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Woman in red


A loving heart is the truest wisdom. -Dickens
Aerwyna decided it was time. She steps out of the sea on shaky legs, unsure where to start or even how to communicate. She walks along the beach, cold and naked, trying to decide what to do first. That is how Susan found her.

That was just over a year ago. Now she has a job and a favorite pub where she likes to spend time relaxing after work. She loves the very large salt-water aquariaum there and is comforted by talking to the octopus and the jelly fish that reside in the tank.

Susan took her in and taught her how to talk and act like a human. Now, even though you can tell that English is not her first language, she does not set off any alarm bells with most people. Some find her a bit odd, but most like her kind and gentle nature.

Every day she goes to the pub, hoping to meet someone that may have a clue about where she could look for her mom. She only has a vague memory of a lovely voice singing her to sleep and long, red hair cascading down to caress her cheeks. Her dad did give her a name, but that is not much to go on. Molly Kavanagh is a fairly common name.
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Aerwyna walks into the small pub, Under the Sea, and takes her usual spot next to the large aquarium. She taps very lightly on the glass to get the attention of the octopus inside. He moves over to the glass and asks how her day went. She smiles and shares with him.

She waves at the waitress and asks for her usual, then settles in to read the entertainment section of the newspapers that she brought in with her. She gets the paper from several of the large cities, hoping for a glimpse of a redheaded woman.
Justin walked in the pub. He didn't comes ers regularly, but he had a new mission. There was once a girl. And once her mother. This girl wanted to find her mother. He had the clues. He wanted to play with her, mentally.

He spotted the girl, and pulled the chair. He sat i fronts o her, resting his elbows on the table. " Aerwyna. Hi." He said with a slick smile. His voice was deep, but not too deep. He slicked his hair back, waiting for her to answer.
She looked up at the sound of the chair scraping across the floor, one eyebrow arched. "Excuse me. Do I know you?" He smiled, but there was something unsettling about his smile.

"How do you know my name?" Aerwyna was pretty sure she had never seen this young man before, but he spoke as if he knew her. She was curious about what he would say next.
He shook his head, his Siri still settles across his face." You don't know me but I know you and your mother, not to mention your father.. And don't talk to them crops in public, TIS embarresing." He chuckled.

He out down a golden Coin. It had his mothers name engraved across it. He title doos head, tring. " You know her."
She sat up straighter at his words. "You know my mother? and my father?" She could not contain her excitement.

Picking up the coin and reading the engraving, she is puzzled. "Should I know her?" It seemed to tug at something in the back of her mind, but she could not place it. Again she felt a faint stirring of something not quite right, but she ignored it completely as she focused on him knowing her parents.

"Please, what do you know about my mother? I only remember her voice and not much else." She looked at him with hope shining brightly from her eyes.
He stood up, holding his hands up." I do sweet cheeks. But one clue at the time hotshot, ️Alright? Wouldn't wannayour little brain. "

" Just let the name sink in. " hpHesaid, putting his hands in his pockets, turning to leave. He walked to the fish tank and tapping on the glass." Heh, cute little bugger aren't you?" He yaId, tapping once again and standing up, begining to leave.
"Wait! You mentioned a name? Please,what is her name?" She stands up and follows the young man across the room, almost bumping into him when he stops to tap on the aquarium glass.
He sighed and moved forward a little from the bump, stranding straight. He ,KOed at her eith a frown. " The name on the coin." ️He said BEGINING ti keave the bar, getting closer to the door. Once he reached it, he opened it and walked in.
She stands, confused as he walks out of the pub. Why would a coin have her mother's name on it? There was so much more that she needed to know. She ran to the door and wrenched it open, stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked in every direction.
He was seen wlaking off in the distance. He didn't say anything not mto anyonjphe just walked through the crowds, slipping past people and such. He as a slippery one, not easy to catch. But he stood out from the crowd very well.
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Just as she was about to give up, she spotted him slipping through the crowds on the street and started to follow him. She kept her distance, wanting to learn more about him.
He continued to slip and slide like a slippery soap bard, soon enough entering an apartment area . He wale,d to an apartment house on the lower level and pulled out his keys, unlocking the door and opening it, walking in and closing the door behind himself.
So, he lives quite near the pub. Interesting. Aerwyna decides to go home for now, she turns around and walks away.

When she arrives at her apartment, also not far from the pub, she sits down and goes over the entire conversation in her head. She does not come to any conclusions, there is just too little to go on. Why is there a coin with her mothers name on it? Why did that young man have it, and how does he know so much about me? The whole situation bothers her.

She lays down to sleep and is plagued by dark dreams full of danger.
The boy layed on his couch, sighing as he sipped on a bottle of beer. This was going to be fun. He could feel it. Toying with this poor girl.

Soon enough he put the beer bottle down and looked around. Surprisingly, his room was clean. No empty cans, no broken bottles. He was a clean person, despite some of his baggy clothing. He closed his eyes, and sunk in the comfortable couch , sleeps tasty arms reaching toward him. He lets them cradle him to sleep.
She wakes suddenly, her heart racing, vague fears still floating at the back of her mind. She rolls over, looks at the clock, and drags herself from her bed and into the shower. It is time to get to work.

After dressing and eating she walks out the door and heads to the aquarium. She loves her job, but she knows it just might be time to leave and start searching for her mother. That is why she came to the surface after all.
Justin was heavy in snoring, before his annoying alarm clock began to go off. He groaned loudly, grabbed it, and threw it at the wall, it shattering. It was tie for her work..

He got up, and went for a shower, carefully thinking of what he Shoudl tell her. He sighed, shrugging once in responce to his won thought and turning fof the shower, walking out to dry himself off and dress up, waving out of the comfort of his apartment and heading for where she worked.

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