Ww: Legends~

“Nova” the girl noted at Lola’s impromptu greeting, mentioning that this was her first year enrolled as well. There was a question in her mind about whether the family had anything to do with her late enrollment, but she had an idea they didn’t. She knew there were plenty of people to reject special schooling if their kids needed the help, but her family’s values would have put her skill to waste. At least, she thought it would, which made her a little at odds with the accident that had ruined her normal esteem.

The elder girl also introduced her dog and a small smile made its way onto her face, looking at the hyperactive dog in the cage. Deciding this was a much safer question than any of the others buzzing around she asks, “What kind of dog is he?” The barking was making many other people look towards the two, and that made Nova cover herself uncomfortably. Her arms were crossed over her torso and she tucked her neck down slightly, imagining the eyes peering at her from behind.
Already unsteady on her feet, when the ground shook and a blast of earth went skyward, Angafay tumbled to the ground. Either her talent had failed again, or no harm had been imminent, it was hard to tell with prophecy.

Sitting in the packed dirt outside the gate, the drow concentrated on trying to piece words together. The snake boy had said something, as had virtually everyone else around the time of the newcomer's arrival, but it all seemed jumbled.

"What?" was all she managed to spit out, struggling back to her feet.
As the boy left, Evelyn's smile faded away, and not long after Theo's foot had bumped against her own. Looking over at him, he grinned boldly. As a booming sensation came from somewhere down below them, they just ignored it. Flicking her forehead, Theo's perpetual frown bloomed once more.

"You're not getting my permission to talk to him." He stated roughly, eyes locked onto her own. For a flicker of a moment, he swore he could have seen something along the lines of her being upset, but for now, he was staring at hard grey steel. "In fact, I forbid you from talking to him."

His hand had clenched around the locket, squeezing tight for a moment as power seeped through his fingers in a soft black glow. Turning her head towards the ground, Evelyn bit her lip. She knew why he did it, so no one would try to send her away again, but it wasn't fair all the same.
Crow glanced back after getting down off of the fence to try to lock eyes with Evelyn once again before he had to take off. Her attention, however, was focused on the Theo character. He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to his sister with a smile. "I'm ready to go. Where are we off to exactly?" he asked, hoping that it wasn't going to require too much walking or effort of any kind.

"I want to go get our room assignments so we can put our stuff away. Then, I'll go exploring by myself," she said handing her stuff to him so all she had left to carry was her purse. She looked toward the sky, wondering if the school had any hidden places that could keep her occupied. She hadn't necessarily jumped at the idea to attend school here, but she had to find someway to make the best of it, right? "Hey, maybe you'll get to room with that girl you were talking to," she said with a laugh.

"Haha very funny, Jinx. I'm pretty sure the school has policies against that sort of thing. Besides, if you jinx me and I get stuck rooming with her male companion up there, I'll be toast," he said with a smirk. Crow patiently waited for his sister to lose her temper at the reference to her name.

Jinx glared up at him, her eyes turning to daggers. "You're stupid! I hope you do have to room with someone that's going to give you the cold shoulder and death glares. Then you'll be stuck hanging out with me the rest of your life," she growled. After taking a deep breath, she calmed down slightly and added, "Anyway, let's just go get our room numbers so we don't have to carry all this stuff anymore."

Crow glared. "Yeah, that purse must be so heavy. I mean, I'm not carrying all your crap along with my own."
Mel was now lying on the ground due to the impact of the newest arrival. Laughing, she could only say one word, "Awesome!" After she sat up, she saw the drow get up after falling too. She hopped over to the blindfolded girl and heard her say, "What?"

"Oh," Mel began to answer, "Someone fell from the sky and made everything go boom." Then she held out her hand to the drow, although the elf probably wouldn't be able to see it, and said, "Hi. I'm Mel. I enjoy long walks on the beach, all types of music, and crushing my enemies with an iron fist . . . and puppies. I like puppies."
Dali chuckled

"Actually, i came from under the ground... i'm Dali, the earth-spirit, nice to meetcha"

she looked at the school

"uhh, why is everyone jus standing out here? the gates are open!"

Daniel looked at the open gate, then shrugged

"oh well, might as well head on in and get me room number"

re-securing his bad, Daniel walked between the gates, once inside he could feel the power i this place, we he couldnt, but his wand could, and that was transferring the feeling to him.

Dali shrugged, walking past everyone else and going between the gates, heading to the front office to find her room number and class schedule
One of the surfacers approached, rattling off at the mouth a million miles a minute. Almost none of what the girl said was even comprehensible, but Angafay did catch the last words.

"Puppies?" she asked, struggling to put feet beneath herself again.

