quiet for a bit, then Daniel spoke up again.

"so, im guessing you ere admitted because you can already do a bit of magic, right? what kind of magic can you do?"
"Not really the same group per say...we'd gotten here a while before a lot of people, and had stayed up on the fence out front until everyone was going in. We don't really socialize..." Her voice held a tone of disbelieving that he remembered them. The only set whose eyes traveled higher than eye level, was the boy who had joined them and his sister. At his next statement however, she raised an eyebrow, "It wasn't always like that, you know. A long time ago, females never got the chance to go to a place like this..."

"As for magic, I'm not quite sure. I got one the same time Theo did, and neither of us are quite sure why yet, though we have a few guesses. What about yourself?"

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