World of Pokemon [Inactive]

She watched the two conversing, then suddenly stood up and walked over. "Look at me, I've been sitting here watching you two and I haven't even introduced myself." She stuck out a hand to whoever would shake it and reached to dig her trainer card out of her bag with the other. "I, am Cross Tetras, otherwise known as Cross Elm, for the simple reason of living with Professor Elm of the Johto region. For most of my life. I am a local Johto girl, call me if you need someone if you need someone to show you around." Cherry the Eevee popped out of her bag with her trainer card between her teeth and tapped her shoulder with it. "Aha! There it is!" She exclaimed, and took the card, then rubbed Cherry on the head, "Why thank you."

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Wind looked up at Cross and took her hand, shaking it.

"Hey, I'm Wind, that little gas ball is my newly caught Gastly." He jerked his head back to the ball of smoke floating above Tridon, dodging it's every move. He picked off his pokeball and threw it into the air, releasing Houndour with a pop.

"This is Houndour, we've been partners forever."
"It's very nice to meet you, Cross." Jayden replied, preparing to accept a handshake after Wind. She focused on making her grip strong but not painfully so, not wanting to appear fragile but also not wanting to appear mean.

Tridon 'chirped' his agreement, watching Cherry carefully. He had given up on Ghastly, tired of this child's play really. "I'm Jayden and my partner is Tridon." She replied, gesturing to her Trapinch which was standing at her side- breathing a little heavier than usual from his attempt to catch the elusive Ghastly.

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"This is Cherry," Cross gestured to the Shiny Eevee poking her head out of Cross's pack. Cherry waved a paw in greeting to everyone."Cranidos here is Rascal," Cross patted the Rock-type's head, "The two who just left were Luna, my partner Meganium, and Graceon, the grouchy, but lovable Absol. I have a Mismagius, but she's at home. And then, I have a Pokemon egg, but thats at home too." She rubbed her head and cracked a smile. "I have a full party." Cherry jumped from the bag and immediately ran over to play with Trapinch.

Wind looked up at the sky and sighed.

"I can't stay here much longer. I have to get a move on if I'm going to get to Bugsy before he leaves for Kalos. It was nice meeting you guys! May our paths cross again. Unless... Perhaps you'd like to travel with me?" He put out the offer, hoping at least one of them would except. He and Houndour hadn't had any real company in a long time, and it was a long road to the next town.
"What do you think, Tridon?" Jayden asked, feeling like it might be for the best to have a traveling companion. Not because she couldn't travel on her own... she had made it this far... but it was nice having someone who could actually speak back and Wind seemed like a really cool person. Tridon had an equal part in their partnership, however, and Jayden wouldn't do anything without at least consulting him first.

Tridon appeared to think it over a moment, eyeing the Ghastly and Houndour before huffing out a sigh and nodding his consent. "Tridon and I are in! We'd love to accompany you!" Jayden replied, her face stretched in a grin.

After his trainer started speaking again he went back to his attempt of playing with Cherry... he really had no idea how he was supposed to do this. He hadn't really been around a lot of other Pokemon before. Especially not playful ones.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef83f76e_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.eecfdbe02f7d7b13434c90520a801bb0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef83f76e_trainercard-JaydenRiann.png.eecfdbe02f7d7b13434c90520a801bb0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Off to fight Bugsy, huh?" She looked at Wind, then down his Houndour. "You've got that battle in the bag, with a Fire type. Ugh! I had a Grass and Dark-type when I fought Bugsy. Ugh, it was the hardest thing ever. Frustrating, too." She looked at the two, then up into the sky. "Are you sure you don't want to hunker down for the rest of the night? The Pokemon in this area get kind of unruly at night. You know, I have space and sleeping bags back in New Bark Town."

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Wind nodded to Cross. He turned to Jayden and asked her what she thought.

"What do you think Jayden? I heard that Bugsy's leaving for Kalos soon, do you think we can make it if we leave tomorrow?"

As he spoke, he returned Gastly to it's pokeball, and Houndour came over to listen in to the conversation.
"Bugsy never leaves when he says he will. Believe me, I know. He's always several hours late." She chuckled at the memory of her first battle with Bugsy. The guy didn't show up, so she had to go hunt him down in Ilex and tell him that the gym had opened while he was out hunting bugs. And those bugs were hardcore, especially that stupid Scyther. "Yeah, I think you'll be fine."

Jayden rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I've heard that Bugsy's word isn't dependable but then again, it never hurts to be early on the off chance he keeps to his word for once. I'm following you, pal... If you want to go now, we go now, if you don't, we don't." Jayden replied easily.

Trapinch was careful about playing with Eevee, afraid of hurting it on accident with his large jaws. Not that he could ever actually catch Cherry, she was quick and light on her feet, but he was careful regardless. He was oblivious to what was being said but trusted his partner either way.
"Hm... I think you're right Jayden. We should probably leave now. Thanks for the offer anyways Cross. Alright, let's go then." Wind bent down and picked up his bag that was laying by a tree, and slung it over his shoulder.

