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Fantasy World of Ruin

Ellie sighed and grabbed his hand. "Fine. lets go." She said starting to follow Her pet. "I'm Ellie." She said bluntly, and looking forward. she gout out her pocket knife and kept it close just in case if something decided to pop out of the sand. "We can't go to far, its windy, and I'm guessing a sandstorm is coming."
Kato woke up. Gin and the outher girl were gone, but he was not in condition to pursue them. He sat back against a wall a looked at his leg. (Good its not infected and its healing up well should be as good as new bye tommorow.) He looks over to the outher girl. The one that helped him get up yesterday day. "So hey there what's up I'm Kato I forget if we have already introduced." Kato laughs a bit.
Gin tagged alond beside ellie, making sure the beast was on the other side of her. "You'll have to tell me, what has happened in the world. It seems that I've been sleeping and I don't have much memories since the time I have been awake. What kind of beast are we hunting, the one beside you seems to have an adequette amount of meat on his bones. Are you fattening him?" Gin spoke with a smile he knew that this wasn't the kind of joke that he should be starting with, however he really wanted to test this one's patience. Worst case scenario he would kill her and the pet, and return to kato with the meat.

As they were walking his mind started wandering, why did he not have any memories? What was the point of these meaningless alliances. With his power of illusion casting, these few characters would be quick work. Then again there was strength in numbers, and Gin knew this all to well. He'd act friendly for now. And if things got sketchy, he'd end their life, but quickly, suffering wasn't something he liked to watch
Ellie rolled her eyes and continued to walk. "I don't really know what caused this..." She says looking to the ground. "When it first started, I only remember-" She stopped and turned away. "Never mind." She said stuffing her hands into her pockets. She felt the ground rumble and a giant worm pounced out of the ground, screeching and wailing. It looked toward us, hungrily and wild. But it didn't stay to attack us any longer then it should've. It turned its head and wailed once more, before pouncing back into the ground. "Oh no..." I said backing away. "Gin, we need to get back to the shelter. I was right. There's a sandstorm, and it's not too far away!" She turns and runs.
Gin broke into a run, fast enough to keep of with Ellie. He remembered the wooden shack that Kato was in and yelled at Ellie, "I know where we can hide. Kato has a shelter a few feet behind the scraps were I met you. If we hurry we can make it there before we get killed. " He smiled towards her and extended his had, beckoning her to grab hold of his hand. " The wind began to pick up and the grains of sand were flying so fast that they were cutting into Gin's skin. His powers would be useless in this situation but he knew that he could run way faster than they were going right now. He shook his hand impatiently, waiting for Ellie to grab it. "Trust me, please. Otherwise I will leave you here to die" The wind continued the blow harder and he could see that Ellie was getting cut too, it was only a matter of time before huge waves of sand would engulf them both.
Ellie's face was cut and was already majorly bleeding she reached out her hand, but the wind was to massive, that should couldn't grab his. Suddenly a blast of wind behind them made her fall and the sand storm engulfed her as she screamed for help. Fen made it out and follow Gin.

Ellie was rolling around on the ground because of the wind whipping her. She laid in a pile of blood stained sand, which also got picked up by the wind. She couldn't open her eyes, because of the sand. She stayed put hoping that this sand storm wouldn't last as long as most did.
Kato noticed a sand storm coming. He drew himself a small brick shelter and sat in it well the storm passed. (Hmm I wonder if those outher two are OK.) He ignored the thought. His shelter started to break due to the power of the storm. He put more of his energy into the art to keep it up. It was like lifting a car for him.
Gin felt pity for Ellie, however, he couldn't help her much. He started his full sprint, moving quickly, just fast enough to keep the storm from sucking him in. The beast ran alongside him, both Gin and the beast were cringing as the sand made tiny multiple lacerations in their skin. Just up ahead Gin took sight of a brick shelter and used his last wind to get their and barge open the door. The beast followed him inside and they noticed a struggling Kato, but Gin did not have time to offer him any aide. He muttered the words "Yume, clone" under himself and an exact image of Gin appeared behind him. This was Gin's ability, the clone walked through the wall and started to sprint near Ellie. The clone was not a real person, so the sandstorm wouldn't affect him at all, rather go through him. He would not be able to rescue Ellie, but at least he could keep an eye on where she was being buried.

