Ww: Legends~

"I would assume so, he got an acceptance letter here the same time I did. But he doesn't like people any more than I do, even less if they know about me..." Evelyn stated, yawning, as if ghosts could actually get tired. Well, they could, but not in the sense of sleep, she supposed. "And what, pray tell, is your last question?"
With an interested smile, Saiful bowed very quickly in a respectful manner.

"I would like to ask Miss Reed how I could repay her kind responses to my needless questions. And don't worry, I hardly count as 'people'." He asked, and then added, thinking himself quite amusing. It wasn't often he made jokes like that.
A slow, mischievous grin spread over her face at the given opportunity before she unfurled herself from her sitting position. With both feet back on the ground, she folded her hands behind her back, glancing around. Rocking up onto the balls of her feet, she giggled, "You wouldn't happen to be any good with counter jinxes would you? That's about the only thing I could ask for, really..."
Sai shrugged, his shoulders downward movement afterwards a little exaggerated.

"I have some knowledge in the field, as I do most fields, but limited skills in this one. I might not be able to help you... If I am not able to, what else would you desire?" He provided a quick counter-point in case he wasn't able to fulfill her wish.
"We'll see when the time comes up if it doesn't work." Evelyn said coolly, voice taking a sort of chilly quietness. "After all, being dead, you tend not to want things...no point really, you either can't use them, or have nothing to use them on." Shrugging, she silently wondered if her roommate had calmed down enough to go back into her room yet, or if she'd be haunting around the library or something for the night, "...actually...if you can't help with jinxes I might have something..."
Saiful smiled.

"Well, then Saiful Impendium is currently in your service, Miss Reed. But please, simply call me Sai." He pointed out, lifting his hand in front of them. Black runes swirled in his open palm, and he took a deep breath.

"Do you know the nature of he jinx I am to dispel?" He asked, needing somewhere to start.
"Mister Sai..." She paused for a moment, not wanting to risk the nature of herself and tack on a ful. Nodding once, she locked her hands behind her back, "A simple tongue tie jinx, you know the ones kids used to play on each other around crushes...so they either spoke a different langauge, or talked backwards?" She offered a faint trace of a smile, reflecting on days with friends when she was still alive, before getting pulled back into the present, "One of those."
Sai nodded, the black runes violently launching forward from his outstretched hand towards Evelyn's throat. Circling around her, and settling into her skin, Sai closed his hand, and an audible clicking noise could be heard.

"... That should do it, Miss Reed.​" He said, smiling.
Blinking once, before going a very unnerving quiet, she touched her throat once. She wouldn't know until she spoke to Crow, but all the same, she did feel different, if not normal. Drawing in a deep breath and sighing, she smiled faintly, before nodding her head once. "Thank you, Mister Sai."
Sai smiled, fixing his black suit.

"Shall we depart this strange alleyway before someone does see, and develop an interesting theory about our actions?" Sai suggested. He did have an image to maintain, after all. Motioning for Evelyn to follow him, he began to walk out into the light.

"Have you been around much of the school grounds yet?" He asked, unfamiliar surroundings making him slightly uneasy.
Jinx claimed her hairbrush at last, but still wasn't read to leave. She stayed sitting on the floor, refusing to move. She looked up at Crow with a desperate look. "Can I sleep over?" She wasn't expecting a positive reaction so she got herself ready to be turned down.

Crow sighed and looked down at her. "Is that even allowed?" he asked, frustrated. She shrugged back at him. "There's no beds left in here," he said, trying to get her to go back to her dorm.

"I'll sleep on the floor," she said. Crow sighed again.

"Go back to your dorm. What would be the point in staying here?" he asked. He knew the answer, though. Not many took kindly to Jinx because of the annoyance they feel when they're around her. "I'm sorry but no," he said sternly.