Something told the blind elf that she should know this word, it was familiar. When she did recognize it, she almost made the same little 'arf' noise she'd used with her lessons to remind her of the surface hound.

Finally regaining her balance, the Noquiryn prophet straightened herself up and hoped that somewhere in all the nine hells someone would have the mercy to show her where to go.
walking there, Dali looked back, seeing an elf with dark skin and a blindfold.

skipping back, Dali went back to Angafay "hey there, i'm Dali..."

Dali slowly grabbed Angafay's wrist, and she pulled her along.

"come on, lets go!"

Dali began to lead Angafay into the school grounds, leading her by holding her hand.
Both Lukas and Claws made their way to where they would get what they needed. By accident Claws bumped into Lukas who snorted and shoved her away.

"Move it coffee-skin," he said, moving ahead of her. Claws just gaped at his back. Of all the things to call her. She looked down at the ground and then at Lukas who was almost in the building. She was going to be sure to avoid him.

"Jerk," she shouted.
Bowing her head, a soft sigh passed through her lips as a wind that seemed to only effect the two blew gently through, taking her in a swirl that disappeared with it. Landing on the ground about ten feet away, hair spinning in the breeze that affected nothing else, she looked back at her friend. Putting her hands in the pocket of her skirt, she shuffled her foot against the vibrant green grass and waited, noting how much paler she looked out in open colorful light versus the shaded cemetery behind Theo's home.

A few moments later and the padding swish that came from boots pressing into grass let her know he had gotten off the wall and had followed. Picking up pace just as he passed her, feet not leaving imprints on the ground when she stepped, she stayed tight by his side. He was speaking again, softly and almost joyful.

"We're going to have a lot of fun here, Evee, trust me. I'm going to learn as much as I can about raising the spirits and see if there's anything out there about creating bodies. You know, to give you something in return for all this...but can you promise me something?" Once more, he got no response from the dead girl, and he grasped her arm, stopping them for a moment just as they passed through the doors into the building, him having gone first and smudging with his foot any possible seal to keep spirits out, "Try to enjoy yourself. You may have passed, but you still have power. The fact your not just reliving your death is proof of that, you have skill, Evee, and I want you to do your best to learn here too."

"You sound like my little brother..." When he gave her a blank stare, she chuckled lightly, "He's seventy nine now, with four grand children."
Suddenly, an odd stride rapidly approached before a rapid-fire sentence and Angafay was dragged along behind the new arrival.

"Dali?" she asked, hoping she was finally understanding the others.

"My name, is, Angafay Noquiryn," the drow said, stumbling over her words almost as badly as her feet were on the uneven ground.

The sounds of the countryside seemed muted for some reason. Perhaps it was merely her imagination, but out in the open air it seemed even more difficult to find her way around than it was in the underdark.
"Yes, Dali" said Dali, smiling, she was going a bit fast for the blindfolded girl, but she kept close and held Angafay's hand tightly, reassuring her that she wasn't going to be letting go.

up ahead of them, Daniel was heading up the front steps of the building, going past the old photographs of what the school was like, apparently it used to be inside a forest with only the black, flashing spires going over the forest's canopy . but now it was all cleared away, while forests have been left to thrive in other parts of the world, they have been pushed back here, but not enough to anger the elves of the forest.

going inside the main office, he saw a dark elf woman behind the front desk.

"highland academy... yes he's in his office, i'll connect you"

the dark elf pushed a button on her futuristic phone and looked up at Daniel

"new Arrival, huh? here, boys dorm, third floor room 442"

she handed Daniel a key "the dorm is outside to you're, you know what? just follow the enchanted signs, they change language so whoever reads it can read it in their language, NEXT!"

then, it was Dali and Angafay's turn...
Crow and Jinx walked into the building's main office to retrieve their room assignments. The office, unlike the rest of the building, wasn't extraordinary. Surprisingly enough, the room wasn't crowded which meant they were lucky enough to be early. "Excuse me," Crow said, trying to get the attention of one of the adults behind the desk. "Do you have our room assignments?" One of the workers turned and asked for their names. "Crow Pierce and Jinx Pierce," he said with a bored tone, as if he was about to fall asleep right on the spot. She handed Jinx the papers which included a map of the campus and then their two room numbers.

Jinx dragged Crow all the way to his room, excited to uncover what could lie behind their bedroom doors. "Who do you think we'll room with? Will they be fun like me or boring like you?" she asked with a smile.

Crow smirked, too. "Well, either way, I feel bad for your roommate. They won't get any sleep because they'll be forced to listen to you talk about every small detail of your day." He began to mock her. "So like..oh my god. I saw this cricket yesterday and I swear it was like an inch big." He laughed.

