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Fantasy Wolves on the Run

Andreasa, let's switch so I can sleep. Please. Of course. Alyla let Andreasa take over. Even Andreasa had color blindness. But with Andreasa, her nose got enhanced even more. Her ears as well. Andreasa turned around and followed Grey. Feeling like she had to lighten everyone's moods, Andreasa pawed up behind Grey and jerked on his pant leg to make him fall forwards on his face.
Elliot whirls around, shifting into Eyolf instantly. Eyolf growls at Andreasa before recognizing her. "What the fuck, Andreasa?" He snaps.
GreyBat took slightly longer to recover from this fall than usual. "I'm getting too old for this. I need to rid this world of two more people before I lose all of my agility." He messed with his grey hair to ensure no dirt was in it.
"Too old? I'm the one who is older than you." Andreasa grumbled before trotting past Elliot as she thought back to what Mrs. Sanders told her. Everything Dr Sanders ever told you about Grey Bat...... Andreasa then got lost in her thoughts, not hearing a word Grey or Elliot said.
"You may be numerically older than me, but physically I am basically 87. It just means I gotta be quicker and stealthier. I need to kill Sanders, cure Elliot's depression, and kill the original Bat. Black Bat." Grey Bat continued walking to Cooke, eventually starting to run. This run turned him into his wolf. The black fur on his wolf was now grey, but the demonic red eyes were nothing different. He was sprinting, in fact Cooke City was within his sight after four minutes of sprinting. He reverted at the outskirts, waiting for his comrades to follow.
Andreasa followed Grey to the outskirts. Stopping next to him, she closed her eyes for a few minutes taking a deep breath. When opening them, she could see thermal heating in the humans. "Grey... What the fuck happened to my eyes?" Andreasa growled.
Elliot pulls away from the two of them at Cooke. He has business to attend to. He shifts into human form and takes off his headphones. Walking around the city, Elliot finds a fortune teller and goes in, not surprised at the decor of the building. The dark and dank miasma fit the severity of what he was about to do. He scans the room before sitting in a chair. The fortune teller comes out. "Ah, dear Elliot. You have come seeking a cure for your idol." Her voice is old and crumbling, resembling a corroding wall. Elliot finds himself nodding. "Is there any way can you help?" Elliot asks. "Yes, I can help. But you must give me something in return." She reaches for Elliot's headphones and Elliot jerks back. "Like what?" "Something important. Something vital." Elliot looks her over. "The cure first. If it works, then I give you the headphones." The teller looks at Elliot firmly, then leaves into the back room. She comes back with a small vial. "Put this in any liquid and have him drink it. It will extend his life." "How long?" "Until you die. The potion is not complete. Your hand." Elliot gives her his hand and she pricks it, squeezing a drop of blood into the vial. The clear liquid turns blue. "It's complete. Go, Elliot, and save him."
"They injected a micro-bot into your body. Seemingly, it affects your eyes. They tried to copy my Grey Eye, but failed obviously. The worst part about it is they can now kill you at the push of the button. But I can't remove it without killing you. So you must be stealthy from now on." Grey Bat assumed Elliot had entered the city, and went straight to the bar. He looked at the bartender, and immediately received a response. "G-Grey Bat?!" The bartender's loudness drew everyone's attention to Grey Bat. He stood on his chair and asked everyone "Do any of you know of Dr. Sanders?"
Elliot leaves the fortune teller's building with the cure and picks up Grey's scent. He follows it into the bar and Elliot sees Grey standing on a chair. He goes over to Grey. "Grey, I need you to drink something." Elliot mutters, pulling Grey's pant leg gently.
Grey Bat looks down. "If it extends my lifespan, I don't want it. I'll explain later. But I know where Sanders is." Grey Bat turned to the crowd. "Thank you all sincerely. I'll return tomorrow to talk with y'all." He got down from his chair and rushed outside.
Elliot looks at Grey with a quizical look. "Grey, wait!" He rushes out with Grey. "Grey, you gotta drink it.I won't let you die early!"
Grey Bat morphed into his wolf and darted down the streets. Once he arrived at a hotel, he bolted up the stairs and smashed down a door. There was only a note on the bed which read:

Dear Grey Bat,

I'm glad you love me enough to chase me. Meet me in the forest southwest of here tonight.


"I'm in better shape than you are and I'm about 70 physical years older than you. You have no room to speak." Grey Bat reverted to human and stuffed the note in his pocket. "I have business to do tonight. It's currently about 4PM, in about 3 hours I'll be southwest in the forest to get my cure back." Grey Bat jumped out of the window and safely landed.
"Grey!" Elliot yells down, obviously annoyed. He doesn't jump down, but instead, like a normal person, takes an elevator down.
Grey Bat smoked a cigarette outside the hotel, leaning on the wall. Awaiting the inevitable Elliot. This reminds him of his relationship with Black Bat.
Elliot goes outside and punches Grey's arm. "Don't jump out of the window when your body is falling apart. That said, drink it!"
"I refuse. Because that will decrease my lifespan. Black Bat drank it and that's why he's currently 50 and is still the true legendary hero. But, since I'm a clone of him and not a real human, it will do the opposite. That being said, I need to find him before I die. After I cure you and leave you with the formula for my cure to cancer. I expect you'll spread it to all the hospitals."
"It will poison me. I've analyzed the chemicals with my Eye, it'll poison a clone like me." Grey Bat put out his cigarette. "Actually, I'll take it."
Grey Bat sighed. "I've been poisoned before, and it sure as hell didn't increase my lifespan."

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