She nodded sadly and got up to head towards the door. How depressing. The only bright side was her roommate didn't shun her yet. Still, why risk the chance of it happening?
Walking back into his dorm, Daniel heard something upstairs "what the...?"

going upstairs, Daniel thought girls were barred from the male dorms, and vice-versa.

coming to Crow's room, Daniel overheard

knocking on the door, Daniel said wit the door still closed

"you know guys, im not gonna rat you out or anything, but if you're caught doing that, im not backing ya"
(( [MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] I'm going to get by my inferiority complex and try to bust out as much replies in here as I can ^^. I'm not really caring how short this post is :P ))

Lola couldn't help but to blush a little at the result of her new roommate. Wasn't it ironic that the same person who rejected her offer turned out to have to accept it anyway? Shaking her thoughts off, she carefully made her way back to the door, and turned back to Nova. "Well, I guess we'd better get going. My back hurts now," she said quietly.
Lola did seem pleased by Nova’s predicament, but the navy-haired girl was convinced it would only last a short while. Her lips tightened slightly as she followed behind the girl, who seemed to want to lead them towards their room. Nova didn’t talk much during the journey, and she drowned out all other sounds with her thoughts. The girl was officially spaced out, and they arrived at their room all too fast.

Not completely sure if Lola had grabbed her key or not, she slid her own key into the door an unlocked it, opening it to find a rather plain room. There were two beds, one in front the window and the other perpendicular to the door which was on the right side of the room. They had a corner room, she was pretty sure, because that was another window in between the two beds feet.

Nova walked in and looked around, letting her bag slide off her shoulder; she would let her roommate pick a bed first.
Crow listened carefully as he heard the boy snooping around outside. Why was he even eavesdropping in the first place? It was a closed door and quiet voices. Practically unhearable unless you're really trying. A smile spread across his face as he looked back at his still red and teary eyed sister. He put on a smile and opened the door. "Excuse me, do I know you? Because if not, you can mind your own business. Listen, if my little sister is crying and needs to talk, she can be in here. Wherever I go, Jinx is allowed. Problem, bro?" he asked smugly. "Again, do I even know you? Didn't think so," he said sternly, patting Jinx on the head since she was hiding behind him. He smiled once more, completely calm. So what if he came off as rude? It was his sister and his pride on the spot.
on the outside Daniel just rolled his eyes

"your not as quiet as you think buddy, just giving you a heads up"

Daniel kept on walking, going back to his room to look at when classes start.
"I think I know how quiet I am," he said with scorn. It was true. Crow was rarely ever loud. Jinx was sometimes, but not when she was upset. It was the rare moments that she was silent. "Stop eavesdropping, bro." With that, he slammed the door. He turned to Theo, wishing for some guy ranting. Then, he looked away knowing Theo was laughing at him secretly over the situation. How annoying.
Arianna rode up to the front of the building, a look of bewilderment on her face. She knew she was going to a magic school, but never thought it to be a bloody castle the size of a state. She unsurely rubbed Dixie's mane, the ghost horse throwing her head and shaking it, trying to relax her muscles from the long day's travel. Arianna saw some stables, no doubt for knights, and moved Dixie that way. The horse whinnied fearfully as the girl dismounted and untacked her horse, hugging her head close.

"I am sorry, my friend, but you cannot come in the building with me. I shall return soon." she said softly, the words calming the large mare.

Arianna closed the stall door and walked out, her cape billowing out behind her, and her axe and sword hilted at her sides. She had no clue what this academy would want with a fifteen year old, Headless Knight, but at least her services were needed somewhere. She watched a few kids walk in through a rather over sized door and hurried that way, her strawberry blonde hair waving behind her. When she was inside, she looked around unsurely, trying both physically and mentally not to loose her head at the sheer size of the place. Where was she to go? She started walking slowly just to sight-see until someone caught her, her dead eyes catching everything she passed.
just as Arianna came into the school, everyone's favourite earth-spiri Dani came around the corner, her singlet was inside out

"aah! these human clothes have no end to complexity! this way is even more uncomfortable!"

