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Wolf's Eden (1x1)


New Member
""Wolf's Eden"... Simple name. But it says exactly what it is. A wolf's paradise in essence. Of course it isn't without its strifes. Things can not always be peaceful. Otherwise the natural order of things would be off. But in Wolf's Eden, there is always enough food provided the residents respect the place. The Shaman says it is magical. Which everyone believes of course, since the Shaman has the ability to speak to the Elders. And the Elders know just about everything. Of course there are things they do not know. But that is expected. Me? I do believe what the Shaman says is true. After all, she was picked by the Elders like every other Shaman. But enough about the Elders and Shaman. Let's get back to Wolf's Eden. You see, Wolf's Eden is actually home to many wolves. All live, more or less, a happy life. All the pups have enough room to run around and play in, the apprentices have enough room for training with their mentors, and the Omegas even can have plenty of fun. They do seem to like the waterfall cave they were given. Because they always take a log up to the top of it and slide down it. I think it's because they like seeing some of the she-wolves get wet considering they always have the most fun when it happens. Not to say EVERY she-wolf doesn't care of course. Because some of them have hit the Omegas for doing it. I don't do anything of course unless it goes too far. But it tends not to. Oh. And you may be wondering "who is this guy anyways?" Well. To put it simply. I'm an Alpha. Or, to be more specific. I am the leader of the pack. The wolf known as Midnight. Of course currently I am a solo leader, as I have no mate as of yet. But I do hope to have one soon. But I kinda have only been leader for a whole year. Which isn't saying much, considering I was thrown into it when I was only just a year old. But my parents kinda died, and my mother was the "deputy" Alpha. So the only one left to take leadership was me, their only pup. You could imagine how much of an uproar that caused in the pack. But it eventually calmed down, and everyone accepted it. After all, I had proven how great of a hunter I was at night. Mostly because of my unique pelt that looks just like the night sky. And my pure white eyes. No I am not blind, I was just born with purely white eyes. Just a little mutation is what the Shaman said. But it doesn't have any negative effects on me. Anyways, I think that that is enough from me. You probably want to continue on this journey of yours, so I'll go ahead and go. Good luck!"
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Max was just out wandering around the small forest inside of Wolf's Eden, looking for herbs to restock the supplies with his mentor, the current Shaman Starcatcher. After some searching of course, he got a bit of the herbs needed for fevers, small colds, and infections. After, of course, bumping into some trees due to having only 1 useful eye. "Hey, Starcatcher," he said in a slightly muffled tone due to the herbs in his mouth. "Are these herbs good?" he asked.
Starcatcher took the herbs, examining them closely. "Good job, most of these are quite decent. Some of the leaves are damaged, but some of them would've been crushed anyways for medicine." She was focused on organizing the herbs now into the correct piles, and had little neat piles of herbs along the walls of her den. "Kaeda has a minor cold, and a little borage leaves and feverfew will aid with healing it," she informed, her pale blue eyes focused on one leaf, as she examined it to determine if it was to crush or to keep as a leaf.
"So what else is needed?" Max asked. "I can head right back out to try to find them. Unless you need me to do something here of course." he said, sitting there waiting for a reply.
Starcatcher looked over to her feverfew cache, to find one dry, broken stalk. The she-wolf frowned at the dead herb. "If you could find some feverfew that would be wonderful. It's very useful at this time," she replied, her gaze setting onto Max.
*Max nods in acknowledgement* "Right. I'll get right on that." he said, heading right out, trying not to trip over things on his way out. He then proceeded to go into the small forest, heading to the area where feverfew typically grew around, searching for as many stalks as he could. After a bit of time, and a few times of running into trees, he gathered up a small bundle of them, and headed back to Starcatcher, setting them down infront of her. "This is what I could find in our typical patch." he said, sitting down and waiting for something to do.
"Thank you," Starcatcher replied with a soft smile, collecting the feverfew and tossing the dead one in the entrance of her den. She took one feverfew flower, which had several leaves on the stem as well. She also grabbed some borage leaves, and put them together on a stone. The she-wolf then proceeded to grab another stone, and crushed the leaves together into a more edible form. The shaman collected it onto once borage leaf, "Do you think you can get this safely to Kaeda? She should be nearby. I told her to stay nearby until her cold cleared up," she asked, observing how she put together the mix.

Kaeda was curled up next to a tree, batting at a dandelion. She was bored with just sitting around alone. The little she-wolf emitted three quick, short sneezes, and released a sigh. She found her own sneezes annoying.
Max carefully walked over towards her with the medicine, watching his every step, a bit slowly, but eventually, reaching Kaeda. "Here you go." he said, setting down the medicine. "Fresh medicine for you Kaeda." "I do hope you get better soon. It must not feel all that good being stuck in the territory cause of a cold. But I'm sure soon you will be out and about again."
Kaeda smiled, taking the herbs, "Thank you so much, Max," she said warmly, cringing a little as she ate the herbs. Bitter, bitter herbs. "Also thank Starcatcher for me. I know staying here must be the best decision for me right now until it's alright. I definitely don't want to get worse, I'm really thankful for the help..." she continued a little aimlessly, her attention slowly falling back on the dandelion that remained standing.
"I just do what I can to help." he said, heading off back to the hut. "Kaeda said thanks for the medicine." Max said, as he got back into the hut. "Is there anything else I need to do?" he asked

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