"Say bye to everyone for us, will you?" He began walking back into the forest, following the strong nose of Houndour.

"If you need to get anything ready, be quick! Houndour ain't patient enough to stay around for long!" He called back to Jayden over his shoulder.
"I'm sure you're still free to join us, if you want Cross. I don't think the wild Pokemon in these parts are a match for Wind's houndour, really." Jayden said, smiling in a way she hoped was friendly. "It was very nice meeting you, either way. I hope we meet up again one of these days. Come on Tridon!"

Tridon looked up at his trainer, giving her a forlorn look. He had just about figured out how to play... and now he was being called away. He smiled at Cherry as much as a Trapinch could before giving the Eevee a small wave and then turned to head over to his trainer. "Bye Meeka! I bet we'll meet up with you again too!" Jayden called before saying good bye to Cross' pokemon and turning to follow after Wind.
Cherry pouted when her newfound friend walked off, and whimpered, her ears down. "Awww, cheer up Cherry, we'll meet them in Azalea tomorrow, don't worry." With that, the young Eevee perked up immediately and ran off towards New Bark Town. Cranidos looked at his trainer and sighed, then walked after the Shiny. With a laugh, Cross ran after her Eevee.

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Meeka looked up from her small camp, having dozed off in a soft daze as the other trainers spoke avidly of their gym battle plans. She had been so zoned out she had hardly noticed them begin to leave, before Jayden called out to her. At the sound of her name she perked up, leaping to her feet in a sudden show of interest.

As she watched the two trainers make to leave she began scrambling to pick up her camping goods, the fire pit becoming a collapsible chunk of metal that she threw into her messy knapsack. Her bedding and small gazebo-like pop-tent also collapsed into a more bulky chunk of metal, gears and material that she also tossed hastily into her bag.

"Hey wait for me, I'm sorry." She waived, panicked to see the only company she had in days running off to the next town. Teddiursa, who had been dreaming next to Meeka's bedroll was suddenly jerked awake by her trainer's sudden motions.

"Hey!" Meeka called again, seeing the trainers start to fade into the distance. "I'm sorry! Can I come too?" Meeka felt the guilt of not paying attention to their conversation due to its nature. She was never really interested in Pokemon battles, finding her partners to be her closest friends and never understanding the purpose of fighting. Meeka always had the intent to heal Pokemon who fought so valiantly and had taught herself to make a special healing poffin that was not only delicious but could cure all status ailments.

I scanned Sentret in the pokedex.

“Hmph, Johto’s normal rodent, I guess,” I grunted. “Maybe we’ll find something else to catch–”

Just then, a Zubat swooped directly overhead, using supersonic. I became dizzy, walked into a tree, and knocked myself out.

*2 revives, a full restore, and a max potion later…*

“I swear, having such low defenses is almost as painful outside of battle as it is in!” I sighed.

“Yeah, I’ll bet!” Zorua replied. “But you have no idea how hard it was to fool the security lock on your bracelet. If it were any more difficult, you might still be out cold!”

“Yeah, I guess your right. Who would I be without you, Zorua?”

“That’s a very interesting thing to ask me,” Zorua said, scratching his ear.

I dropped the conversation and picked up a Pokeball. I threw it at the Zubat before it flew away, quite literally 'catching it off guard.'

“You’re coming with us, Zubat. I don’t want anyone else to have to deal with that again.”
Wind stopped and turned when he thought he heard Meeka call out. Sure enough, she was running towards him and Jayden at top speed, Teddiursa and bags in tow.

"You wanna come too? Sure, why not." He turned to Jayden inquiringly at the end wondering if she had any objections. Maybe more company would be nice, they had all been on their own for who knows how long. It was a long road ahead, and he was sure he wouldn't regret it later on. Heaving his bag over his shoulder, Wind waited anxiously for Meeka to run over.
Meeka chased after the trainers, catching up just barely, her voice catching in huge gasps of air as she caught her breath.

"Sorry again." She huffed, sounding more winded then an average person. She put one had behind her head in an attempt to look casual. Teddiursa came up behind her in mock exhaustion, copying her awkward of expression of 'casual'. She tugged at Meeka's pant leg to be let up, cuing Meeka to stretch down and allow Teddiursa to climb up on her shoulders. She again straddled her like a little kid and the two looked very content with the rest of their journey.

Jayden shrugged at a look from Wind. She didn't mind Meeka coming along- the extra company would be appreciated. Besides, Meeka seemed like an interesting person as far as Jayden could tell. She would have easily welcomed Cross along as well but she hadn't wanted to come which was understandable as well... Maybe it was smarter to stay put after dark when the nocturnal pokemon were out but Jayden didn't see any real danger in getting a move on and besides, with Houndour's help Jayden was pretty sure Tridon could handle any troublesome pokemon.