Dani saw Arianna, and came up to her

"Excuse me, i've never worn these human clothes before, they're so tricky unlike the robes i usually wear, can you please help me?"

it was laughable honestly, how she was acting with the simple unfamiliar sensation of human western clothing.

in the background, Arianna could see Daniel make his attempted "quick escape route" and plummet into the bushes (read below)

Daniel rolled his eyes as he leant on the wall

"AAGH! no class schedule, and i can't just sit around here... well, might as well plan myself a quick escape route..."

looking out the window, Daniel saw an outstretched tree branch and a large group of bushes down below

"okay, lets give this a try"

Daniel jumped out of the window, grabbing the tree branch, so far so... uh-oh

the branch was covered in this cap, causing Daniel's hands to slip, sending him plumeting into the thick bushes down below.

he landed in a thick hedge bush, walking out of it brushing himself off, he looked to one side, there was a huge rose bush with massive thorns, to the other side, an overgrown fence wth spiked tips

"huh... i almost died"
With all of her luggage filling her hands, Lola walked in the room behind Nova. She walked towards the bed near the window, and plopped herself down.

"I'll take the bed near the window, I hope you don't mind. I just.. really like this window." She explained with a smile.

Lola removed all of her luggage from her back and reached over to Jirou's pet carrier. In an instant, Jirou darted out of the cage and sped around the room happily. "Yay! Freedom!" he barked, speeding once more around the room. He sniffed every object present in the room before rolling around in the carpet.

Lola began unpacking some of Jirou's things, like his bed, his food bowl, and his jingle-ball. Lola tossed on the floor and watched as he pounced on his favorite toy. She stood up, still leaving some of her bags on the bed for a moment.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get my key from the office. Can you watch Jirou for me?" Lola added to Jirou, "Be a good boy, okay? No running outside the room."

Jirou barked an excitably reassuring "Okay!" and continued to paw at his jingle ball. He grabbed the ball with his teeth and brought it over to his new friend.

"Wanna play?"
Arianna blinked, then slowly smiled. She tried not to laugh and stifled her giggling as Dani asked for help, reaching out from the depths of her cloak with her gloved hands. She tugged the spiri to the side, a giggle finally escaping her.

"Certainly, one moment." she said, carefully helping the stranger. "Do not feel too bad, I am still dressed in my armor from the 1800's when I died." she confined, finishing with the singlet. Unsurely, she opened her cape, her reflective armor acting as a make shift mirror for Dani to look into. "Does that feel better?" she asked.
"yeah! much better!" exclaimed Dali, looking into the armour then moving behind Arianna, using her massive cloak as some cover while she changed.

she was done pretty quickly, she came out with it the right way around

"ugh, still feels uncomfortable!" she went "oh and you said you're dead? you know a necromancer can fix that up for you..."

behind Dali, Daniel came up to them, rubbing his back, he was bruised after taking that fall.

"hey guys, look, do any of you know when classes start?" then realizing how rude he was being, he hurriedly introduced himself, shaking thier hands "OH! i'm Daniel Tellores by the way, Human" Dali responded after him, shaking his hand awkwardly, clearly not used to such a gesture "Dali Ak-Ikmaj, Earth Sprirt" then it was Arianna's turn to introduce herself.
"My name is Arianna Everton; I am a Headless Knight." she introduced, shaking his hand and bowing at the waist. "As for classes...I am not sure." she said, eyebrows furrowed. She looked at Dali before continuing. "I was hoping perhaps you knew, for I wish not to be late on my first day." she said, her cloak around her.
Daniel shrugged "i dunno, i just got here myself, but im really eager"

"yeah! oh i wanna be a super-powerful witch! PAZOW!"

Daniel raised an eyebrow

"uhh.. Dali was it?"


"what the hell are you doing?"

Dali shrugged, still smiling

Daniel turned back to Arianna

"So, Headless knight huh?... looks to me like you have a head... does it fall off or something if you dont hold it on? and is the armour really nessecary? sorry for all the questions..."
"My head can come off if struck hard enough." Arianna said. "Or..." she reached up, plucking her head off.

The expression remained frozen, as if dead, and she shrugged, the space between her shoulders empty. After a moment, she reattached it. The skin slowly stitched back into place, leaving a scar from her original accident, but reforming nonetheless. She made sure everything had healed properly before attempting to blink and move her jaw. Once certain, she cleared her throat, speaking again.

"As for my armor, yes." she said, blushing a tad as she fidgeted with her sword under her cloak. "I am striving to be like another knight I know." she admitted.

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