Jinx shoved him and pointed toward the door that they both stopped in front of. This way Crow's new room with all new people in a new place. He wasn't sure if he was interested or not. He threw open his door and tossed his stuff on the bed that was farthest from the door. "Looks like your roommate isn't here yet. I wanna wait to see who it is," Jinx said with a giggle that was secretly saying "Man I hope you get a roommate that will annoy you more than I can."
Lukas had retrieved his items from the office and looked them over. He didn't want to share a room with anyone but hopefully he got lucky and was either with someone who was quiet (yeah right) or wasn't there often (maybe). Lukas dreaded getting a talkative, obnoxious roommate. He could not stand people who just yammered on and on.

Lukas made his way to where he would be staying and saw two people outside of the room.
'Great he is already here.'

"Excuse me. Are you staying in this room?"

(KT is you don't want Lukas to room with your character just tell me and I'll edit)
Super excited, Mel skipped into the main office and up to a lady behind the desk. After getting her attention, the woman looked at Mel and asked for her name. The black haired girl reluctantly whispered it into the secretary's ear and was handed a key.

"It's room 394 of the girl's dorm."

Mel began jumping up and down, before running to her new room. She tossed her suitcase into the corner before jumping onto the bed closest to the window. The sheets were soft. It was nice. She flipped onto her back and held up a simple doll that looked like it was made from a burlap sack.

"This is going to be a great year, Vash. I can feel it." Then she looked toward the door. "I wonder what type of room mate we're gonna have."
Lukas then realize that he had the wrong room number.

"Sorry. Wrong room. Goodbye."

He turned and headed down the hall looking for the right one.
When he got no response, Theo just shook his head, taking hold of her chilling hand and pulled her along to the office. Being careful to avoid the other children, examining them in a silence that seemed unfitting of a child his age, he watched the boy getting handed a key as the woman stated the room number and floor, silently, he hoped that was not to be his room mate. Looking at the other woman behind the desk, he didn't bother with a polite smile, instead, he he tapped the counter once with his finger to get her attention.

"Theodore Lancaster and Evelyn Reed." He stated boredly, almost wanting to yawn. The woman stroked the keys on the lap top she was working with before smiling, eyes crinkling in the corner in a way that he knew would make Evelyn hate the innocent thing. He was handed paper work, a map of the campus, a key, and given his room number, and, if his hearing was correct, it wasn't with the other boy in the office.

Looking at Evelyn, he flicked through the stuff quickly before realizing he hadn't been handed her stuff, and instead, the woman was looking rather flustered at the data on the screen. Standing there, he felt his skin prickle over with goose bumps and wondered what it said about her. The woman looked back at Evelyn a few times, before stammering out a rather puzzled question.

"W-would you happen to k-know why t-this says your d-deceased?" Theo could literally feel the air temperate drop a few degrees as Evelyn scowled. He knew she hated questions like that, he knew she hated it being known what she was. But, for all it was worth, he had to applaud the show that she put on as she leaned against the counter, offering a sweet smile and batted her eyes a few times.

"It must be a typo, because you and I can both see I'm here." Her smile widened and the woman gave a relieved sigh as colour returned to her face. A shaky hand gave her the same things Theo had gotten, though she was in the girl's dorm. Grinning at each other, they turned and left the office, heading towards the dorms.

"I despise humans so much sometimes. I really really do." She hissed, making Theo chuckle lightly. "Hey, we're not all bad...besides, she was probably one of those ones who avoided grave yards and stuff, too spooky." "Spooky my nineteen fifty's buttocks." "So, you wanna go find your own room, or stick with me for a little bit longer?"

Getting a light punch to his arm, he watched as she parted towards the girl's dorm, checking the number on her key once more while picking up speed. He should have offered to hold the stuff for her, but she was a stubborn one, that was for sure. Probably would have been a Woman's Rights activist if she had lived long enough.

Turning towards the male dorms, Theo took to looking for his room, and after a few wrong turns, and wrong number stops, he found the door he was looking for. But what he wasn't looking for, was the pair standing in the frame, the Crow boy from earlier and the dancing child. Fun stuff... Approaching slowly, he checked the number once again, before looking at the door to make sure he had it right.

"You have got to be kidding me..."
Claws got her things and she looked at her room number. She adjusted her glasses and looked around. Having glasses was an anomaly for a werewolf but Claws had always felt like an outsider no matter where she went. She didn't mind and she knew that some people didn't as well. She touched her collar and a sad smile appeared on her face.

Claws shook her head. She should head to her room. As she walked she thought about what the boy who bumped into her called her. Coffee skin? She looked down at her hands and arms. It was true she was darker than most of the people here but still. It was offensive. She shrugged. He could of called her worse things she guessed. No reason to get worked up over it.