"Don't be sorry. Uh... sorry we didn't really slow down for you. You didn't have to run though, we were walking slow enough that you could have caught up." Jayden said, reaching into her bag to pull out a water bottle and offering it to Meeka.

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Wind began walking deeper into the forest, running after Houndour as he suddenly took off in a burst of speed.

"Slow down!" He yelled after his pokemon, completely forgetting about his traveling companions while following the dog into the woods.

Panting a few minutes later, he leaned against a tree, only to then realize he was in the middle of the dark. He couldn't see a foot in front of his face.

"Um.. Anybody?" Wind called out timidly into the dark.

"No, what are you doing, get a hold of yourself!" He whispered to himself, and tried to straighten up, but wobbled around before falling over.

"Damn, I can't balance in this darkness." He muttered to himself quietly again, desperately hoping someone would find him soon.
Meeka heard Wind start to run off, watching with squinted eyes through the dusk as Houndour ran off. With a start Meeka reached out her hand in protest, but it was too late and the two had run off into the distance. She looked up at Teddiursa who was now half asleep, her head resting in Meeka's hair. She sighed softly before gripping the small bangle on her wrist. For a moment she felt the soft ridges between her fingers before plucking it away and tossing the ever expanding ball into the air in front of her. With a move of grace she caught it mid-air, just as her Emogla began to glide down out of the night sky.

"Emogla, be a darling and use flash." She paused for a moment as if in thought. "Keep it contained and go find that Houndour and his boy. You don't want to wake the forest now do you?" Emogla took off, gliding effortlessly in the cool sky, her cheeks emitting a soft glowing light. It was such a mild flash that it only lit the area in front and behind Emolga, enough so that she could be seen. Soon small chirps could be heard from the flying squirrel Pokemon as she found what she was looking for in the distance.

"Smart move, Meeka." Jayden replied. She had been ready to chase after Wind, calling his name, when Trapinch bit onto her jeans and held her back. Realizing it would have been pretty stupid for all of them to be lost Jayden quietly thanked Tridon while noticing that Meeka had called out her Emolga to go hunt Wind down.

"Don't you think we should follow after your Emolga, though?" She asked. Not that she didn't trust the pokemon... she just didn't like the idea of being left behind. She wondered what had caused the Houndour to run off to begin with. She looked to Meeka, waiting for her answer. She really hoped that Wind and Houndour were alright.

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Meeka smiled at the compliment. It in itself made her feel embarrassed to be praised. She began silently chiding herself for being so awkward around people that even small conversation made her happy. Before too long she had made the silence awkward and had forgotten to reply, looking up as if bewildered.

"Oh!" She turned to smile again at Jayden, "Don't worry, Emolga knows where she's going. And besides, " She tapped one of Teddiursa's clumsy paws before continuing, "Little One can see excellently in the dark. She'll take us to Emolga if she too gets lost."

Wind stumbled around in the darkness some more, trying to navigate back to the path by feel. God it had been stupid of him to run off like that!

Suddenly, a beam of light shot through the trees, and a small pokemon floated through the brush. Wind recognized Meeka's Emolga immediately, and sighed heavily in relief.

"Thank you so much Meeka." He whispered to himself under his breath. Suddenly, there was a rustling behind him, and he spun around ready for a fight, grabbing Gastly's pokeball.

Houndour backed out of the trees, growling at something Wind couldn't see. It leapt backwards without looking, and landed right in front of him. Nothing followed him out of the thick forest, but a shape slid along the edge of the clearing, cackling eerily.

"Come on, let's get out of here." He whispered, trying to withhold the fear from his voice. He turned to Emolga expectantly, and it took off back through the forest, gliding in front of him.

Eventually after what felt like hours of walking, he saw two shapes whispering through a bush. He began to run forwards.

"Hey guy's it me- OOF!" He tripped over a root he didn't notice, and fell face-first into the mud at their feet.
Jayden noticed the glow from Emolga first so when she heard Wind's voice, though a ways off still, she didn't jump in shock. Trapinch gave an excited chirrup and went to meet up with Wind but Jayden swooped down and picked the Pokemon up. She didn't want Tridon to get lost too, they had almost gotten Wind back.

"Hey Wind, are you ok?" Jayden called out, taking a step in the direction of the forest. She glanced back at Meeka a moment, trusting her Emolga to bring him to safety. It seemed like the Emolga had done a good job so far... But it had sounded like Wind was saying something and had gotten cut off.

Jayden began to hesitantly more forward, trying to see through the darkness that seemed to envelop them. Maybe Cross had been right but things wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for Houndour running off. "Wind, that is you out there, right?" Jayden called again, not paying heed to her vocal volume in her worry for Wind.

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