Meanwhile inside the shelter, the real Gin was undressing. He did not like the fact that his clothes were getting torn and bloodied, the damage to his clothing was already done but he could prevent blood from soaking further into his clothes. The clone acted as a sort of second brain, and Gin could see exactly where it was, exactly where Ellie was, and the strength of the sandstorm. The wind was dying down. Gin kept his pants on and left his shirt, vest ,and tie off. He waited until he was sure the clone was in in optimal position and he muttered the words, "Yume, substitution"

Upon the utterance of the command, the real Gin was out in the sandstorm once again and the clone was back with Kato. He started digging, fortunately because the wind of the storm was so severe, The sand just kept moving over Ellie. Now that the wind was slowing if he did not dig her out she would be buried alive. Once he acquired her, he lifted her up into a cradle like position and attempted carried her to the shelter. The wind was slow and the sand was settling making deep mounds that Gin unfortunately had to climb. At this rate, it would take another three minutes to arrive at the shelter.
"Ugh it hurts." Kato sits there until the storm dies down. And he can returns the shelter to inc. "Wow that's better." He stretches a bit looking at Gin. "So I see you're alright where is that outher girl." Kato sits back down. Relaxed with the weight of a car of him.
The clone spoke, "hey kato, I'm out were the storm is still brewing and Im' carrying the girl. I'll be there in a moment, please watch over that beast (fen) that I left with you. The clone vanished and gin continued to tread towards kato.
Ellie didn't know what was going on. With sand in her eyes, and blood everywhere, she felt unsure of what was happening around her. All she was was her heart beat, from the wounds that were throbbing. Spher lungs where on fire, because of breathing in all that sand, she was coughing. She felt herself being picked up by someone, but because of tne storm she couldn't See who it was. She just hoped it was her allies.
"Wait what." (God i better help them.) Kato drew a giant bird and flew it over the mini desert the sandstorm made. He eventually spotted the two and landed. "Get on and dont get in the habit of me saving you cause i wont." Kato flew them back to the base/shelter and let them off. "So after all that did you at least find any food." Katos stomach rumbles.
((sorry two rp sites at once))

Once Gin realized the female was still concious he clung to her a little harder, ran a little harder and he began to speak. "Hey kid, you better not die. I traveled all this way to rescue you, so it would really be an inconvienince to me...Do you understand?" He continued to walk until he saw kato above. He landed his bird, and Gin layed Ellie down on her back before climbing on the creature his self. The bird took off, and soon they were airborne. Gin made sure that ellie was secure by grabbing both sides of her waist whilst they were in the air, and once they landed he layed her out on the sand.

Once Ellie was layed down, the beast (fen) was whimpering and sat by her side. Gin did a little stretching before saying to Kato, "take care of her would you. I'm going back out to find some food." he went off alone into the desert in search of anything living
"Just take this and be careful." Kato draws a sweet motorcycle for Gin. Then he takes a look at Ellie and starts to bandage him up.
Ellie groaned and moaned. "Ow.." She says trying to sit up. "What happened?" She said rubbing her aching head. "Where's Gin?"