The werewolf girl bit her lower lip. She realize that she had gotten lost. She had no idea where to find her room.
The two steps leading into the building made Angafay trip, and the earth spirit's grip was the only thing that kept her from landing flat on her face, instead skidding across the office's tiled floor in her bare feet.

While her guide no doubt did the speaking for her, the drow noticed the entire room perceptibly chill to the point that she could "see her breath" as she'd heard others say before. Another woman in the office was speaking in a hurried tone with a couple of children, both of which calm. The source of the sudden cold maybe?

Being indoors felt a little bit more comfortable than outdoors, the sounds bounced back off of walls, and there was no directed heat from above. While coming to the surface wasn't as bad for her as it was for others, Angafay still felt drastically out of place...
After separating their stuff so no bags would be accidentally switched, Crow and Jinx hung by the door mainly because Jinx was excited to see who would show up at Crow's door. "I don't see why we're still waiting here. Can't you just come back some other time to meet the guy?" Crow said, slightly irritated by his sister's presence. She gave him an evil smiling, telling him that whoever it was, she would have to do her job and embarrass him. "You're a pain..." he said with a sigh.

A figure started towards the door and upon further inspection, it turned out to be Theo. Jinx leaned slightly out of the doorway to try to get a good look of him up close. "He's cute," she said with a giggle as she pointed towards him. Crow didn't look down the hallway, not really caring who it was. Then, Theo stopped at the door. Jinx let out a loud cackle. She grabbed her things and just walked down the hallway, off to find her own room. Her laugh was heard for quite a while.

Crow locked eyes with Theo, hoping for some mistake. Why him? Of all the people in the blasted school, it had to be him? "You're joking. This is some prank isn't it?" He said, knowing fully well that Theo seemed boring and unable to pull a prank. "Seriously? Go get another room assignment. You give me indigestion," Crow stated coldly, crossing his arms and glaring.
Dali bought Angafay to the Dark elf office worker when Daniel left, going towards his dorm.

"Hi there! i'm Dali and this is... Angafay, right? i heard your name through the ground when i was coming here, oh right! we need our room numbers!"

"okay, Dali's room is 315, here and this... Angafay's?... hers is (you can choose the room number)

"yay! oh i'm so excited! are you? i know i am! ooh!"

Dali just.... wouldn't.... shut.... up.

Daniel on the other hand was coming to his dorms, going inside and putting the key in the lock, opening the door it wasn't exactly impressive, but it was better than nothing, a closet, bathroom, bed, wall mounted t.v, considering the funding this place got, a PlayStation36 wouldnt be too much to ask.

putting his bag down, Daniel let out a loud groan of relief "AAH! FREE!" he exclaimed, but soon he turned around and began unpacking, he had enough crap to fill the wardrobe and all that, but he still at least wanted a school hoodie.
While Dali spoke with the office worker, a small metal object was pressed into Angafay's hands, it had markings engraved on it, identification perhaps? The young drow could barely understand a word from Dali, she just spoke so quickly, she was so energetic.

The markings meant nothing to her, though others would read them as 316.

"What; is this?" she asked, offering the key up, unsure what to make of it. Points along one edge, smooth on the other; was it a tiny saw, or some kind of magical device? With it's triangular protrusions, it couldn't be key... unless of course, surfacers did that differently too.
"And you bore me like the toad you are." Theo retorted, shifting his shoulder's back as he brushed past the boy into the room, going to the unclaimed bad and setting his bag down. As much as he would hate it, he had an inclination saying that the other boy would hate it worse, and besides, backing down out of a territory would only make it seem like he could be walked all over, and he would not have it that way. "If you want someone to move, you go do it."
Crow grimaced at Theo's comments. "There's no way I'm leaving. I was here first," he said with a glare. He slowly walked over to his own bed and pushed his stuff onto the floor, making a commotion. He then laid down, staring at the ceiling above him. He felt his lips curl into a devious smile when he was struck with a realization that was a win-win situation for him. "Oh well. I guess having you as my roommate isn't completely horrible. Maybe that cute girl you were with will come visit you. It will save me the trouble of having to hunt her down," he said with a smirk. "Maybe we should hang out, too." Crow let out a laugh.
"Yes...and maybe you'll wake up with dead rats dancing across your sheets." Theo mumbled under his breath. Opening his bag, he moved his hand around in it, pushing aside the few clothes he had that smelled of broken earth and rain, and checking on the few things he really cared about, his wand and a fake version of the necklace tucked into his shirt. Looking back at his new roommate, he shook his head, before grinning darkly. So he liked Evelyn, shame she would find a loss of voice around him....

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