(Sorry for the short reply. I don't have a lot of ideas any more. xD )
"Hey lay back and let me apply the bandages. Aghh youre a bloody mess, and Gin went to go find us some food." Kato smiles and sits back. "So what happend to you out there.
Ellie laid back down sighing with relief, knowing everyone was alright. "Um... The wind was so strong, it pushed me down... I couldn't get up because of the sand cutting through me and it getting in my eyes." She says waving her arm around woozily. "I couldn't see after that, But i could feel someone picking me up, and bringing me back here." She said laying her arm back down onto the ground. "Is the supplies still here? There was a lot of useful stuff in that car."
"I think you left the car behind. Or at least i dont see it." Kato gets up and looks over to were it should be. "If its here its buried in sand." He points at a huge sand lump.
"Well at least we can dig it up once the storm dies down completely..." She says sitting up. "I think i need to sit up now." She says leaning ageist the wall.
"Don't push yourself." Kato then felt a presence it was a spirit and a big one at that. He creates a small paper butterfly. "OK I got to go know realise this thing tomorrow if you need me. But for now I gotta go." Kato draws himself a motorcycle and rides out of the place at full speed.
Kato drove away as fast as he could but he knew the spirit was gaining on him. He cussed and tried to go faster.
Milo's eyelids peeled open slowly at first, but as consciousness slammed into her like a brick wall, they widened, hurriedly searching around where they had camped over the night. No one's here. She exhaled gently in frustration, mentally scolding herself for allowing herself to sleep in this long. "Missed your chance, huh, Milo?" she muttered to herself, agitated, while one of her hands wiped across her face. She sat up -- just in time for her line of sight to catch a blast of sand hurtling towards her.

With barely enough time to inhale, she leapt to the side and took shelter behind a large rock, with her knees to her chest, head on her knees, and hands clutched over her head. Grains of sand bit into the sides of her arms and calves, and all she could do was grind her teeth and bare through it.

The storm seemed to last an eternity. Milo slowly brought herself back up into standing when the howling of the wind hushed into a whisper, and the sand began to settle back onto the ground. She took a breath and surveyed the damage. Along her arms, bloodied cuts were carved into her skin, and the fabric of her pants had been torn deep enough to make slices into her flesh. Shaking her head, she began to scan the area for the others. Somewhere off in the distance, she could barely spot a figure lying in the sand, and she hadn't hesitated to jog off towards it, ignoring the jolts of pain that shot through her arms and legs.

When she had gotten close enough, she'd recognized the person to be the other girl (@Queen of Fantasy) from earlier. But she hadn't been moving. Panicked, Milo chewed the inside of her bottom lip and watched for any signs of vitality. The woman's ribs lifted as breathed. Thank goodness. She jogged the rest of the way over to the woman and hastily knelt beside her. It was then that she noticed the wounds on her, already bandaged up, and she cleared her throat. "Sorry to disturb, but... I don't think I ever caught your name," Milo said, "I'm Milo. I've got some salve in my satchel that'll help with those wounds, if ya'd like." She gave a pat to her satchel and smiled small.
Gin returned later that night with 12 pounds of what looked to be beef. He had killed what looked like a cow, but with small wings on it's back. Since he did not have the luxury of dragging a cooler along with him, he had to cook the meat from spoiling. He arrived to a sleeping Ellie. He nudged her with his foot, prompting her to sit up and eat. She'd need to keep her strength up and the first step to recover was nutrition. The motorcycle that Kato had drawn for him was still in the same position, but it seems that new tracks were heading in the opposite direction. Something inside Gin thought that'd he be alright. He took his share of the meat, three pounds. Three pounds were also for Kato, and three pounds were for the beast that kept Ellie company.

Gin sat down and ate his first pound of meat in peace and quiet. He decided to save the other two. He suspected that this area would be the main operating space and tomorrow he would build a proper shelter that would protect himself from the forces of nature.

Gin had noticed a second female,( @Conduit ) which was one more than he counted before. "Hello, she might not answer you right away. That is, if your looking for an answer. Would you like to join our survival group here?" He inquired. He winced, was he being a hero? How he despised seeming nice, but he figured that it was only temporary. He would break off soon as he had enough supplies to do so.
Ellie looked to gin taking a bite of beef. "Why do you help like this? " she says blowing on another bite of beef. "We just met..."

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